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Ori and the Blind Forest |OT| A Soft Heart for the Hard Core


Picked this one up yesterday, just got through the
Ginso Tree
. Beautiful game; reminds me a little bit of Rayman Origins and Legends, in a good way. Probably the best Metroidvania game I've played in... a while. Felt a little slow getting started, but now with bash and the double jump I'm feeling a lot better about how Ori moves. Loved the
escape sequence in the tree
I agree that roll would be sweet. And the best part about Bash is that you have to think 2 moves ahead - where to shoot them, where to shoot yourself, and what to do next. All in the span of 2 seconds. Assuming people keep playing this game I could see some crazy videos happening...

mhmm the mental gymnastics required to use it makes it consistently rewarding. there's a really neat encounter in the game that specifically tests how you prioritize it. IMO it's singlehandedly responsible for elevating the game from good to great.

i'm not sure how well it's doing currently, but i think it'll be considered a success. there will be speedruns all throughout this year and the inevitable fan fiction/animations will keep the universe fresh on the internet. i may even try and make a bashtage or something....

i hope Moon has a sequel on the way.


Love doing this

Man, I almost never use the charge attack on enemies. Should probably clue into that a bit more.

the game introduces you to it as a glorified lock picker, so it didn't occur to me to use it on enemies (mostly because i was saving the energy for game saves). it takes a bit to acclimate to it mid-combat, but it's a real life (and time) saver.

Belgo Ray

Can somebody help me? I don't get how I'm supposed to reach these 2 items - there's a solid bridge over the water that keeps me from getting in. What am I missing?

Can't wait to see people speedrunning Ori - In a lot of ways, we designed Ori to work super nicely for people that love speedrunning. And even though you all think it's super difficult / almost impossible to finish Ori without dying, most of our devs would be up for that challenge. Once you mastered the controls - especially Bash - you guys should see how it's perfectly doable. Challenging, but perfectly doable :)

To me, that's where a lot of the replay value in a Metroidvania comes from - Trying to figure out the ideal critical path and then playing through it in the fastest possible way is awesome!


Just finished the big tree climb section. This game is really something special, having difficulty finding any complaints so far. I love how they're layering the platforming abilities on top of one another and making things challenging. The movement just has such a great flow to it.

Also, soundtrack of the year? It's damn good.

Belgo Ray

Just finished. What an amazing adventure, loved every second of it.

9 hours 45 minutes, 98% (didnt read about the ruins before playing...), 367 deaths :D


Progressed some more yesterday (got through
Misty Woods
where the atmosphere was breathtaking) and I have to say that Ori is one of the best looking games I've ever seen. The attention to detail is stunning, colors are used carefully without turning the game into an oversaturated mess (like the Trine games for example) and the non-static backgrounds give life to the world.

The best thing though is that gameplay is great as well in this game, the abilities feel damn good (the phenomenal sound design helps here a lot) and I just love to traverse in this game which in return makes the backtracking a lot of fun. I have to say that I was a little cautious about Ori pre-release due to it's amazing visual presentation but it deserves all the attention it gets and even more, hopefully we'll see more indie games with top-notch presentation that don't sacrifice gameplay in the future.
Oh my god... I just came back from the Los Angeles Launch Event yesterday and finally had time to read all the emails and comments and I'm really kinda emotional right now. Thank you guys so much for the amazing support. Our entire team has worked soooo hard over the last couple of years and we always knew we had something special at our hands, but the emails I'm reading from people are just heartbreaking and amazing.

Maybe we'll do something special with them at some point on our website - This kinda thing is exactly why we wanted to make our own games, to give people an experience that they really, truly value.

Thank you guys so much.


Oh my god... I just came back from the Los Angeles Launch Event yesterday and finally had time to read all the emails and comments and I'm really kinda emotional right now. Thank you guys so much for the amazing support. Our entire team has worked soooo hard over the last couple of years and we always knew we had something special at our hands, but the emails I'm reading from people are just heartbreaking and amazing.

Maybe we'll do something special with them at some point on our website - This kinda thing is exactly why we wanted to make our own games, to give people an experience that they really, truly value.

Thank you guys so much.

Thank you guys for this great game! :)

oh my god this was amazing.

http://xboxdvr.com/A 3 Legged Goat/9f799733-8393-4fa6-99c4-6053bbb8af7c

bash just keeps getting better and better. i think i found my favorite spot in this game.

So good.
Oh my god... I just came back from the Los Angeles Launch Event yesterday and finally had time to read all the emails and comments and I'm really kinda emotional right now. Thank you guys so much for the amazing support. Our entire team has worked soooo hard over the last couple of years and we always knew we had something special at our hands, but the emails I'm reading from people are just heartbreaking and amazing.

Maybe we'll do something special with them at some point on our website - This kinda thing is exactly why we wanted to make our own games, to give people an experience that they really, truly value.

Thank you guys so much.

congrats thomas and the rest of moon studios! you guys created a real gem that's not only reinvigorated my love for gaming, but also inspired me for my own artistic endeavors. i mentioned earlier that ori brings a new breed to the genre with its presentation and tight controls; you're going to have people howling at your office for more. i just bought the soundtrack and i can already tell this game is going to be a tremendous part of me both creatively and emotionally.


Oh my god... I just came back from the Los Angeles Launch Event yesterday and finally had time to read all the emails and comments and I'm really kinda emotional right now. Thank you guys so much for the amazing support. Our entire team has worked soooo hard over the last couple of years and we always knew we had something special at our hands, but the emails I'm reading from people are just heartbreaking and amazing.

Maybe we'll do something special with them at some point on our website - This kinda thing is exactly why we wanted to make our own games, to give people an experience that they really, truly value.

Thank you guys so much.

Congrats Thomas and Moon studio.
I have literally spent almost 16 hours the first play through just to enjoy the level design ,graphics, music and the whole concept. Am at my second play through now. Still enjoying it like the first time. This is really a masterpiece. Congrats.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
on another note, something about the story doesn't add up:

why did the light from the spirit tree kill kuro's birdlets? and why didn't it reach her if she was down in the forest? doesn't it pass over her?

its a nuke. its also what obliterates all life and why the fat guy (lady?) dies of starvation. Now...WHY is the light nuking everything, thats the question. I guess its NOT a benevolent god :p


I was really enjoying the game but it now doesn't want to save. In two occasions I've played, saved, exited the game and when I go back it sets me way back. I've probably lost 3 hours with this.
Will someone just give me the answer to the platforming puzzle in furloin ruins?

This game is just so irritating to the point that I get zero joy out of it. Fuck. Watch it be so simple too.

Don't you just run around the blocks and use altered gravity to shift from platform to platform?
Not sure what your question is.


This JUS happeed to me wen i started my game. I am in furloin ruins and it took me 20 minutes behind forcing me to get the key to the ruins again

The problem is that it keeps happening, not just a single occurrence. I've lost all progress from yesterday because of this issue. Try to save and exit before making too much progress to make sure it's actually saving.
The problem is that it keeps happening, not just a single occurrence. I've lost all progress from yesterday because of this issue. Try to save and exit before making to much progress to make sure it's actually saving.

have you tried copying your save to another one of the three slots?

EDIT: I wonder if this is a cloud save issue too or something.

KC Denton

How do you alter gravity? Thats the spot. 3 big red blocks i can walk around. The only one i can reach is the one to far right surrounded by spikes
When you are running on a red block, your gravity is aligned differently depending on where you are. For example, standing on the left or right of a red block makes gravity go sideways, standing on the bottom of a block makes you fall up, and standing on the top is normal gravity. This should have been implied through using the orb to walk up the curved red surfaces allowing you to walk on walls/ceilings.
I get that mechanic. I was confused as to which block i was supposed to get to first. The only one i can jump to is the one to the far right. Once i am standing upright, there is nowhere for me to go to climb up to the far left edge. I was told that the orb is supposed to hover close to me as i let go of it but it doesnt

You basically want to stand on the opposite side of the block from where you want to go. So that jumping off the block either to the left or right will make you fall downwards toward the rock you want to go to. I died countless times at this spot before I realized what to do. Also if you need to jump to a ledge from a molten rock, if you press RT to turn off the shield you get a few seconds of invulnerability as it falls to the ground, that's your time to jump for the ledge.

I've died 346 times and I'm at 94% completion. I love that its difficult, but some sections do feel cheap. The parts
at the end of major sections, like outrunning the rising water, or the ending of the wind area
feel like trial and error where there is no way to do them without dieing several times at each new section. However once you pass a section you have been stuck at for a long time, it feels so rewarding.

KC Denton

I get that mechanic. I was confused as to which block i was supposed to get to first. The only one i can jump to is the one to the far right. Once i am standing upright, there is nowhere for me to go to climb up to the far left edge. I was told that the orb is supposed to hover close to me as i let go of it but it doesnt
Don't stand upright, just jump off when you are on the right of the rightmost block. You'll “fall" to the left, and can land on the other blocks that way. The changes in gravity persist if you jump off in the correct alignment.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
those of you on the forlorn ruins:
after the anti-gravity sequence (when you cross the orange rock bridge), make sure you keep heading right towards the orange beams of death instead of climbing up and out of the level. there's a life cell you'll miss there and you wont be able to get back into the ruins after you complete it

I'm actually here right now
but the right side didn't have a life cell, it had one of those blue pods containing some energy. Which I don't think are important/counted for 100%

I'm trying to make sure I don't miss something but I don't see anything important there.


Finished the game a few minutes ago. 10h 45m play time, enjoyable but flawed, music will stay with me longer than the gameplay will. Not being able to back track to earlier sections is a big no no in this type of game. Ended up missing 1 Energy cell, looks like it was in the tree since that was 98%, was missing something else in there during the escape that shows on the map. The cell for some reason wouldn't show on the map even after buying the ability to show them all. I didn't care for the floaty jumping either. The escapes were all awful to, bad game design from earlier games, shouldn't have brought that junk back in 2015.

Biggest worry before buying was Unity problems and they definitely reared their ugly heads throughout the game. Stutters, got worse in the later sections, seems to have loading issues and there was some major slowdown in a few sections even though my framerate would be in the 200-300's when I went back to test the area with vsync off. Game was on my SSD so it's not a hd loading issue. Fell through the world once but it was to a section I had already been to so didn't hinder me any.

Good advice for anyone just starting, fill out the middle ability tree first so you can see those collectibles and secrets before sections get closed off to you.

I doubt I revisit the game to get 100%, only type of game I tend to play more than one play through of is Diablo types.
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