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Resident Evil Revelaitons |OT| 3D Jill Sandwiches

So I just tried to solo ghost ship and kill everything. Got to last round of things. I knew I was going to die only had 7 magnum bullets, 8 shotguns shells, and 50 Machine gun rounds left. Fuck! lol it was a good way to waste time though.

Davey Cakes

I didn't read about how long this game was. I honestly though that Chapter 9 or 10 would be it, especially with the epic BOW battle, but nope. Now I'm in Chapter 12, with nearly 12 hours on the clock. I thought I was going to finish the campaign tonight but I actually have to stop and get some rest!

Holy shit, this game is actually longer than Resident Evil 5. Are any people still denying that this is a mainline Resident Evil game? Lulz.
I mean 3DS friends list shows someone else playing, and through touching/pressing A on their name, you can join their game (lobby) in progress (like joining some from the 360 dashboard or Steam friend list).

I asked this earlier in the thread and got no response. I'm assuming the answer is no however since I haven't seen it once and I'll occasionally see it on my friend's list with Mario Kart whether I have the game in or not.
Of course I know that. :p

Got some rewards, but it seems to only reward a couple bullets at a time; not entire clips. This might take a while...

Good :). Sorry if it seemed a stupid question to ask but I see some posts asking questions and I can't work out how on earth they could have missed it in the game themselves!

Yes, they are not over generous with the ammo from the missions but the good news is it is another mission clocked up on your mission tally :).

Still struggling with that section then? What tactics are you using? Have you tried different tactics if the ones you've been using haven't been working e.g. getting into a corner if moving around doesn't work, etc?

Man fuck lamestop then. I wonder if I'll even be able to get an actually "new" copy from them. Regardless I'm taking it back, even if I don't know what good it'll do.

Good luck.

Years ago when I used to buy new games from Game I would find that they had already been played sometimes. Apparently they used to let their staff play a new game before selling it as new to the customer as a perk of the job. Nice for the staff but not so nice to the customer. Now I would only buy a game from them if it was a really good deal and I buy 99% of my new releases online. If I went into them for a completely new game nowadays I would refuse it unless it was still foil sealed.

Did anyone ever get a response back from Capcom after emailing them about the replacement cover for the game? I still haven't. Gave my address right from the start. Do they want the serial number off the game or something to even respond?

I believe [from reading posts about it] that they don't respond, they just send the replacement cover. Perhaps they are still working through the list? Might be worth raising it with them?

I finished the campaign on Normal yesterday and have been playing Raid (solo) all day so far. I really like it. I have a LOT of nitpicks, but the game is great.

Issues (spoilered for people who don't like seeing complaints):
-I don't like the Genesis. I personally am too OCD to view it as anything other than a hassle. I do have to say that it's smartly implemented and could've been far worse.
-The localization is rather spotty (occasional weird dialog, syntax errors, etc.).
-The story is weak; it did nothing for me. I don't have a problem with camp, but I didn't find anything about this story redeeming or entertaining. The episodic structure is fine, however, and it even trims some fluff that would've bogged the game down even more.
-The load stuttering when transitioning between certain areas is unacceptable.
-The mini-map is laggy. This gets annoying when speeding through confusing areas as you have to wait for it to refresh in order to accurately determine your position.
-Most of the FMVs/CGs are encoded poorly. It's distractingly bad. At least their sound quality is decent.
-Speaking of sound quality, it still sucks that quite a few major sound effects are low quality samples.
-The save system is cruddy. This game needed a manual save. Relying on odd mid-episode autosaves is horrible, especially when one takes place before scavenging an area. Died? Time to tediously scan and collect everything all over again.
-The lack of in-game lipsynching seriously bothers me, especially for a game with otherwise stellar production values.
-The "jelly vision" is so bad. The screen turns red AND desaturates. Ugh!
-Dodging is usually fine, but its implementation is a bit too finicky for my tastes.
-Some stuff in this game is not explained well. (i.e. "you can charge your melee attack?!")
-Some character and outfit designs are of questionable quality.

I do think that, for the most part, Revelations is finely tuned. And I'm extremely surprised that the game is actually often tense and atmospheric. Certain sections are harrowing, whether they be the situations you're put in or the claustrophobic environments.

Aesthetically, most enemies are a bit generic, but, functionally, they are designed well and are pleasantly responsive when being shot at. There are quite a few interesting systems in place (stun thresholds, weak points, tripping, etc.), and these become even more apparent as you spend more and more time in Raid Mode.

Speaking of that, I'm pleasantly surprised by how addictive and cathartic that mode is. It's not Mercs, but I'm seriously not sure which is better--I like both equally as of now. Maybe Mercs has more longevity in terms of score hunting, but whatever. Raid Mode is one hell of an extra.

Oh, and I haven't spent time with Hell yet, but if it's like the demo at all (completely different item and enemy locations), it's icing on the cake. Looking at the missions, it's amazing to get rewarded for accomplishing certain things in the game and having legitimate reasons to go through the campaign multiple times.

I can totally understand why people are ranking this right under RE4. It's so good.

Well said sir :) glad you are enjoying it so much despite your issues with it.

I only share a few of those issues with you but agree that what they get right in the game is so good, the aspects where they don't can't detract from what is essentially a really fun, well designed game :).

So I just tried to solo ghost ship and kill everything. Got to last round of things. I knew I was going to die only had 7 magnum bullets, 8 shotguns shells, and 50 Machine gun rounds left. Fuck! lol it was a good way to waste time though.

Ouch! May I ask what level you are sir? I am currently level 28 I believe and was wondering if I should give it a whirl.

I just checked my activity log and Revelations has dethroned OOT from my most played game. 30+ hours and counting :)

I am 50+ hours IIRC but will need to double that to dethrone Zelda and SM3DL :).

I didn't read about how long this game was. I honestly though that Chapter 9 or 10 would be it, especially with the epic BOW battle, but nope. Now I'm in Chapter 12, with nearly 12 hours on the clock. I thought I was going to finish the campaign tonight but I actually have to stop and get some rest!

Holy shit, this game is actually longer than Resident Evil 5. Are any people still denying that this is a mainline Resident Evil game? Lulz.

buh buh but it's not on a home console!!!! How could it be a mainline RE?! :x [/sarcasm]

First shipment that went out had the typo on the box.

Not in Yurop :p.


I didn't read about how long this game was. I honestly though that Chapter 9 or 10 would be it, especially with the epic BOW battle, but nope. Now I'm in Chapter 12, with nearly 12 hours on the clock. I thought I was going to finish the campaign tonight but I actually have to stop and get some rest!

Holy shit, this game is actually longer than Resident Evil 5. Are any people still denying that this is a mainline Resident Evil game? Lulz.
I beat it in a little over 9 while pretty much scanning everything I could find. Still great for a handheld title, fantastic even.

Davey Cakes

I will say that the loading and slowdown in this game was problematic at times. Definitely takes you out of the experience a little.


I just checked my activity log and Revelations has dethroned OOT from my most played game. 30+ hours and counting :)

I'm just over 20 hours for RE:R myself so far, but it's got a looong way to go before it dethrones MK7 and it's 155 hours haha.
Looks like the second batch is out now. Wonder if the first batch went up in value...



So I just tried to solo ghost ship and kill everything. Got to last round of things. I knew I was going to die only had 7 magnum bullets, 8 shotguns shells, and 50 Machine gun rounds left. Fuck! lol it was a good way to waste time though.

The tragic thing about this is that there's one more wave after that, but it's more of a congratulatory one and they dump all sorts of ammo onto the ground at that point.
Am I the only that noticed that this game is so similar to Metroid Other M? [Spoilers obviously]

The timed escape sequence where everything is red with the siren occurs near the end of Chapter 10ish, and is the secret ending of Metroid Other M.

In both games, you explore an abandoned ship that was used to test biological weapons.

Scientists engineered these bioweapons in labs, which Jill/Chris and Adam Malkovich have to explore.

There's an enemy like the Hunter in Metroid Other M.

Jill and Samus lol dat ass

Anthony Higgs and Parker both fall to their doom, but somehow survive and live.

There's a mole/traitor within the group: Jessica Sherawat and James Pierce.

There's the BSAA and FBC acting independently and Adam's squad and the squad that appears in the ending of Metroid act independently.

The FBC and the Galactic Federation both have a conspiracy in developing bioweapons.

Former FBC agents (Parker) and a former Galactic federation agent (Samus) are the protagonists.

Both games are an interquel. Metroid Other M leads directly into Metroid Fusion while Revelations leads directly to Resident Evil 5 (with Jill and Chris going into the Spencer mansion).
Been playing the hell out of this the last few days. Currently on my 5th (and likely final) campaign run, this time on Casual to complete the no herb run. I'm through Ch. 3 right now. Weapons are all upgraded just about as far as they can go, and I have maxed out ammo except for magnum, but I still have a ton of rounds there. The trouble spots are going to be the non-Jill missions.

Also going through Raid, I'm at Level 26 right now. S on all stages in Chasm, S on the first 6 so far in Trench. Hopefully going to wrap up everything this weekend.


Been playing the hell out of this the last few days. Currently on my 5th (and likely final) campaign run...

Holy shit, you ain't kidding. Curious, since I'm still on my first playthrough -- when I'm done, can I do NG+ on casual for the no-herb run, or do I need to start a new file?


Am I the only that noticed that this game is so similar to Metroid Other M? [Spoilers obviously]

The timed escape sequence where everything is red with the siren occurs near the end of Chapter 10ish, and is the secret ending of Metroid Other M.

In both games, you explore an abandoned ship that was used to test biological weapons.

Scientists engineered these bioweapons in labs, which Jill/Chris and Adam Malkovich have to explore.

There's an enemy like the Hunter in Metroid Other M.

Jill and Samus lol dat ass

Anthony Higgs and Parker both fall to their doom, but somehow survive and live.

There's a mole/traitor within the group: Jessica Sherawat and James Pierce.

There's the BSAA and FBC acting independently and Adam's squad and the squad that appears in the ending of Metroid act independently.

The FBC and the Galactic Federation both have a conspiracy in developing bioweapons.

Former FBC agents (Parker) and a former Galactic federation agent (Samus) are the protagonists.

Both games are an interquel. Metroid Other M leads directly into Metroid Fusion while Revelations leads directly to Resident Evil 5 (with Jill and Chris going into the Spencer mansion).

Have to ask if you ever played a Resident evil before this? Other than 4 or 5. EVERYTHING you named happens in them. Let me list them off to help you.

timed escapes are a resident evil staple. They are literally in every Resident evil.

While not usually a ship, there is always an abandoned lab in RE, this includes 4 and 5.

RE1, Chris or Jill explores lab full of bioweapons

That can be said about a lot of games, many enemies are shared now a days.

I'm into fat asses, the closes I get to that is Rebecca's ass in RE 0. Other wise, asses are another staple of RE

Barry and Ada also fall to their doom, with Barry non canon dying, and Ada living

Wesker betrayed S.T.A.R.S. in RE1. It was a big thing back then.

I'll give you that one, there usually aren't groups in RE games.

Umbrella is as well

Saying Parker is as much as a protagonist as Samus is a bit much. I'd say Parker is a supporting cast member.

RE: Code Veronica could count as one of those.


No-herb run down; the parts that I expected to be giant pains in the ass were.

They must really hide those handprints really well, since I've only been able to find 24 thus far.


Anyone else getting crazy glitches in Raid on Abyss? I froze, fell through a catwalk, used a key but the door stayed locked.

There are mad glitches all over the place. I think it might have something to do with rushing a stage or a room before it has a chance to properly load, but I dunno.

edit: btw, I figured out how to avoid the steam glitch in Stage 18 on a consistent basis. If you drop down and shoot the red tank on the right, then kill the Scarmiglione, then turn the valve, let your partner go through past the steam vents first, then you follow after him. Works every time without a hitch. I'd love to know if it works for other people as well.
The tragic thing about this is that there's one more wave after that, but it's more of a congratulatory one and they dump all sorts of ammo onto the ground at that point.

I know lol. I didn't think I could do it anyways but got a lot further than I thought I would!

Ouch! May I ask what level you are sir? I am currently level 28 I believe and was wondering if I should give it a whirl.

50. Don't do it unless you are in your 40's.


Finished the campaign. Really enjoyed it; it felt like a good balance of the old REs and the new ones. Next up is Raid Mode, it looks like.

Also, just wanted to say that this game's soundtrack is superb. Glad it's getting an official release.
There are mad glitches all over the place. I think it might have something to do with rushing a stage or a room before it has a chance to properly load, but I dunno.

edit: btw, I figured out how to avoid the steam glitch in Stage 18 on a consistent basis. If you drop down and shoot the red tank on the right, then kill the Scarmiglione, then turn the valve, let your partner go through past the steam vents first, then you follow after him. Works every time without a hitch. I'd love to know if it works for other people as well.


Lol the steam glitch got me earlier. turned the thing, steam stopped, partner ran through I was stuck lol.

anyone know if there is actually Damage10 seen it listed a few times?
Been playing the hell out of this the last few days. Currently on my 5th (and likely final) campaign run, this time on Casual to complete the no herb run. I'm through Ch. 3 right now. Weapons are all upgraded just about as far as they can go, and I have maxed out ammo except for magnum, but I still have a ton of rounds there. The trouble spots are going to be the non-Jill missions.

Also going through Raid, I'm at Level 26 right now. S on all stages in Chasm, S on the first 6 so far in Trench. Hopefully going to wrap up everything this weekend.

Yeah, they are. Have you turned off the auto save? Makes it much easier if you die so you don't re-start in a bad state health wise.

Holy shit, you ain't kidding. Curious, since I'm still on my first playthrough -- when I'm done, can I do NG+ on casual for the no-herb run, or do I need to start a new file?

Yes, I'm on my fourth playthrough [Normal, Casual, Casual, Hell] and they are all on the same save slot. When you finish a playthrough the game gives you the option to NG+ nice and clearly :).

No-herb run down; the parts that I expected to be giant pains in the ass were.

They must really hide those handprints really well, since I've only been able to find 24 thus far.

Good man :). I'm missing one handprint! One! Grrr!

I've tried it a couple more times using both camping and wandering. I can get to what appears to be the final wave, but I am too low on ammo and not good enough with the knife. Will have to get more ammo from Raid.

Bloody minded persistence, your ally, is.

Good luck! :)

I know lol. I didn't think I could do it anyways but got a lot further than I thought I would!

50. Don't do it unless you are in your 40's.

Well I am level 40 and I am in my 40's so I'm good to go on both counts! Thanks :). Almost finished Trench so will Solo it after that for the lulz.

Finished the campaign. Really enjoyed it; it felt like a good balance of the old REs and the new ones. Next up is Raid Mode, it looks like.

Also, just wanted to say that this game's soundtrack is superb. Glad it's getting an official release.

:eek: Your details! Let you show them to us!


  • Raid weapon case -what does this do for me? It's proably blindingly obvious but I can't see the benefit of picking them up :/.
  • If I don't buy an upgrade in the Store e.g. ammo capacity, which then disapears, is it lost forever? :(
  • Does anyone else shoot Hunters with the shotgun, when they are prone, to make them bounce and get flashbacks to Turok DH? :)
  • Anyone else playing Raid with just the single character or do you mix and match characters according to the stage?

  • Raid weapon case -what does this do for me? It's proably blindingly obvious but I can't see the benefit of picking them up :/.
  • If I don't buy an upgrade in the Store e.g. ammo capacity, which then disapears, is it lost forever? :(
  • Does anyone else shoot Hunters with the shotgun, when they are prone, to make them bounce and get flashbacks to Turok DH? :)
  • Anyone else playing Raid with just the single character or do you mix and match characters according to the stage?

1. They get you are random weapon after you finish the stage. So get them.
2.What do you mean? Like when you buy a ammo capacity that gives you like 50% more ammo? That stays with you forever. It's an upgrade.
3. No comment.
4. I just use swimsuit Jessica because I'm a perv.
I'm absolutely in love with this game right now.

I thought I'd be done after taking ~10hrs to clear the Normal campaign - great fun, nice blend of old and new RE, and the episodic structure and Metroid-ish main environment were fantastic - but I'm now ~10hrs into soloing Raid Mode and contemplating another run through the campaign.

Capcom really nailed this one, in terms of presentation and content, and Raid mode is the evolution of Mercenaries I've been looking for for ages. Side-game, schmide-game: this is quickly becoming one of my favourite RE titles, and if Capcom use this as the template for RE6 I'll be there day one.
Have to ask if you ever played a Resident evil before this? Other than 4 or 5. EVERYTHING you named happens in them. Let me list them off to help you.

timed escapes are a resident evil staple. They are literally in every Resident evil.

While not usually a ship, there is always an abandoned lab in RE, this includes 4 and 5.

RE1, Chris or Jill explores lab full of bioweapons

That can be said about a lot of games, many enemies are shared now a days.

I'm into fat asses, the closes I get to that is Rebecca's ass in RE 0. Other wise, asses are another staple of RE

Barry and Ada also fall to their doom, with Barry non canon dying, and Ada living

Wesker betrayed S.T.A.R.S. in RE1. It was a big thing back then.

I'll give you that one, there usually aren't groups in RE games.

Umbrella is as well

Saying Parker is as much as a protagonist as Samus is a bit much. I'd say Parker is a supporting cast member.

RE: Code Veronica could count as one of those.

I didn't say that Resident Evil copied Metroid though. I said the two games are similar. Maybe Metroid was influenced?
One of my favorite RE games, only second to RE4.

As far as I know, Revelations doesn't have many bonus weapons for single-player.
Infinite Rocket Launcher is the only one.

1. RE4
2. RER
3. RE2

Need a sequel STAT. Jessica shits on Jill, Claire, Sheva and many other basic bitches.
1. They get you are random weapon after you finish the stage. So get them.
2.What do you mean? Like when you buy a ammo capacity that gives you like 50% more ammo? That stays with you forever. It's an upgrade.
3. No comment.
4. I just use swimsuit Jessica because I'm a perv.

1. Ah, I see, thanks :). I always assumed that was from the rank I achieved. I always grab them anyway so relieved to know I haven't been missing out!
2. Yes but sometimes I don't buy the available upgrade in ammo capacity straight away because I want to save my spacebucks in case anything amazing comes up and then I go back into the store and it has disappeared :(. So have I lost my chance at that particular upgrade or can I get it to reappear for purchase somehow?
3. :)
4. Nothing wrong with that! I have a crush on O'Brian's voice! I scanned him on the beach and my instant thought was "Yes, yes you are!" :)
2. Yes but sometimes I don't buy the available upgrade in ammo capacity straight away because I want to save my spacebucks in case anything amazing comes up and then I go back into the store and it has disappeared :(. So have I lost my chance at that particular upgrade or can I get it to reappear for purchase somehow?

I don't think so - I see the same upgrades appearing and disappearing from the shop quite regularly, though I'm not sure if they cycle through on a set pattern or just appear randomly.
I don't think so - I see the same upgrades appearing and disappearing from the shop quite regularly, though I'm not sure if they cycle through on a set pattern or just appear randomly.

Well that is reassuring, thanks :). I hope they come up again soon; there's a machine gun upgrade I missed that I could do with!


not tag worthy
I am hooked on this game, very rare that I complete a game to start a new run through but this game has me, also slowly working my way up the rankings in Raid Mode


I just got through episode 6 last night.
Fuck all the damn water-bound enemies! Seems like you get a fraction of a damn second to shoot them when they pop up, and their diving grab nearly never misses. Talk about an herb sucker. And goddamn the armor-covered boss after you get off the elevator on the observation deck. I don't know how much ammo and herbs I wasted fighting that fucker before I finally took him down.
Raid mode is cool, but I hope they don't abandon Mercenaries.

I'd love to see Mercenaries get regular updates like Street Fighter, while they take more time on the main series entries. I could play a new Mercenaries every year or two.

Depending on what 6 has I could see a new one next year. Or maybe a big DLC for whatever 6 has.

One thing that I like way more about Raid is the weapons, like choosing my own. also getting better ones is fun.
Hope 6 has more legendary guns.
Crazy slowdown while in an elevator during the game. Almost to the point movement was impossible.

Capcom used the elevators and ship's wheel doors to mask loading between areas, but however they implemented it killed character responses and animation. I wonder why they didn't just lock out player control of character movement during the loads?


Crazy slowdown while in an elevator during the game. Almost to the point movement was impossible.

Happens in all elevators that take you from one major part of the level to another, also with any double door sets (as in walk through first double doors into small room and exit through second set of double doors). It's when all the level loading occurs, it's kinda jarring at first but I prefer it to loading screens.

Guess I should have refreshed the page before responding :p


Tried out Raid Mode a bit. Almost made it through Terragrigia 1 on Chasm with just level 1 Jill, the standard pistol, and the Hydra, but after getting one-shotted twice by the boss I decided I should probably start simpler. Up to level 5 now. It's definitely a very different feel than Mercenaries with the leveling/inventory aspect - one thing that was nice about Mercs was that you could jump into any stage online and do well, whereas here I feel like you definitely need to level a good amount to play the later stages at all.

Still, pretty fun all things considered.
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