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Anarchy Reigns Demo - May 31


( ≖‿≖)
Good tips in that post! Don't forget you can do an L2 strong attack while coming down frlm a jump; pretty deadly usually.

Are some characters able to chain L2 attacks with normal attacks? I feel like I can't often get off more than a few light or heavy attacks before someone is downed, but I know I've frequently been attacked by way more hits than that.

Also liking Sasha the most so far I think. Her charging L2 heavy is so good.


Good tips in that post! Don't forget you can do an L2 strong attack while coming down frlm a jump; pretty deadly usually.

Are some characters able to chain L2 attacks with normal attacks? I feel like I can't often get off more than a few light or heavy attacks before someone is downed, but I know I've frequently been attacked by way more hits than that.

Also liking Sasha the most so far I think. Her charging L2 heavy is so good.

yeah you should be able to go from a standard combo string into the weapon combos. I've been doing it with Mathilda.


Are some characters able to chain L2 attacks with normal attacks? I feel like I can't often get off more than a few light or heavy attacks before someone is downed, but I know I've frequently been attacked by way more hits than that.

I've been playing Jack pretty exclusively so far. I've been chaining my normals into his L2's to some real deadly effect.


( ≖‿≖)
Yeah even just the title / loading tune is so good!

I need to change camera sensitivity or get used to using R3 more. Too slow to turn around!

Though I love turnin when someone is running after you and jump kicking them in the face.

And to the two posts above, are you ending the strings with anything specific? If I do a light light heavy or heavy light heavy, it seems like there is a period of recovery where I cant just go straight into L2+ light or heavy. Ah well I'll try when I get back home.
Attack people trying to hide from poison gas

Also run the heck away when someone goes super saiyan.

Ya when I run though they can catch up with the lock on mechanic. Everytime I bailed ended in me getting beat down.

Beast. I got 0 deaths and 7 kills once, but I was coming in behind my teammates though.

Did you play the tutorial yet? I don't do much besides what I learned in the tutorial.

edit. what can you do when you're caught in a juggle? Is their a break mechanic?

Important things to keep in mind:

You can't spam dodge all day like you could in Madworld. You're character will stop after three dodges I think. I know Leo does.

If someone doesn't know how to tech or break grabs them spam grab. If someone likes to guard alot then get close and use grab. If someone is on the ground then use grab (although you might want to guard if they use a wake up attack). Grab is good.

If you get grabbed then press O as soon as you're grabbed to get out or press O to make them gtfo so you can't get grabbed again.

Square + X is your "Get the fuck off me move". Only use it if you have to, because if you spam it someone will punish you.

Every character has a special of some sort if you hold L2 and press something. It's best to use these if you got an opening or an opponent is about to get up. If you just blindly charge in with it then you will most likely be dodged and punished.

Items are useful, but don't go out of your way to get them. Only go for them when no one is around. Best items are the cloaking device (no one can target you if you use it) and the rifle. Shield is legit too, but I've only gotten it twice and I've been playing the demo all night.

In Team Deathmatch:

1. If you know you suck or is about to die then stay with your teammates or bail out. Don't go straight to the enemy on your own because it won't end well.

2. If your meter is full and it's time to go super saiyan, only use it if you are about to die or your team is low on points. I also don't like to use it if an opponent is using it because I almost always fail the button mash. I just try to run away if an opponent is using it, but this is sort of futile due to the speed boost they get so keep that in mind.

3. If you and some teammates are teaming up on a person, try not to use your special. I'm saying this because if you try to attack while an opponent is being grabbed then your attacks will do nothing and you've wasted bar.

4. Gas = get to high ground on some of the lifts (the lifts with red lights). Microwave and bombs = go to the underground section.

In Deathmatch:

1. In my experience, two people usually fight against each other instead of all four people going at it at the same time. This mode is great to work on general strategies.

2. Try to get the items here. They help out immensely in this mode, rocket launcher and rifle especially.

3. You want to get the first kill here. You want that momentum. Also, the person you killed will most likely respawn next to where the other two are fighting which is a good thing.

4. If everyone is going at it, it's best to try and be opportunistic. Pay attention to who has the lowest health and/or higher score and try to go after them in the middle of all of the fighting.

5. If you get your meter full first then go super saiyan and get dat lead. Kill everyone at least once.

6. If you are in the lead near the end of the match then run away or play defensively.

I win quite a bit in Deathmatch. I win in Team Deathmatch depending on if my teammates don't suck. If your teammates suck then Team Deathmatch is some depressing stuff.

I completed the tutorial and single player so I know the basics. It just seems really spammy with the grabs and infinite spin moves. Was getting outnumbered most of the time so will focus on staying around team mates in the midst of the chaos.
There was one match where I just kept spinning against the other team and they couldnt do anything but the damage was weak so I never got any kills or many points.

Do you guys think this is a multiplayer game people will play for a long time or a novelty?
I will withhold my judgement till I've spent more time with it.

edit. Is there a break mechanic? The juggles are annoying.


Yeah even just the title / loading tune is so good!

I need to change camera sensitivity or get used to using R3 more. Too slow to turn around!

Though I love turnin when someone is running after you and jump kicking them in the face.

And to the two posts above, are you ending the strings with anything specific? If I do a light light heavy or heavy light heavy, it seems like there is a period of recovery where I cant just go straight into L2+ light or heavy. Ah well I'll try when I get back home.

I've just been doing light x 3 into Jack's L2 light x 4. Still experimenting.


Multiplayer is only good if your team is decent. If you get 2-4 on one you are screwed. Not really that fun for me. Also the camera is total garbage.


Multiplayer is only good if your team is decent. If you get 2-4 on one you are screwed. Not really that fun for me.

yeah getting ganged up on is a pain. I really wish I knew what my teammates were doing since there I was constantly 1 on 3.

How do you activate the power up mode?


Good tips in that post! Don't forget you can do an L2 strong attack while coming down frlm a jump; pretty deadly usually.

Oh wow, didn't know that.

Are some characters able to chain L2 attacks with normal attacks? I feel like I can't often get off more than a few light or heavy attacks before someone is downed, but I know I've frequently been attacked by way more hits than that.

Meh, I don't know. I only use L2 if: my opponent is stunned, the opponent is focusing on someone else, and if someone just tries to rush on me with normals because the charge attack beats normals.

Also liking Sasha the most so far I think. Her charging L2 heavy is so good.

Sasha is beast. I have a hard time getting in against her.


oh... no... nonononononononono

we really got to get a xenoblade/last story/pandora-like movement to get this game here :(

we have did it..kind of...

today sega thanked the fans for the concern about the sort of the game,but they still said that as now,there are no plans to port this game in europe or usa

Wait what? The game isn't coming to NA?

for now there's o announced date,the previous one was canceled,it's now TBC
oh... no... nonononononononono

we really got to get a xenoblade/last story/pandora-like movement to get this game here :(

Yeah, only think I could say to do right now is to get on Sega's back by emailing them. And telling your friends to email them too. Be sure to mention Yakuza 5 while your at it. Haha.

we have did it..kind of...

today sega thanked the fans for the concern about the sort of the game,but they still said that as now,there are no plans to port this game in europe or usa

for now there's o announced date,the previous one was canceled,it's now TBC

What is so random about it is.....the game has already been translated and everything for english. All english dialog and you can change all the text to english in the menu. Fucking Sega!!
This games a lot funner when you're winning :)

Just won my first deathmatch. I was in third place with 20 seconds to go and activated super saiyan, got into a super saiyan duel extra time was awarded and went on to destroy everybody and win the match.

Another thing to consider is all the different multiplayer modes in the trailer this isnt just deathmatch.

I really hope this gets a western release one way or another.


Just did a multiplayer game with seven bots and was massacred. My team only got two kills. xP It's like my team was set to Easy and the other team wasn't.


Tried a bit of the demo. This game is so HOT! Platinum Games representing, drop kicking every other title on the market. GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!!!!

Seriously though, is this game REALLY not coming to NA? It'll cost like 100 bucks or something to import this from Play Asia. I don't have that kinda money right now. =(


If we don't hear anything soon I'm just going to import it. Online was super smooth for me so I'm not worried about unplayable multiplayer. I'll pick up the X360 version later on if it does make it over.


( ≖‿≖)
Only day one but really glad everyone is enjoying it. My apprehensions towards the game before the demo compared to now are night and day. And with only a short demo!

Any idea how may stages there are supposed to be? Uploaded some videos earlier and the stage with the trains seems fun.


If we don't hear anything soon I'm just going to import it. Online was super smooth for me so I'm not worried about unplayable multiplayer. I'll pick up the X360 version later on if it does make it over.

The game plays super smooth but lag is noticeable sometimes. Particularly with the grab range sometimes, the game isn't stuttering but you can tell there's something off.
Okay I never heard of this game so far but I'm downloading the demo on my PS3 right now and it's great that it's in English too. :D


Xbox owners could be in luck.

"We’re also unlocking our Xbox LIVE Gold subscription service in various regions from Friday, June 1 through Sunday, June 3 – no Xbox LIVE Gold membership required for this time. Through this promotion, anyone In the U.S., Japan, Mexico, Brazil, Colombia and Chile with an Xbox will be able to enjoy multi-player gaming experiences featured on the Xbox LIVE service."

I assume that means demos too, so if you have Silver sub on a Japanese account (which you can set up, tutorials online) you may be able to download it, unless they have IP blocked it as well.

Does this promotion work for demos? I can't seem to get it. I guess Anarchy Reigns will have to wait another week.


This demo is quite awesome. When you load up the tutorial at first it seems to have complicated controls, but it's a mostly a straight up brawler. It's not like God Hand, Bayonetta or Vanquish. It's like a more complex and juggle-enabled arcade beat 'em up...but in 3D! SP is really fun. Online MP didn't work for me the few times I tried and I got destroyed by bots. Need to play more. Presentation is awesome and voice acting is hilarious, the PG touch is all over this beeatch.

I'd totally get it if it gets released in America or on PSN. At this point Platinum Games is 3/3 for me, all of the demos they've released have convinced me to buy their games...I wish Sega would let me get this one too.

BTW, it's sub-HD and 30fps, like Vanquish. I wonder how exactly are they achieving 720@60fps on Metal Gear Rising, since they said it's their own internal engine.


i think it doesn't ...anyway..isn't from 1st june..here is still 31th of may

I thought it was Friday in Japan by now so I downloading it. (assuming that's the time the promotion goes off of) I'll try again in a couple of hours.


I thought it was Friday in Japan by now so I downloading it. (assuming that's the time the promotion goes off of) I'll try again in a couple of hours.

yeah..in japan i think that's like 00:43 Am or something like this..but i think that whatever promotion will be enabled ,it's not from the midnight..probably from the usual time they update the live.

anyway,for what i know,that doesn't work for demoes,only online MP
Love the demo. This game has come a long way since the demo I played last year at E3. Specifically the smoothness of the controls and combat. I will import it if necessary. PG is batting a thousand with me right now.


Double Edit: I'm not hosting the file for this torrent anymore as it's been over a week and Xbox players are now free to set up a Japanese account and download the demo there. I went through this whole hoop because there originally wasn't a downloadable demo out there in the wild so if the torrent is still up and running, it's due to the benevolence of the Anarchy Reigns community.

Edit: This is for 360 users if this isn't clear. Assuming they don't want to wait it out and see if the Gold this weekend works for demos.

If this doesn't work, I curse Sega, Microsoft and everyone else who ever started shit with me.

Alright, so the files are done uploading. I really hope these came through alright because uploading these things takes WAY too long:

Here's a BitTorrent link in case anyone wants to try that route.(This method seems to be the most reliable way of getting the actual file so far since apparently the file sharing services seem to be giving off ridiculous download times. At least with this torrent, there shouldn't be any fear of the download dying off and having to restart the whole process. And obviously please help seed if you manage to get through the file. It should also go without saying that this version of the file is not zipped)

Alternative: Rapidshare(haven't heard of anyone successfully downloading the file this way)
Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Alternative: Minus(haven't heard of anyone getting the file this way either)
Part 1 (700MB)

Part 2 (472MB)

So, download the files. Unzip them(if there's anything to unzip) and they should collapse into a single file. Now, the thing to note here is that the file that gets unzipped needs to be put into a bunch of layers of folders.

So how it goes is that the first folder needs to be named "Content". Inside the Content folder you need to create a folder called "0000000000000000". Inside THAT folder needs to be a folder named "53458864". And inside that folder needs to be yet another folder named "00080000". And inside that folder is where you place the downloaded file.

End game should look like this:

Once that's done, you take the overall Content folder, burn it to a CD/DVD and you're done. The demo should show up in the demo section of your account once you pop the disc/drive into the 360.


Alright, 360 USB guys:

First, you want to format your USB drive on your 360. So make sure you don't have anything important on thsoe thumb drives. It's a pretty simple procedure and Microsoft has some instructions in case you don't know how to get to that.

Next plug the USB into your PC and, this is where we get weird, get this program up and running.(It's zipped)

What you'll want to do is click "File -> Open Device" and the program should automatically find your USB stick. This is denoted by two little dots that pop up.

If you have a fresh reformat, you'll want to click "Inject Folder" and inject the "Content" folder that I outlined needs to be built in this post.

If this is a usb drive that you already use on 360 and isn't a fresh reformat(i.e. has gamerpics or dlc or whatever already on it) you'll already see a Content folder and in that content folder will be the "0000000000000000" folder. All you'll need to inject is the "53458864" folder part that you built and inject it inside of that "0000000000000000" folder.

WHAT'S IMPORTANT TO NOTE is that the program may seem like it's stalled when you click "inject folder", but trust me, give it 3 or 4 minutes to work. The little bar at the bottom doesn't move while it's working, but you'll know it's done when it instantly goes all green.

And this all DEFINITELY gave me a working demo on USB.
Can someone help explain the controls? I figured out light attack, heavy attack, dodging, grabbing, and blocking easy enough but I'm still in a little lost with regards to some aspects of it.

Game seems like a lot of fun. Really hope Sega brings this over eventually.


Edit: This is for 360 users if this isn't clear. Assuming they don't want to wait it out and see if the Gold this weekend works for demos.

If this doesn't work, I curse Sega, Microsoft and everyone else who ever started shit with me.

Alright, so the files are done uploading. I really hope these came through alright because uploading these things takes WAY too long:

Part 1 (700MB)

Part 2 (472MB)

So, download the two files from the links. Unzip them both and they should collapse into a single file. Now, the thing to note here is that the file that gets unzipped needs to be put into a bunch of layers of folders.

So how it goes is that the first folder needs to be named "Content". Inside the Content folder you need to create a folder called "0000000000000000". Inside THAT folder needs to be a folder named "53458864". And inside that folder needs to be yet another folder named "00080000". And inside that folder is where you place the downloaded file.

End game should look like this:

Once that's done, you take the overall Content folder, burn it to a CD/DVD and and you're done. The demo should show up in the demo section of your account once you pop the disc into the 360.

thank you very much sir

really hope that works..but thanks even if it doesn't
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