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Bethesda: No Wii U games from us; 'rather not talk about it'


Eurogamer: What are your thoughts about Wii U?

Pete Hines: We have nothing announced in development for Wii U. It's not something that we've done anything for previously. I don't even remember the last time we've done a Nintendo title. We don't have anything now. Whether or not we would in the future is TBD. As for why, I guess I'd rather not go into that.

Nothing for mobile/social arena either:

"A while ago it was social games that were all the rage and [people were asking] ‘why aren’t we doing Facebook?’ That’s not what we do, and now that’s no longer a big deal. So we didn’t run after it and now we’re not running away from it. We’re just going to kind of stick to what we feel is best.

“We don’t have Facebook stuff. We don’t have mobile stuff. We feel like we really know who we are and we know what we’re good at. That’s not to say that we wouldn’t do an iPhone game or an XBLA thing, but it would have to be at a certain time where it would feel right coming from us. If we’re not going to do that, then we’re just not going to bother.

Via Eurogamer




"Rather not talk about it," sounds like kind of a weird statement. I'm probably reading into this too much, but if they don't outright say it's because of sales or tech then they could have had some kind of beef with Nintendo a while back that never became public, similar to what recently happened with EA.

They published like one sholveware game for the Wii and that was it.


"We never made anthing* for a Nintendo console and we will continue to do so"

Indeed, shocking news.

*anthing even remotely worthwhile


I remember last gen they made a big deal out of getting their main engine ready for the Wii then nothing happened


Makes me wonder if there's not some bad blood with the higher ups over some shit ninty did in the SNES/NES days when they were fucking over devs/pubs seemingly just because they could. I mean the "I'd rather not talk about it" line makes it seem like it's pretty personal. Did Bethesda ever release anything on the nes/snes? Might be worth looking into to see if anything went down that might have soured their potential relationship.
Well, there goes my hope of a late Fallout 3 port where you strap the gamepad to your forearm to emulate a pip-boy.

I wasn't really hoping for that, but now that I mention it...

Ein Bear

Weren't Bethesda the people that hyped up a 'AAA, hardcore title' for the Wii, and it wound up being some shitty racing game or something? If that's the case, then I can see why they'd rather not talk about it. I think I'd rather they didn't too.
A scathing response. At least it was frank instead of the usual "we'd have to think of something special!" spiel we get from guys like Kojima.


Junior Member
We shouldn't be surprised when it comes to developers and publishers whose backgrounds are in the PC. They are a world totally foreign to Nintendo.

Companies like Bethesda, Obsidian, Irrational, BioWare, and Epic have virtually never shipped a game for Nintendo hardware. Tim Shcaefer admitted that The Cave is the first game he's ever shipped for Nintendo hardware.

All of these guys were pretty much exclusively making PC games the last time Nintendo's consoles had a significant install base, unlike EA or Activision who've been involved with consoles forever. The outstanding exception is id -- Commander Keen started as a proposal for a DOS port of Super Mario Bros. 3, and they released SNES and N64 editions of DOOM, as well as N64 versions of Quake and Hexen.


Nintendo should be knocking on their door to develop not the other way round. This isn't the late eighties or nineties anymore. Nintendo is not in a power position anymore. I dare say publishers and devs are now more powerful than the console makers.

If tomorrow EA cuts all Sony support it would devastate the Playstation brand etc.

I love Nintendo, but this isn't the NES days when they could dictate to devs who had little to no options.


Makes me wonder if there's not some bad blood with the higher ups over some shit ninty did in the SNES/NES days when they were fucking over devs/pubs seemingly just because they could. I mean the "I'd rather not talk about it" line makes it seem like it's pretty personal. Did Bethesda ever release anything on the nes/snes? Might be worth looking into to see if anything went down that might have soured their potential relationship.

Oh c'mon - LOL! They never even made a single SNES game. And on NES they only made Wayne Gretzky Hockey, Home Alone and Where's Waldo (a puzzle game). What are you talking about? :D
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