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Devs have replied in this very thread stating they know the issues and will work on it. I think the PC issues are basically down to a late rushed port since it is very likely a day 1 PC launch was never in Remedy's plan till Microsoft tell them "hey we are doing a PC version so get to work".


I just got to the part where you fine the manuscript for that movie that guy wrote. OMG was that hilarious. I was laughing out loud as I was reading it. Love the name of the girlfriend. lol.

There are some well hidden items in the world that you can easily miss. I have been taking my time, looking at every corner and looking where I could get to a section to see if I can find stuff. Even with that, I have missed some collectibles, but this game is one of those that you play through a few times. I am also reading everything I come across and it really adds a lot to the game and the story. A lot like Alan Wake where you find things that flesh things out or tells you about something that might happen. Also love that some characters that are in the TV show have emails in the game that flesh things out as well.

I am still waiting for my PC code as well, but the Xbox One version looks and plays great. I might reserve a 2nd play through on the PC, but it will take me a bit to finish my first run since I tend to take my time and look and read at everything. Only in Act 2, Part 2 with about 6 hours already logged already. Going to be a 20+ hour game for me for sure. I thought Act 2, Part 1 was really good and very good length.

For the powers, I was not really feeling them until I started Act 2, Part 1, combining powers and knowing when and where to use them is such a great game mechanic and solving puzzles using your powers is also really good. Great Job Remedy!!! And I will say it again, just in case anyone from Remedy is reading....Please give us the option to turn off the grain filter.
Guys, does it have new game +? Can I collect missing collectibles in 2dn playthrough without having to get them all again?

The game has a "timeline" where you can level select and go back to collect things you missed or raise the difficulty. It has a collectible counter per level so it's easy to track.
The game has a "timeline" where you can level select and go back to collect things you missed or raise the difficulty. It has a collectible counter per level so it's easy to track.

So for instance, having completed the game, if I replay ACT 1 I go in with all my acquired powers?
So for instance, having completed the game, if I replay ACT 1 I go in with all my acquired powers?

From what I understand, you can't replay an Act 1 level with powers from Act 4, but any powers you've unlocked by Act 1 you can replay with all its upgrades if you've unlocked them. The game doesn't want you to fully break encounters by bringing out late-game abilities, but if it's something that's naturally available during that act then you can use it fully-powered up.
From what I understand, you can't replay an Act 1 level with powers from Act 4, but any powers you've unlocked by Act 1 you can replay with all its upgrades if you've unlocked them. The game doesn't want you to fully break encounters by bringing out late-game abilities, but if it's something that's naturally available during that act then you can use it fully-powered up.

Got it, thanks buddy.
Started it tonight and made it through the first three acts. Loving it so far. It's really fun to play but man, the story has me absolutely hooked. Surprised by just how much I'm enjoying the live action episodes as well. Probably the most invested I've been in a game's story in quite a while.


Lance Reddick has some sort of eye condition, right? I thought it was interesting how they addressed that in the show.

Accidentally ended up clearing all of Act 3 and 4 tonight. Have a ton of work to do and intended on only spending a bit of time with the game but somehow it is now 4am.
I don't want this game to end. I also keep looking for Alan Wake stuff at every corner.
I got to Act 4 last night. Absolutely loving the game.

One annoying thing though is when you are trying to read emails and collectibles and you have people constantly telling you to follow them and stuff. Or Jack's inner monologue is talking whilst you're trying to read a document.

Other than that, I can't really fault it at this point. Pleasantly surprised by the TV show too. I was expecting it to be super cringe but it's not bad at all!


Finished the game on hard+low aim assist died 30~ times and it took me 14h 45m

Loved the game, amazing job Remedy can't wait for Alan wake 2

How many times do you have to repeat the end bit, I can't get past the second wave due to too much effects on screen and the powers not doing as I ask as quickly. Seems like super bad game design to have to reload a cutscene skip it then load again to get back in, I'm on the cusp of switch down because on hard I'm finding it a stupid spike in difficulty matched with overblown effects on screen to the point I can't tell if I'm in dange or not and the sounds all fucked up.

You have to clear 2 waves so not that hard though i died like 5-6 times at this part and i agree that reload part is indeed annoying :p

First wave:
Paul is casting those red explosions so you have to be constanly moving around while clearing the enemies. When you kill the enemies Paul will teleport on top mid circle construction(?) and will do one big explosion starting from left side so you have to run all the way to the other side once the "big red explosion" is over you can shoot him and he will teleport back to original position and wave 2 starts.

Second wave:
Basically the same thing only difference is that once he teleports to top mid after you clear the enemies he will cast 2 or 3 big red explosions starting from either left or right side and you have to avoid them, then couple shots and it's over.

Use time dodge+time walk(? the one you hold LB down) to get away fast from the explosions and it should be easy.


Finished the game on hard+low aim assist died 30~ times and it took me 14h 45m

Loved the game, amazing job Remedy can't wait for Alan wake 2
How many times do you have to repeat the end bit, I can't get past the second wave due to too much effects on screen and the powers not doing as I ask as quickly. Seems like super bad game design to have to reload a cutscene skip it then load again to get back in, I'm on the cusp of switch down because on hard I'm finding it a stupid spike in difficulty matched with overblown effects on screen to the point I can't tell if I'm in dange or not and the sounds all fucked up.
Jeez, only reason I preordered was for Alan Wake and the Win 10 version of QB, neither of which I have received. Bravo, Microsoft - you got my $60 this time, but never again will I preorder from your digital store.

If you would have read the fine print when you bought, it says 7-10 days from launch for delivery. That's unfortunate, but you are getting your stuff, dont worry.


I listened to the current Bombcast and what Jeff is saying just does not apply to me. It's weird that he did not make a different choice even to see how it alters the game, but still says it would be meaningless.
"I guess the person is not there anymore or whatver..."

And yeah, sorry, Jeff discussion but he dragged everyone down on the game "..such a shame". I am sure Brad would really like QB if he loved Alan Wake. This is still a Remedy game.


QB is a solid 9/10 for me. I liked everything about the game... especially the gunplay and I really hope they add some kind of horde mode DLC, similar to what Alan Wake got in American Nightmare.

My only complaint is the product placement, I don't think I've ever seen so many people with Lumia's in one place.
I own a Lumia, me alone.


Finished, fantastic game let down at the end with the boss fight spike on hard and over use of effects meant it didn't matter how I played it on hard I just couldn't finish it, switch to normal done in first try that's shows how the spike is a bit ott. Loved everything about till the end boss on hard and checkpoints img before a cutscene come on remedy you're better than that.


Finished, fantastic game let down at the end with the boss fight spike on hard and over use of effects meant it didn't matter how I played it on hard I just couldn't finish it, switch to normal done in first try that's shows how the spike is a bit ott. Loved everything about till the end boss on hard and checkpoints img before a cutscene come on remedy you're better than that.

You should have stuck at it, I managed to complete the boss after a number of deaths on hard. The main thing is to keep on moving.
After finishing it tonight I have to say that this is my least favorite of Remedy's games. Max Payne and Alan Wake are better in my opinion. Although I enjoyed it, there were plenty of times combat felt clunky, too easy, and just downright not enjoyable. Story wise I liked it and it kept me invested all the way through. The show part is a failed experiment and I hope it never shows up in games again the way it was done here. Also was pretty damn short, not exactly sure how long it took me, but without the show it's just over way too quickly.


Finished, fantastic game let down at the end with the boss fight spike on hard and over use of effects meant it didn't matter how I played it on hard I just couldn't finish it, switch to normal done in first try that's shows how the spike is a bit ott. Loved everything about till the end boss on hard and checkpoints img before a cutscene come on remedy you're better than that.

When you see Jack glow red and feel your controller vibrating just dash and you won't get hit. It took me a few attempts on hard.
And here I was, thinking Ubisoft's ports were bad. From a studio like Remedy with its roots on PC I'm massively disappointed with this PC port.

It looks good, yeah, in some scenes even stunning but not any NEAR to justify that poor performance. Input lag, stuttering. Even after I found video settings that give me a SOMEWHAT acceptable gaming and visual experience, it starts to stutter right out of nowhere.

And then they charge 70 EUR for this crap. Could save some bucks by changing the currency to USD so I've paid like 62 EUR. Still way too much for this utter junk of poorly optimized code. Which is a shame, because gunfights are fun and dialoges and writing—so far, which isn't THAT far due to lackluster performance—are shining well.

And boy, what a shitty image quality... even on 1080p all blurry and grainy. This is ridiculous.

Were you able to buy it on the US Windowd 10 store with a non-US credit card? My understanding was that after the whole ROTTR thing, Microsoft locked that down.
If you would have read the fine print when you bought, it says 7-10 days from launch for delivery. That's unfortunate, but you are getting your stuff, dont worry.
The Alan Wake stuff said that, yes. However, the W10 fine print specifically said "shortly after launch" - no mention of 7-10 days. I was expecting to be playing the Windows version within ~72 hours of launch. Not up to TEN days later. :/
Source: http://www.quantumbreak.com/windows10/
See, some of us actually read the fine print. ;)
I listened to the current Bombcast and what Jeff is saying just does not apply to me. It's weird that he did not make a different choice even to see how it alters the game, but still says it would be meaningless.
"I guess the person is not there anymore or whatver..."

And yeah, sorry, Jeff discussion but he dragged everyone down on the game "..such a shame". I am sure Brad would really like QB if he loved Alan Wake. This is still a Remedy game.

Yeah, I really hope Brad gives it a chance. I love the Bombcast, but it would be disappointing if the rest of the west coast staff just wrote off the game because of Jeff's impressions.


You should have stuck at it, I managed to complete the boss after a number of deaths on hard. The main thing is to keep on moving.
I feel like I am but get nades tossed at me from nowhere and run into issues. I can almost always beat the first wave but then so many enemies spawn in the second.


I feel so sorry for anyone who tries to play this like a cover based shooter.

The time power dance around the battlefield is such a fun, unique, twist to the genre.
I feel like I am but get nades tossed at me from nowhere and run into issues. I can almost always beat the first wave but then so many enemies spawn in the second.

Headshot regular soldiers, keep dashing into the faces of Strikers (the ones with time abilities) and one shot them with your shotgun when they are knocked back, for the sole big one spam Time Blast on him while his Chronon Dampener is off and dash around while waiting for the recharge. Time Shield with the regen upgrade should be able to keep you alive easily, small tip with the shield: it automatically disappears if you leave the shield so you can just pop-regen-leave to minimize the cost and have longer uptime.


When you see Jack glow red and feel your controller vibrating just dash and you won't get hit. It took me a few attempts on hard.
Nades just blow up almost instantly they always drop at you're feet even if you're hidden at the side, tried it again just not getting anywhere with the second wave too much shit on screen too many bullets needed to kill enemies, it's like two or three times the bullets to that of normal.


Man, fuck doors that close behind you. Any time there are two paths to take I have to debate which one is likely to lock me in and which one is the optional pathway.

I knew going in that exploration wasn't this game's focus, but it's failed to meet even my limited expectations in that regard.

Press up on the d-pad to see which way the game wants you to go.
Don't go that way until you've explored everywhere else.
How is this possible

I assume by not rushing through it. He probably has walked at certain parts, so not always running. Probably explored every nook and cranny for items, spoke with every NPC until you can't talk to them anymore and maybe died a few times. I play exactly like that as well. In most other third person shooters there's no point in exploring and looking for items because either the items are pointless or just not there. Exploring is really rewarding here and sometimes you have to look real good for a item.

I just looked in the game's hub page at achievements and it says the play time is 18 hours. That can't be right, I'm in act 3 now. I did go back to some older parts for the collectibles though, but still. How accurate is this on the hub page on Xbox One?


We are monitoring the discussio and what is going on. I had written a longer response, but it's just gonna be misunderstood etc, so what I will say is that, rest assured, lot of of work went into the Win10 version and we are looking at the reactions now as well as potential issues.

"Potential issues" ?

Are you out of your mind ?

The PC version is a trainwreck.

"A lot" of work ? Well then it was nowhere near enough.
How is this possible

For me I'm just past the 5 hour mark, people have said that how long it takes to complete the game. Around 45% complete is what I'm seeing.

So when people say they have completed it in 4-5 hours, I would love to know their % completion was and if they took anything in whilst playing.

I've been reading every note/email and listening to every radio show, stop to take in every piece of info I can get my hands on. I'm in no rush to finish it, it's not a race.
For me I'm just past the 5 hour mark, people have said that how long it takes to complete the game. Around 45% complete is what I'm seeing.

So when people say they have completed it in 4-5 hours, I would love to know their % completion was and if they took anything in whilst playing.

I've been reading every note/email and listening to every radio show, stop to take in every piece of info I can get my hands on. I'm in no rush to finish it, it's not a race.

To complete it in 4-5 hours they have to skip all exploration and skip all cutscenes, then why the fuck even bother playing a Remedy game, those are trolls and liars.


by exploring and reading the emails

I have 100% collection in all areas bar one, have read through about 90% of the stuff, and I'm now at Chapter 5 in about the same time, and that's on Hard difficulty. I doubt it's just that. My guess is he took environmental analysing, slow reading and screenshot taking to a whole new level, or died a lot during combat segments.


For me I'm just past the 5 hour mark, people have said that how long it takes to complete the game. Around 45% complete is what I'm seeing.

So when people say they have completed it in 4-5 hours, I would love to know their % completion was and if they took anything in whilst playing.

I've been reading every note/email and listening to every radio show, stop to take in every piece of info I can get my hands on. I'm in no rush to finish it, it's not a race.
This is why I never understood why people get so wound up about how long it took someone else to finish a game. Who gives a shit?

I'd also like to add that this game is copping way too much flak over petty shit (pc version aside) it's not even funny. If there are "gamers" out there shitting on this simply because it's on another platform then you should be ashamed of yourselves, The game is fantastic.


I have 100% collection in all areas bar one, have read through about 90% of the stuff, and I'm now at Chapter 5 in about the same time. I doubt it's just that. My guess is he took environmental analysing, slow reading and screenshot taking to a whole new level, or died a lot during combat segments.

Of course 20 hours is too much, but for me it took 15 hours to complete with 94% collection on hard difficult.

People who said that the game was 6-8 hours long must have skipped everything and rushed without exploring.


I assume by not rushing through it. He probably has walked at certain parts, so not always running. Probably explored every nook and cranny for items, spoke with every NPC until you can't talk to them anymore and maybe died a few times. I play exactly like that as well. In most other third person shooters there's no point in exploring and looking for items because either the items are pointless or just not there. Exploring is really rewarding here and sometimes you have to look real good for a item.

I just looked in the game's hub page at achievements and it says the play time is 18 hours. That can't be right, I'm in act 3 now. I did go back to some older parts for the collectibles though, but still. How accurate is this on the hub page on Xbox One?
I think this also counts the time the game is suspended after pressing the Xbox Button etc
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