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The GTA 5 Trailer Talk Thread


A poster claiming to be a games journalist for "a Playstation magazine in the UK" (presumably PSM3) has professed, on the GTA Forums, to having privileged information about the game. He says that magazine staff experienced 30 minutes of Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto V at the developer's Scotland offices.

It should be noted that everything below is rumor, subject to absolutely no validation whatsoever. Some of the things he writes do make sense, however, and should make for interesting discussion.

1: The game world is absolutely massive and will push both xbox and PS3 to the very limit in terms of what it has accomplished. Yes, the main city is simply Los Santos however is it AT LEAST 4 times bigger than Liberty City in GTA 4 and that is just Los Santos. The surrounding country side, beaches, etc are massive. For instance, we saw the main character ( an African/American, early 30's) travel by car from the center of Los Santos into the wildnerness and it took over 15 minutes. The views were incredible from farmhouses with cattle, huge wind farms, an oil refinery which appeared to be living and breathing with nearly 100 NPCs working on machinery, operating vehicles, lifting and loaded, etc, unlike the gas works in GTA 4 which seemed to only house a few NPC at a time. The forests are more beautiful than those in RDR and featured people camping, young NPC drinking and dancing around campfires, people riding dirt bikes and jumping over logs, streams, etc. The water effects, forna, plants, trees all looked beautiful.

2: The shooting mechanics have been greatly improved with animations for diving, climbing, rolling and crawling all added for better realism. The re-loading animations for new ammo also look cooler, less static.

3: There is much more climbable elements in the world such as ladders, overhand climbing, etc.

4: There are animals in the game from dogs to cattle but at this time it is not confirmed if you will be able to harm the animals. Rockstar were able to get away with it in RDR as it was a true depiction of the world in which the game was set. Allowing dogs/cattle to die in a game sent in current times may cause headaches with PETA. Its unclear if Rockstar were joking here.

5: There are planes to pilot and they can be crashed into buildings if you choose to do so....

6: Rockstar have included many, many more interior locations such as a shopping mall, college campus, police station, a huge hospital and there is also a vast underground sewer network which one mission later in the game involves a jet ski chase that culminates in a Fugitive-esque waterfall jump ( there are nods to the ridiculous but awesome Ballad Of Gay Tony missions)

7: The city is full of NPCs jogging, weight-lifting, hitting on women, being chased on foot by cops, shopping, washing cars, fixing fences, moving home, filling up their cars, etc.


1: Cars can be upgraded/repaired and it has been considered to have a car have fuel forcing the player to fill her up.

2: The dating aspect of the game is gone. You still have a cell-phone but only people you will meet in the game will call you to ask you to do a mission or to ask you to do something else before the mission.

3: Weapons include the usual arsenal you'd aspect but the flamethrowers, remote mines, laxer trip mines and claymores are included. It is possible now to pick up random objects in a street/buidling to use as a weapon. There is also a museam where it is possible to steal old age swords, axes, etc.

4: it is possible to rupture a fuel line and if you shot at the trail of gasoline it will lead straight back to the car blowing it up.

5: mini games such as bowling, darts, etc have all gone. You can play basketball, weight train, arm wrestle, gamble and cage fight, enter triatholons, water races, cannoing, ab-saling, rock climbing, base jumping, ski diving. More to be confirmed.

6: Character customisation is back but only in terms of clothing, body weight, etc. The player you start off which, much like CJ, can't be altered by race, age, height, etc.

7: Rockstar said burglary missions may return but only as part of missions and not on neigbourhood houses.

8: No children NPC at all. Ever.

9: There is now an ability to grab people and use as sheilds or in "hostage" situations.

10: The cops are much, much, much more realistic. If you kill somebody when you know there are no cops around you will not run the risk of a one star as often as you would in GTA4. The cops will use smoke and tear gas, dogs, riot gear and rams to knock down the doors of buildings you are hiding in.

11: You can enter some buildings and lock doors, push objects in the way to barricade.

12: You become better at things as the game progresses. If you only ride motorbikes then you will increase your skills, same as individual weapons.

13: Certain weapons can be customisable and some even home-made.

14: One mission involves breaking out a very familiar GTA icon from a previous game...

15: Torrential rain fall and sunshine and even tremors will appear in the game.


Kung Fu Grip said:


So no returning characters? :(

Im all for new ideas, but you just can't create memorial characters like Tommy, CJ?, No talking guy from 3 and ton of other side characters from the series and not use them in some way ever again. I liked the connected universe of GTA. Not really feeling this whole new game thing.

This makes sense to me. There is no way they would have you play as a return character (for one whoever the voice actor is would probably want tons of money), but they like doing new things. I think at most there will be a couple of references to old gangs or characters, and maybe you will see one. Im hoping to see the pot dude from San Andreas who was really into conspiracy theories.

will push both xbox and PS3 to the very limit
Is anyone sick of hearing this? Seriously this and " living, breathing world" need to die already.

Ploid 3.0

AiTM said:

Best game evar1 Just looking at this small pic brings flash backs of awesome things I did at different points. I only have to look at that part of the map and picture the chaos, stunts, and just the freedom.


4: There are animals in the game from dogs to cattle but at this time it is not confirmed if you will be able to harm the animals. Rockstar were able to get away with it in RDR as it was a true depiction of the world in which the game was set. Allowing dogs/cattle to die in a game sent in current times may cause headaches with PETA. Its unclear if Rockstar were joking here.

This cant be real. First off R* wouldnt give a fuck what Peta thinks. Secondly, you can kill thousands of civilians, cops, medics, etc...but dont you touch the fucking cow motherfucker.

Ploid 3.0

The views were incredible from farmhouses with cattle, huge wind farms, an oil refinery which appeared to be living and breathing with nearly 100 NPCs working on machinery, operating vehicles, lifting and loaded, etc, unlike the gas works in GTA 4 which seemed to only house a few NPC at a time.

Seems fake, why would he mainly talk about stuff he seen in the trailer, if not to add credibility to his story. What are the odds that there's a path between that A to B that has every set piece from that trailer. Sounds fishy.


^^ pretty sure you'll be able to kill animals in all sorts of ways, running them over, shooting them, burning them alive. and lol peta, r* wouldn't care


AiTM said:
This cant be real. First off R* wouldnt give a fuck what Peta thinks. Secondly, you can kill thousands of civilians, cops, medics, etc...but dont you touch the fucking cow motherfucker.

Just look how some people reacted to Michael Vick organising dog fighting tournaments... I'm not saying that it's a good thing of course but FFS...it sounded worst than if he had killed people... that's ridiculous.
X26 said:
No sense of ownership really sucked, all the money you make and you can't even buy a place with a garage?

I'd love to see buying property come back

Absolutely. IV simply had no economy in any meaningful sense, and no consequences for earning/losing money. This of course just decimated one of the central points of narrative - how many times did Roman and Niko fight about the former gambling away all their money?

As for multiple characters, I wouldn't be surprised if we see a character feature like the one used in Scarface. For certain kinds of missions, you could change from Tony into one of his henchmen. It helped in that by the time Tony was a millionaire, it didn't make any sense to have the player use him to defend turf, takeover new ground and so forth. Since you'd only be playing as this different character for a brief amount of time, the story-line was never interrupted.

Angry Fork

5: mini games such as bowling, darts, etc have all gone. You can play basketball, weight train, arm wrestle, gamble and cage fight, enter triatholons, water races, cannoing, ab-saling, rock climbing, base jumping, ski diving. More to be confirmed.

9: There is now an ability to grab people and use as sheilds or in "hostage" situations.

10: The cops are much, much, much more realistic. If you kill somebody when you know there are no cops around you will not run the risk of a one star as often as you would in GTA4. The cops will use smoke and tear gas, dogs, riot gear and rams to knock down the doors of buildings you are hiding in.

14: One mission involves breaking out a very familiar GTA icon from a previous game...


8: No children NPC at all. Ever.


Ploid 3.0

I really want that stuff to be true. It's a step in a stuff to do direction. Was on the edge of my seat when I started reading about the realistic cops. If this is real, good thing the cops are less strict on keeping me in line.

Rockstar, go back to the 3 full pages of codes please.


This could very well be true, after all its not something out of this world, just well thought additions to gameplay. Exactly what needed. I want to spend money on something meaningful, I want bigger map, better missions and no more bowling bullshit.

Oh and that cop/dog thing would be fucking brilliant.
DarkChild said:

This was like the god list. This almost runs as a wishlist for me. The activities themselves just blow me away.

I really hope that this is real. I don't care about harming the animals, glad it's out, but I sort of wonder how they'd work that with police dogs if you can't harm animals?

Upgradeable stats based on how you interact.. jesus. I'd die if that's back. We'll see though if this is real, I just hope that it is.

11: You can enter some buildings and lock doors, push objects in the way to barricade.

Part of me doubts this, or thinks that it's just for staged/scripted parts of certain missions. It'd be a major diversion from the RAGE and Havok engine that we know.


Ploid 3.0 said:
Seems fake, why would he mainly talk about stuff he seen in the trailer, if not to add credibility to his story. What are the odds that there's a path between that A to B that has every set piece from that trailer. Sounds fishy.

He talks about things that aren't in the trailer.

I think it sounds legit.


If its in the game you can kill it, there wont be any sacred cows to R*. And they would never shy away from controversy because of Peta. That line is false.
R* might not be bowing to Peta, but yknow, maybe they are animal lovers too? I have no problem if you can't kill the neighborhood dog, that shit makes me sad, and I am desensitized to human violence.

Ploid 3.0

Sounds like a San Andreas reunion game if true (still not believing until more proof is shown). Bring it back Rockstar!


The Albatross said:
This was like the god list. This almost runs as a wishlist for me. The activities themselves just blow me away.

I really hope that this is real. I don't care about harming the animals, glad it's out, but I sort of wonder how they'd work that with police dogs if you can't harm animals?

Upgradeable stats based on how you interact.. jesus. I'd die if that's back. We'll see though if this is real, I just hope that it is.
If that list is true than there is no doubt in my mind, GTAV will be best game ever. Period.


Are there any mainstream games available with children as non-playable characters you can kill? I can't think of any.

There's plenty with animals though, I don't see Rockstar having any issues with that.

Angry Fork

The Albatross said:
R* might not be bowing to Peta, but yknow, maybe they are animal lovers too? I have no problem if you can't kill the neighborhood dog, that shit makes me sad, and I am desensitized to human violence.

I'm an animal lover and would love to have them in the game. I wouldn't kill them but they would make the world more realistic and interesting. The reason I'm okay with killing people in-game is just desensitization. I won't break down and cry if I kill an animal in the game though I just avoid it.

Peta just says/does stupid shit sometimes. It's a shame the fanaticals in the organization have made the name so disdained. Extreme people from peta keep bitching about the president swatting a fly instead of real issues.

MrTroubleMaker said:
That doesn't sound very fun, I hope that doesn't make it in.
I like this a lot, it would be cool if you could fill your car up yourself as well.

Or if you're on a mission escaping from police and you're almost out of fuel, it makes things way more tense.
DarkChild said:

4: There are animals in the game from dogs to cattle but at this time it is not confirmed if you will be able to harm the animals. Rockstar were able to get away with it in RDR as it was a true depiction of the world in which the game was set. Allowing dogs/cattle to die in a game sent in current times may cause headaches with PETA. Its unclear if Rockstar were joking here.

10: The cops are much, much, much more realistic. If you kill somebody when you know there are no cops around you will not run the risk of a one star as often as you would in GTA4. The cops will use smoke and tear gas, dogs, riot gear and rams to knock down the doors of buildings you are hiding in.

Contradicts himself in this post. if you cant kill animals then I guess the police dogs are indestructible. And like Ploid said, they just happened to pass the same 3 landmarks from the trailer? This reads more like a wishlist than real info.

No game brings out the "My uncle works for [insert game company here]" like a GTA game.


Not saying its true, but we will see.
The mag I work for will be running a GTA 5 special in it's January issue. They saw this footage on Monday of this week before the trailer aired and are currently under a strict embargo but talk flowed out of the office and hence why I am posting here. Dale, you are quite correct in regards to the police using dogs. I am sure Rockstar will allow them to be injured and I am sure the PETA comment was simply sarcasm.


MrTroubleMaker said:
That doesn't sound very fun, I hope that doesn't make it in.

I was actually trying to come up with things why i disagree, as it sounded cool to me at first. But if the game is really this huge, i really want to roam the world without worrying that i'll run out of gas, especially when you're in the forest or a desert or whatever.

Edit: Also i love it! San Andreas is my absolute favorite GTA, GTA 4 was nicely done but felt like a downgrade in freedom, no airplanes, not much change in scenerey just a big city.
I've wanted actual fuel consumption as a feature for a long time. But it has to be balanced right. Every car you jack should have at least 1/4 tank and a full tank should have to last a full day minimum.

I would also be in favor of having stolen cars have their plates run by police cars if they get behind you. Changing plates buys you an in game week of police not being able to run your plates. However, every model of car in the game should be able to be bought, and once bought it is yours permanently. Make money useful in the game.

Ploid 3.0

Serenade said:
Some things should stay in real life.

For real. We're playing games for a reason. If it was a sim game where you managed a city, gas prices, traffic flow, and other such things would be good to worry about (Sim City, Cities XL).

Ploid 3.0

I H8 Memes said:
I've wanted actual fuel consumption as a feature for a long time. But it has to be balanced right. Every car you jack should have at least 1/4 tank and a full tank should have to last a full day minimum.

I would also be in favor of having stolen cars have their plates run by police cars if they get behind you. Changing plates buys you an in game week of police not being able to run your plates. However, every model of car in the game should be able to be bought, and once bought it is yours permanently. Make money useful in the game.

You'd lose a lot of cars though. Doing crazy stuff around the countryside having to detour to fill up the tank would be filler in the game (add hours) and slow down your fun.

*DP crap, I keep expecting new posts to have happened after my last.

Zwei said:
Yah, I'm not sure how R* could make that work,but it would be funny if you failed a mission because you ran out of gas.

Someone should make a mod where you have to fill up your car in GTA4. Then GTA5, problem solved.


MrTroubleMaker said:
That doesn't sound very fun, I hope that doesn't make it in.

Yah, I'm not sure how R* could make that work, but it would be funny if you failed a mission because you ran out of gas.


I H8 Memes said:
I've wanted actual fuel consumption as a feature for a long time. But it has to be balanced right. Every car you jack should have at least 1/4 tank and a full tank should have to last a full day minimum.

I would also be in favor of having stolen cars have their plates run by police cars if they get behind you. Changing plates buys you an in game week of police not being able to run your plates. However, every model of car in the game should be able to be bought, and once bought it is yours permanently. Make money useful in the game.

The gas thing could be like Mafia 2, where it lasted a very long time. But having it in there could be cool as long as you dont run out alot and a full tank lasts a long time.

Also, to the car stealing thing, I would love something like that. Where if you steal a car, you have 24 in game hours to drive it freely before it becoming wanted and every cop looking for it. So you couldnt just take a Lambo off the streets and own it. But have there be car dealerships where you can buy cars that you own. And no matter where you leave them or if they explode, like in saints row, they will always be waiting at your garage.

I had a ton of cool upgraded cars in San Andreas. But I never wanted to drive them on missions because I was afraid I would lose them or they would blow up.

Also, like GTA 3, bring back bulletproof cars please.
LegoArmo said:
Are there any mainstream games available with children as non-playable characters you can kill? I can't think of any.

There's plenty with animals though, I don't see Rockstar having any issues with that.

The Sims


Four times bigger than Liberty City in GTA4? Is the Xbox version going to be on 4 discs? Fifteen minutes to get to the mountain sounds like a pipedream. I hope all that is true though.


Hadoken said:
Four times bigger than Liberty City in GTA4? Is the Xbox version going to be on 4 discs? Fifteen minutes to get to the mountain sounds like a pipedream. I hope all that is true though.
Isn't it a bit early to be making jokes on disk sizes?
The only problem I have with that 'reveal' is the amount of content. The poster says he was given 30 minutes to see everything, yet what he posts could take up a couple hours to see at least. It smells overdone.


bonesmccoy said:
The only problem I have with that 'reveal' is the amount of content. The poster says he was given 30 minutes to see everything, yet what he posts could take up a couple hours to see at least. It smells overdone.
He said only some people saw it, he didn't. He said it will be January issue so we will see if he spoke the truth.


brochiller said:
I don't know if it will be as enticing to visit these suburban areas in V if you have to travel outside the city just to go there.
If the mission icon is in the suburbs, you'll go there.
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