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DRUDGE REPORT: North Korea Says Nuclear Test Successful

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Dr. Jade

Ah, but the US arming Japan would cause it to quickly lose favor with the majority of the eastern asian states (notably China and SK) and not to mention NK. Would the US really want to ally with Japan instead of staying amiable with the majority?

Thats a good question cause thats the point where we are now ... fearing that arms race. And when everyone says arms race we're not talking one between Japan and NK, it would be Japan and China.
What arms race? What the hell are you babbling about? NK and China both already have nukes, and now that NK, an openly hostile nation has tested one, Japan's leaders and populace are more open to arming up than ever before.

You think China and NK want Japan to have nukes?

Yeah, you're right, that has a lot to do with international politics concerning Japan and how other east Asian nations would react to its arming itself. Military service is surely equal to a lifetime's worth of international political study.

You're using a nationality as an excuse for your own ignorance. You're babbling. Being South Korean doesn't make you an expert on all things Asian. Get over it.

Experience > Knowledge

What makes you so damn credible anyways?
Boogie said:
The US is already allied with Japan. Duh. You know, that whole "underwrite their security for the past 60 years" thing?

Not an armed Japan. What's written in article nine of their constitution?


testicles on a cold fall morning
yep, especially because South Korea's 'sunshine policy' (OMG! the policy by and for Koreans!) was so damn successful.


---To rapidly end a war on favorable US terms.
this one is creepy.

China does not own the most of United States Deficiet

ok... please research this. People say this without actual knowledge.
Japan first with ---637
Taiwan--Granted china is high..but not 1st. This will give people an idea if japan got nuked its economic effects would harm the U.S badly.

included a few more for fun.
Boogie said:
What makes you so damn credible? Being a Korean? So the **** what?

I'd say living there for the majority of my life and getting the shit beat out of me for 2 years in the military. Having grandparents that lived through the Japanese occupation. Father/Uncles that were in the Korean War. What about you?


Rookies1stDay said:
I'd say living there for the majority of my life and getting the shit beat out of me for 2 years in the military. Having grandparents that lived through the Japanese occupation. Father/Uncles that were in the Korean War. What about you?

There are smart people in the military. There are also stupid ****s in the military. Declaring your military service as a basis for pontificating on international relations is retarded.

Rookies1stDay said:
Not an armed Japan. What's written in article nine of their constitution?

Newsflash: Japan has been armed for some time now.



Rookies1stDay said:
You think China and NK want Japan to have nukes?
You think that China would break off all relations with a major trade partner, and that NK would engage in all out nuclear war if Japan did?

Experience > Knowledge
Military Experience =/= Geopolitical Experience

What makes you so damn credible anyways?
Thing is, I never claimed that I was, while you have. You are not more credible or well versed on Japanese-Asian relations than the "experts and thinktanks" by sole virtue of your location. Saying that you are is so absurd that I was half expecting you to be a joke poster.

Rookies1stDay said:
I'd say living there for the majority of my life and getting the shit beat out of me for 2 years in the military.
That's some great geopolitical education right there.

Having grandparents that lived through the Japanese occupation. Father/Uncles that were in the Korean War. What about you?
WTF? Are you really trying to bring your ancestors into this? If you want to play the race card, I'm half Korean and half Japanese, I have ancestors on both sides that both participated in and endured the occupation.

That doesn't say shit about my credibility, nor does your heritage say shit about yours. You're a disgrace, relying on your nationality to lend your nonsensical babblings a little legitimacy. Welcome to the ignore list.
Boogie said:
There are smart people in the military. There are also stupid ****s in the military. Declaring your military service as a basis for pontificating on international relations is retarded.

Military service in SK works like this. Wake up, get the shit beat out of you, sit in a room while they pound the current political climate into your head, get the shit beat out of you, eat, sleep.

Newsflash: Japan has been armed for some time now.


The JSDF doesn't have the volume to repel shit. They're technologically advanced but can they handle a drawn out siege? No
Rookies1stDay said:
Military service in SK works like this. Wake up, get the shit beat out of you, sit in a room while they pound the current political propaganda into your head, get the shit beat out of you, eat, sleep.



Rookies1stDay said:
Military service in SK works like this. Wake up, get the shit beat out of you, sit in a room while they pound the current political climate into your head, get the shit beat out of you, eat, sleep.

Wow. You mean, they indoctrinate you? Well then, obviously you are better equipped to understand the nuances of the international system than someone who hasn't had one perspective drilled into him for two years.

****, you're stupid.

The JSDF doesn't have the volume to repel shit. They're technologically advanced but can they handle a drawn out siege? No

Eighth largest inventory of aircraft in the world.


Sixth largest navy in the world


Sixth most artillery systems in the world


And a drawn out siege against who? Or are you pulling shit out of your ass? What the **** does a drawn out siege have to do with what we are talking about here?


whytemyke said:
everyone that's saying that the "US could take NK" in a war... do you people really understand what that war would look like? It's nto this cozy little "war at a distance" shit you see with Iraq. If you think iraq is bad, you have no idea what this war would look like. They'll be bringing bodybags home by the boat load.

so lets just tone down the rhetoric about "well the US could take them". No, we couldn't. we don't have the political capital to do it.

From a purely military perspective - yes, we could without question take down NK. The cost would be higher than we might be willing to pay given there is no immediate threat to our own shores, but we have both the ability to deliver punitive strikes against NK as well as incapacitate them from the air.

The BIGGER question is the one that you allude to but don't tough, the 'what next' question. Once you've attrited the shit out of their ability to make war, you've got to put boots on the ground. What would the military objectives be? How do you broach that with the Chineese who clearly aren't going to let us just TAKE North Korea? How do you deal with the economic collapse in the region that would result from a real war on the Asian peninsula.

Those are the things that you have to get right and have partners (including China) ready to discuss... and not in that crappy "end of WW2" sort of way that the allied partners ****ed up Europe.
Zyid said:
You think that China would break off all relations with a major trade partner, and that NK would engage in all out nuclear war if Japan did?

Alternately, do you think Japan would break off all relations with a major trade partner in order to arm itself? And do you know what NK would do in that situation? Kim Jong Il is a very unpredictable leader and as such, creates a very delicate situation. I'm sure, the US is just gonna say "lol have some nukes Japan"

Military Experience =/= Geopolitical Experience

Can I talk to someone that does?

Thing is, I never claimed that I was, while you have. You are not more credible or well versed on Japanese-Asian relations than the "experts and thinktanks" by sole virtue of your location. Saying that you are is so absurd that I was half expecting you to be a joke poster.

That's some great geopolitical education right there.

You attacked me from the getgo with your post of me not "making any sense." I tried to make a point and add credibility with real life experiences. You however, seem to enjoy
attacking people without even trying to add anything. Bring me an article or anything instead of trying to "discredit the discredited."


Rookies1stDay said:
The JSDF doesn't have the volume to repel shit. They're technologically advanced but can they handle a drawn out siege? No

You do recall that large sections of the US Pacific fleet are in the region and are by treaty bound to defend Japan? Any fight against Japan is a fight against the United States. The two cannot be separated in any reasonable discussion of those events.
Boogie said:
Eighth largest inventory of aircraft in the world.


Sixth largest navy in the world


Sixth most artillery systems in the world


And a drawn out siege against who? Or are you pulling shit out of your ass? What the **** does a drawn out siege have to do with what we are talking about here?

Look at your own links. China and NK have larger navies and artillery systems with China also having a larger aircraft inventory


Quick recap of articles on Drudge:

North Korea says conducted nuclear test...
Wants Congratulations...
Low power, conducted in mountain tunnel...
May conduct another...
REPORT: US detects second 'blast'...
Ambassador: N Korean attack on South Korea, Japan would be attack on USA..
Japan sends aircraft to monitor radiation levels...
Iran Blames USA...
Bush: 'The international community will respond'...
'Historic event'...
China condemns...
Hiroshima Mayor 'Great Anger'...
Israel 'cause for concern'...
South Korea 'suspends aid shipment'...

Dr. Jade

wouldnt that be something if NK packed a bunker/cave with as many high powered bombs and explosives it could muster, blasted them all together and played it off as a weak nuke?

Mobius 1

Dr. Jade said:
wouldnt that be something if NK packed a bunker/cave with as many high powered bombs and explosives it could muster, blasted them all together and played it off as a weak nuke?

It's almost impossible to coordinate the explosion of conventional ordnance to create such effect. I believe many military specialists have declared this outright since the test was announced.


asking dangerous questions
ourumov said:
Every time North Korea appears on the news I remember their official page:

haha - is that for realz?
what a crappy page.

North Korea should forget the nukes for now until they bolster their webpage design capabilities.

Btw, going to war with NK is not an option.
The US can 'take' NK all they want, but 1 big strike on Seoul/Tokyo would pretty much make the whole operation a failure.


My apologies if this has been covered already, but why does everyone assume Japan would want or need nukes? In nearly all situations where Japan might feel the need to use nuclear weapons, they US would almost certainly be willing to use them on Japan's behalf. They have no need to develop nuclear weapons when their close allies already have them.
Bregor said:
My apologies if this has been covered already, but why does everyone assume Japan would want or need nukes? In nearly all situations where Japan might feel the need to use nuclear weapons, they US would almost certainly be willing to use them on Japan's behalf. They have no need to develop nuclear weapons when their close allies already have them.

Good question. USA got like a bazillion nukes, could Japan just ask for some?


HomerSimpson-Man said:
Good question. USA got like a bazillion nukes, could Japan just ask for some?

You misunderstand me - Japan doesn't even need to possess nuclear weapons, whether of their own manufacture or from the US. If the situation became extreme enough that Japan would be willing to use a nuke, then almost certainly the US would view the situation just as gravely, and be willing to fire one of America's nukes on their allies behalf.

Mobius 1

Or deploy weapons in Japan, like it was deployed in the past on other allies territories as deterrence.

Of course, planting nukes in Japan would send the Chinese apeshit.
Norante said:
Or deploy weapons in Japan, like it was deployed in the past on other allies territories as deterrence.

Of course, planting nukes in Japan would send the Chinese apeshit.

Maybe. I mean obviously the Chinese wouldn't want any more missles in the region, but anything launched from Japan would probably give them more of an early warning than anything launched from U.S. subs parked right off their coast. The weapons to hit China are already in place, so this wouldn't be much different. But still, your point is a good one, that the Chinese wouldn't want more weapons on their doorstep.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Bregor said:
My apologies if this has been covered already, but why does everyone assume Japan would want or need nukes? In nearly all situations where Japan might feel the need to use nuclear weapons, they US would almost certainly be willing to use them on Japan's behalf. They have no need to develop nuclear weapons when their close allies already have them.
nationalistic pride and a feeling that, as a sovereign nation, they should have total control over their self-defense. you could also ask why Japan would want to spend the $$ to amend their constitution and create a larger standing army in spite of US protection, but that movement is making headway.


scorcho said:
nationalistic pride and a feeling that, as a sovereign nation, they should have total control over their self-defense. you could also ask why Japan would want to spend the $$ to amend their constitution and create a larger standing army in spite of US protection, but that movement is making headway.

True, but conventional defensive forces are in an entirely different category in the public perception than nuclear weapons. Its a lot easier to accept or even desire conventional forces which have a clear defensive purpose than it is to accept nuclear weapons whose purpose is almost entirely as a deterrent, especially when your ally already provides an existing nuclear deterrent that protects you.
Bregor said:
True, but conventional defensive forces are in an entirely different category in the public perception than nuclear weapons. Its a lot easier to accept or even desire conventional forces which have a clear defensive purpose than it is to accept nuclear weapons whose purpose is almost entirely as a deterrent, especially when your ally already provides an existing nuclear deterrent that protects you.

Even more so when you're living in a country that is in an exclusive club. The only nation on Earth to ever suffer a nuclear attack.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Bregor said:
True, but conventional defensive forces are in an entirely different category in the public perception than nuclear weapons. Its a lot easier to accept or even desire conventional forces which have a clear defensive purpose than it is to accept nuclear weapons whose purpose is almost entirely as a deterrent, especially when your ally already provides an existing nuclear deterrent that protects you.
which is why i don't think Japan will go nuclear immediately either. still, nationalism often runs counter to cogent arguments, and there are many foreign policy realists that would likely see many benefits of a nuclear Japan.


Global Firepower has been known to throw up false information. Russia has 701 ships? How can they afford that when they barely pay their ground forces $5 a month? Not to mention the cost of upgrading existing systems in the Army and Airforce. At the moment, the Russian Navy only has 80 - 100 ships, and most of those are in ports.

The North Korean Navy consist of 22 Romeo class coastal/patrol submarines, 4 Whiskey class coastal/patrol submarines, 22 Sang-O class coastal infiltration submarines, + Osprey class semi-submersible infiltration craft plus numerous patrol boat ships and missile boats. Nothing major, but they can prove to be an annoyance. Most people put the NK Navy at around 300 ships total. Mostly outdated stuff however.

The United States Navy does not consist of 1,800 Ships. The US Navy consist of 500,000 men, and 282 ships. Not to mention, I believe, 3,000 Aircraft.

I haven't done any real research on the Chinese Navy. But I doubt its that big.


Rookies1stDay said:
Look at your own links. China and NK have larger navies and artillery systems with China also having a larger aircraft inventory

You don't even know what the **** you're arguing about anymore, do you?

Hint: You argued the US wouldn't want to be allied with an armed Japan
Boogie said:
You don't even know what the **** you're arguing about anymore, do you?

You argued the US wouldn't want to be allied with an armed Japan

They wouldn't you shitmonster. They don't want to start shit with China


scorcho said:
well that wraps up this thread.

shitmonster. lol.

You rang?

Rookies1stDay said:
They wouldn't you shitmonster. They don't want to start shit with China

Rule #1 of debate class: When getting out witted, call someone a name.

Rule #2 of debate class: Come up with something clever.


Bregor said:
True, but conventional defensive forces are in an entirely different category in the public perception than nuclear weapons. Its a lot easier to accept or even desire conventional forces which have a clear defensive purpose than it is to accept nuclear weapons whose purpose is almost entirely as a deterrent, especially when your ally already provides an existing nuclear deterrent that protects you.

Reliability of response is the answer I would give to that question. When the shit really does hit the fan, the Japanese government may want to have more control over when and how they respond as depending on an ally who may have a different view of the type of response warranted.


hay guys what's going on in this threa... ruh roh.

btw marvelharvey, I know this was two pages ago now, but Little Boy was around 10 kilotons, not 1,5.


Rookies1stDay said:
They wouldn't you shitmonster. They don't want to start shit with China

You said:

"Would the US really want to ally with Japan instead of staying amiable with the majority?"

To which I replied that the US is already allied with Japan.

To which you replied:

"Not an armed Japan. What's written in article nine of their constitution?"

To which I pointed out that Japan IS ARMED. That they have the fourth highest military expenditure in the world, and that the USA has, for the past couple decades, been IN FAVOR of Japan's rearmament and revision of the constitution to allow for more flexibility in Japan's use of its military.

To which you tried to change the subject to the quality of Japan's armament (ie. saying they're no match for China, can't hold out in a "siege"). Then you called me a "shitmonster" and ignored my point.

All in all, another typical neoGAF debate between myself and a random arrogant internet ****tard.


Honorary Canadian.
Boogie said:
You said:

"Would the US really want to ally with Japan instead of staying amiable with the majority?"

To which I replied that the US is already allied with Japan.

To which you replied:

"Not an armed Japan. What's written in article nine of their constitution?"

To which I pointed out that Japan IS ARMED. That they have the fourth highest military expenditure in the world, and that the USA has, for the past couple decades, been IN FAVOR of Japan's rearmament and revision of the constitution to allow for more flexibility in Japan's use of its military.

To which you tried to change the subject to the quality of Japan's armament (ie. saying they're no match for China, can't hold out in a "siege"). Then you called me a "shitmonster" and ignored my point.

All in all, another typical neoGAF debate between myself and a random arrogant internet ****tard.
just accept that you are, indeed, a shitmonster. :lol
Boogie said:
You said:

"Would the US really want to ally with Japan instead of staying amiable with the majority?"

To which I replied that the US is already allied with Japan.

To which you replied:

"Not an armed Japan. What's written in article nine of their constitution?"

To which I pointed out that Japan IS ARMED. That they have the fourth highest military expenditure in the world, and that the USA has, for the past couple decades, been IN FAVOR of Japan's rearmament and revision of the constitution to allow for more flexibility in Japan's use of its military.

To which you tried to change the subject to the quality of Japan's armament (ie. saying they're no match for China, can't hold out in a "siege"). Then you called me a "shitmonster" and ignored my point.

All in all, another typical neoGAF debate between myself and a random arrogant internet ****tard.

Wikipedia said:
The Japanese military is severely limited by Article 9 of the Japanese constitution which states: "The Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as means of settling international disputes" and that "land, sea, and air forces, as well as other war potential, will never be maintained." The exact limits of Article 9 is a controversial issue in Japan, but it has been interpreted as allowing for self-defense forces. Thus the JSDF has a very limited oversea capability, lacks long range offensive capabilities like long range Surface-to-surface missiles, air-refueling (as of 2004), Marines or amphibious units, large caches of ammunitions, or ROE (Rules of Engagement).

You're wrong. Until Japan both upgrades its military and ammends it's constitution, Japan is not considered armed. Not to mention the JSDF is run by civilians and has no real military hierarchy


JayDubya said:
This thread is now about the Golgothan from the movie Dogma.

I was going to google a pic of exactly that, but I was afraid of the, well, shit I'd have to wade through to do so.


billymcnilly said:
You're wrong. Until Japan both upgrades its military and ammends it's constitution, Japan is not considered armed. Not to mention the JSDF is run by civilians and has no real military hierarchy

Still doesn't validate his point considering the US has largely been in favor of Japan revising its constitution.
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