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Best PC Graphics of 2016


No it doesn't. My shot above is maxed out downsampled from 2400p. And this shot is downsampled from 3200p. Is that resolution high enough for you?


Anyone who played BF1 more than 30 minutes would know the screenshots I posted are exactly the type of graphics you'd be looking at 99% of the time while you play the game. It's not cherry-picked or anything. I've played BF1 for more than 100 hours and very much underwhemled by its graphics.

One thing to note is that you are comparing a multiplayer screenshot which would no doubt have downscaled graphics from the single player to have better performance.

I would mean that screenshots from the campaign would have better elements including more polygon objects compared to the multiplayer maps since it is single player only and thus able to handle better graphics.
In terms of games I've actually played, I'd say Blood and Wine or Rise of the Tomb Raider, though Battlefield 1 and Doom also look amazing.
No it doesn't. My shot above is maxed out downsampled from 2400p. And this shot is downsampled from 3200p. Is that resolution high enough for you?


Anyone who played BF1 more than 30 minutes would know the screenshots I posted are exactly the type of graphics you'd be looking at 99% of the time while you play the game. It's not cherry-picked or anything. I've played BF1 for more than 100 hours and very much underwhemled by its graphics.

Even that shot looks fantastic to me. It's especially impressive when you consider it's a MP game with gigantic maps, 64-players, and a metric shit ton of destruction. The entire village you see there can be completely ravaged by tanks and planes. It's also worth noting that the quality of the visuals can arguably differ based on the weather. I love the way St. Quentin looks when it's raining, for example.


I'm really surprised some of you guys are downplaying BF1's graphics so much. I thought it was widely considered to be one of the best looking games to date, and by far the best looking MP game to date. Maybe I was wrong.


The Witness looked really amazing.

I sadly don't have saved screens of The Division anymore but that would probably be my top pick.

Although looking through my screens Forza Horizon 3 really deserves a mention, looks crazy good at 4K.

I really loved how DOOM looked

Gears 4, Deus Ex, Battlefield 1 all looked amazing too. I'm sure there's some others I'm forgetting too. There's just been some real great looking games this year I find it really hard to pick.

With even thinking Battlefield 1 looks insane. I'd still have it between The Division, Forza Horizon 3, and DOOM.
Very hard to decide.

Yeah Battlefield 1 is really damn good, especially if you go back to play BF4. Idk I think it's downplayed because Battlefront looked a little more mindblowing in some ways due to the low player count so we're all used to those Frostbite graphics already and arguably Battlefront still looks better, Endor definitely beats Agonne for instance. Although the weather really does look fantastic in BF1, that lightning storm on Empire's Edge is a thing of beauty.


I'm really surprised some of you guys are downplaying BF1's graphics so much. I thought it was widely considered to be one of the best looking games to date, and by far the best looking MP game to date. Maybe I was wrong.
Yep, I'm surprised as well, you have to be crazy to think it's not one of the best this year.
No it doesn't. My shot above is maxed out downsampled from 2400p. And this shot is downsampled from 3200p. Is that resolution high enough for you?


Anyone who played BF1 more than 30 minutes would know the screenshots I posted are exactly the type of graphics you'd be looking at 99% of the time while you play the game. It's not cherry-picked or anything. I've played BF1 for more than 100 hours and very much underwhemled by its graphics.

You keep posting this implying that it looks bad but it looks fucking fantastic, and I'm sure most of us would agree. I don't know what high horse you think you're riding upon but the game looks phenomenal.

Please, humor us and list out some games that meet your godly standards rather than continue to regurgitate the same point. Show us the "large number of good looking PC games this year", I've played a lot of great looking games this year but Battlefield is at the very top of that list.


A whole lot of discussion in this thread based entirely around screenshots when games are played in motion, and Battlefield 1 runs wonderfully (Same with Doom) compared to many of the other contenders. And that's not even getting in to interactivity which is quite important to a games visuals for me, DX:HR for instance was a very pretty game but it's completely static approach to lighting environments led to the first DX game where you couldn't really interact with anything.

Gotta laugh at some of the comments like BF1 not being even in the top 5 this year, madness.


I'd say Gears 4 and Battlefield 1. Gears 4 looks and plays phenomenonal. I think Doom 4 wins from a performance standpoint but those other two games take a slight edge.


Trucker Sexologist
Even that shot looks fantastic to me. It's especially impressive when you consider it's a MP game with gigantic maps, 64-players, and a metric shit ton of destruction. The entire village you see there can be completely ravaged by tanks and planes. It's also worth noting that the quality of the visuals can arguably differ based on the weather. I love the way St. Quentin looks when it's raining, for example.


I'm really surprised some of you guys are downplaying BF1's graphics so much. I thought it was widely considered to be one of the best looking games to date, and by far the best looking MP game to date. Maybe I was wrong.



Considering graphic means artstyle and visuals when talking of best, IMO, I give it to DOOM.

It runs amazingly well, have a great and appealing artstyle and visually impressive.

A close follow up would be Battlefield One with Gears of War a close third.


Junior Member
On a tech level I may have to hand it to DOOM just on a quotient of high-quality graphics versus optimization.

I know I'm running it on a 1070, but I'm still impressed at how it looks like a technically high-end game but almost never drops below 60fps and plays so smooth and so fast at 1440p.

I'll have to add that DICE has been crazy with the photogrammetry in Battlefield 1 and Battlefront.
Yeah, Doom runs crazy good. It's in the 100's most of the time maxed out at 4K where Battlefield is highly dependant on CPU, not that it should count against it.


You call Mirror's Edge Catalyst a underperformer and I'd still put that over BF1, #2 game on your list.

A random, not cherry-picked, Mirror's Edge Catalyst screenshot I took during gameplay.


A random, not cherry-picked, BF1 screenshot I took during gameplay.


But what is there to prove with these shots? Neither is objectively better looking - they are both relatively normal, high resolution shots of two games with very good assets and lighting. In fact, they both run on almost the same game engine. Maybe Mirror's Edge is more to your liking artistically, which is fine, but you can't really put up two shots like that and realistically expect that most people are going to think ME looks leagues better than BF1. Splitting hairs over two very good looking games.


Junior Member
I think it's Doom or Division.

Battlefield 1 has nice moments but these are really limited to the campaign only.

Just like how Battlefield 4 looked very, very average in MP (sometimes horrendous) but good in the campaign


Haven't played Battlefield 1 yet. I'd say Hitman was the most impressive for me along with Doom, RotTR had some nice parts but overall I was quite underwhelmed. Quantum Break is also up there, models and environments look great and the lip synching during gameplay is unrivaled imo.


I have not played Uncharted yet, but holy moly, there is currently internal fight going inside me between Deus Ex: MD and Doom. Both have amazing artistic design and both look and sound awesome.

Maybe I would give a slight advantage to Doom because it runs so well, but when I consider some of the locations and generally textures in Deus Ex, it's really hard to say.


I'm not too fussed by BF1's graphics, especially considering the performance in MP. The campaign shots in this thread are pretty impressive though. Lighting is impeccable.

DOOM would probably be my pick all things considered but I have to admit to stopping and taking in the sights from time to time in Hitman as well.

From a purely artistic point of view though, Firewatch looked incredible.


pip pip cheerio you slags!
Doom is the most visually appealing and best running new game on PC (though I was impressed with Rise of the Tomb Raider's optimization.


RoTTR ( funny because I think it was mine in 2015 :p)
Gears 4

Apparently, Uncharted 4 is the best looking PC game. Smh


- Deus Ex Mankind Divided (in terms of visual design)
- Dishonored 2 (same as DXMD)
- The Witcher 3 Blood & Wine
- Battlefield 1

is there anything better than Uncharted 4?
I haven't played it yet, still waiting on a Steam or Origin sale.


Never played The Division but ugh these screenshots look really bad to me. Chromatic aberration abuse ruins the look of the game.

You can disable that. You even have the option to enable a more "realistic" look of the game, and reduce the brightness of certain lights or their bloom effect. (and the overall ambient lighting)


Definitely Battlefield 1, i know this answer seems too easy and you guys'd like to mention something else though that's the truth


if youre going to rag on bf one at least use images from the single player campaign. esp when comparing it to another single player game

One thing to note is that you are comparing a multiplayer screenshot which would no doubt have downscaled graphics from the single player to have better performance.

I would mean that screenshots from the campaign would have better elements including more polygon objects compared to the multiplayer maps since it is single player only and thus able to handle better graphics.

So you guys basically adimited that BF's MP doesn't look too hot and that's why you wanna bring up single player? BF1's campaign lasts like 4 hours and saying that it's an afterthought would be an understatement. Looking great in a few moments of the campaign is absolutely not enough when the game doesn't look as good the majority of the time when you actually play it. Battlefont is MP only and that doesn't stop it from looking better than BF1. Oh and don't give me more excuses like "but, but BF1's MP is 64 players!", "but, but BF1's environment is more destructible!!" This thread is about graphics only and none of these factors matter.

But what is there to prove with these shots? Neither is objectively better looking - they are both relatively normal, high resolution shots of two games with very good assets and lighting. In fact, they both run on almost the same game engine. Maybe Mirror's Edge is more to your liking artistically, which is fine, but you can't really put up two shots like that and realistically expect that most people are going to think ME looks leagues better than BF1. Splitting hairs over two very good looking games.

What's to prove? Oh boy. I get the overall art direction of BF1 and the type of look it's going for. When it works it looks fairly good (for example, this shot from the beginning of the campaign)

but most of the time it doesn't. The screenshots I posted are exactly when lighting and shading don't do them any favor, producing a final result that's not even pleasing to look at, let alone being of the best graphics on PC (foliage is bad there too, but I guess TAA is at least partially to blame).


And funny that you mention that ME and BF1 are on the same engine. Out of all 5 Frostbite PC releases this year, BF1 probably only impressed me more than FIFA. Even PvZ GW2 is a more consistent looking game that does a better job at the type of look it's going for.


Also, I never claimed that ME "looks leagues better than" BF1. My post was a response to someone who claimed ME to be the biggest underperformer of the year while BF1 is #2 on his list. The fact that you added "leagues better" yourself suggests that you're not even confident in how BF1 looks yourself and need to move the goalpost to "ME is not leagues better than BF1".
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