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Unusual conspiracy theories

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For the flat earth guy:


Caption says it's taken from a few miles away looking west. It's even from a flat earth website! Well, since I can't see the ground and the lake is subtlely covering it up it actually proves the earth is round.


There is what seems like a huge spike in interest of the flat earth on the internet. I recently did research on it and there are things that makes me question if we really do live on a globe earth or not. A few examples:

Why can't anyone freely explore Antarctica without government hand holding and why is there an Antarctic Treaty? And if you didn't know in the flat earth model Antarctica surrounds the earth

How in the world can you see the Chicago skyline from 50 miles away as with the Josh Nowitcizki (sp?) footage? According to spherical geometry the skyline should be .45 miles below the horizon. And it's silly to say it is a mirage when mirages are wavy, distorted etc.

Why aren't there any HD live footage of the globe earth in 2015?

How come footage from high altitude weather balloons that don't use a fish eye lense there is no curvature of earth seen?

Why don't airplanes fly over the south pole? And skirting the edges doesnt count.

How can water curve if the earth is a globe? Water levels out based on every day observations. How is it that gravity can be so powerful to arc water but not powerful enough to keep a little tiny bug from flying?

Why has NASA and every space agency getting caught red handed with fake footage and fake pictures of the globe earth? Why would they fake it in the first place? There most recent supposed photo of Earth (after 40+ years) has a blatant subliminal message written in the clouds. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2MdJXjoB2M

Why aren't railways that go straight for miles and miles curve to fit the curvature of the earth?

Why don't airplanes flying horizontal have to dip to compensate for the curvature of the earth?

Why is NASA so heavily involved with the occult? They name their missions after false gods (Apollo), they are connected to Jack Parson of JPL who wanted to create the Antichrist through a ritual sex magik, they hired Nazis who were involved with the occult, and they have a lot of Freemasons.

If flat earth proponents can explain the lengthening of days in the southern hemisphere and the direction of the rising and setting of the Sun in the December solstice, and an explanation for Moon phases and lunar eclipse I may jump on board.

Good question. I thought about it too.

I thought maybe because the Earth is special. And indeed whether it is flat or sphere the Earth is special.

But the questions I asked are in my opinion are very compelling questions. I haven't got any valid answers yet.

And about the Moon... I heard arguments that the Moon is flat because no matter what latitude you are on the Earth you can't see more of it. Plus it's incredibly odd that one side of the Moon always face the Earth. I don't know if the Moon is flat or a sphere but I find this wondering fascinating.

I'll just to all of your guys' questions and answers in one post. Again, just for the record I am not a flat earth believer (but I am very open to believe in it if they can fix what I think are issues with their model) but they have answers to just about all the arguments against it.

What about satellites?

Satellites are believed to be a hoax. And GPS is believed to be ground base. https://youtu.be/qauj1PPEJRQ

According to the physics we were taught to be true it's impossible to have satellites in "outer space" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izwW4LghHJ8

How about circumnavigating the globe?

What if one is sailing or flying at rights angles to the North pole? The person would and eventually returning to one’s original location just as on a globe. Think of it as a compass placed its center-point on a flat piece of paper and trace a circle either way around the “pole,” so can a ship or plane circumnavigate a flat-Earth.

From what Ive gathered:

“Circular sailing no more proves the world to be a globe than an equilateral triangle. The sailing round the world would, of course, take very much longer, but, in principle, it is exactly the same as that of the yachtsman circumnavigating the Isle of Wight. Let me give a simple illustration. A boy wants to sail his iron toy boat by a magnet, so he gets a basin, in the middle of which he places a soap-dish, or anything else which he may think suitable to represent the Earth, and then fills the basin with water to display the sea. He puts in his boat and draws it by the magnet round his little world. But the boat never passes over the rim to sail under the basin, as if that were globular, instead of being simply circular. So is it in this world of ours; from the extreme South we can sail from East to West or from West to East around it, but we cannot sail from North to South or from South to North, for we cannot break through intervening lands, nor pass the impenetrable ramparts of ice and rocks which enclose the great Southern Circumference.” -David Wardlaw Scott, “Terra Firma” (68)

“A very good illustration of the circum-navigation of a plane will be seen by taking a round table, and fixing a pin in the centre to represent the magnetic pole. To this central pin attach a string drawn out to any distance towards the edge of the table. This string may represent the meridian of Greenwich, extending due north and south. If now a pencil or other object is placed across, or at right angles to the string, at any distance between the centre and the circumference of the table, it will represent a vessel standing due east and west. Now move the pencil and the string together in either direction, and it will be seen that by keeping the vessel (or pencil), square to the string it must of necessity describe a circle round the magnetic centre and return to the starting point in the opposite direction to that in which it first sailed.” -Dr. Samuel Rowbotham, “Zetetic Astronomy, Earth Not a Globe!” (226)

Have you ever seen a long exposure photograph of the night sky taken from Earth?

Yes. Which is interesting because it makes it look like the Earth is stationary and the heavens are revolving around the earth from our perspective. What's interesting to me is how is it that Polaris can stay above the North Pole when the Earth is supposedly revolving around the Sun, wobbling and moving with the Sun and the Sun is moving with the galaxy.

One said "The treaty prevents any nation from claiming it as theirs."

I wasn't talking about any nation claiming it as theirs. They won't allow independent researchers to explore Antarctica without their hand holding. I find that suspect.

"citation needed"

Time lapse video from his facebook page https://www.facebook.com/JoshuaNowi...6034061785596/888477221207943/?type=2&theater

News Video: https://youtu.be/Sekn2jbXSkY

According to spherical trigonometry the skyline should be .45 miles below the curvature at a 50 mile distance. And no, I don't believe it was a mirage as mirages are wavy and distorted.

"There is, the ISS streams video all day long."

They don't show the entire GLOBE Earth. NASA can easily put the flat earth conspiracy to bed if they had HD live footage of the GLOBE earth. I find it suspect in 2015 with all the billions of dollars they have received from tax payers none exist.

"citation needed"


Just go on Youtube you can find many amateur weather balloon footage. I have seen many and there is no curvature of the Earth seen and they go as high as 100,000 feet or even higher. Just be sure you watch footage that doesn't use the fish eye lenses.

"Wind conditions around the pole are pretty dangerious"

According to whom? Reference please.

"[BGravity is a weak force over all. Also, what would be forcing the water to rise?[/B]"

I don't get what you're saying here. If gravity is a weak force then how can it arc water? How come in smaller scales body of water doesn't arc by this force called gravity? I would love for someone to post video of gravity arcing water on a smaller scale.

From what I have gathered:

"“The upper surface of a fluid at rest is a horizontal plane. Because if a part of the surface were higher than the rest, those parts of the fluid which were under it would exert a greater pressure upon the surrounding parts than they receive from them, so that motion would take place amongst the particles and continue until there were none at a higher level than the rest, that is, until the upper surface of the whole mass of fluid became a horizontal plane.” -W.T. Lynn, “First Principles of Natural Philosophy”

"If the Earth is an extended flat plane, then this fundamental physical property of fluids finding and remaining level is consistent with experience and common sense. If, however, the Earth is a giant sphere tilted on its vertical axis spinning through never-ending space then it follows that truly flat, consistently level surfaces do not exist here! Moreover, if the Earth is spherical then it follows that the surface of all Earth’s water, including the massive oceans, must maintain a certain degree of convexity. But this is contrary to the fundamental physical nature of water to always be and remain level!"

“The surface of all water, when not agitated by natural causes, such as winds, tides, earthquakes etc. is perfectly level. The sense of sight proves this to every unprejudiced and reasonable mind. Can any so-called scientist, who teaches that the earth is a whirling globe, take a heap of liquid water, whirl it round, and so make rotundity? He cannot. Therefore it is utterly impossible to prove that an ocean is a whirling rotund section of a globular earth, rushing through ‘space’ at the lying-given-rate of false philosophers.” -William Thomas Wiseman, “The Earth An Irregular Plane”

“Is water level, or is it not?’ was a question once asked of an astronomer. ‘Practically, yes; theoretically, no,’ was the reply. Now, when theory does not harmonize with practice, the best thing to do is to drop the theory. (It is getting too late, now to say ‘So much the worse for the facts!’) To drop the theory which supposes a curved surface to standing water is to acknowledge the facts. Whenever experiments have been tried on the surface of standing water, the surface has always been found to be level. If the Earth were a globe, the surface of all standing water would be convex. This is an experimental proof that Earth is not a globe.” -William Carpenter, “100 Proofs the Earth is Not a Globe”

“Since any given body of water must have a level surface, no one part higher than another, and seeing that all our oceans (a few inland seas excepted) are connected together, it follows that they are all VIRTUALLY OF THE SAME LEVEL.” -The English Mechanic, 26th, June 1896

“If the Earth were a globe, rolling and dashing through ‘space’ at the rate of ‘a hundred miles in five seconds of time,’ the waters of seas and oceans could not, by any known law, be kept on its surface - the assertion that they could be retained under these circumstances being an outrage upon human understanding and credulity! But as the Earth - that is, the habitable world of dry land - is found to be ‘standing out of the water and in the water’ of the ‘mighty deep,’ whose circumferential boundary is ice, we may throw the statement back into the teeth of those who make it and flaunt before their faces the flag of reason and common sense, inscribed with a proof that the Earth is not a globe.” -William Carpenter, “100 Proofs the Earth is Not a Globe” (86)

"What fake footage? It's far easier to just show the real stuff, which is what they do. Only hollywood fakes it."

NASA and every other government space agency doctoring photos and faking space. They've been caught red handed. Sources https://youtu.be/klP6Z1Ahqos https://youtu.be/9X0HgFWsNlk https://youtu.be/EwlCkSqTlWM https://youtu.be/GEn98NAC6ak

"They do curve though, at the joints. Think drawling a circle in Paint."

From what I've gathered railways don't take into account the curvature:

J.C. Bourne in his book, “The History of the Great Western Railway” stated that the entire original English railroad, more than 118 miles long, that the whole line with the exception of the inclined planes, may be regarded practically as level. The British Parliament Session in 1862 that approved its construction recorded in Order No. 44 for the proposed railway, “That the section be drawn to the same HORIZONTAL scale as the plan, and to a vertical scale of not less than one inch to every one hundred feet, and shall show the surface of the ground marked on the plan, the intended level of the proposed work, the height of every embankment, and the depth of every cutting, and a DATUM HORIZONTAL LINE which shall be the same throughout the whole length of the work.”

“One hundred and eighteen miles of LEVEL railway, and yet the surface on which it is projected a globe? Impossible. It cannot be. Early in 1898 I met Mr. Hughes, chief officer of the steamer ‘City of Lincoln.’ This gentleman told me he had projected thousands of miles of level railway in South America, and never heard of any allowance for curvature being made. On one occasion he surveyed over one thousand miles of railway which was a perfect straight line all the way. It is well known that in the Argentine Republic and other parts of South America, there are railways thousands of miles long without curve or gradient. In projecting railways, the world is acknowledged to be a plane, and if it were a globe the rules of projection have yet to be discovered. Level railways prove a level world, to the utter confusion of the globular school of impractical men with high salaries and little brains.” –Thomas Winship, “Zetetic Cosmogeny”

“That in all surveys no allowance is made for curvature, which would be a necessity on a globe; that a horizontal line is in every case the datum line, the same line being continuous throughout the whole length of the work; and that the theodolite cuts a line at equal altitudes on either side of it, which altitude is the same as that of the instrument, clearly proves, to those who will accept proof when it is furnished, that the world is a plane and not a globe.” –Thomas Winship, “Zetetic Cosmogeny”

Engineer, W. Winckler, wrote into the Earth Review October 1893 regarding the Earth’s supposed curvature, stating, “As an engineer of many years standing, I saw that this absurd allowance is only permitted in school books. No engineer would dream of allowing anything of the kind. I have projected many miles of railways and many more of canals and the allowance has not even been thought of, much less allowed for. This allowance for curvature means this – that it is 8” for the first mile of a canal, and increasing at the ratio by the square of the distance in miles; thus a small navigable canal for boats, say 30 miles long, will have, by the above rule an allowance for curvature of 600 feet. Think of that and then please credit engineers as not being quite such fools. Nothing of the sort is allowed. We no more think of allowing 600 feet for a line of 30 miles of railway or canal, than of wasting our time trying to square the circle”

"Gravity forces them into a curved path. They don't have enough velocity to escape it."

You say gravity pulls down airplanes into a curve path. It seems ridiculous to me if the airplane is flying completely horizontal as their gauges would show. I would like for an airplane pilot to respond to this.

"Why do you need to use spherical trigonometry to calculate accurate distances if the earth is flat?"

As far as I know for railways, sea navigation etc. don't use spherical trigonometry. Which is odd to me.


Are you actually being serious? This isn't some kind of elaborate troll?

Because I literally cannot believe anyone is this stupid. The Babylonians, Greeks, Chinese and Indians all worked out that the earth is a sphere many thousands of years ago.


Sounds hot. How do I get in on this gig?

you have to let this old ex Navy con-man, who is on the run from the law, you have to let him have sex with your new fiance. No, I don't know what makes him so special. No, you don't have to be present. He will come by a couple times a week to have sex with your fiance on this special "altar" that looks like a daybed. Once the anti-christ shows up, you're responsible for his welfare for the next 18 years...no we never made it this far. You're the first guy who said 'yes'.


Shalom, I would like to here what you think of my refutal above. Do you think physics is a hoax too?
Reentering this thread brought me to a marvelous live-stream of the earth (thats really relaxing to look at)

Finland isnt a real country (im in on that one!)

Berenstein/Berenstain parallel universe

Flat earth (looooooooooooooooooooooooooool)

Dave Chappelle being Tupac (could be)


The movie Minions is androgynous zionist global-slave programming.

Yes, let that sink in for a moment.

WARNING: Rampant racism and brain-melting stupidity incoming!





She's going camping, and she seriously urged me to go with her. I think the camping thing is just in case it's not an asteroid, but something else happens on that date like the impending declaration of martial law in the US. She bought a crossbow and a solar oven just to be on the safe side.

Most likely, she'll come back after the trip and regale me with stories of how the country is run by lizard people or something like that. The whole apocalypse thing will be quickly forgotten.

If you can believe it, she spends a lot of time watching Infowars.

As funny as this is, I think your mom needs help.
How do different day/night cycles and seasons work on a flat earth?

They believe the sun is only a few thousand miles away from the surface of the flat earth(and also much smaller than the sun really is) and its moving around the flat earth in a weird way.

They have explanations for many things and looked at individually these explanations do work out, but in a broader model they all fail.

For example, a disc based shape of the size of our earth can't exist because of gravity, it would collapse into a round shape. So they say gravity doesn't exist and to explain why we have a weight when there is no gravity, they say that the flat earth is just constantly going upwards at 9.81m/s(which is the gravitational acceleration on earth). Which on first sight would be an explaination for why we have the weight we have on earth, but completely breaks down when you look at different things we can explain with gravity but not with a flat earth moving upwards.

But everything that proves them wrong is just part of the cover up.
I mean, there really is no point in arguing with people who believe that all the pictures and videos of earth over the last couple of decades have all been fakes. I mean, people might not know but there are terabytes of visual data of the earth from satellites everyday. This all needed to be faked and the fake needed to be consistant over decades. We aren't talking about hollywood level fakage here, we are talking about millions of people working on coherent fake pictures of every last spot of the earths surface and videos of the earth everyday 24/7. And of course satellite data isn't just visible light, they also needed to fake the data for the nonvisible wavelenghts. And on top of that these fakes needed to be useful, too. Farmers and fishermen for example use satellite data to determine where they need to water their crops or where there is a lot of plankton in the water which indicates lots of fish(we can read of of that out of the slight variations in earth reflectiveness of certain wavelenghts.) All fake date but apparantly still true.
Its ridiculous. Its complete denial of reality and I'd say whoever really believes this has mental issues or is just a complete and utter idiot with no knowledge about anything whatsoever, no commonsense but immense ignorance and naivety.

Also whoever thinks that satellites are a hoax should just buy a consumer level telescope and watch them. I mean, you can even see some of them with the bear eye.
But they'll probably just come up with the next explanation like they're holograms projected into the sky to fool us, or something like that. Thats how conspiracy theories work, if you disprove them your prove is just part of the conspiracy and therefore not valid.
They believe the sun is only a few thousand miles away from the surface of the flat earth(and also much smaller than the sun really is) and its moving around the flat earth in a weird way.

They have explanations for many things and looked at individually these explanations do work out, but in a broader model they all fail.

For example, a disc based shape of the size of our earth can't exist because of gravity, it would collapse into a round shape. So they say gravity doesn't exist and to explain why we have a weight when there is no gravity, they say that the flat earth is just constantly going upwards at 9.81m/s(which is the gravitational acceleration on earth). Which on first sight would be an explaination for why we have the weight we have on earth, but completely breaks down when you look at different things we can explain with gravity but not with a flat earth moving upwards.

But everything that proves them wrong is just part of the cover up.
I mean, there really is no point in arguing with people who believe that all the pictures and videos of earth over the last couple of decades have all been fakes. I mean, people might not know but there are terabytes of visual data of the earth from satellites everyday. This all needed to be faked and the fake needed to be consistant over decades. We aren't talking about hollywood level fakage here, we are talking about millions of people working on coherent fake pictures of every last spot of the earths surface and videos of the earth everyday 24/7. And of course satellite data isn't just visible light, they also needed to fake the data for the nonvisible wavelenghts. And on top of that these fakes needed to be useful, too. Farmers and fishermen for example use satellite data to determine where they need to water their crops or where there is a lot of plankton in the water which indicates lots of fish(we can read of of that out of the slight variations in earth reflectiveness of certain wavelenghts.) All fake date but apparantly still true.
Its ridiculous.

Also whoever thinks that satellites are a hoax should just buy a consumer level telescope and watch them. I mean, you can even see some of them with the bear eye.
But they'll probably just come up with the next explanation like they're holograms projected into the sky to fool us, or something like that. Thats how conspiracy theories work, if you disprove them your prove is just part of the conspiracy and therefore not valid.

But earth is flat! I figured it out now! We are all living in Matrix where whoever controls us wants us to believe that earth is a globe...yet we are all just some kb spinning on a flat HDD :p

Case closed...have fun
they say that the flat earth is just constantly going upwards at 9.81m/s(which is the gravitational acceleration on earth)

uhhh it's 9.81m/s², it's an acceleration
It would mean earth is infinitely accelerating in a direction ie it's going faster than the speed of light at this point (after 4 billion years I'd say it probably passed speed of light)


Yeah of all the conspiracy theories I've heard that's gotta be one of the easiest to disprove. There's not one thing about it that makes sense. I'm on mobile so I can't make a detailed case but others seem to have it covered so yeah... flat earth... wow

Shalom though man I hope you don't feel like you're getting dogpiled here. Definitely something you can learn from by looking at some pretty basic science

What gets me most about these theories is the fact that NASA is always behind it all, as if they're the only people on earth who could possibly know these things so they'd be able to keep it under wraps.
uhhh it's 9.81m/s², it's an acceleration
It would mean earth is infinitely accelerating in a direction ie it's going faster than the speed of light at this point (after 4 billion years I'd say it probably passed speed of light)

but you wouldnt know cause the sun is moving with us at the same speed with the same acceleration :p
uhhh it's 9.81m/s², it's an acceleration
It would mean earth is infinitely accelerating in a direction ie it's going faster than the speed of light at this point (after 4 billion years I'd say it probably passed speed of light)

Well. For them the earth isn't 4.5 billion years old and the speed of light probably is a hoax, too.


If the Earth were a rotating flat-plate, depending on how it rotates you would either feel a force pushing everything to the edges and/or experience varying magnitudes of forces pushing you down into the ground as a function of how close you are to the center of rotation. It's silly.


uhhh it's 9.81m/s², it's an acceleration
It would mean earth is infinitely accelerating in a direction ie it's going faster than the speed of light at this point (after 4 billion years I'd say it probably passed speed of light)
So if we're accelerating up, why is the rest of the solar system there? Do they, also, accelerate up?
So if we're accelerating up, why is the rest of the solar system there? Do they, also, accelerate up?

the entire universe is always accelerating at 9.81 m/s², that's the only answer

Seriously there's no point in wasting one's time arguing with conspiracy clowns


Large scale physics just don't work on a flat earth. No amount of theorycrafting explains that away.

I'd love to see flat earthers do weather predictions.
I love conspiracy stuff, there's so much noise in this area though it's hard work wading through swathes of detritus to get to the stories where there might be something 'in it'.

Pat Uskert (one of the guys who used to present UFO Hunters) said it best for me on a podcast a few years ago when he described conspiracy theories like an onion; you have to peel through layers and layers of waste in order to get to the tasty bit in the middle

Living in a small village in Wales, I tend to roll my eyes at every doomsday scenario or new world order 'takeover' that's supposedly just around the corner, but the really crazy ones for me at the moment remain the Madeline McCann disappearance and the British society abuse scandal.

I think in both cases the mainstream media are either being extremely stupid or deliberately not investigating people alive and well still in the public eye for fear of what may happen to them.
I pronounced it as "steen" as well because that is how it sounded on the show.

I think there were at least two. I noticed it when watching super early episodes right after new episodes as a kid. The first one sounds more nasally or something.

Always one. Tom Kenny. He sounds different because doing the voice has actually caused intense strain to his vocal chords so he can't go the same extremes he did during the early seasons.


Also remember the reason XL condoms is not allowed to be sold in the US, is because the American male on average has a smaller penis then most other countries.

So logic dictates that guys with a huge dong is more likely to not use a condom or break it, thereby giving birth to a higher percentage of well endowed American male babies. A trend that will over a long period of time bring the average size up on par with the rest of the "developed" world.
Hey Shalom:


Given this model, shouldn't it take way longer to sail from South America to Australia than it does to sail from California to China? Why do sailors never notice the vast difference in distance?

Also, why don't sailors notice they are constantly sailing in big circles instead of in a straight line?

How does this spotlight theory work with sunsets?


Maybe the sun is so close to earth, the earth is so large, and the spotlight is so diffuse that by the time the spotlight moves off of you and you lose sight of the sun, the sun is right by the horizon, and so it gives the illusion of the sun disappearing below the horizon? I dunno I'm bad at this.


Its ridiculous. Its complete denial of reality and I'd say whoever really believes this has mental issues or is just a complete and utter idiot with no knowledge about anything whatsoever, no commonsense but immense ignorance and naivety.

Also whoever thinks that satellites are a hoax should just buy a consumer level telescope and watch them. I mean, you can even see some of them with the bear eye.
But they'll probably just come up with the next explanation like they're holograms projected into the sky to fool us, or something like that. Thats how conspiracy theories work, if you disprove them your prove is just part of the conspiracy and therefore not valid.

In all seriousness though, this is spot on. Conspiracy theories only work if you decide to completely waste all opportunity to learn about the world, how it works and give in to utter stupidity. Being intellectually dishonest to that degree is a criminal misuse of our abilities as human beings to reason things out.

Also remember the reason XL condoms is not allowed to be sold in the US, is because the American male on average has a smaller penis then most other countries.

So logic dictates that guys with a huge dong is more likely to not use a condom or break it, thereby giving birth to a higher percentage of well endowed American male babies. A trend that will over a long period of time bring the average size up on par with the rest of the "developed" world.



I don't know.

But in researching this I came across strange flight paths that doesn't seem to make much sense unless it was a flat earth.

Flying from Sydney to Santiago would be a straight shot over the Pacific staying in the Southern hemisphere the entire way. What's interesting is that Santiago-Sydney flights go into the Northern hemisphere making stop-overs at LAX and other North American airports before continuing back down to the Southern hemisphere. Such detours makes not much sense on a globe but makes near perfect lines on a flat earth map.


The arguments I've come across is that the airlines want to make more money by picking up more people despite the out of the way detours. Could be true. I don't know.

Mark Sargent, who is kind of like one of the more popular people of the modern flat earth movement, addresses something related here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0FuO8lQV18 He left his email and phone number. If you are really curious you can ask him. And maybe you can post what he said here.

Another person looked into it and found strange flight paths https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNVgzk3tbl0

Given how large the Earth is would you really know if are flying or sailing in a circle if you are traveling east or west in relation to the North Pole? I don't know.

I was wrong. It wasn't 50 miles away but 60 miles away!

A mirage my foot.
You're right, it's not a mirage that's easily explained by the well proven laws of physics that govern the behavior of light and air, but instead proof that the Earth is flat. Sloppy of the vast and powerful network of conspirators who fake all satellite and space-based imagery of Earth to let this picture get out there instead of scrubbing it from the internet.

Actually though, I think you're right. A mirage does sound kind of like bullshit. You know though, I have heard of weird atmospheric phenomenon to occur as a byproduct of the weather controlling machines the government runs. Think about it, how can the media possibly predict something as complex as we're told weather is? Because the media and government are clearly run by Illuminati satanic zionists who want to create the Antichrist through ritual sex magicks to perpetuate the myth of Finland in this parallel Berenstain bears universe.

You can't prove I'm wrong, can you? I dare you to try! But anything you find that disproves what I say is part of the cover up to prevent people from knowing the truth: that we're all lizard people whose souls are aliens that rained down from volcanoes and that, you know Ellie, we really are the Last of Us.

I don't know.

But in researching this I came across strange flight paths that doesn't seem to make much sense unless it was a flat earth.

Flying from Sydney to Santiago would be a straight shot over the Pacific staying in the Southern hemisphere the entire way. What's interesting is that Santiago-Sydney flights go into the Northern hemisphere making stop-overs at LAX and other North American airports before continuing back down to the Southern hemisphere. Such detours makes not much sense on a globe but makes near perfect lines on a flat earth map.


The arguments I've come across is that the airlines want to make more money by picking up more people despite the out of the way detours. Could be true. I don't know.

Mark Sargent, who is kind of like one of the more popular people of the modern flat earth movement, addresses something related here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0FuO8lQV18 He left his email and phone number. If you are really curious you can ask him. And maybe you can post what he said here.

Another person looked into it and found strange flight paths https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNVgzk3tbl0

Given how large the Earth is would you really know if are flying or sailing in a circle if you are traveling east or west in relation to the North Pole? I don't know.

Holy shit, you're actually serious about this.


Also while you're doing your research, please google "confirmation bias" and read that entire article.


I love how the more likely explanation is not airlines trying to maximize profits on less popular air routes but proof that the Earth is flat

The razor is blunt and rusty
This thread got good.

Shalom, what do you think of hollow earth theory? Tbh I think it's much more plausible than the flat earth theory.



I don't know.

But in researching this I came across strange flight paths that doesn't seem to make much sense unless it was a flat earth.

Flying from Sydney to Santiago would be a straight shot over the Pacific staying in the Southern hemisphere the entire way. What's interesting is that Santiago-Sydney flights go into the Northern hemisphere making stop-overs at LAX and other North American airports before continuing back down to the Southern hemisphere. Such detours makes not much sense on a globe but makes near perfect lines on a flat earth map.


The arguments I've come across is that the airlines want to make more money by picking up more people despite the out of the way detours. Could be true. I don't know.

Mark Sargent, who is kind of like one of the more popular people of the modern flat earth movement, addresses something related here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0FuO8lQV18 He left his email and phone number. If you are really curious you can ask him. And maybe you can post what he said here.

Another person looked into it and found strange flight paths https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNVgzk3tbl0

Given how large the Earth is would you really know if are flying or sailing in a circle if you are traveling east or west in relation to the North Pole? I don't know.

I'm curious but too lazy to do research, how do flat earthers explain the wheater? (air currents, cloud movements etc.)

I don't know.

But in researching this I came across strange flight paths that doesn't seem to make much sense unless it was a flat earth.

Flying from Sydney to Santiago would be a straight shot over the Pacific staying in the Southern hemisphere the entire way. What's interesting is that Santiago-Sydney flights go into the Northern hemisphere making stop-overs at LAX and other North American airports before continuing back down to the Southern hemisphere. Such detours makes not much sense on a globe but makes near perfect lines on a flat earth map.


The arguments I've come across is that the airlines want to make more money by picking up more people despite the out of the way detours. Could be true. I don't know.

Mark Sargent, who is kind of like one of the more popular people of the modern flat earth movement, addresses something related here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0FuO8lQV18 He left his email and phone number. If you are really curious you can ask him. And maybe you can post what he said here.

Another person looked into it and found strange flight paths https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNVgzk3tbl0

Given how large the Earth is would you really know if are flying or sailing in a circle if you are traveling east or west in relation to the North Pole? I don't know.

You can fly direct from Sydney to Santiago and it takes about 13 hours. The flight from Sydney to LA is 14 hours.


This thread got good.

Shalom, what do you think of hollow earth theory? Tbh I think it's much more plausible than the flat earth theory.

I haven't looked into the hollow earth theory much. I did do a Google search about Admiral Byrd supposedly flying into the earth at one of the poles but didn't find anything. But no, I don't believe in a hollow earth. But I seriously doubt the prevailing paradigm of the interior of the Earth when the furthest they have drilled into the Earth is about 8 miles.


What explanation do flat earth people give for the night sky rotating one way when viewed on the northern hemisphere and rotating the other way on the southern hemisphere? Also why the moon looks different on the northern hemisphere compared to the southern hemisphere? (it's upside down or down side up depending on where you're from)

Do flat earthers also believe the moon is much smaller than it actually is? How do they explain what we saw when we landed on it or do they also not believe in people landing on the moon?
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