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You're late to the party, bruddah: Final Fantasy X HD Remaster (spoilers)



Final Fantasy has been part of the gaming landscape for so long that, despite never really playing any of the games, I've come to harbor a lot of sentimentality and nostalgia for the series' recurring elements like chocobos and moogles. I've only played two games in the series - FFVI, in which I lost momentum after getting to the World of Ruin, and now FFX, the first FF I've played to completion. After 50 hours and absolutely no grinding later, I had a pretty good time - more words below.

First, FFX's structure. It's linear. Really linear. I've read no shortage of criticism about FFXIII's hallway-fight-cutscene structure, and although I haven't played FFXIII, I'd be hard pressed to describe FFX as anything else. Note that this is not a defense of FFXIII or a condemnation of FFX. Frankly, I didn't mind the linearity one bit. I doubt I’m the only person who lost steam at the second half of FFVI when it opened up, and here I was perfectly content going straight from point A to point B, complete with a blinking arrow on my minimap.

I suppose there are "towns" in FFX, but they're more like pitstops. NPCs have the bare minimum of flavor text, and I feel like the second half of the game dispenses with towns completely. Later on, it seems like most NPCs exist only to say “Lady Yuna! Good luck on your pilgrimage,” and give you an item. You do still get an airship at the very (very, very) end, so you do eventually get to roam a little bit, even if it is by picking places from a list.

Next, the story. Things started out strong with the destruction of a city by a mysterious force, then maybe time travel, then some daddy issues, some blossoming romance, etc etc. It was entertaining enough for me to see it to its conclusion, but not without its issues. For one thing, most of the story beats in FFX are summed up by this screenshot:

Towards the second half, when the game starts revealing some of its mysteries, it also strains under the weight of its own lore. There were a few hours where everybody and their mother revealed themselves to be an unsent, only said unsent acted, looked, and talked just like normal people. There seemed to be no visible distinction between the living and the unsent besides some whispy particle effects. Maybe I missed something, but it completely undermined the lore behind the Farplane, sending the dead, and all that.

By the end game, FFX was throwing its glossary at me, and not only did I not understand most of it, I didn’t give a shit. Fayth! Dreams! Dreams of the fayth! Sin is Yu Yevon’s armor! A summoner who exists only to summon! It was all Al Bhed to me. I still can’t tell you why Sin exists, or why Tidus goes all Marty McFly, or any of that, but to their credit, Square finished strong. After 50 hours of pilgrimaging and godawful sphere puzzles and shitty minigames and That Laughing Scene, you get hit with that last FMV. When that orchestral version of To Zanarkand swells and Tidus puts his arms around Yuna, things like “good dialogue” and “consistent lore” don’t matter. Nothing else does.

Then there’s the gameplay. The CTB battles were fast and fun for the most part, but it took a hit in the late game because enemies are immune to just about everything. Slow? IMMUNE. Delay? IMMUNE. Dark? IMMUNE. Silence? YOU BET IT’S IMMUNE. A system that was ostensibly built around rearranging turns to your advantage becomes that much more standard, and that much less fun. I understand that slow and delay are inherently broken skills, but they were satisfying to use in the few boss fights that took advantage of it. My favorite boss fight was versus Evrae on the airship, in which the turn order shows when Cid will move. The player has to consider when to call Cid to move out of range, when the boss will attack, and can use Delay Buster to buy time. I felt that as later bosses were granted more and more immunities, their difficulty was increasingly tied to your party’s level. As someone who didn’t grind and did absolutely zero side content, boss fights took a long ass time, with the final boss fight going on for 45 minutes 'cause Yuna kept on getting OHKO'd.

A special paragraph is reserved for all the things that FFX does horribly, horribly wrong. The sphere puzzles are just the worst. Terribly designed with animations that make them take infinitely longer than they need to. Blitzball is awful. In theory, it’s an interesting fictional sport that blends real time action and stats that should play to Square’s strengths as an RPG developer. In reality, it just sucks to play, and the one mandatory match is prefaced with a bunch of tutorials, and the odds are heavily weighed against you. Then there are the unskippable cutscenes, with some of the longest scenes set right before some of the longest boss fights. And although it’s thankfully short, the section right before the final boss has godawful camera angles leading to moments like these: https://twitter.com/Mikerrrrr/status/681949565843562497

I’m running out of steam, so here are some random thoughts:

- Wakka sucks, and so does his accent.
- Lulu’s boobs were too much, especially with that victory pose
- The sphere grid (standard version, anyway) is cool, but a pain in the ass to "read"
- I’m so glad I didn’t care about the celestial weapons at all
- The OST is well-deserving of its status as a classic. To Zanarkand is one of the GOATs for sure.
- The Laughing Scene is not *that* bad in context, but the voice acting is wildly inconsistent across the game. Every character has great lines that often followed by another line with stilted delivery or emphasis on the wrong syllable/word.
- The HD Remaster on PS4 is fantastic. 1080p w/ 4xMSAA leads to excellent image quality, and the option to play with the original OST is aces. I’m not keen on some of the changes to the character models, but I think they look very consistent with the rest of the presentation.
I don't have an intelligent response for you but I still love the game.

One of my favorite Final Fantasy and RPG games.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Every single time there's a thread about FFX, there are usually two types of people.

The ones that think they're hip by linking a gif of Tidus/Yuna laughing - often combined with a shitty one-sentence post like 'lol game is terrible'.

And then, there are those who who link fucking amazing clips of this game. Clips taken from scenes that take a huge shit over everything else this gen, last gen and the same gen that FFX was released on. Like this one for example:


"Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain, or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!"


Sorry OP, I love the voice acting. Wakka's VA is very charming and affable in the role.

Overall loved the entire voice casting

I think being able to skip cut scenes after your first play through is great but your first play through skipping cut scenes? In an RPG? This isn't the genre for you then
Got the HD version on PS4 recently. FFX is one of my favourite games ever so I'm happy to have a second copy, and I never played X-2 so hopefully that's an experience. For better or for worse.

Great writeup for a great game even if you took issue with it, it's good to get multiple viewpoints. Turns 15 years old this year! It's older than FFI itself was when FFX came out!
Well, it's cool that you gave it a try and overall liked it. I will say though, that there is no time traveling in FFX. It would take a while to explain the story, so I'm not going to do it here. If you really care, you can always look it up. I do believe most plot points are delved into in the game itself, so none of it should be alien unless you missed stuff.

I disagree with the notion that a lot of stuff pertained to Tidus/You not knowing things. There are a number of things that only Tidus/You (and Auron) know, that the rest of the party doesn't know until near the end. I mean, sure, plot twists exist, but they weren't deus ex machina stuff.

I actually was really fine and okay with the temple puzzles. There are just 6 overall, and Besaid barely counts. The one thing I don't like with the International (and so the HD Remasters) is that if you want to go back to certain areas, Dark Aeons will stand in your way. I don't like that since it means some small story tidbits and items are locked behind ultimate end-game battles.

I also LOVED Blitzball. I gave it some attention at the beginning, won the first forced match (without the Jecht Shot), didn't touch it again until end-game, went back to it because I didn't want the game to end, and ended up loving it.

I do agree that it would be nice to have skip-able cutscenes for those that need it, it ultimately never really bothers me though.


Sorry OP, I love the voice acting. Wakka's VA is very charming and affable in the role.

Overall loved the entire voice casting

I think being able to skip cut scenes after your first play through is great but your first play through skipping cut scenes? In an RPG? This isn't the genre for you then

What about all those players who die when fighting Seymour the Third during their first playthrough? God forbid they want to skip the 5 minute cutscene beforehand when they fight him again, because clearly RPGs aren't the genre for them.

Come on.

Well, it's cool that you gave it a try and overall liked it. I will say though, that there is no time traveling in FFX. It would take a while to explain the story, so I'm not going to do it here. If you really care, you can always look it up. I do believe most plot points are delved into in the game itself, so none of it should be alien unless you missed stuff.

I disagree with the notion that a lot of stuff pertained to Tidus/You not knowing things. There are a number of things that only Tidus/You (and Auron) know, that the rest of the party doesn't know until near the end. I mean, sure, plot twists exist, but they weren't deus ex machina stuff.

I actually was really fine and okay with the temple puzzles. There are just 6 overall, and Besaid barely counts. The one thing I don't like with the International (and so the HD Remasters) is that if you want to go back to certain areas, Dark Aeons will stand in your way. I don't like that since it means some small story tidbits and items are locked behind ultimate end-game battles.

I also LOVED Blitzball. I gave it some attention at the beginning, won the first forced match (without the Jecht Shot), didn't touch it again until end-game, went back to it because I didn't want the game to end, and ended up loving it.

I do agree that it would be nice to have skip-able cutscenes for those that need it, it ultimately never really bothers me though.

Oh, I'm aware that there's no time travel, but it's a bit of a red herring in the beginning of the story, what with Rikku mentioning how Zanarkand was destroyed 1000 years ago and all that.

As for Tidus not knowing things, that screenshot was from the cutscene that was the worst about it, when Tidus throws a fit about not knowing Yuna was gonna die upon summoning the Final Aeon. It was one of those moments that 1) most players must've seen coming from miles away and 2) why the hell did nobody bother mentioning it to Tidus, newly appointed guardian from another world sworn to protect Yuna on her pilgrimage, other than to have that moment in the plot? It's hardly the worst part of FFX's story, but it made me roll my eyes.


I just finished earlier today. I have a lot of nostalgia for the series. I loved V-VIII growing up. Played them multiple times and did all of the extra content. I was super excited to finally play X since the PS4 is my first non Nintendo system I own.

Anyway I was pretty underwhelmed. I enjoyed the combat (loved the combat music), until the end of the game for pretty much the reasons you mentioned. Seems like the difficulty curve was uneven towards the end, and stopped being fun. I enjoyed the visuals and the lore of the world, and the characters weren't too bad. I thought Wakka had the best voice acting (same guy as Bender from Futurama I think). I agree with you on the music, it was pretty great.

It just didn't have the same magic I am used to. I only kept playing because I wanted to see how it finished. I heard FFX2 is good so I will probably check it out in a couple months.

Edit: forgot to mention how much I hated the cloister of trials. All of them. Awful time killers.
I played through this game for the first time a few months ago on PS Vita and absolutely loved it. The characters were memorable and the music was pretty darn good, too.

It was more linear than I was expecting, but by the end of the game, I didn't even care. The story had me hooked and that was all that mattered. Of all the games I played in 2015, this was in my top three.
Oh, I'm aware that there's no time travel, but it's a bit of a red herring in the beginning of the story, what with Rikku mentioning how Zanarkand was destroyed 1000 years ago and all that.

As for Tidus not knowing things, that screenshot was from the cutscene that was the worst about it, when Tidus throws a fit about not knowing Yuna was gonna die upon summoning the Final Aeon. It was one of those moments that 1) most players must've seen coming from miles away and 2) why the hell did nobody bother mentioning it to Tidus, newly appointed guardian from another world sworn to protect Yuna on her pilgrimage, other than to have that moment in the plot?

To a lot of people, that cutscene was great. If Tidus had been told earlier, I feel like you would have just gotten that same scene earlier, a little less emotional perhaps. It's not like they were planning on keeping Tidus around after Luca either, so they had a new guardian who needed to be taught the basics of basics. It's ultimately bad news, and sometimes it's just hard to bring stuff up. These people were not just bodyguards, they actually knew and cared for Yuna personally. I also feel like Yuna probably didn't want the others to mention it, maybe even prefer if she do it herself. She wanted the journey to be happy/light-hearted, and Tidus not knowing helped with that. I could easily see Yuna wanting to be a little selfish in that respect. Everyone else saw her one way, Tidus saw her from a different perspective.

I don't think the scenario is at all removed from real life, some stuff is hard to say, and gets put off and off.


I finished playing this game earlier this week, and I was planning on making a rttp thread but I'll just post my thoughts in this thread, well later.

Long story short, I thought this game is amazing, it has it's faults but it's a great ride. I honk I rate it a lot higher in my favorite FFs and favorite games in general. It put me in a final fantasy mood and now I've started playing VIII.

What this really put me in the mood for is FFXII. God damn it Square, give me this remaster already!


To a lot of people, that cutscene was great. If Tidus had been told earlier, I feel like you would have just gotten that same scene earlier, a little less emotional perhaps. It's not like they were planning on keeping Tidus around after Luca either, so they had a new guardian who needed to be taught the basics of basics. It's ultimately bad news, and sometimes it's just hard to bring stuff up. These people were not just bodyguards, they actually knew and cared for Yuna personally. I also feel like Yuna probably didn't want the others to mention it, maybe even prefer if she do it herself. She wanted the journey to be happy/light-hearted, and Tidus not knowing helped with that. I could easily see Yuna wanting to be a little selfish in that respect. Everyone else saw her one way, Tidus saw her from a different perspective.

I don't think the scenario is at all removed from real life, some stuff is hard to say, and gets put off and off.

I respect that, and I can see that. I think by that point I slowly was starting to lose my patience with the game, and with Tidus, and his reaction was way too over the top for me.


What about all those players who die when fighting Seymour the Third during their first playthrough? God forbid they want to skip the 5 minute cutscene beforehand when they fight him again, because clearly RPGs aren't the genre for them.

Come on.

Yeah no shit, if you saw it already you should be able to skip it. My point is you should not be able to skip it on your first viewing


Aaah. Just recently watched my girlfriend play through this for the first time. It was a nice nostalgia trip for me, and I was happy to not be playing and just watching/helping to strategize haha.

The only boss that seemed to give us real trouble related to party level was the final boss fight, and she ended up having to grind a bit to actually beat it, just because the jump in difficulty was kinda crazy.

Yeah no shit, if you saw it already you should be able to skip it. My point is you should not be able to skip it on your first viewing

u crazy. giving players options is king. if it were me playing the game instead of my girlfriend, I would have chosen to skip all the cutscenes because..well..i saw them all a decade ago.


Yeah no shit, if you saw it already you should be able to skip it. My point is you should not be able to skip it on your first viewing

I'd disagree there, too. If you've played the game before, or you want to skip it for any reason whatsoever, you should be able to. Options don't hurt anybody in this case.

The only boss that seemed to give us real trouble related to party level was the final boss fight, and she ended up having to grind a bit to actually beat it, just because the jump in difficulty was kinda crazy.

Oh man, I was proud of myself that I was able to beat Jecht without needing to grind, but it was ridiculously hard. Because I'm an idiot, I had used all my stamina tablets on auto-potion on Yuna beforehand, which was a massive mistake because it apparently can be Mixed for mega vitality. Of course, auto-potion was worthless because she kept on getting OHKO'd with the sword swipe. It was through sheer luck and power of will that I was able to beat Jecht after 45 minutes.
Yeah no shit, if you saw it already you should be able to skip it. My point is you should not be able to skip it on your first viewing

I'm not sure I would extend it to all RPGs (Though the option would be nice), but there's no reason why a port of an HD port of a decade and a half old game shouldn't have an option to skip scenes whenever you want.


I'm almost done with the game, kinda burned out (beat Yunalesca the other day) but I agree with most of what you're saying OP. Personally it is probably the worst Final Fantasy I've played. I think I like XIII more.


'enry 'ollins
Very fair critique! It's great to see some substance besides the typical laughing scene gif. I can totally see your point in most things (especially immune enemies) except 2.

Wakka's VA is awesome and blitzball can be very fun.

Regardless, I'm glad you seem to have come away from the game feeling positive.
I didnt get the whole story when I first played it a decade ago.

I replayed it 2 years ago and understood it completely. The game literally spoonfeeds players all the twists later in the game. Like, it tells you everything step by step. It was when you arrive at that place with a bunch Fayth and the Bahamut Fayth talks to Tidus.

The most difficult thing to swallow is the concept of "dreaming".

Auron being unsent had a LOT of foretelling. Seymour says something about it including his smell. Auron refuses to go to the Farplane with everyone else.


I beat for the game the first time a week ago and loved it. At first I didnt know what to think, but soon I was engaged with the story and was waiting to see where it will go. My main complaints are the puzzles and I didnt like Tidus as a character. Its not my favourite final fantasy, but I really like it and it has some of my favourite characters on Final Fantasy.


Woa hey no shittalking Lulu's boobs.

But yeah, nice summing up. FFX is one of the few FFs i haven't played. I tried several times but the beginning is veeeeery slow. I can appreciate the more "okinawa" approach to it for it's visuals and themes but it doesn't click right with me.

Right now i'm content to watch the SBFP LP for it.


and racism


Good on you for seeing through Blitzball's shit OP.

It's bad. So bad that the forced section near the start of the game was enough to get me to drop the game for over half a year.


Too bad it still doesn't have skippable cutscenes :(
This is so accurate it hurts. Ugh, Seymore you pretentious asshole, at least make your shitty little speeches short and sweet.

I was incredibly surprised at how linear FF7 really was while replaying it. In the past decade I've replayed FFIX to FFIV, so I always remembered the talks of FFX being corridor hell to be exaggerated. They weren't wrong. My god, they weren't wrong. Disappointing coming off of FFIX.


u crazy. giving players options is king. if it were me playing the game instead of my girlfriend, I would have chosen to skip all the cutscenes because..well..i saw them all a decade ago.

you must have an amazing memory
Sorry OP, I love the voice acting. Wakka's VA is very charming and affable in the role.

I love John DiMaggio's voice, so I agree with this one.

Just finished FF X-R a couple of days ago, loved it for the most part. Thing is, there's absolutely no reason to 100% it, as you meet your hardest story-related enemy before facing Sin. Of course I used Omega ruins and the Don Tonberry trick to level up at insane speed. But once you get Ultima, Hades & 1-MP for your spell casters the game final battles are easy as fuck.
Seymour wanting to kill everyone doesn't actually seem all that bad when half the people in the game are dead and they seem just fine.


You didn't like blitzball? I mean, the AI in it sucks making it way too easy, but still :(

Blitzball is interesting until like game six when the Aurochs get a few levels in

Then its get ball, pass to Tidus, Jecht Shot, repeat.


The game WAS extremely linear until the end when you got the airship. However, you could walk back during early game if you wanted to in case you wanted to kill some weaker monsters. There was a cut off from this though a couple of times.

- Wakka sucks, and so does his accent.
He did. I always hated Wakka, but I like that he was there for the diversity, but he really had no reason to be part of the cast and crew other then to forward the blitz ball story.

- Lulu’s boobs were too much, especially with that victory pose
I don't criticize breast size whatsoever. I'm more bothered by her outfit consisting of like a thousand belts.

- The Laughing Scene is not *that* bad in context, but the voice acting is wildly inconsistent across the game. Every character has great lines that often followed by another line with stilted delivery or emphasis on the wrong syllable/word.
The voice acting in general wasn't that great, but you have to remember that voice acting in video games in general never reached a huge mark of voice acting and storytelling until the early 2000's. I believe Final Fantasy X was the first huge game that had voice acting all the way through. For what it was at the time it was a very impressive feat at first glance.

- The HD Remaster on PS4 is fantastic. 1080p w/ 4xMSAA leads to excellent image quality, and the option to play with the original OST is aces. I’m not keen on some of the changes to the character models, but I think they look very consistent with the rest of the presentation.
The changes aren't that huge, but the animations took a toll during it's transition to being remastered. There is a famous gif lying around comparing Yuna's end game scene where she is very expressive and the original game had a better animation for her scene.

Final Fantasy X as a whole was a great transitional game in terms of trying new things out with the technology that was there. But a lot of the ideas became quickly dated later in the PS2's lifespan. I NEVER want to see Square to return to this kind of formula for their future games, a lot of the bad ideas from Final Fantasy X made it's way to 12 and 13 that should never be repeated.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
I've come to appreciate FFX for it's combat, setting & music but the cast wasn't really memorable to me.

I am going to finally give FFX2 a shot this week, I'm excited to try the combat people are so high on.

Sad to see Lulu isn't in the game, though... seems like you can only dress up the 3 stick figure/surf board esque characters 😐


Seymour wanting to kill everyone doesn't actually seem all that bad when half the people in the game are dead and they seem just fine.

That was my reaction to hearing Seymour's plan, too. Everybody being dead and being fine was really weird given how the rest of the game focuses on sending the dead to the Farplane.

The voice acting in general wasn't that great, but you have to remember that voice acting in video games in general never reached a huge mark of voice acting and storytelling until the early 2000's. I believe Final Fantasy X was the first huge game that had voice acting all the way through. For what it was at the time it was a very impressive feat at first glance.

The changes aren't that huge, but the animations took a toll during it's transition to being remastered. There is a famous gif lying around comparing Yuna's end game scene where she is very expressive and the original game had a better animation for her scene.

Final Fantasy X as a whole was a great transitional game in terms of trying new things out with the technology that was there. But a lot of the ideas became quickly dated later in the PS2's lifespan. I NEVER want to see Square to return to this kind of formula for their future games, a lot of the bad ideas from Final Fantasy X made it's way to 12 and 13 that should never be repeated.

Re: voice acting - yeah, with how great the game looks on PS4, it's sometimes hard to remember how old it is. The fully voiced cast and production values are impressive even today.

Re: animations - if you have that gif, I'd love to see it. In the meantime, one of the old gaf threads about FFX HD had this:


First, FFX's structure. It's linear. Really linear. I've read no shortage of criticism about FFXIII's hallway-fight-cutscene structure, and although I haven't played FFXIII, I'd be hard pressed to describe FFX as anything else. Note that this is not a defense of FFXIII or a condemnation of FFX. Frankly, I didn't mind the linearity one bit. I doubt I’m the only person who lost steam at the second half of FFVI when it opened up, and here I was perfectly content going straight from point A to point B, complete with a blinking arrow on my minimap.
Despite being linear, imo FFX fields are wide enough for them to have a somewhat open-ish feel. When it comes to FFXIII though...it's mostly just tight hallways.
Example: https://zachbmiller.files.wordpress.com/2010/04/ffxiii-map1.jpg

Though, seeing stuff like this in FFXIII is just funny...
Have to be careful to not lose myself in this single pathway.
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