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Project Cafe Rumor Cafe [Weinerpoop Post 7513]

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Really Really Exciting Member!
I wish i was working for Nintendo. I bet the few employees that read GAF(i'm sure there is some of you there!) are all laughing or thinking "this guy is right" when reading our comments.

I envy you, just so you know. :(
Bisnic said:
I wish i was working for Nintendo. I bet the few employees that read GAF(i'm sure there is some of you there!) are all laughing or thinking "this guy is right" when reading our comments.

I envy you, just so you know. :(
It's been confirmed that Nintendo employees read gaf. They're just not allowed to reveal themselves.

The last GAF member that was open about working for Nintendo was Gaybrush Threepio (if I remember the handle correctly), but I think he all but stopped posting after he hinted Excite Truck.


Really Really Exciting Member!
BMF said:
It's been confirmed that Nintendo employees read gaf. They're just not allowed to reveal themselves.

The last GAF member that was open about working for Nintendo was Gaybrush Threepio (if I remember the handle correctly), but I think he all but stopped posting after he hinted Excite Truck.

You're one of them are you?



BMF said:
It's been confirmed that Nintendo employees read gaf. They're just not allowed to reveal themselves.

The last GAF member that was open about working for Nintendo was Gaybrush Threepio (if I remember the handle correctly), but I think he all but stopped posting after he hinted Excite Truck.
I'm pretty sure I've seen another guy say he's working at Nintendo.

I don't see why they wouldn't be allowed to say they're from Nintendo, as long as they don't reveal any secrets.
Strive said:
I'm pretty sure I've seen another guy say he's working at Nintendo.

I don't see why they wouldn't be allowed to say they're from Nintendo, as long as they don't reveal any secrets.
For the same reason that Matt Cassamassina is no longer doing podcasts. Some employers want all communication to be carefully vetted.
Sadist said:
Mar, 2011 - In the latest issue of Japan's Famitsu magazine, Fatal Frame producer Keisuke Kikuchi stated that he expects to unveil the title he and his team's currently working on sooner than later.

"I can't discuss exact details yet, but we are working hard on something right now," Kikuchi told Famitsu. "I think we'll be able to make an announcement soon, so I hope people look forward to it."


Bisnic said:
I wish i was working for Nintendo. I bet the few employees that read GAF(i'm sure there is some of you there!) are all laughing or thinking "this guy is right" when reading our comments.

I envy you, just so you know. :(

I don't.

While it's exciting to know things beforehand, it's also boring. There is no surprise when you know stuff years in advance. And it's not like they are playing finished Wii2 products either.
I would very much rather play final games than beta ones.
Amir0x said:
For the record, i think the Kotaku rumours are totally bogus. I actually don't think Nintendo is this stupid at all. Gone is the Nintendo who was stupid enough to go with cartridges in the face of CD-based platforms. This is a company that is starting to understand they need to compete ALONGSIDE doing their own thing.

Amir0x said:
It is clear he is highly intelligent, although I'm not always sure he knows his shit. Still, this seems like one of those so-obvious-they-can't-be-that-dumb things. So I tend to think Nintendo is above such mistakes in this day and age. They seem to really be paying attention.

And I hope/believe Nintendo got "the rest of that" out of their system with the Wii. I feel they learned the hard way about the longevity of a console that was technically inferior to the others of the generation although I can understand not wanting to get into a tech battle with the others. That said I think that if it were not for Sony and MS embracing the graphical direction that PCs are on, I could easily have seen Nintendo not making that big of a leap again with Cafe.

To me it seems Iwata really underestimated how games were going to look this generation. His "you will say wow" comment confirms that for me. However when looking at some of the rumors I agree that they seem to get it. Even with the Wii's success I can't see the problems they are now facing with the Wii being repeated. I cannot grasp the idea that the console will be at or just above PS360 level. I think they will take more input from third parties in what they would like to see in a console and some of the problems they had with the previous gen consoles.

We've seen Nintendo's trends as a late adopter for things. HD being one and a hard drive being the other. Just looking at Nintendo's thought process, they probably held off on implementing HDD use due to piracy issues, cost to the consumer (which they had been overprotective to a fault about), and the concern of their console becoming too much like a PC or like their competitors. I base the latter on past Miyamoto comments on their consoles. Thankfully Iwata is not painfully stubborn like Yamauchi was and has been good, although slow at times, about adapting to conditions at hand. I think once they get past the issues I listed, whether from ideas they have come up with or just accepting reality (rumored console prices are a start), we'll see HDD usage from Nintendo and I can see it being this generation.

Nintendo's attempt to be different from the competition with the Wii seemed to be just them going to an extreme. We see this a lot in other things where there is an attempt to be different from your past and the direction taken is the extreme opposite of the previous direction. Nintendo could have achieved the necessary difference with the motion control and still released a near Xbox360-level console for somewhere between $299-$349. This would have been cheaper than the other two consoles at launch, people would have eaten it up because of the controller, and they wouldn't have been alienated to the level they were with third-parties. I believe they've learned from going through that "rubber band effect" and are now returning to an acceptable middle ground.

Now as for what some others have said in this thread and others, I cannot agree that a Sony or MS console released in the next two years will be a big jump over Cafe. We'll never see another 599 US Dollars incident again. Sony almost pulled a Jiro Nishi with that one (although Square is probably more comparable to Jiro, haha) and right now I don't think we'll be seeing a console over $499 for awhile, and even that amount is pushing it. I don't think consumers in general are ready to embrace $500+ consoles, with the mindset of consoles "only" doing one thing and current global economic problems.

The way I see it in terms of hardware, Nintendo at worst will be the next gen's PS2 of the PS2/GC/XBox era.


A) 5 year lifespans are normal. MS and Sony are extending theirs because of the billions that they bled releasing their consoles. They will not make the same mistake next gen, I don't think.

B) Thinking that Nintendo releasing something around $300 would've given the DVD-ROM sized Wii hardware near the 360's level is near-delusional. Nintendo has always sold at or very close to a profit at launch. The 360 and PS3 were losing hundreds upon their releases at $300 and $600 respectively, for the hardware they have.

C) Revisionism doesn't work. Had the Wii not been exactly what it was (cheap, small, quiet, motion controls) it wouldn't have had the same results (i.e. nearly 90 million sold).


StevieP said:
The 360 and PS3 were losing hundreds upon their releases at $300 and $600 respectively, for the hardware they have.

How can this be when the hardware that the 360 and PS3 have, excluding the blu-ray player of the PS3, are comparable to very weak PCs with parts that are no longer even sold anymore. A vastly more powerful PC can be had (assuming you assemble the tower together yourself and purchase components from the right places) for under a thousand dollars. A very powerful PC gaming rig can be built for 600$ and it would be immeasurably more powerful than either the hardware of the Xbox 360 or PS3.
StevieP said:
A) 5 year lifespans are normal. MS and Sony are extending theirs because of the billions that they bled releasing their consoles. They will not make the same mistake next gen, I don't think.

B) Thinking that Nintendo releasing something around $300 would've given the DVD-ROM sized Wii hardware near the 360's level is near-delusional. Nintendo has always sold at or very close to a profit at launch. The 360 and PS3 were losing hundreds upon their releases at $300 and $600 respectively, for the hardware they have.

C) Revisionism doesn't work. Had the Wii not been exactly what it was (cheap, small, quiet, motion controls) it wouldn't have had the same results (i.e. nearly 90 million sold).

I'm assuming this is in response to me since you added another point.

A)I don't how that relates to what I posted.

B)First off even you couldn't say it's completely delusional. And the basis of that idea wasn't designed to look at Nintendo's view about hardware profitability. However since you want to look at it from that route MS lost $126 per console on their Premium Pack. And that's due in part to the stuff that was included with the console. You mean to tell me that Nintendo couldn't have developed a near 360-level console at the price range I listed and still be cost effective? Nintendo wouldn't have lumped all that extra stuff in like MS did for starters. Nintendo's focus on efficiency would have also made a difference. If anyone could have pulled if off, it would have been Nintendo. This goes back to the extreme change in direction I mentioned.

And last I checked the 360 is DVD-based too.

C) But that's just it. Me saying it could work is as accurate as you saying it wouldn't. Did you forget how much Wii's were selling for on Ebay at launch? And then like with all consoles prices come down.


bgassassin said:
The way I see it in terms of hardware, Nintendo at worst will be the next gen's PS2 of the PS2/GC/XBox era.

This is what we're all hoping for. Best not to expect it, though. This way you can't be let down!

I'm personally expecting the same situation as the Wii :p
Pyrokai said:
This is what we're all hoping for. Best not to expect it, though. This way you can't be let down!

I'm personally expecting the same situation as the Wii :p

A lot of sources seem to be indicating this, though.
Pyrokai said:
This is what we're all hoping for. Best not to expect it, though. This way you can't be let down!

I'm personally expecting the same situation as the Wii :p
Wii was based off late 90s (ie: 7+ year old) tech when it released, this pretty clearly isn't going to be the result with Cafe. The best relative comparison hardware wise would probably be something like NES, TG16 or Dreamcast, a "first mover" platform that could've generally kept pace technologically if the market end provided.
Pyrokai said:
This is what we're all hoping for. Best not to expect it, though. This way you can't be let down!

I'm personally expecting the same situation as the Wii :p

LOL. Like I said, that's "at worst" for me so I'm setting myself up bigger disappointment than others.
comedy bomb said:
Anyone have a list of games releasing for the 360/PS3 in 2012? Might give us a possible look at potential early Cafe games.

this is a good idea, but we would know most of them as fact after E3 anyway

hopefully Nintendo does not give this thing a 3DS launch with 3rd Party only games at launch


Sadist said:
I think EA/Activision/Ubisoft multiplats are a given.

SSX, Prototype 2 stuff etc.
I think it depends when the system comes out.

If it's in Q3 or Q4, I think ports of Q1 games aren't especially likely.

If it's in Q2, the likelihood is much higher.
Sadist said:
I think EA/Activision/Ubisoft multiplats are a given.

SSX, Prototype 2 stuff etc.

Nearly every multiplatform HD game releasing in Q2 of next year* or later, from every publisher, should be getting a Cafe version. If not, Nintendo is doing something seriously wrong.

*Assuming that Cafe is actually launching in Q2 2012, which I'm guessing is Nintendo's current target based on their decision to reveal the system in playable form at this E3. Late ports definitely won't sell, and publishers probably shouldn't bother.


lunchwithyuzo said:
Wii was based off late 90s (ie: 7+ year old) tech when it released, this pretty clearly isn't going to be the result with Cafe. The best relative comparison hardware wise would probably be something like NES, TG16 or Dreamcast, a "first mover" platform that could've generally kept pace technologically if the market end provided.
It would be funny if the Wii was considered a stopgap all along for Cafe- basically an experiment taylored to new gamers while they perfect their next gen stuff.

Nintendo seems bent on innovation more than anything else since it allows them to reinvent their franchises.
What will the game that will show the capabilities of Nintendo's "Project Café" at E3 2011? A new Mario, Zelda, Metroid? Can't wait to see!

Smash Bros.

1. It'll show off how all the franchises look in HD on powerful hardware.
2. It'll have a lot of graphical stuff going on all at once.
3. It can showcase their new online structure.


Father_Brain said:
Nearly every multiplatform HD game releasing in Q2 of next year* or later, from every publisher, should be getting a Cafe version. If not, Nintendo is doing something seriously wrong.

*Assuming that Cafe is actually launching in Q2 2012, which I'm guessing is Nintendo's current target based on their decision to reveal the system in playable form at this E3. Late ports definitely won't sell, and publishers probably shouldn't bother.
Yeah, logically that should happen, but what makes me wonder are comments like this.

Game Informer said:
Tim Gerritsen, Director of Product Development, Irrational Games:

"Nintendo clearly staked a different market out for themselves with the Wii than Sony and Microsoft did with the PS3 and Xbox 360 respectively. If they are indeed bringing to the table hardware that is on par or better than these platforms, we will need to see if they are going to focus on games outside the market they committed to with the Wii."
Source: http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/...pond-to-nintendo-hd-news.aspx?PostPageIndex=1

If Irrational had a game in development for the Cafe, why on earth would they be trashing it?

Given that BioShock Infinite is a 2012 title and Take-Two almost always misses their dates, this is really a game that should have been heavily considered for the platform.
Nirolak said:
Yeah, logically that should happen, but what makes me wonder are comments like this.

Source: http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/...pond-to-nintendo-hd-news.aspx?PostPageIndex=1

If Irrational had a game in development for the Cafe, why on earth would they be trashing it?

Given that BioShock Infinite is a 2012 title and Take-Two almost always misses their dates, this is really a game that should have been heavily considered for the platform.
Irrational Games. What a fitting name.


Smiles and Cries said:
who were the software publishers not so quietly bitching and asking for new gen hardware last year? (before all of this cafe stuff)
Ubisoft wanted new hardware in terms of publishers, but I believe that comment was actually this year.

Outside of them, the only people who spoke of wanting new hardware were individual development studios.
AceBandage said:
Smash Bros.

1. It'll show off how all the franchises look in HD on powerful hardware.
2. It'll have a lot of graphical stuff going on all at once.
3. It can showcase their new online structure.

Sounds like music to my ears... :)
Father_Brain said:
Late ports definitely won't sell, and publishers probably shouldn't bother.
I think old "landmark" ports would still do well, especially if it bundles multiple titles. So say something like a COD Modern Warfare 1 & 2 in the US, or a Final Fantasy XIII + XIII-2 in Japan. Even lower tier enhanced ports might do okay depending on the franchise and region (Tales of Xillia f? Super MVC3?).
Nirolak said:
If Irrational had a game in development for the Cafe, why on earth would they be trashing it?

Given that BioShock Infinite is a 2012 title and Take-Two almost always misses their dates, this is really a game that should have been heavily considered for the platform.

Saw that; it's definitely not an encouraging quote. Since the game is probably a year or so off (at least) it's not a foregone conclusion that it won't get a Cafe version. But the onus is ultimately on Nintendo to improve their relations with Western third parties, and if they're not up to the task, well... Cafe will probably meet the fate it deserves, at least with the Western HD/core audience.


JGS said:
It would be funny if the Wii was considered a stopgap all along for Cafe- basically an experiment taylored to new gamers while they perfect their next gen stuff.

Nintendo seems bent on innovation more than anything else since it allows them to reinvent their franchises.

I doubt it. Besides I don't think whatever innovation is in Wii 2 will be as interesting or succesful as the Wii-mote.


AceBandage said:
Smash Bros.

1. It'll show off how all the franchises look in HD on powerful hardware.
2. It'll have a lot of graphical stuff going on all at once.
3. It can showcase their new online structure.
Holy crap if this happens! :eek:
Father_Brain said:
Saw that; it's definitely not an encouraging quote. Since the game is probably a year or so off (at least) it's not a foregone conclusion that it won't get a Cafe version. But the onus is ultimately on Nintendo to improve their relations with Western third parties, and if they're not up to the task, well... Cafe will probably meet the fate it deserves, at least with the Western HD/core audience.

Oh what a loss.
Now we'll only get the major FPS games instead of all the FPS games.


I don't quite get that Gerritson quote.
He wants Nintendo to focus on the kind of games his company makes?
That seems like a very strange statement to me.
I would think that a lot of overlap with Nintendo would hurt more than help.
But it seems as if many developers view the platforms owner's games as the ones that should be imitated.


Hiro said:
How can this be when the hardware that the 360 and PS3 have, excluding the blu-ray player of the PS3, are comparable to very weak PCs with parts that are no longer even sold anymore. A vastly more powerful PC can be had (assuming you assemble the tower together yourself and purchase components from the right places) for under a thousand dollars. A very powerful PC gaming rig can be built for 600$ and it would be immeasurably more powerful than either the hardware of the Xbox 360 or PS3.
It doesn't seem like you realize that the 360 and PS3 were released in 2005 and 2006, respectively. None of what you said was true when these consoles were released.


Yeah I'm not seeing anything wrong with Tim Gerritsen's statement. It's the truth and completely rational at that.

Nintendo clearly staked a different market out for themselves with the Wii than Sony and Microsoft did with the PS3 and Xbox 360 respectively. If they are indeed bringing to the table hardware that is on par or better than these platforms, we will need to see if they are going to focus on games outside the market they committed to with the Wii.
Diffense said:
I don't quite get that Gerritson quote.
He wants Nintendo to focus on the kind of games his company makes?
That seems like a very strange statement to me.

Nintendo makes WiiSports: Well obviously Nintendo doesn't want our games!
Nintendo makes Killshitbrowngreyshootenfuckyouup: Well, we can't compete with Nintendo!


AceBandage said:
Oh what a loss.
Now we'll only get the major FPS games instead of all the FPS games.
BioShock would actually be a pretty big get for Nintendo given the list I posted earlier.

Nirolak said:
Call of Duty - ~25 million
Grand Theft Auto - 17+ million
FIFA - 12+ million
Assassin's Creed - 8-10+ million
Red Dead - 8+ million
Battlefield - 7+ million
Madden - 6+ million
Just Dance - 5+ million
Need For Speed - 5+ million
Medal Of Honor - 5+ million
Fallout/Elder Scrolls - 5+ million
BioShock (Irrational) - 4.5+ million
NBA 2K - 4+ million
Mass Effect - 3.5+ million
Saints Row - 3.4+ million
Borderlands - 3+ million
UFC - 3+ million

Imprecise Due To Steam:
-Left 4 Dead - 4-6+ million
-Portal 1 sold 4 million copies, not sure if they counted the free copies though.
Father_Brain said:
Saw that; it's definitely not an encouraging quote. Since the game is probably a year or so off (at least) it's not a foregone conclusion that it won't get a Cafe version. But the onus is ultimately on Nintendo to improve their relations with Western third parties, and if they're not up to the task, well... Cafe will probably meet the fate it deserves, at least with the Western HD/core audience.
I think Irrational would be one of the better prestige studios to court on Nintendo's part. That should really be their strategy, get studios like Irrational, Valve, Bethesda, Rockstar North, Rockstar San Diego, Bioware, Ubi Montpellier, Volition and so on excited about their system. My worry with Iwata is that when he talks about working with "western developers" it's really code for talking to the big publishers on an overall level, who are going to invariably dump their general audience stuff on the system regardless.


Diffense said:
I don't quite get that Gerritson quote.
He wants Nintendo to focus on the kind of games his company makes?
That seems like a very strange statement to me.

How is that strange? They want to be able to sell their games on multiple platforms, including Nintendo's. Makes sense.


Hiro said:
Yeah I'm not seeing anything wrong with Tim Gerritsen's statement. It's the truth and completely rational at that.
The notable thing here is that he doesn't think Nintendo is dedicated to the audience Irrational's games appeal to, meaning that they haven't communicated the message that they're serious about Western core games to third parties.

That should concern Nintendo. His position is definitely reasonable, so Nintendo should be working hard to address that.
Nirolak said:
Yeah, logically that should happen, but what makes me wonder are comments like this.

Source: http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/...pond-to-nintendo-hd-news.aspx?PostPageIndex=1

If Irrational had a game in development for the Cafe, why on earth would they be trashing it?

Given that BioShock Infinite is a 2012 title and Take-Two almost always misses their dates, this is really a game that should have been heavily considered for the platform.

Maybe they have a right to worry Nintendo never follows Sony and Microsoft's path in business and target market. I can see some 3rd parties staying clear of Nintendo platforms no matter how strong it is for fear of competing with Nintendo software directly.

But that being said if Nintendo gave them a powerful enough hardware to do whatever they normally do on PS3 or 360, why the fuss?

Nintendo can take the Cafe in one direction while 3rd Parties just port the same old stuff, all they need to understand is the stuff they are porting may or may not sell on Cafe depending on their own efforts. They don't have to try and fall back on putting the blame on Nintendo when they fail.
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