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PlayStation 4 hits 35.9 million sold through to end users


dang @ that PS4 top 10 on Metacritic. Bloodborne the only exclusive. Everything else either on PC or PS3. No wonder so many Gaffers don't think the PS4 has many games. They've already played most of the heavy hitters.

And Xbox One top 10 doesn't have any exclusives, so there isn't any games for Xbox One!

These PS4 numbers are crazy, and next year is gonna be even bigger.


Doesn't having 36m PS4s put MAU on par with steam 12m?

Man if you count people playing games on Stream the peak numbers the number is nowhere near 12m people, yes there are 12m people there but not all are playing games, some are download patches and so on so its a good meter but doesnt say all.

i doubt 12m people play at the same time online on Ps4, logged maybe netflix and such.

In the next year i can see Ps4 having that all playing since its selling like crazy and with a 100m userbase that will be easilly achievable and will make it the biggest online plattform ever but not right now.
Doesn't it usually take Sony a while to get going with their major franchises on a new system? The PS3 didn't start getting those heavy games until later on, right?

That is due to games just being hard to make and because of Sony's tendency to support the previous generation longer than their competition.

After this year and 2017, I do see the "no games" switching over to "it took too long" though.
Well as the numbers show, those Gaffers don't mean shit. Sorry Draft but it is what it is and ain't nothing yall can do about it.

It never really makes sense to me. Where else are the gaming public at large going to play multiplatform games? Those are the ones that sell like crazy.


People who play a lot of games (posters here?) might give a shit since the "killer apps" might have already killed them on another platform.

Then the platform is not for them end of story. Sony don't give a shit about trying to get PC gamers on their platform that will only get a couple exclusives. They want to get consumers that invest in the playstation ecosystem. They get games on their platform and that is all that matters.


There isnt much coming in 2016? What? I dont think we ever had this many games coming out, I cant keep up or play anywhere close to what I buy, which I do because of big discounts on PSN (which is also recent development).

As to the DLNA, there is Plex, which is free and easily the best media server.

I use Plex. I have yet to figure out why it sorts my songs alphabetically though. I cannot figure out how to sort by track number. Does Plex support custom playlists?
dang @ that PS4 top 10 on Metacritic. Bloodborne the only exclusive. Everything else either on PC or PS3. No wonder so many Gaffers don't think the PS4 has many games. They've already played most of the heavy hitters.

Using this logic the Xbox One has no exclusives in the Top 10.


Based on the data it's not surprising that Bloodborne was my sole PS4 game until The Order hit the digital bargain bin.


dang @ that PS4 top 10 on Metacritic. Bloodborne the only exclusive. Everything else either on PC or PS3. No wonder so many Gaffers don't think the PS4 has many games. They've already played most of the heavy hitters.

Take a look at Xbox One's Top 10 on Metacritic. No exclusives at all. Xbox One has no games.


I know that in my store we could have sold more PS4 if we didn't constantly run out. No big discounts over the holidays but we're still sold out as of today. Xbones? Got plenty left despite selling a bundle with Halo 5, MGS 5 and Forza at console price
Doesn't it usually take Sony a while to get going with their major franchises on a new system? The PS3 didn't start getting those heavy games until later on, right?

That is due to games just being hard to make and because of Sony's tendency to support the previous generation longer than their competition.

After this year and 2017, I do see the "no games" switching over to "it took too long" though.

Fuck that. If the things set for this year alone come out then nobody should have any more room to complain. Myself included.


Some people seriously have no life at all. Getting all worked up because a console is selling well. What kind of sad and pathetic life must you live ?

To be honest my life is pretty pathetic currently (final year uni student, all I do is stay inside). But you have to believe in something right, and seeing PS4 flourish is something I want to see and believe in.
Ya know, this fucking "salt" thing has got to be the biggest killer of actual intelligent discussion and debate that we have had in years.

Everybody that doesn't jump on the Sony love bandwagon isn't fucking "salty". Shit is so incredibly childish. As is the personal investment I am seeing from some people in Sony's sales, it's like friggin listening to sports fans talk about how "we're" gonna do this or "we" did that when referencing a team of individuals who don't know nor care about them. Get a grip.

I'm glad this thing is selling. It's good for this entire industry to have a console with this kind of runaway success, but I also feel that Sony themselves have done a piss poor job of supporting the thing with software. The main point being SONY. There are tons of great 3rd party games on the PS4 and that is ultimately what sells consoles, it always has been. However me and many others associate the Playstation brand with a certain level of first party support. An area that Sony has excelled in in every other generation and one where they have been faltering quite a bit this gen so far.

Most of their biggest franchises are MIA, and that is why I personally don't feel like it's a great platform for me at the moment. I buy Playstation consoles for Sony games. I also primarily play on PC so their exclusives are the absolute only thing I have the PS4 for.

I am well aware that many others aren't like this and if it's your one system then the lineup so far has been pretty damn solid, though it really wasn't until 2015 which saw tons of great stuff release for it.

I don't think the whole "it has no games" thing is accurate at all. Obviously that's complete bullshit. But it's also pretty obvious that incredible software isn't REALLY what's moving these things entirely. It seems like people are buying consoles for the hardware more than the software right now, due to being stuck with the 360/PS3 gen for so damn long.

I just want Sony to get their act together and start releasing the games in the franchises that I have cared about for years. The constant delays of Uncharted are really an underline to this point. I am always on board with devs taking time to make games the best they can be, but so far most of their best first party studios haven't even released anything. That's where the disappointment stems from for me personally.

Regardless, it's good that it's successful. I hope it keeps them on the route they are on now rather than the way they were last gen. And I SURE as fuck hope it shows people that consoles aren't going anywhere.

It's salt, end of story. Sony's done no worst than Microsoft so far supporting their platform this gen. They both have put out good/great (Infamous, Bloodborne, LBP3 vs. Sunset, Halo 5, Horizon 2) and bad (Killzone, Order vs Forza Horizon FnF). They've both also cancelled a fair share of otherwise interesting games (Sony w/ that Stig game, MS w/ that espionage Black Tusk game and Phantom Dust, which by all measures is dead until they re-reveal it...if they re-reveal it :/).

The thing is some sects of Western media have shined a light on Sony's debacles a lot more than Microsoft's, and anyone pretending there isn't media bias in favor of Microsoft need only look back at the situation before the consoles launched. Of course biased reviewers, bloggers, editors etc. won't be as overt in that bias anymore, but it doesn't mean they can't find other ways to lash out. More subtle ways.

I'm obviously not saying every incident a public figure has called out Sony was biased against them, or that Sony hasn't done stupid shit since the PS4 launch. They have. It's also not about MS paying these sorts off to do that kind of dirty work for them; although they've been caught in the past paying shills, I'll take the high road and say those were one-off incidents and not a systemic problem, as said incidents were very rare and pretty isolated.

All that said, it's telling to still see some of the types that were staunchly pro-Xbox up to the launch of this gen still carrying some of that along to this day; it'd be crazy to think they'd completely stop or wouldn't find other ways to spin the narrative in a way to give Xbox some sort (any sort) of perceived advantage. It's not even about if XBO does a few (mostly non-gaming related) things better than PS4, it's how certain media types present the idea that's the problem; they can't seem to do it without denigrating PS4 in some fashion.

Also your particular argument about software is weak sauce. What can we trace (in terms of sales) driving XBO sales on the 1st/2nd party front? It's not the Forza games, that's for certain. Halo 5 might be one but most people who wanted it purchased their system well in advance of the game. Titanfall was a decent mid-term push. Sunset wasn't. MCC was a decent bump but it's a remaster collection. Rare Replay didn't do anything for sales. ROTR wasn't too much of an impact.

Aside from that you're talking most of the same 3rd party games that are on PS4. So your argument about software not being the main drive for sales could equally apply to XBO if you're trying to argue the effect of 1st/2nd party on system sales since it's a similar situation w/ PS4.

The main difference being that most of PS4's expected heavy-hitters haven't even come out yet, and while there's a good chance many of the sales have been in anticipation of those games, it's also possible that percentage will be matched by those who didn't buy the system for those particular games. We've already seen that in practice w/ stuff like TLOU Remastered and Nathan Drake Collection.

And if nothing else, assuming the software situation is mostly similar btwn the two regarding 1st/2nd party output quality and sales impact, that actually also proves just how much more powerful the PS brand name is than Xbox, even in Xbox's strongest markets. You use faulty reasoning to try and prove one point, which incidentally just proves an even more damning fact that works against your argument. It's kind of funny when you think it like that ;)
So intellectually both comments are a deadend. I'd say people should just stop responding to such individuals since they clearly don't want to contribute anyway.

Well put.

I'm guilty of doing this sometimes. Giving attention to one-off comments that add nothing and should just be ignored. A lot of people trying to establish/reinforce some narrative.

I mean... when you have major games media sites that basically use this forum as means for information on the industry and critical perception, people realize that, here, opinions have a rippling effect.


Doesn't it usually take Sony a while to get going with their major franchises on a new system? The PS3 didn't start getting those heavy games until later on, right?

That is due to games just being hard to make and because of Sony's tendency to support the previous generation longer than their competition.

After this year and 2017, I do see the "no games" switching over to "it took too long" though.

This is absolutely spot on. It's why Sony consoles always have longer legs than the competition, and it's a big reason why they usually obliterate the competition. If it wasn't for the fact that so many people don't seem to remember anything before the PS3 and 360, there would be a lot less confusion as to how Sony's release schedules work.

The second half of the previous generation is a great example of what typically happens. Sony's competitors are typically running out of steam, whereas Sony themselves are only just beginning to launch their biggest titles.


Really? I really hope you guys are trolling. Over 30 million people would disagree with you. There are plenty of games to play, both first-party and multi-platform.

Nope, I was being completely serious. They haven't released a single game yet. This post is serious too. I also sometimes like to put a balloon up my arse and pump it up with a bike tire pump until it explodes. The seriousness hasn't stopped yet.


extra source of jiggaflops
I mean... when you have major games media sites that basically use this forum as means for information on the industry and critical perception, people realize that, here, opinions have a rippling effect.
The PS4 is such a beast not even NeoGAF's "PS4 has no gaemz" can destroy it. We've been beaten.


This is absolutely spot on. It's why Sony consoles always have longer legs than the competition, and it's a big reason why they usually obliterate the competition. If it wasn't for the fact that so many people don't seem to remember anything before the PS3 and 360, there would be a lot less confusion as to how Sony's release schedules work.

The second half of the previous generation is a great example of what typically happens. Sony's competitors are typically running out of steam, whereas Sony themselves are only just beginning to launch their biggest titles.
Yeah, TLOU, GOW Ascension, Beyond, GT6, and Rachet and Clank ITN all came out on PS3 the same year that PS4 came out.
dang @ that PS4 top 10 on Metacritic. Bloodborne the only exclusive. Everything else either on PC or PS3. No wonder so many Gaffers don't think the PS4 has many games. They've already played most of the heavy hitters.
See that's the thing, PS4 has more than just exclusive games. It has the best versions of multiplatform games, it has indies, it literally has everything and it's the system that everybody is playing on and sharing with. That share button with built in twitch broadcasting is a big deal to many people. Sony knocked it out of the park.


I'm part of the sales! I got one for Christmas.

Just Destiny so far. It's..... alright. I'm not really sold on it yet so I don't know if I want to get The Taken King.

destiny is better enjoyed with others. go to the community thread here on gaf, get recruited and you'll have a blast




Appropriate gif since they're catching money from PS4 but loosing money in the wind from the other departments like Phones and TVs.
Congrats to PS4, it's good to see those results in spite of Smartphone and Tablet gaming
Yes, and those types of consumers you're referring to don't buy them for the sole purpose of sitting there as an expensive paper weight. They buy them to play the same games as their friends are playing. Hence people buying consoles for the games, and not the hardware.

Why limit yourself to the top 20?

We will have to respectively agree to disagree here. They weren't buying it for Knack or Killzone it would have been for COD, FIFA and similar and they were both available on competing hardware.

They were buying into the PS4 because of the buzz it was generating, it being a more powerful console and the absolute clusterfuck of a coup de grâce that Microsoft that themselves in with the disaster that was the Xbox One.

As someone who works in marketing I can only applaud the way Sony has handled everything from reveal to now and I don't have enough palms to put in my face for the way MS mishandled everything. Fair play to Spencer, he has turned it around but its too late now, Sony will just pull further and further away every month.


Insane. Weren't they expecting 35 million by the end of the fiscal year? I wonder if they'll be hitting, what, 38 million by the end of March.

Erm, you should pay attention to the numbers. 35.9 is basically 36M. If they reach 38M by March that means in 3 months they sold 2.1M unit. Last year they almost sold 3M in Q4 and I really don't see them selling less than that this year. They should be well over 39M sold, 41M shipped at the end of March, which is bonkers!


Gold Member
Nope, I was being completely serious. They haven't released a single game yet. This post is serious too. I also sometimes like to put a balloon up my arse and pump it up with a bike tire pump until it explodes. The seriousness hasn't stopped yet.

Pics and divx or it didn't happen.

Appropriate gif since they're catching money from PS4 but loosing money in the wind from the other departments like Phones and TVs.
Congrats to PS4, it's good to see those results in spite of Smartphone and Tablet gaming

And making truckloads on image sensors, insurance, entertainment, etc. Playstation isn't even their most profitable division of the lot.

They also may cut ties with smartphones and televisions and expect to boost profits 25 times by the next 3 years. They are no longer in trouble.
It's salt, end of story. Sony's done no worst than Microsoft so far supporting their platform this gen. They both have put out good/great (Infamous, Bloodborne, LBP3 vs. Sunset, Halo 5, Horizon 2) and bad (Killzone, Order vs Forza Horizon FnF). They've both also cancelled a fair share of otherwise interesting games (Sony w/ that Stig game, MS w/ that espionage Black Tusk game and Phantom Dust, which by all measures is dead until they re-reveal it...if they re-reveal it :/).

The thing is some sects of Western media have shined a light on Sony's debacles a lot more than Microsoft's, and anyone pretending there isn't media bias in favor of Microsoft need only look back at the situation before the consoles launched. Of course biased reviewers, bloggers, editors etc. won't be as overt in that bias anymore, but it doesn't mean they can't find other ways to lash out. More subtle ways.

I'm obviously not saying every incident a public figure has called out Sony was biased against them, or that Sony hasn't done stupid shit since the PS4 launch. They have. It's also not about MS paying these sorts off to do that kind of dirty work for them; although they've been caught in the past paying shills, I'll take the high road and say those were one-off incidents and not a systemic problem, as said incidents were very rare and pretty isolated.

All that said, it's telling to still see some of the types that were staunchly pro-Xbox up to the launch of this gen still carrying some of that along to this day; it'd be crazy to think they'd completely stop or wouldn't find other ways to spin the narrative in a way to give Xbox some sort (any sort) of perceived advantage. It's not even about if XBO does a few (mostly non-gaming related) things better than PS4, it's how certain media types present the idea that's the problem; they can't seem to do it without denigrating PS4 in some fashion.

Also your particular argument about software is weak sauce. What can we trace (in terms of sales) driving XBO sales on the 1st/2nd party front? It's not the Forza games, that's for certain. Halo 5 might be one but most people who wanted it purchased their system well in advance of the game. Titanfall was a decent mid-term push. Sunset wasn't. MCC was a decent bump but it's a remaster collection. Rare Replay didn't do anything for sales. ROTR wasn't too much of an impact.

Aside from that you're talking most of the same 3rd party games that are on PS4. So your argument about software not being the main drive for sales could equally apply to XBO if you're trying to argue the effect of 1st/2nd party on system sales since it's a similar situation w/ PS4.

The main difference being that most of PS4's expected heavy-hitters haven't even come out yet, and while there's a good chance many of the sales have been in anticipation of those games, it's also possible that percentage will be matched by those who didn't buy the system for those particular games. We've already seen that in practice w/ stuff like TLOU Remastered and Nathan Drake Collection.

And if nothing else, assuming the software situation is mostly similar btwn the two regarding 1st/2nd party output quality and sales impact, that actually also proves just how much more powerful the PS brand name is than Xbox, even in Xbox's strongest markets. You use faulty reasoning to try and prove one point, which incidentally just proves an even more damning fact that works against your argument. It's kind of funny when you think it like that ;)

Uhhh dude? I never brought up the XBO to start with but in my opinion it's selling for the same reason. A combination of a solid lineup and people being eager as hell to finally have new hardware.

I think it kind of says more about you that you somehow took this to an XBO place. I'm certainly not engaging in this "bias" argument. I was over that in 2007.

My issues are really applicable to this generation as a whole. It seems like these consoles just took everyone by surprise or something.


Have graphs been banned? I've browsed every page and haven't seen the lifetime sales of the big consoles plotted against each other.


I'll eat my hat if Horizon comes out this year. That game has got 2017 written all over it.

To my knowledge Guerrilla has so far released their games on schedule, but this the first open world game for them so it's not really comparable.

EDIT: I was wrong. Quick googling showed that KZ2 was delayed from holiday 2008 to February 2009. Possibly because of Resistance 2 being released in November 2008.
In any case, this is from the Euro sales thread for the best selling UK games ltd for the year. I doubt the US list would be that different….

I think that could be Germany numbers you posted? But your point is still valid

The PS4 has a big lead in the UK, but I would expect COD and Fallout 4 on Xbox One to make the top 10.


In any case, this is from the Euro sales thread for the best selling UK games ltd for the year. I doubt the US list would be that different….

Huh? No. That's the week 52 top 10 in Germany, the numbers being LTD numbers over there.

Well, I usually eagerly anticipate anything Sony Santa Monica works on and we haven't gotten to see exactly what that is yet, Uncharted obviously, but that's coming soon. And of course Gran Turismo which we are finally starting to see. They are certainly taking care of the one area that I feel they have been weak in so far, it's just taking so long and it's frustrating.

I dunno, I guess it was to be expected. ND and PD shipped two big games just before the PS4 launched. As for SSM, it's been clear that their main activity has been in a bit of trouble recently (as in before the PS4 launch).


People buy consoles because their pals bought one and also which is generating the most buzz.

MS - we are not targeting high end graphics
Sony - we are going to make the most powerful console ever.
Someone's forgetting the infinite power of the cloud(tm).

MS harped on that horsepower as much as they could, we had Penello saying GAF was going to apologize to him when the truth between specs were revealed.


I mean I don't own either of the other two but the WiiU definitely has more games I'd want, but them prices thought, I got all 3 of the PS4 ones I wanted for what I'd pay for one Nintendo WiiU game probably and the Wii U console itself is around the same price which is laughable in itself..

I don't mind, I bough the console for future prospects and not what it has now, but I think denying it is a bit silly.
Just because you want only three specific games does not mean the PS4 has a lackluster line-up. There are many fantastic exclusives plus, it is the 3rd party machine of this generation.
Who gives a shit if it's exclusive or not. they are games that can be played on ps4.

People who own a different console or a PC and are looking to buy a PS4?

Just because you want only three specific games does not mean the PS4 has a lackluster line-up. There are many fantastic exclusives plus, it is the 3rd party machine of this generation.

He specifically said that he own the 3 games that interest him which is why he found the current line-up lackluster. Him founding only 3 games worth playing on PS4 is as much right as you saying that there's many fantastic exclusives.
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