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Fellow Americans, do you realize how much people envy us?

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On Reddit today there was a post that made the front page with over 4000 comments entitled Dear Americans, Do you know how much I envy you? (which is what I rephrased the title of this thread with)

I am from England, and yet I get all my news in the morning from Reddit; I walk to college everyday with the rough, Californian sounds of the 80's in my ears; I hear my friends bounce cross-Atlantic slang over the classes; I sit under your golden arches for lunch; I laugh incredulously along with you at that Pennsylvanian senator and last night, I had to choke back tears as I watched my electron beam taunt me with swooping scenes of those gargantuan lands within which I wish I could be.

Feel lucky to be part of America; it is not only your wealth that foreigners dream of.

So the reason why a lot of people hate us is because they actually envy us and are just expressing that jealousy in a negative way. It's refreshing when we see foreigners talk about how much and why they like our way of life.

It's considered winning the life lottery to be born an American. And it's true that no one nation has been as culturally influential as America in the history of humankind. But what do you think people envy the most about us?

Is it our entertainment? Our movies and music play on movie screens and radios across the world. Even our old tv shows are played on countless screens across the world. Music artists and actors know they've made it if they can break into our entertainment industry.

Our technology? The USA is home to almost all of the world's tech companies, including Apple, Microsoft, Google, Twitter, Facebook, etc.

Is it our food? Americans eat like kings. Some may say that we're "fat", but eating is a sign of wealth, and as the wealthiest people in the world, it's ok for us to partake in the best foods.

Our wealth?

Our democracy and capitalism? Anyone can put in the work and make it big. The land of opportunity.

Our diversity? America is so big that even as Americans people from one area can be so different than people from another. We have a diverse set of people, climates, landscapes, cultures, that it never gets boring. Many people dream of visiting California, someday.

Our lifestyle? Our country isn't held back by centuries of ingrained tradition and culture. It's constantly evolving. Yea, we have our hangups but we're a young country and work to change the bad things.

Here are some comments that I think summarize what it's like to be an American and why we're so envied:

I do, actually. I used to think anti-Americans were all just straight-up opposed to everything America, until I realized it was more complicated than that. I was sitting on a train (I think the Eurorail from London to Paris) next to a group of kids from some eastern European country (I forget if I figured out it was Bulgaria or just thought that was most likely).

The kid closest to me was wearing a faded, ratty New York Giants jacket (GO PATS!) and my first reaction was "oh, yeah, I bet you like trashing America, and you sit here wearing a jacket of a sport you probably barely even know." And then it hit me: he was wearing the jacket of a sport he barely even knew. Why on earth would anyone do that?

That's when I realized that, more likely, he didn't hate America. He probably loves America and desperately wants to be a part of it. And every time he sees America do shitty things, it probably hurts. Not from anger, but from disappointment. We have everything he wants. He loves us. Why do we treat the rest of the world -- and, by extension, him -- so badly?

Then I got to Paris and 2/3 of the songs on the radio were in English. I realized, in that case, they don't hate us because there's a culture war. They hate us because it's over.

Americans are still voted "coolest" by countries all over the world...So interesting considering it seems that most of the world seems to hate us.

I've been living in the United States for about 12 years now, I migrated here as a kid from South America and I can honestly tell you that this place is amazing. I went from living in a farm-like environment to living in an apartment in a nice quiet area, that apartment may be seen as a shitty thing by some, but to me its my haven. In this country I am able to buy whatever I want as long as I work hard to save for it, which in my opinion makes the reward even sweeter. Whenever I hear people complain about how "horrible" the US is I pity them because while there are some problems, they should not prevent you from overlooking at the amazing things this country has to offer.

America is sweet. I've spent a lot of time traveling the last couple years because I'm a college debater and we travel to tournaments around the country, and it let me get the fuck out of my small town (which I now appreciate and recognize for its beauty, but I digress). There is just so much to "America" that it's hard to grasp it. In the past five months, I've felt the rain in Seattle and seen a sunrise on the Cascades; I've spent a weekend in Austin, Texas (not nearly enough time to appreciate it); I've had Oklahoma barbecue, the genuine article; I've seen the shores of Lake Michigan and the (somewhat) bleak landscape of winter in Lansing, Michigan; I've seen snow on the Rockies in Salt Lake City; I've driven up Highway One from Santa Cruz, California to see the sun set on the Golden Gate from the top of Hoyt Tower in San Francisco, California; and so much more. I've met people from around the country with their different dialects and upbringings and weird little quirks that make someone from Wichita different from someone from Kansas City.

And what gets me is that there's so much I don't even have a clue about. I've spent almost no time on the east coast, whether it's New England, or the Atlantic corridor, or Dixie; and I've hardly been to the midwest. Then there's Alaska and Hawaii, which are worlds apart. It's just so amazing to me that people who live here can get so locked into one image of America that they inevitably miss most of it, whether it's geographical or cultural. We really are a land of fucking everything, which is probably the root of most of our problems. Might as well revel in it.

I'm a Food Network addict and I'm mostly just jealous of America's food trucks.

I went in to the store the other day to grab some beer before Memorial Day. As soon as I walked in, I was shocked. Why? Someone breaking the law? An awesome sale? A hot naked chick? No.

I was shocked because I saw a few empty rows in the grocery store. As little as they may be, it reminded me how damned lucky we are to live in this country. For millions (if not billions) in the world, they would be shocked to walk into a full super market, but we're shocked when something is out of stock.

I know people are going to make some fat-American jokes, but really think about how lucky we are. When we buy a car, we're pissed if they don't have the color we want. When we fill up, we're mad because it's too expensive per gallon. When we want to just get out of town, we get upset because the traffic is heavier than we wanted. And this is all in a post-recession/somewhat shaky economy.

Dammit, we're lucky to live in this county.

I'm french and I feel you bro (US style), I'm almost more aware of what happens in the US than what happens in France.

I love the American life style, the way they build their culture from scratch and not based on some old ass tradition, the prom, the college, the frat house, the food...

Damn, I know my country is great too, but I feel like i would only be able to completely be myself if I lived in the US.

To be honest, Britain, when I went to London I felt a little uncomfortable at all the coverage given to America. It was like having a stalker really. I mean, why in God's name is it necessary for you people to have extensive knowledge of a candidate for one political party's PRIMARY that has no chance at getting elected.

It's all of the above. We are so lucky to be Americans and should remind ourselves of this everyday as to not take what we have for granted, and be proud that millions of people all over the world wish they lived these lives.


Please share any stories like the ones above and I'll share them here.

There are a lot of amazing things in the US.

I don't talk only about landscapes, urban architecture or beautiful housing. Most movies I watched as kids were American ones and they all tend to show that all great stuff happens in the US (alien invasion, secret military bases developing awesome weaponry, birth of great soldiers with tender hearts, etc.).

What's more, in real life, amazing cultural events are held there, people are lively, free to fuck with and marry whoever they want, they still have a genuine sense of humanity with the rest of mankind and have the ability to always dream further on.

The US will always be this glam country with amazing looking women, rags to riches stories, personal dramas and huge lovely houses for the common man.
I guess I'm kinda envious of;

. your countless natural wonders, breathtaking vistas, imposing backdrops, iconic skylines, and untamed corners of nature.
. your wild abandon in the pursuit of ever-more artery clogging fast food.
. your politicians, whose grandiose, inflammatory and unbelievable characters butt heads as they desperately vie for power upon the stage of the 24hr rolling news game-show.
. your romantic ideal of America, voiced in book and film and song, an America of open roads and rolling skies, of opportunity amid sparkling metropolises and picture-perfect suburbia.
. your film and television industry, for the sole reason that it has the means to produce the sort of high-budget entertainment that is largely unmatched by the rest of the world.
Oh man, the things I'd do for an American citizenship :(
It's true, we're amazing.

I sometimes envy GB, Ireland and Italy, and we have our share of flaws, but I wouldn't trade the ol Stars and Stripes for the world.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I love and respect America. But these do look like the comments of Americaboos...


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Those exist?

Of course.

I have a friend from Afghanistan who has a hilariously cartoonish view of America and loves it so (a rebel over there, I'm sure :p). It is incredibly similar to the weeaboos we are familiar with. Both are just a consequence of having a strong entertainment industry and people being bombarded with it on foreign shores, and getting a fantasy impression of the country.


I knew this would be a Korey thread.
It's an amzing country for vacation, but i would miss so many things from home that i probably couldn't live there.


Korey said:
It's considered winning the life lottery to be born an American
I envy your ability to continually misappropriate this quote.

"To be born English is to win first prize in the lottery of life." - Cecil Rhodes.

Still, there's nowt wrong with second place.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
I envy your ability to continually misappropriate this quote.

"To be born English is to win first prize in the lottery of life." - Cecil Rhodes.

Still, there's nowt wrong with second place.

3rd place if you count Canada.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member

Americaland has the best media in the world and convinces idiots that it's totally the bestest ever.

for actual metrics however, nobody in their right mind from other first world countries would envy Americans when regarding quality of life at least.

Euros with boners for America are only very slightly less creepy than japanophiles.


I knew this would be a Korey thread.


why would i envy a country that doesn't have public healthcare?

sad truth, that situation is so backwards to me that it really makes me feel bad when I see all those threads about medical debts.. that and college debts. It's a weird-ass system that im glad we dont have.

Like every other country; I like, admire and respect aspects of it and others just make me SMH. I wouldn't use the word envy though since I wouldnt want to live anywhere else than my country.


sputum-flecked apoplexy

Americaland has the best media in the world and convinces idiots that it's totally the bestest ever.

for actual metrics however, nobody in their right mind from other countries would envy Americans when regarding quality of life at least.

Euros with boners for America are only very slightly less creepy than japanophiles.

Yeah, America has built a very effective PR machine out of its own population. I actually used to think it would be great to live in the US. That dissolved as soon as I saw actual hard evidence instead of just the mass opinions of people who've lived in the US all their life and don't know how much of a better place to live much of Europe is.


Neo Member
I don't understand this at all.
I don't envy Americans... I don't see why i would. I enjoy your pop culture just like everyone else but i also enjoy many other countries' cultures just as much.
Our problems aren't tangible problems, which I think is the key thing to remember when looking at what foreigners think of us. We can see the lightening, but we can't hear the thunder. Our problems are intangible, usually a bunch of math-games financial horse-shit coupled with extremely-corrupt power games. We don't experience the true horror and potential of what's happening in this nation on a day-to-day basis, nor is it "visceral". And since most people can only be motivated to get things done when there are tangible problems about, like street crime and any immediate threats to one's personal health, these faults get looked over in kind.

Genuinely scary.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Yeah, I can dig that, although I'd probably slip Australia in 3rd.

I walk past buildings that are older than the US on my way to work. I could never give up that kind of heritage.

But they do have Taco Bell tacos with a Dortios shell... you gotta admit it's a tough call.

The older I get the more happy I am to be an American. And that I'm not a Canadian.

I can understand not wanting to have the stain of bagged milk on your hands :(

Health care problems aside, the culture of fear over there makes me grateful I grew up elsewhere. Oh, and all that "everyone envies us" attitude has done is lead to several wars. No its not your job to share American values with the world. US isn't a bad country but it'd be a lot better with a less inflated head.


Ah, another Korey thread. Now we only need DanteFox to show up and take this seriously and the circle will be complete.


But they do have Taco Bell tacos with a Dortios shell... you gotta admit it's a tough call.

Muscle Cars are my biggest reason to love/envy the US, closely followed by Californian women.

Gotta say, despite the charges of arrogance that are thrown at them, Americans (generally) seem like really nice people. That counts for a lot.


sometimes i wish i was born in the US rather than UK

but then i remember you don't have the NHS

and if i think about it, i just love england way too much
I envy your ability to continually misappropriate this quote.

"To be born English is to win first prize in the lottery of life." - Cecil Rhodes.

Still, there's nowt wrong with second place.

Let's be honest with ourselves. Anyone not born in Sweden is only competing for second place.

As the timeless Cardinal Walter Kasper quote goes "when you land at Heathrow you think at times you have landed in a Third World country".


America is a fine, grand country, and I love it, warts and all.

However, it definitely has major problems, and those problems are devouring it from within, sadly. Our social structure resembles a caste system and our economy is corrupt right down to the bone.

I doubt it'll get better, but, for now, I am grateful for being born here. Maybe that will change in 30 years, who knows?

Muscle Cars are my biggest reason to love/envy the US, closely followed by Californian women.

Gotta say, despite the charges of arrogance that are thrown at them, Americans (generally) seem like really nice people. That counts for a lot.

Nah, we deserve it, we're a bunch of arrogant douchebags and that's why our empire's starting to show its cracks.
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