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Official Killzone 2 (PS3) Reveal Thread E307 - DELIVERS! (All info in OP)

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bish gets all the credit :)
probably been posted, but Q&A with Guerilla
Killzone™ 2
Guerrilla Games Media Q&A

Q: How big is the team currently at Guerrilla?
A: 135 people

Q: Please describe the work atmosphere at Guerrilla.
A: It’s a very creative environment, with a great international workforce. We have over 20 different nationalities inside the studio.

Q: What is the premise of Killzone™ 2?
A: It’s 2 years later and the ISA are invading the Helghast home planet of Helghan. The goal is to capture the Helghast leader and bring the war machine to a halt.

Q: What inspired the team to come up with the Killzone world?
A: We have a great number of team members who love First Person Shooters and we wanted to have elements of the great conflicts of the 20th century depicted in the Killzone franchise.

Q: What does the PS3 allow you to do with development of Killzone 2 that you have not been able to do before?
A: For us, we need a great deal of processing power. The PS3 really allows us to build Killzone 2 on a grand scale with a level of detail that is truly eye-catching. To give you an example, our character models on screen use the same amount of polygons as an entire level of Killzone on PS2.

Q: How is the Killzone franchise different from other first-person shooters and what makes it unique?
A: What has always made Killzone unique is it’s about a realistic influence with a twist. We take inspiration from conflicts of the 20th century, but we don’t set the game on Earth or use historical reference for location or setting.

Q: What are some of the key impressions you want to make with gamers after seeing Killzone 2?
A: We want people who see the game to say “Wow! What a rush!” We hope that they see the level of detail, intensity, and chaos we have put into building the game and are really excited to see and hear their reactions.

Q: Did any military personnel or other professional advisors help with the design of Killzone 2?
A: Not military, but we did work with Hollywood special effects people and weapon experts from a variety of fields. We’ve captured things like muzzle flashes, reloads, and how a weapon feels and reacts in your hand. We want it to be as realistic as possible.

- more -

SCEA – Killzone™ 2- Guerrilla Games Q&A

Q: What can players expect to see in terms of new environments and will they be interactive?
A: Killzone 2 is a hostile theater of war, with a gritty look to the environments that players will find are highly dynamic and destructible. We’re introducing a completely new planet so there are numerous environments that will be unique in the game.

Q: In terms of A.I., what changes/improvements are you seeing and what do you hope to accomplish by the time the game ships?
A: We are bringing very dynamic environments and the AI must deal with the nuances in each by intelligently navigating and fighting through the world. Enemies will also be able to see at night with their goggles so we wanted to make their actions accurate even in darkness.

Q: How does the team feel about the current progress of the game when everyone has been so focused on the E3 2005 target video?
A: The level we showed at our event is a very important milestone for the team since this is the first anyone has seen of the game. We are very proud of the game’s progress to date and look forward to having more available for you all soon.

# # #

For more information, please contact:

Ron Eagle Alex Armour
858.824.5585 858.824.4648
ron_eagle@playstation.sony.com alex_armour@playstation.sony.com

# # #

PLAYSTATION, PlayStation and PSP are registered trademarks and PS3 is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc

Killzone®2 ©2007 Sony Computer Entertainment Europe. Published by Sony Computer Entertainment Europe. Developed by Guerilla. Killzone is a registered trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe. All rights reserved.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Any release date noted? I would love to play this game in 2007.

HaloFans said:
Impressive though a few gripes.

Did Killzone 1 have a HUD? I'm still skeptical since the whole trailer is hudless.

The trailer doesn't seem like real gameplay. I'm hoping to see something at Sony's conference that they freeze pause and show us around.

Seeing the lightning bolt over made me believe that have they only made one level with just lightning?
I believe the game was actually played before an audience last night (like 15 minutes worth of gameplay). The trailer is cut from that level.


I'm hurting at work this morning after pulling a megaton-fueled all-nighter.

But it was definitely worth it to watch the internet explode last night. :lol
recklessmind said:
I think it was mentioned in IGN's preview of the game demonstration... there's a first person cover system.

They gave an example... something about of leaning around a corner and also mentioned real blind firing where your dude holds out his gun and you have no idea where the rounds are going.

Should be sweet for MP.

Crap. My accuracy stats already suck without this feature! This will not help. :lol


OMG dude !!!!!!!



oh how I remember the 1up guys in the previous podcast saying back in 2005 how they walk from microsoft conference to Sony conference,upon seeing Killzone 2 trailer they were saying "Microsoft ****ed!!!!"


Anyone who thinks the visuals in that trailer match the CG from E3 '05 is delusional.


That is one damn nice looking game. Consider me impressed.


I thought it looked good, the animation was smooth. Overall it is about on-par with MGS4.

For whatever reason, I still feel sony is hiding something


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
You'd be a fool to say the game looked anything less than great. It isn't 2005 CG good, as I suspect more and more will continue to realize as the riddlin wears off, but still very good. Naturally we'll get the inevitable, and retarded, comparisons to Halo 3. I would say KZ2 looked graphically surperior in alot of elements, particularly animation-wise, but I'm still hyped at the Halo 3 trailer and it also has the benefit of coming out this year. I'd say we're looking at end-of-2008 at best for KZ2.

I'm not so hyped that I'm going to jump out of the window and buy a PS3, but as a man that touches himself to good FPSes, this is one I'm excited to see come along.


Just watched the 720p trailer on my HDTV.


Beautiful. My closer to the 2005 trailer than I expected.

Now, is this game still a 2007 title?

Oni Jazar

I was impressed with the trailer, although I would have preferred to see a more open level like the '05 CG video. Hopefully the game isn't all cramped corridors.

Also, I think it was very low class of Matt Leone to make the Gears comparison. the way he did. That seemed like nothing more then fuel for the fanboy fodder.

Has there been any talk about the release date?


XSamu said:
Well I'm not going to stop you from fapping, this is your day, KZ2 looks better than Halo 3. But it doesn't come near Crysis you retarded fanboy.

Ad hominem FTW!

Lay off the insults and get out of the thread. You're wasting my bandwidth.

Nevermind, welcome to /dev/null


+1000 respect for Guerilla for delivering above and beyond what most have expected. Looks aweome.

At a similar point in development (nearly 6 - 7 months before the game launched) Gears still had issues as well, especially in regards to framey animations, inconsistent framerate and texture pop-ins etc, and look at how well that turned out when it was optimized.


Motherh tracker reporting:

ZW wrote:
Is there going to be online play? If so, how many players are you thinking?

Yes there is going to be online play. Final numbers for each map are still are still to be determined. More on MP later in the year as we approach the public beta.

Will you be restricted to one character? Or will it be like Killzone one with different characters etc
Will there be driveable vehicles or is it strictly foot work?

You will be taking the role of Sev for the entirety.
No comment on the vehicles at the present moment.

It's looking really good. Very nice. Are you happy with the response so far? Any criticisms that you've heard that you're really going to take to heart?

On the technical side, is the game built entirely on proprietary software?

Thank you.

We are very happy with the response so far. Even some of our bigger critics have grudgingly admitted they like it. So yes, very happy.

Its a mix of in-house and out-house middleware.

Seb Downie - QA Manager - Guerrilla Games

AlxRymnd914 wrote:
Will there be any form of Co-OP in the game? IF so, any details?

No comment.

Grifter wrote:
Seb - I read that one of the maps the developer played, they said was 2 GB in size. Is there a final number of maps yet determined for the game?

How many gigs is the game in total, or is that number not finalized yet?

Also, is there a number of maps determined yet for online play?

Yes, the level demoed at E3 was roughly 2.05 GB in size. As for how many levels, that is a No comment at this moment.
The final number is not clear yet. Between Online and Single player I think it is going to be very big. I would not want to put a number out there right now though. BIG
As for the amount of MP maps, we have a internal amount in mind, but nothing has been officially announced yet. More on MP later in the year,

Seb Downie - QA Manager - Guerrilla Games

ZW wrote:
Will we see anymore of Killzone this E3? Any demo's, or another trailer?

Maybe a little more.


Well this thread has gotten way too much fun for me.

Just like to say I think COD4 and HAlo3 will be far more fun to play in the end.

Hey I could be wrong, but chances are I won't be.



Hey folks.
I'm a little busy at the moment, but I have to say something!

First of all. WHAT DID I SAY? Did I lied? Am I a jackass, because I could not say anything about KILLZONE "2"? I could not. It IS one of our most important games, in the history of SONY Computer Entertainment. And I hope you like it!

And I am not finished yet:

- Don't forget one thing: This game is PRE-pre-alpha! So, not PRE-Alpha, PRE-PRE! So, please don't start some "Hey, can you see that texture poppin' up! PLEASE, stop it, ok? :D
There will be much more details, effects and so on. Give us some time.

- Second: Half of the animations are still NOT in the game :D so, it will look MUCH MUCH better in the final game. Yes, we said it: The animations are matching the target render. Maybe it looks even better in the final game.

- third: Is there already a video out? I get no info here, because the conference is killing us (with joy). :D If so, enjoy it! If not, playstation storewill have it. You have to see it in HD to believe it.
And finally: mckmas8808, Bad_Boy, Busty, I said it, and we delivered!

So, wait for the conference for more info.
You saw NOTHING yet!


(oh and, .... did I say "KILLZONEwillSHOCK")
Sorry, I could not resist


Ceb said:

Hmm, you can see texture pop-in in this gif as well (in the scene with the lightning, look to the left). Guerrilla, please fix this before release. It was fairly annoying in the first Killzone.

Wow you must really have a good eye.

I have to agree crysis wins overall visually but man k2 comes dangerously close, especially in the fast motion scenes with the blur it's absolutely gorgeous. I can't wait to see what it looks like in beta. Gears? pshh!

@ Aisenherz: I always believed you man! I even gave you a shout out a few pages back.


Bit of a shame that you won't get to play as Luger or someone similar. OTOH, Sev does seem to at least have a knife...


It looks great. Fantastic even. But I think two years later, it doesn't have the same impact as the original E3 2005 trailer because everything in the trailer seems entirely achievable given our current perspective.

What made the E3 2005 Killzone 2 trailer so amazing was that it looked impossible. You saw it and you thought, wow, there is no way on God's green earth that something that looks that good and that realistic can be played on a home console.

But now after seeing Gears, Crysis, Resistance, and the oft-mentioned CoD4 footage, it's just not quite as exciting. That original trailer looked like something 5 years in the future. The current trailer looks like something that, yeah, they should be able to do by next fall.

And at the end of the day, it still sounds like it's just another shooter. Which is fine. But definitely not what I'm looking for in next-gen.


Aisenherz said:
Hey folks.
I'm a little busy at the moment, but I have to say something!

First of all. WHAT DID I SAY? Did I lied? Am I a jackass, because I could not say anything about KILLZONE "2"? I could not. It IS one of our most important games, in the history of SONY Computer Entertainment. And I hope you like it!

And I am not finished yet:

- Don't forget one thing: This game is PRE-pre-alpha! So, not PRE-Alpha, PRE-PRE! So, please don't start some "Hey, can you see that texture poppin' up! PLEASE, stop it, ok? :D
There will be much more details, effects and so on. Give us some time.

- Second: Half of the animations are still NOT in the game :D so, it will look MUCH MUCH better in the final game. Yes, we said it: The animations are matching the target render. Maybe it looks even better in the final game.

- third: Is there already a video out? I get no info here, because the conference is killing us (with joy). :D If so, enjoy it! If not, playstation storewill have it. You have to see it in HD to believe it.
And finally: mckmas8808, Bad_Boy, Busty, I said it, and we delivered!

So, wait for the conference for more info.
You saw NOTHING yet!


(oh and, .... did I say "KILLZONEwillSHOCK")
Sorry, I could not resist

so...we still don't know who you ahh


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Aisenherz said:
- Don't forget one thing: This game is PRE-pre-alpha! So, not PRE-Alpha, PRE-PRE! So, please don't start some "Hey, can you see that texture poppin' up! PLEASE, stop it, ok? :D
There will be much more details, effects and so on. Give us some time.

- Second: Half of the animations are still NOT in the game :D so, it will look MUCH MUCH better in the final game. Yes, we said it: The animations are matching the target render. Maybe it looks even better in the final game.

be still my foolish heart
Just finished downloading the 720p trailer
after 2.5 hours :(
. I don't like FPSs that much but I'm seriously thinking of buying this one if I like the gameplay. The last 25+ secs of the trailer were so ****ing impressive.
zander106 said:

And at the end of the day, it still sounds like it's just another shooter. Which is fine. But definitely not what I'm looking for in next-gen.
Bullsh*t. This is running on 'now-gen' hardware and coming dangerously close to the target renders. It's almost a miracle they pulled it of.

Major props are in place, not cynical asshattery.


Surpassed my expectations. Looks fantastic. Watching the HD trailer some parts did look as good as the CG trailer.

Good job GG.


Aisenherz said:
And finally: mckmas8808, Bad_Boy, Busty, I said it, and we delivered!

*nods head*

Said it once before and I'll say it again.

The wheels may not turn very quickly, but they do turn Ladies and Gentlemen, they do turn.

And when they do, it's quite something. :D


i really don't understand why sony didn't save this for the press conference. Do you guys think they will have something new from killzone2 for that also?


Ceb said:

Hmm, you can see texture pop-in in this gif as well (in the scene with the lightning, look to the left). Guerrilla, please fix this before release. It was fairly annoying in the first Killzone.

Awesome. It doesn't meet the CG video, but I think it approaches it, in some ways. I'm totally satisfied, it will be an excellent game! Any info given on multi player & stuff?
Ceb said:

Hmm, you can see texture pop-in in this gif as well (in the scene with the lightning, look to the left). Guerrilla, please fix this before release. It was fairly annoying in the first Killzone.
dude its pre alpha, stop it already.

Anyway 1up are a bunch of clowns. This game blows Gears of War away. Graphically no it doesn't have the polish Gears has at this point but I am not just talking graphics, the animation alone does what gears of war's animation didn't do. This game doesn't do one thing incredibly well, instead it seems to use things in its present state to provide a very cinematic experience. I can't wait to see what this game looks like closer to launch.

I think people who are nit picking a pre alpha game need to have their heads examined. Take the game for what it is. What that is, is a damn good looking pre alpha build that can only go up from here.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
what the hell? what the hell? After I installed Klite codec pack the mp4 file DOES work on my pc, not even a stutter! And I uninstalled that pack because I read the Community Codec Pack was better and installed that instead. Guess not! And I watched it. All is well with the world now.


It's funny how much Halo 3 gets owned by this.
Simply astonishing, I wouldn't have thought it would look THIS good ever.
Just wow.
Props to Guerilla, because they delivered under high pressure.


alien from planet Highscore
Kbsmoker said:
i really don't understand why sony didn't save this for the press conference. Do you guys think they will have something new from killzone2 for that also?

At least three sources have said more Killzone to come :D


Aisenherz said:
Hey folks.
I'm a little busy at the moment, but I have to say something!

First of all. WHAT DID I SAY? Did I lied? Am I a jackass, because I could not say anything about KILLZONE "2"? I could not. It IS one of our most important games, in the history of SONY Computer Entertainment. And I hope you like it!

And I am not finished yet:

- Don't forget one thing: This game is PRE-pre-alpha! So, not PRE-Alpha, PRE-PRE! So, please don't start some "Hey, can you see that texture poppin' up! PLEASE, stop it, ok? :D
There will be much more details, effects and so on. Give us some time.

- Second: Half of the animations are still NOT in the game :D so, it will look MUCH MUCH better in the final game. Yes, we said it: The animations are matching the target render. Maybe it looks even better in the final game.

- third: Is there already a video out? I get no info here, because the conference is killing us (with joy). :D If so, enjoy it! If not, playstation storewill have it. You have to see it in HD to believe it.
And finally: mckmas8808, Bad_Boy, Busty, I said it, and we delivered!

So, wait for the conference for more info.
You saw NOTHING yet!


(oh and, .... did I say "KILLZONEwillSHOCK")
Sorry, I could not resist

Who are you dammit!
Aisenherz said:
Hey folks.
I'm a little busy at the moment, but I have to say something!

First of all. WHAT DID I SAY? Did I lied? Am I a jackass, because I could not say anything about KILLZONE "2"? I could not. It IS one of our most important games, in the history of SONY Computer Entertainment. And I hope you like it!

And I am not finished yet:

- Don't forget one thing: This game is PRE-pre-alpha! So, not PRE-Alpha, PRE-PRE! So, please don't start some "Hey, can you see that texture poppin' up! PLEASE, stop it, ok? :D
There will be much more details, effects and so on. Give us some time.

- Second: Half of the animations are still NOT in the game :D so, it will look MUCH MUCH better in the final game. Yes, we said it: The animations are matching the target render. Maybe it looks even better in the final game.

- third: Is there already a video out? I get no info here, because the conference is killing us (with joy). :D If so, enjoy it! If not, playstation storewill have it. You have to see it in HD to believe it.
And finally: mckmas8808, Bad_Boy, Busty, I said it, and we delivered!

So, wait for the conference for more info.
You saw NOTHING yet!


(oh and, .... did I say "KILLZONEwillSHOCK")
Sorry, I could not resist

Aisenherz I have always been on your side man and I truly appreciated the little nudges throughout the months just added to the excitement.

I wish we could unban doom_bringer for a day just to berate the hell out of him.
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