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Your most unpopular opinions

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-I don't like Blade Runner. Visual masterpiece, hugely influential, and thought provoking-yes, but still boring as shit.

-The Beach Boys' Pet Sounds is better than anything The Beatles ever put out.

-My Bloody Valentine's Loveless is the best album of the 1990s, NOT Radiohead's OK Computer.

-Jay-Z and Eminem are the most overrated rappers ever.


America is done for. Rich interests have all the levers of power and will not relinquish them until they have extracted all the value they can from that nation.

As a result, Canada is also done for. This hewer of wood and carrier of water won't enjoy the privilege of joining the big kids' table when its neighbour loses influence.

Learning Mandarin is a good way to improve your job opportunities from here on in.

Our food supply will falter and all water sources will be found to be polluted by plastics, medication, and hormones within 20 years.

Malthus was only wrong temporarily.

The diminished strength of organized religion is a serious blow to the concept of society and our ability to set broader public goals. (Note: I am an atheist).

Science fiction films and movies all have seriously untapped potential. They are skimming the surface of the genre at best (notable exceptions are Dune, Blade Runner and sequel, Arrival, District 9, and select episodes of TNG and Voyager).
Because I feel there are other ways people can get help and find happiness or an escape without destroying themselves physically. But like I said, if smoking weed or whatever alleviates pain caused from cancer or something, I can understand that. As for healthy people who decide to do it just because, I'll never I'll never understand that choice.

Change weed to chocolate.

Moderation is key, but I bet you wouldn't be telling someone eating a bar of chocolate that you don't understand their choice.
Because I feel there are other ways people can get help and find happiness or an escape without destroying themselves physically. But like I said, if smoking weed or whatever alleviates pain caused from cancer or something, I can understand that. As for healthy people who decide to do it just because, I'll never I'll never understand that choice.
Do you know what weed is or what it does?
110% agree. I sometimes feel we should abolish rehab and legalize all drugs. Let stupidity kill itself off. You're a healthy person and decide to do drugs? Ok, you deserve whatever happens to you. It's not a "mistake", or "exploring your mind", it's unhealthy, self-destructive, and it's a choice. A stupid choice. You know that and you consciously decided to do it. That's not my problem. But, ultimately, rehab is good for those who fell into drugs by other means and I wouldn't want children exposed to drugs everywhere, among other issues.

I have never done an illegal drug in my life. I don't smoke and I don't drink either. As for drugs, if you're educated on the matter, why would you do it? That's not a mistake. You're choosing to be self-destructive. But like I said, some people are unfortunate and fall into drugs by other means. That's not cool. And I can understand people smoking weed for medicinal purposes, like to alleviate pain. But if you're a healthy person and one day decide you're going to smoke some crack. That I don't understand.

This thread is filled with a lot of crazy already, but it was absolutely worth trudging through for the hilarious absurdity of the above two posts. Has to be trolling, right? Bruh, if it isn't you should play it off quick and at least pretend like you were joking. Because this clocks in around the top of the most idiotic things I've ever read on GAF. At least I had a good laugh. LOL, seriously: you should be legitimately ashamed of these beliefs.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Because I feel there are other ways people can get help and find happiness or an escape without destroying themselves physically.

You seem so sure, yet you’ve had (I presume) little to no experience in this area.

As for healthy people who decide to do it just because, I'll never I'll never understand that choice.

Honestly, I don’t know anyone who started down the road “just because”.

-My Bloody Valentine's Loveless is the best album of the 1990s, NOT Radiohead's OK Computer.

Why not both?


If you hate Skyler from Breaking Bad or Claire Underwood from House of Cards you are a misogynist.

This is literally a test I do on dates to see if the guy is a misogynist or not lmao. Of course I listen to their reasoning but the reasoning is almost always the same.

This is interesting to me. With regards to Claire Underwood I am in complete agreement. However, I would argue that Skyler becomes a different character as the seasons progress due to narrative needs. What season Skyler are you talking about here?


I feel broken today. I'm just glad people agree with me (not too harshley, though) because I fucking hate listening to people who always attempt to tell me its a "superpower" or something.

It's not exactly the same but I feel like this when people refer to my autism as "special" and it makes me different and unique and blah blah blah. It's a shit thing to have and I hate it but don't demean my existence to make yourself feel better.

So I do understand where you're coming from and agree wholeheartedly.
Because I feel there are other ways people can get help and find happiness or an escape without destroying themselves physically. But like I said, if smoking weed or whatever alleviates pain caused from cancer or something, I can understand that. As for healthy people who decide to do it just because, I'll never I'll never understand that choice.
Some people just like what certain drugs do to them.
Recreational. Of course i'd love every person to be happy. But there are perfectly happy people doing drugs. I will never tell you you should do drugs of course because it CAN have devastating results. But some are illegal for the dumbest reasons. And you thinking that legal regulation would destroy addicts is false. It will often lead to less deaths, less addicts and less maffia.

You basically said you hope all drugusers should die.
That's insane. I hope you will grow a bit wiser real fast.

Some Nobody

Junior Member
If you hate Skyler from Breaking Bad or Claire Underwood from House of Cards you are a misogynist.

This is literally a test I do on dates to see if the guy is a misogynist or not lmao. Of course I listen to their reasoning but the reasoning is almost always the same.

I'm not sure how Skyler is b/c I don't give af about Breaking Bad, but Claire Underwood isn't really a "gotcha" test so I'm guessing you're just looking to catch the most obvious misogynists? I'm a season behind but she's really roughly the same as her husband, last I saw.

I agree with you here. I voted for Hillary last election and was hoping my black college age peers did the same. I got the sneaking suspicion that non e of them voted because "voting doesn't matter man" lo and be hold last Saturday my friend ranted on how she didn't vote in the Pres. Election because "voting doesn't matter" I almost want to stop being friends with them because of this. Trump is gonna get reelected because people my age don't care.

Trump's gonna get re-elected for a lot of reasons, unfortunately. :(
Unchecked capitalism is ruining America.

That isn’t opinion, it’s demonstrable fact.

And that doesn’t mean pure socialism is the answer either (it’s not) but unregulated capitalism is flatly unsustainable.

People are simply too fucking greedy for the markets to sort it out. They will obliterate the economy each and every time, wait for a taxpayer bailout, rinse and repeat.
The New Star Trek movies are good. I like them better than old Star Trek.

Star Wars is good but not the second coming of god like most older men think it is.

NFL is on a downwards spiral while Baseball and Hockey are on a Rise. NBA could be easily fixed with team cap allowing small markets to compete. I also think Adam Silver is bar none the best President of any Professional sport.

Soccer is boring.


What are you even talking about now? In what universe does smoking weed destroy someone physically?

Being "healthy", physically, doesn't mean your life isn't painful or stressful. Some people use it to escape, some people just do it for pleasure. Plenty of people eat food just for escape or pleasure, but we don't outlaw or criminalize food (in general).

As with most things: moderation is good, excess is bad.

Change weed to chocolate.

Moderation is key, but I bet you wouldn't be telling someone eating a bar of chocolate that you don't understand their choice.

Do you know what weed is or what it does?
I'm aware there are far more dangerous drugs than weed. And, yes, everything in moderation. I posted an unpopular opinion and it seems I'm now evil and have pissed everyone off. Next time I'll keep it to myself.
Paedophilia is a mental illness and the only way we can hope to stop sexual assaults on minors is to treat it as such. Don't get me wrong, I completely understand why it's such an emotionally charged subject, but reactionary condemnation doesn't help anyone in the long run.

i agree


The left right spectrum is misused to such an extent its essentially pointless

Voter percentages shouldnt matter. If you are not confident on your knowledge of what the vote is either spoil your ballot or dont show up

BOTW is a game that does everything alright but nothing excellent

Destroy All Humans 2 is still the GOAT
Theon Greyjoy dick jokes are largely disgusting and an example of the moral rot of the show/surface interest of the show fanbase/inability of the show to capture Martin's messaging, as even though book readers do joke about it here and there, it's nowhere near as prevalent as the showbase in terms of support and callousness.

Free Will doesn't exist, the universe is determinist, and moral nihilism is the truth.
Superman > Batman and Batman is tied with Supes for third best Rogues Gallery behind Spider-Man and The Flash.

Ms. Marvel (Carol) at one point was my third favorite Superhero.

Carnage > Venom.

Jay-z is a mediocre rapper with more bad years than good.

Biggie is overrated.

The Diplomats are a top 3 rap group all-time.

Avatar: The Last Airbender and Death Note were perfectly acceptable movies.

Dean Koontz > Stephen King

Harry Potter books in terms of favorite: 4 > 5 > 3 > 2 > 1 > 7 > 6

What you think is the best and your favorite are not the same.

Childish Gambino is the most versatile artist of the past 5 years.

Lupe Fiasco isn't that good.

Peter Parker is the worst Spider-man.

Amazing Spider-man 2 is the second worst superhero movie I've ever seen only behind Angeles Lee's Hulk.

I'll think of more later.
-I don't like Blade Runner. Visual masterpiece, hugely influential, and thought provoking-yes, but still boring as shit.

-The Beach Boys' Pet Sounds is better than anything The Beatles ever put out.

-My Bloody Valentine's Loveless is the best album of the 1990s, NOT Radiohead's OK Compute.

-Jay-Z and Eminem are the most overrated rappers ever.
Not unpopular and complete nonsense still.
Jay's the GOAT.


Automatically think you're dumb, in a way, if you're religious.

Keep this one to myself because no good comes from letting it effect me, or discussing it. But it's always in the back of my mind when talking with someone who I know is religious.
I'm aware there are far more dangerous drugs than weed. And, yes, everything in moderation. I posted an unpopular opinion and it seems I'm now evil and have pissed everyone off. Next time I'll keep it to myself.

Well, yes - saying that drug rehabilitation programs should be abolished so users all die off is absolutely evil. I am comfortable in saying that that is an evil belief.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
I'm aware there are far more dangerous drugs than weed. And, yes, everything in moderation. I posted an unpopular opinion and it seems I'm now evil and have pissed everyone off. Next time I'll keep it to myself.

You posted a closed-minded, blanket judgement of millions of people, and are acting like the victim when called out on it. Instead of retreating into "not sharing my opinions" mode, maybe try to reflect on why your opinion is kind of garbage and grow as a person.


If you hate Skyler from Breaking Bad or Claire Underwood from House of Cards you are a misogynist.

This is literally a test I do on dates to see if the guy is a misogynist or not lmao. Of course I listen to their reasoning but the reasoning is almost always the same.
Also if you spell her name Skylar.


No one mentally healthy takes drugs. And I say that with a joint in my hand. I smoke because I can't take life otherwise. I've done most drugs bar the really bad ones (crack, etc), and it was all due to an inability to find happiness. Apart from acid. That shit opens perceptual doors you didn't know existed and I'm glad for doing it.

They're a self treatment, not a disease.
That's bullshit, plenty of mentally healthy people do drugs. Just because you're using them to cope doesn't mean everyone is. Alcohol is considered a drug, and weed is being used by millions. You're basically saying that over 70% of the US population (and probably around there for the world) are not mentally healthy. Do you think that's true?

I'm aware there are far more dangerous drugs than weed. And, yes, everything in moderation. I posted an unpopular opinion and it seems I'm now evil and have pissed everyone off. Next time I'll keep it to myself.
The reason is that it seems like you grew up watching every D.A.R.E. commercial and believed everything you heard about the War on Drugs. Your opinion is far more damaging to this country than drug users


People spend too much time looking to be outraged and not enough time caring about things in their own lives.

Absolutely. It's almost a competition as to who can be the most outraged nowadays. I'm pretty liberally minded, but I don't have the energy to be outraged by things and draw attention to them through sharing them on social media constantly or whatever.
Because I feel there are other ways people can get help and find happiness or an escape without destroying themselves physically. But like I said, if smoking weed or whatever alleviates pain caused from cancer or something, I can understand that. As for healthy people who decide to do it just because, I'll never understand that choice.
Maybe you should talk to people about their addictions instead of judging them to death for being different than you?

Good luck finding a single person without an addiction they either abuse daily or used to abuse daily, whether it's drugs, food, sex, fame, popularity, status, social media, their phone, coffee, alcohol, etc.


Unpopular opinion: This is a worthless phrase no one should use in any context. It means nothing and allows anyone to relatively justify any bullshit they're on.
It's true though. Video games are great, but in moderation. I also wouldn't suggest eating lettuce all day, swimming all day, working all day, or smoking all day.


Anal sex is disgusting.

I disagree with this on several levels. Dicks and vaginas can be plenty disgusting as well. And if we take this further, do you think homosexuals are disgusting?

I find skinny girls unattractive/ugly.
Fallout 4 isn't a horrible game.
We should have mandatory voting in the US.


astroturfing is a borderline great poster whose admittedly annoying schtick (which - also admittedly - did not appear to start as a bit) is vastly underappreciated by 99.9% of his fellow posters. Really nails the 'too outrageous to be real / too tame to be fake' knife's edge where true trolling is found.


This is interesting to me. With regards to Claire Underwood I am in complete agreement. However, I would argue that Skyler becomes a different character as the seasons progress due to narrative needs. What season Skyler are you talking about here?

The reasoning I usually hear is that "she's ungrateful." Walt is addicted to crime and literally ruins his family's life completely but Skyler like cheated on him or something? I barely even remember at this point but nothing she did compares to what he did. People didn't like her because she acted like a wife was supposed to.

I'm not sure how Skyler is b/c I don't give af about Breaking Bad, but Claire Underwood isn't really a "gotcha" test so I'm guessing you're just looking to catch the most obvious misogynists? I'm a season behind but she's really roughly the same as her husband, last I saw.

Trump's gonna get re-elected for a lot of reasons, unfortunately. :(

She's the exact same which is why I wonder why people give her more shit. They are both awful people. Frank constantly undermines Claire but the moment Claire does it back people are like awww what a c*nt. The double standard is very blatant in these types of shows about powerful people.


Fallout 4 is a better game than Fallout 3. The Elder Scrolls series is boring as hell. Zelda is overrated. Mirror's Edge is one of the best games of last generation. Nier Automata is overrated and Route B is an incredible misfire.

Work days should be 6 hours long. 9-5 or 8-5 is super draining and leaves no energy to do anything after. Also leads to slacking off and an increase in distractions.


Oh your kid did something you find endearing, I don't fucking care.

Suicide booths should be a thing.

We should let AI take over.

People who walk in groups in a single row blocking an entire pathway should be shamed on public tv.

You guys are idiots for giving Zuckerberg your data.
If you hate Skyler from Breaking Bad or Claire Underwood from House of Cards you are a misogynist.

This is literally a test I do on dates to see if the guy is a misogynist or not lmao. Of course I listen to their reasoning but the reasoning is almost always the same.

Skyler is a fucking saint compared to Claire Underwood. I think shes almost as evil as Frank sometimes.
Nintendo's remakes and enhanced ports are very often downgrades in many respects.

I'm a hard determinist in just the clockwork aspect. I doubt that our limited knowledge of the quantum level is giving us the whole cause and effect picture.

I'd rather have a corrective brain surgery (and therapy) system in place of the lethal injection system. They'd have one chance to be corrected, or they could just opt for the injection if they'd prefer death to physical change.
Weaponry is interesting and, it's fine to own guns as long as there's a system to regulate ownership via a vetting process without arbitrarily banning certain guns based on how they function/look. Puts me at odds with many of my fellow left leaning people I know. Holding such a view is considered an extremely right wing position where I live.


People who compare everyone to Hitler are trash.

People who are against universal suffrage are mini hitlers.


Zelda games are all the same and are fetch quests where you spend all your time in dungeons. The boss battles are boring too.

Our public education and health services should not be free to immigrants (there should be a slight increment in taxes, at the least).

This is more of a secret of mine but... i'm all for equality of men and women in the workplace (salary, etc), that women decide NOT to have kids just because the society demands it (and, therefore, stop working) and I like that there are more women working too. But, at the end of the day, I wish I could find a nice girl that would want to be, first and foremost, a mother and a housewife. I live in a big city and all the women I dated
and even my current gf
see having kids as a defeat against the patriarchy and being a housewife as a gateway to depression and an empty life.
Ok, that opinion is unpopular in my small world (not the internet).


That isn’t opinion, it’s demonstrable fact.

And that doesn’t mean pure socialism is the answer either (it’s not) but unregulated capitalism is flatly unsustainable.

People are simply too fucking greedy for the markets to sort it out. They will obliterate the economy each and every time, wait for a taxpayer bailout, rinse and repeat.
Oddly enough, this opinion isn't even really unpopular.

It's just not popular *enough* to turn the wheels of our government in the right direction, which is absolutely infuriating to behold. It genuinely makes me seriously concerned about the future.

Many times I find myself wishing I were born twenty years later, so the world would have moved on from this bullshit by the time I reached adulthood. Except even that's kind of wishful thinking, honestly. I'm pretty sure things are going to collapse within the next decade but I don't know how long it will take for us to right the ship...


This is more of a secret of mine but... i'm all for equality of men and women in the workplace (salary, etc), that women decide NOT to have kids just because the society demands it (and, therefore, stop working) and I like that there are more women working too. But, at the end of the day, I wish I could find a nice girl that would want to be, first and foremost, a mother and a housewife. I live in a big city and all the women I dated
and even my current gf
see having kids as a defeat against the patriarchy and being a housewife as a gateway to depression and an empty life.
Ok, that opinion is unpopular in my small world (not the internet).
Well, that's a predicament
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