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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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good credit (by proxy)
Hey fitness GAF!

I've always been a taller guy with a big frame. Large hands, very broad shoulders, size 14/15US shoes, etc. I've never been a super fit person by any means, but I haven't been super sedentary and/or unable to play outside or anything, either. Luckily, just my day-to-day has usually been enough to keep me feeling and looking alright. I had a 50 min swim class each day in HS, I walked a good 3+ miles every day in college just going to class, and while looking for work I would do 30 min of light cardio and maybe 15 minutes of easy weights at the local Y a few times a week.

But now I've found myself working 60+ hour weeks a lot. Usually about 7:00am-6pm several days a week, plus an hour drive to and from. By the time I'm home and by the time the weekend rolls around, my motivation to workout is zero. Factor in lots of travel for work and sitting at the office during the day, and yeah, it's not good. Furthermore, I like eating out. Which has never been a problem; but doing it 4 or 5 times a week is starting to have its affect on me.

Right now, I'm not in "OMG I'm getting fat" mode or anything. I'm still look okay, I think... but I can definitely tell I'm starting to fall in a direction I don't want to. And before that happens, I want to put a stop to it.

I can't help working at a desk during the day. And, honestly, I know I'm not going to give up going out with my friends for lunch and having a couple drinks on the weekend. And I like trying new places to eat when traveling. But I'm trying to make small changes. First off, the super easy stuff - park in far parking spaces, shop with a basket rather than a cart, etc. And then for food, I've been trying to really increase my veggies and cut away the BS.

I've been doing a salad like this for lunch quite a bit:


1/3lb chicken, spinach greens, whole avacado, whole tomato, cheese, croutons, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, three tablespoons of balsamic vinaigrette.

And something like this for dinner:


3/4lb of salmon with herbs, pepper, dash of salt on top of greens, croutons, and about a tablespoon and a half of lite strawberry vinaigrette.

I actually made a post about such salads a while back ago, and most agreed it was healthy enough. But I put just enough "junk" on it to keep it tasty and let me enjoy it.

Finding time to workout is the kicker. My plan right now is to always use the hotel gym at least 30min a day when I'm traveling. I imagine this will be about four days a week every other week or so. It's nothing great, but it's something.

I don't know why I'm sharing. I guess it's just the first time I'm taking a real conscious look at myself, and deciding I need to take action. It's not much, but it's something. Sorry to bore ;p
Not a bore at all. Good job on trying to be more health conscious. That food looks really fucking good btw, and the only junk I see in that salad ingredients list in croutons. Welcome to the thread!
Good on you man. You're part of the small part of the population who can acknowledge there's a problem growing and not only notice but do something about it.

Jealous of your lunch and dinner, diet is at least half the solution already. Nothing wrong with eating out and drinking with friends sometimes too.

Shame about your busy schedule. Maybe try doing HIIT to maximise the short amount of time you have to exercise. (that's if you're doing cardio)


It's hard sometimes but you just gotta do it.

I get up for work at 6am. Get home at 6-7 pm, travel to SF a lot for work, have 2 of my kids with me 2 days a week and manage to go to the gym 4 times a week for about 2 hrs each.

Granted I have absolutely zero time for anything else besides eating and sleeping but you gotta make a choice.

You don't need the 2 hours btw that's just how I roll


Didn't sleep at all last night. I have class for eight hours followed by deadlifting, washing the rigs at the firehouse, and pulling janiotor duty at my bar tonight. I'm thinking about moving deadlifts to Tuesday but I don't want to mess with my routine.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Didn't sleep at all last night. I have class for eight hours followed by deadlifting, washing the rigs at the firehouse, and pulling janiotor duty at my bar tonight. I'm thinking about moving deadlifts to Tuesday but I don't want to mess with my routine.

Sounds rough. If you're feeling overly fatigued don't push things, especially not with deads. You can't just shift your routine for the rest of the week forwards one day and get back to normal next week?


So do any members of FitGAF actually play games? Figure you guys will sympathize with my lack of time and perhaps hate me less when I suck. Anywho, shoot me an add on XBL/PSN/Steam: PetriesLastWord

Up early. Can't sleep. New Tomb Raider keeping me busy until the gym opens in a bit. Shoulders and bis day isn't my favorite day, but it's alright.


I game. Not as much as I'd like but with passion. It's the reason I joined GAF but then I found FitGAF and 95% of the time I post here.

Mostly PS3 with some 360 sometimes. Nick is despire.

Been playing TR as well :)


So do any members of FitGAF actually play games? Figure you guys will sympathize with my lack of time and perhaps hate me less when I suck. Anywho, shoot me an add on XBL/PSN/Steam: PetriesLastWord

Up early. Can't sleep. New Tomb Raider keeping me busy until the gym opens in a bit. Shoulders and bis day isn't my favorite day, but it's alright.

Gaming used to be my main hobby, but lifting has kind of taken over. I also find myself only playing black ops 2 anymore. For some reason I just can't get excited about anything (dead space 3, crysis 3, tomb raider, even bioshock)


I game when I can.. Don't play a whole lot but I'll add to the tomb raider love! I love it almost as much as when I played through RE4! I own a PS3, Wii U, 3DS and legacy hardware..


Well another disappointing week of failing my OHP 5/3/1 minimum reps. I suppose being OHP and on a cut it's expected, but still not happy about it.


Well another disappointing week of failing my OHP 5/3/1 minimum reps. I suppose being OHP and on a cut it's expected, but still not happy about it.

I just looked at fito. You put up 170x1 which is a PR for you and a big number, PLUS you're on a cut. Look at the positives :)

How many reps were you going for btw?


I just looked at fito. You put up 170x1 which is a PR for you and a big number, PLUS you're on a cut. Look at the positives :)

How many reps were you going for btw?

Supposed to hit 3 this week.

Might need to get some smaller plates to micro-load OHP.

*edit* just realized I may have skipped the correct cycle of 5/3/1 on OHP. Last cycle I maxed at 165, but I calculated this cycle based on 175 instead of 170 for some reason. Fucking idiot I am.


Well another disappointing week of failing my OHP 5/3/1 minimum reps. I suppose being OHP and on a cut it's expected, but still not happy about it.

OHP has always been a problem for me... I don't know why. I have worked up to big bench numbers but cannot seem to make good progress on OHP. I know your feel man


Supposed to hit 3 this week.

Might need to get some smaller plates to micro-load OHP.

*edit* just realized I may have skipped the correct cycle of 5/3/1 on OHP. Last cycle I maxed at 165, but I calculated this cycle based on 175 for some reason. Fucking idiot I am.

Yeah OHP only goes up 5, not 10 right?

Thinking of taking and showing an after picture now. I only have deadlifts to pull on Wednesday before I reset but its not like ill change much after that. I just get apprehensive showing my half naked body online since I used to be morbidly obese and all....bit you guys are like family :grouphug:


Yeah OHP only goes up 5, not 10 right?

It sure does. I'm just an idiot, though I feel a lot better now, as I hit the exact reps I would have needed to, only a week early it seems.

If I can get the 175 up next week that'll be something though!

Thinking of taking and showing an after picture now. I only have deadlifts to pull on Wednesday before I reset but its not like ill change much after that. I just get apprehensive showing my half naked body online since I used to be morbidly obese and all....bit you guys are like family :grouphug:

We won't judge, we only judge pics of yoga pant clad ladies around these parts, and it is always with resounding approval.

OHP has always been a problem for me... I don't know why. I have worked up to big bench numbers but cannot seem to make good progress on OHP. I know your feel man

Just have to accept it's a slower burn on that lift I suppose, but of all my lifts it does make me feel strongest.


So do any members of FitGAF actually play games? Figure you guys will sympathize with my lack of time and perhaps hate me less when I suck. Anywho, shoot me an add on XBL/PSN/Steam: PetriesLastWord

Up early. Can't sleep. New Tomb Raider keeping me busy until the gym opens in a bit. Shoulders and bis day isn't my favorite day, but it's alright.

I play, but not a ton. Work and a personal life get in the way, and I feel kind of guilty if I play all day since it's a pretty big time-waster. Fun though!

I haven't been the the gym in almost a week because of an extremely sore throat, of the I an barely swallow without wanting to kill myself variety. I waited it out through the weekend to see if it was getting better, but it still hurts like a bastard so off to the walk in clinic for a strep test and possible antibiotic course (which I don't like to do, does a number on your gut). My gains!


Ok ok, so here it is. This is after 3 months of the Coan peaking cycle program.

My numbers went from...

Bench 175-205
Squat 235-300
Deadlift 315-365 (ok haven't pulled this yet but I'm confident I can)
OHP 105-135

I ate around 2500 calories on lifting days, 2000 on rest. 200g of protein a day. Generally all clean foods (lean proteins, lots of veggies) with two cheat meals a week.

Gonna give it another 3 month run (first I'm taking a week off, then a light weight week) and then after that, cut.


Take a rest in between sets. As your strength increases, this will reach up to and over 5 minutes. You'll need it. Barbell rows aren't the same as pullups but they can be a replacement. You should be able to find somewhere to do them though, a park or a tree? You don't have to go to that effort if you don't want to but pullups can be done in a lot of places. Abdominal work for the beginner is adequately catered for by squats, deadlifts and overhead presses.

Thanks a lot, I think there is a childrens playground nearby which should have some place to do pull ups.


I play, but not a ton. Work and a personal life get in the way, and I feel kind of guilty if I play all day since it's a pretty big time-waster. Fun though!

I haven't been the the gym in almost a week because of an extremely sore throat, of the I an barely swallow without wanting to kill myself variety. I waited it out through the weekend to see if it was getting better, but it still hurts like a bastard so off to the walk in clinic for a strep test and possible antibiotic course (which I don't like to do, does a number on your gut). My gains!

Sounds like strep. Do you have white spots or pus on your throat and tonsils?

You can eat yogurt to help counteract the antibiotics.


Sounds like strep. Do you have white spots or pus on your throat and tonsils?

You can eat yogurt to help counteract the antibiotics.

I've almost been more susceptible to such infections thanks to being a lovely compliction of diabetes. Brobiotic cultures in yogurt absolutely help, and you can get actual pill based supplements to help as well. I use both when my throat gets hit.


Sounds like strep. Do you have white spots or pus on your throat and tonsils?

You can eat yogurt to help counteract the antibiotics.

Nope to both, but the severity of the throat pain, its 5+ day duration and the lack of any sinus discomfort leads me to believe it might be regardless. I'll look into the yogurt, thanks. Especially if it has brobiotic cultures!


So do any members of FitGAF actually play games? Figure you guys will sympathize with my lack of time and perhaps hate me less when I suck. Anywho, shoot me an add on XBL/PSN/Steam: PetriesLastWord

Up early. Can't sleep. New Tomb Raider keeping me busy until the gym opens in a bit. Shoulders and bis day isn't my favorite day, but it's alright.

Yeah sucks I really have no time for games. Been playing some fire emblem since I can take it with me. Takes me like 4 months just to beat something like DMC.

Gotta find time for Monster hunter ultimate and bioshock later this month though ...


Finally getting over my cold. More than anything, I feel wiped than suffering from any sinus or throat problems...hoping a workout tomorrow morning will snap me out of it.


If I had to rank my favorite days:


Chest used to be my favorite when I first started, but it's so boring now.
So do any members of FitGAF actually play games? Figure you guys will sympathize with my lack of time and perhaps hate me less when I suck. Anywho, shoot me an add on XBL/PSN/Steam: PetriesLastWord

Up early. Can't sleep. New Tomb Raider keeping me busy until the gym opens in a bit. Shoulders and bis day isn't my favorite day, but it's alright.
I've been awake all night playing Path of Exile. @_@


RE: playing games...

Just SP for me. Ni No Kuni constantly lulls me into a false sense of the game's difficulty because of the PG-rated movie atmosphere. That, and the teammate AI blows. But the game is fantastic.
So do any members of FitGAF actually play games? Figure you guys will sympathize with my lack of time and perhaps hate me less when I suck. Anywho, shoot me an add on XBL/PSN/Steam: PetriesLastWord

Up early. Can't sleep. New Tomb Raider keeping me busy until the gym opens in a bit. Shoulders and bis day isn't my favorite day, but it's alright.

I really try to play other games (Rising and Devil Summoner atm) but League of Legends just pulls me back in and I cannot stop playing.

Ok ok, so here it is. This is after 3 months of the Coan peaking cycle program.

My numbers went from...

Bench 175-205
Squat 235-300
Deadlift 315-365 (ok haven't pulled this yet but I'm confident I can)
OHP 105-135

I ate around 2500 calories on lifting days, 2000 on rest. 200g of protein a day. Generally all clean foods (lean proteins, lots of veggies) with two cheat meals a week.

Gonna give it another 3 month run (first I'm taking a week off, then a light weight week) and then after that, cut.

You are just full of mass. Depending on how hard you want to cut, you will be a beastly looking mofo.


Lost .8 pounds first week of my cut. I feel like I should cut my calories even further but I feel like I'm already starving myself at 1900 a day :(


I really try to play other games (Rising and Devil Summoner atm) but League of Legends just pulls me back in and I cannot stop playing.

You are just full of mass. Depending on how hard you want to cut, you will be a beastly looking mofo.

Thanks man! One thing this bulk has taught me is I can put on weight quickly, but I can also increase my strength gains quickly too.
On saturday i did ab ripper x then went drinking, then sunday i woke up and felt like i got hit by a truck. My entire groin area is completely dead, thighs too. Stomach is sore as well but the groin area is just unbeleivable pain, can barely walk. I only started lifting/exercising seriously recent,y and that was m first ab routine. Didn't know it would hit the groin so hard. When i pissed this morning it was brownish. im wondering if that was the alcohol wastes coming out or something from my groin. I'm having trouble typing as well, lots of typos and so on. Just feel like a broken man


Weighted dips today, I look forward to them. Firstly because they address my general upper body weakness and I still get good gains from them and feel swole when I'm done. Secondly because a couple of very fit girls in the gym do them too and I help hold the rack steady for them. It's a great view.


I hate OHP. Still trying to crack the century mark for my working sets for SS. Believe I've hit my ceiling on that for now, and bench press is getting harder. Going to experiment some and on my work out days eat a bit more carbs pre-workout so I can have some more energy. I feel like I need all I can get. Previously I've taken it pretty easy on lunch that day and then put in most of my macros after the workout since I'm on LG. Feel like I need a little more fuel if I want to get past where I'm at.


On saturday i did ab ripper x then went drinking, then sunday i woke up and felt like i got hit by a truck. My entire groin area is completely dead, thighs too. Stomach is sore as well but the groin area is just unbeleivable pain, can barely walk. I only started lifting/exercising seriously recent,y and that was m first ab routine. Didn't know it would hit the groin so hard. When i pissed this morning it was brownish. im wondering if that was the alcohol wastes coming out or something from my groin. I'm having trouble typing as well, lots of typos and so on. Just feel like a broken man

Uh that's not good. Having brown may mean you have some blood in your urine, which is a symptom of rhabdomyolysis. Your group may be sore because that program actually stresses the hip flexors severely. Next time don't just into it too intensely!
Uh that's not good. Having brown may mean you have some blood in your urine, which is a symptom of rhabdomyolysis. Your group may be sore because that program actually stresses the hip flexors severely. Next time don't just into it too intensely!


oh man, some of that stuff sounds exactly what how i'm feeling. If my next pee is the same should i get more worried or what...


So do any members of FitGAF actually play games? Figure you guys will sympathize with my lack of time and perhaps hate me less when I suck. Anywho, shoot me an add on XBL/PSN/Steam: PetriesLastWord

Up early. Can't sleep. New Tomb Raider keeping me busy until the gym opens in a bit. Shoulders and bis day isn't my favorite day, but it's alright.

I haven't been able to touch consoles in the longest time. I pretty much play with my 3DS whenever I get a chance.


the piano man
So do any members of FitGAF actually play games? Figure you guys will sympathize with my lack of time and perhaps hate me less when I suck.

I've been awake all night playing Path of Exile. @_@

Just SP for me. Ni No Kuni constantly lulls me into a false sense of the game's difficulty because of the PG-rated movie atmosphere. That, and the teammate AI blows. But the game is fantastic.

haha, I was meaning to ask the same question, seeing as I have absolutely no time for big home console adventures, I have to content myself casually playing a zelda or a platformer on my old GBA while in the bathroom :/

my days are filled with the following activites scattered through the day: practicing piano, teaching piano, eating, sleeping, working out, and buying food. I could sit on my bed and play for an hour a console game at around 11:00 PM but I am so incredibly tired that I'd rather surf the internet...


I love video games but I don't have much time to play. I'm also broke so my only chance to play newer games is to either rent them or borrow them from my brother (who is a hardcore enthusiast with a huge 360/PS3 /Wii games collection. He pretty much owns every game worth playing). I just beat Sleeping Dogs though it took me like 6 weeks to do so because I played about 3 or 4 hours per week. I borrowed my brother's Wii and will likely play through Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 soon. And I bought Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3 HD for like 3 Dollars in the recent Xbox Games on Demand Sale. I doubt I'll ever play them. :p

I used to be way into fighting games but they are too time consuming and honestly they are not a good match for my obsessive compulsive personality.

I'd say my favorite genre these days is character action games, but in general I really love "gamey" games, like Vanquish. I also adore the Souls series. Looking forward to playing DmC and Rising when I get the chance.

OHP has always been a problem for me... I don't know why. I have worked up to big bench numbers but cannot seem to make good progress on OHP. I know your feel man

It's a problem for almost everyone, I think.

I am particularly handicapped in it since I'm basically missing my right shoulder. I can barely press 125lb in spite of weighing 225lb. I don't let that deter me, though. I just have to accept that if I can add 25lb to it per year, that's good progress.


Gym day after 2 weeks off. My chalk is not in yet, unsure of whether I want to go. I'm trying to pull at least 350 today.


I only play about 5-6 games a year usually so they're typically the game of the year type. I just don't have time to waste on something that's not going to be a guaranteed fit for me. Last game I played was the Telltale Walking Dead. I'm on the last episode and have been for a month or so. Need to finish it. I didn't finish Mass Effect 3 yet. Last game I actually finished was probably Infamous 2, which was great. Uncharted 3 was before that. Last of Us is the next disc game I will likely get.

Most of my time these days is either spent working out or watching Boardwalk Empire as I've recently discovered how awesome it is.


Man, this thread is intense, but I know you guys are welcoming. So much foreign terminology and jargon. I'm going to study the OP like crazy, put together my own routine, and then ask for everyone's input before I start it.

I think I've gotten the eating thing down, at least. Sort of. I'm pretty much eating about 70% Paleo right now, and I'm happy with that. It's been hard and I'm a regular in asking for help in the Paleo thread, but now I think I'm ready to take it to the next level with fitness.

Wish me luck! I hope to have something put together to post in here tomorrow.


Man, this thread is intense, but I know you guys are welcoming. So much foreign terminology and jargon. I'm going to study the OP like crazy, put together my own routine, and then ask for everyone's input before I start it.

I think I've gotten the eating thing down, at least. Sort of. I'm pretty much eating about 70% Paleo right now, and I'm happy with that. It's been hard and I'm a regular in asking for help in the Paleo thread, but now I think I'm ready to take it to the next level with fitness.

Wish me luck! I hope to have something put together to post in here tomorrow.

If you haven't done much fitness wise, you're probably better off just reading Starting Strength and going to the SS wiki and doing that program. It's made for noobs, like you and me. If you're a beginner, you don't really need a plan customized to you, you need something that works. Starting Strength works.
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