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Your year so far

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I've kept the same job
I have the same girl
I have the same apartment
Relished new hobbies

I've lost friends
I've lost interest
I worry more than ever because
I have the same addiction

All is well really, or at least consistent. Really though, I'm content.


I'm hanging in there. Seeing some of these posts makes me feel ashamed for being depressed over much more mundane shit, but I'll just quote Neil Young and say "Although my problems are meaningless, that don't make them go away"


So far..

- My pet project has exploded which is awesome
- I got a 18% raise at work (following a 14% last year)
- I had my first one night stand.. but then it turned into an amazing fuck friend
- A bunch of other awesome things that are too private to post on a message board

It's great because I had a series of bad years


Chamber said:
As shitty as the previous 23.
Same here. Just thinking about dying has been putting a very disturbing smile on my face. To the point that I've been looking down the barrel of my Glock for the past few weeks. I'll just probably OD myself if things don't pick up in the next few months.
Not too bad:
- Start a co-op position this summer through the fall
- UW-Madison got to the sweet sixteen
- Research is going pretty well, hopefully it gets a good reception at HOTCHIPS


Gold Member
Hasn't been to good for me so far.

-Graduated last May from college
-Got my first post-college job in September
-Lost said job in December
-Been unemployed since

But on the good side
-Been a couple of interviews
-One company in particular seems to be interested in me (went through a phone screening, a one-on-one interview and then a interview with 4 people)
-Another company wants a face to face interview
-I don't owe taxes this year!

OP, I really hope things get better for you. That's a shit ton thrown at you and I don't know how you handle it.


Quite nice. Let's see...

-I got a new full-time permanent job in my career field.
-Next month I move into my new apartment which is huge (1300sq ft and has a fireplace! :p)
-Next month I trade in my car for a new 2011 Infiniti EX35
-I have 3 new kitties :)

Yes, quite nice indeed.

Oh wait...

I'm still single though.....that pretty much balances all that material stuff out and I'm just 'ok'. lol Oh well, I'm only 22 so I have plenty of time to fix that issue. :p
My year's been going wonderfully. I'm a senior in high school, going to UC Berkeley next year. So I'm just enjoying myself now. I have few responsibilities, my social life has improved a ton, I have time for entertainment, and I'm loving the weather. Life couldn't get any better, really.


Fell and hurt my back at work, on the first day of the year no less, but everything turned out fine with nothing broken or anything and work paid for it to be checked out.

Classes are going okay overall but I am failing science simply because I have no care for what I'm studying and so I fell behind on reading but I'm working hard to bring my grade back up. I recently realized the reason why I'm not doing so great in school is because I pretty much hate the classes I'm taking but since I still haven't chosen a major I'm just taking basics and they are boring as hell.

Work still sucks but it's better now than when I worked for asshole managers last year.

But all in all the year has gone fairly well so far. It's already ten times better than the shit that was 2010 and I'm sure that things will only get better.


UFRA said:
Quite nice. Let's see...

-I got a new full-time permanent job in my career field.
-Next month I move into my new apartment which is huge (1300sq ft and has a fireplace! :p)
-Next month I trade in my car for a new 2011 Infiniti EX35
-I have 3 new kitties :)

Yes, quite nice indeed.

Oh wait...

I'm still single though.....that pretty much balances all that material stuff out and I'm just 'ok'. lol Oh well, I'm only 22 so I have plenty of time to fix that issue. :p



i hate you


Emily Chu said:
Jan 15th
first cross country gay experience wont go into detail...

Feb 10th found a girl on trapdate... wasn't a girl had her Fuck me anyway

Feb 22nd met kitty Kaiti a popular internet trap t girl in a porn viewing booth in albany had nasty sex for an hour after getting some wendys
Came back to her place later that night and throat fucked and sexed her on a live cam site streaming to 5000 people live... while wearing a wig and a womens dress.

Feb 23rd met my GF the next day in her place (one of her room-mates)

March 2nd was still chilling with my new gf until a shotgun wielding fat black landlord forced us to move in 20 mins...

minutes away from death. me and three other people got the fuck out of that house in under 30 minutes with this dude walking around with a shotgun and dogs...

was the weirdest 2 weeks of my life ^^^ living with a bunch of traps doing all sorts of sexual deviance, cooking for them, chilling with them...

Currently living with my new gf looking for jobs... in a foreclosed abandoned place...

Its been a IFC year for me so far this with a bunch of failed job interviews toss inbetween

younger sister went to Taipei, Taiwan to study

There's video proof on xhamster do a search on the girl in the 3rd statement

The funny thing is nothing here is fabricated....

currently age 24 never been more happier : )
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2010 (for context)
Left my 6 year long relationship with a girl when I realised we were deluding ourselves about committing to the same long term plans. Due largely to this I became aimless and listless and started failing at Uni and getting into shit with money. Girl and I had same friends group so dropped a lot of contact. Shit year.

-Seeing some of my favourite bands live has been unbelievable, been going to gigs weekly and discovering new music. Before this year was doing it once or twice a year.
-Money stuff sorted out, saving for new car.
-My little bro came out shortly after moving away from from country moving to the city here. Feel a lot closer to him now, as he was quite distant from everyone in high school.
-Lost weight over Christmas somehow, probably just by dropping soft drink. Gigs means I've been drinking a lot lately but just started at the gym to help counteract it.
-Met a girl randomly at a gig and hooked up. Been with her for about a month now. Starting to wish I left previous gf much earlier.
-Planning to move further into city for night life later this year.
-Really missing Uni and raring to go again. Picked up old guitar and taking lessons which has helped that learning itch.

Feel really guilty about posting this with the whole world seemingly getting messed up and everyone in here having terrible stuff happen to them. If it helps any, my neurosis causes me to sit idly and wonder at times when things will stop being good and collapse in a heap on me.


-Started fucking a girl I work with who I'm not all that interested in, but just put it in anyway. Will end in blood and tears.
-Continued doing shitty at college, most likely going to drop out soon.
-Still working a shitty job at a little over minimum wage.
-Hating life.

So it's going pretty good so far.


Drewsky said:
-Started fucking a girl I work with who I'm not all that interested in, but just put it in anyway. Will end in blood and tears.
-Continued doing shitty at college, most likely going to drop out soon.
-Still working a shitty job at a little over minimum wage.
-Hating life.

So it's going pretty good so far.

Couldn't resist.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Finally started walking again after major breaks in my lower leg and ankle.

Feels good to be mobile again.


louie said:
It's been okay so far. Some highs, some lows:

- Recently my videography business I started last year has started to take off. Shot and edited three important business conferences, will film a wedding on Friday, and I'm in connection with a german based music producer to make two videos for a local artist.

- A girl I like keeps inviting me out with her boyfriend. I've been friends with her for years but I now think it would be best if I just let the friendship fade. It would be for the best :(

- Will buy a 3DS next week.

- Have a lot of spare time to watch films.

- My mom still hasn't come home. It has been almost a year since she left without telling anyone. I'm fine with it though.

Should admit your feelings before you let it fade. Never know.


The best year of my life (outside of last year). Finally into the swing of things in military life, my schedule of work is pretty solid, and I'm making so much money that I can afford to have all of my WANTS and NEEDS while still saving money AND getting out of previous debt.

I live in probably the nicest place I've ever lived in, will be moving to an even NICER place (for cheaper) next month, and the pregnancy scare turned out to be a big fat negative.

That last part just was the cherry on top of what is so far an awesome year :D
I immediately think of the negative aspects, the positives are taken for granted I guess.

Grandpa died
Ex diagnosed cancer
Weak finances

On the bright side, plenty of sex compared to previous years.
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