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Did you like school lunch?

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TV loves to give school lunch a bad rap but I actually really liked school lunch back in the day and kind of miss them.

Found these on some site and was surprised pretty much the same lunches I got in the 90's in middle school are still being served.

Everyone's favorite..

I loved Turkey and gravy...

We rarely got taco so when we did it was like Christmas...

Only time I ever got to eat tater-tots were in school so I loved them...

The staples....



I never had lunch during my school days.

I have no idea how I managed it. Just never felt hungry during the day.
I remember people would fight to get in the pepperoni pizza line.

I spent more time at the little snack shack where you could buy ho-hos and twinkes and things.


Kids in the US are given lunch? Damn, we had to bring in ours to school, Toronto-gaf here.

Though those look absolutely terrible.


Homeland Security Fail
Are they still serving the same shit? I feel sorry for those kids. Those lunches were terrible.
http://whatsforschoollunch.blogspot.com/ - Blog about school lunches. Wow at some of the foreign ones (Probably look shit to people from those countries, but look splendid from my eyes)


Ours weren't served exactly like this, (I don't remember chips or cucumber slices) but I used to love the shit out of the taquito's that were served for my school lunches. Others did as well, I remember the lines being noticeably longer on these days.

Another popular meal was the chicken fingers they used to serve.


remember me
My school had some awesome big ass salads with chicken, and a side of breadsticks. I ate those about 90% of the time.


Rectangle Pizza up in this bitch


The champion, and the only real thing I can remember from school lunch. The days they served sausage rectangle pizza I would get double entrees and royally piss off my tightwad dad. So worth it though.
i used to get the lunch schedule and highlight all the food i liked on it and put it on the fridge

i remember really liking the rib-a-cue's (think mcrib)

and calzones were p good too

in middle and high school all i ate was chips and soda for lunch


The success of others absolutely infuriates me.
I really liked when they had the spaghetti and cheese/garlic bread at my school hah

This always made my day. Generally speaking though, I hated lunch. Its when I most felt like a caged animal. During lunch hour, I'd usually sneak out and roam the halls.


Near the end of high school, we stopped getting side items on a regular basis, like tater tots or french fries. We got a slice of shit pizza and a milk, with the optional horribly cooked veggies at times.

Fuckkkk school lunch.


also...if your parents didn't have time to make your lunch you were kind of forced to eat this shit anyways. at least until high school where some of the lucky ones with cars could cruise to the nearby fast food drive thrus and eat like a king :p

at least it was relatively expensive. the hilarious shit would be when my friends who qualified for discounted lunch tickets would sell them to other students. rather pocket the cash than eat some days haha

side note: what adult actually drinks milk with their lunch (unless its something sweet)? milk+pizza. what a delicious combo...not. Did I really drink milk for lunch? I can't remember...probably not since I'm only 5'6" :(


When I hit junior high I could no longer go home for lunch, and that is also when I stopped eating lunch and have never looked back... looking at some of these photos makes me ill.
I'm still in high school, and the best things one can get at my campus are cheesy bread-sticks, pizza slices, and Chik-Fil-A sandwiches. Everything else is a no-go. That's honestly all my peers eat at school lunch if they aren't making lunches at home anyway.

Personally? I make my own lunch.


I remember the days when we had walking tacos.

Open a bag of doritos and dump in some ground beef, cheese, lettuce and whatever else.



Are they still serving the same shit? I feel sorry for those kids. Those lunches were terrible.

I teach at a high school & they still serve the same old stuff, but the new health guidelines require them to offer more healthy/whole wheat options. Students must have a certain amount of veggies/fruits on their plate to avoid a la carte prices and those on free/reduced lunch are required to meet the minimum fruit/veggie criteria. My school is on a 3-week rotating cycle of what is served. There is also a salad bar, which, as a teacher, I enjoy on the rare occasion that I don't remember to grab my packed lunch on the way out the door. Last year they had a baked potato bar but have since done away with it... It's kind of weird moving from the midwest to the south because up home we always had pizza for the Friday treat (either rectangular or Domino's) and down here they have soup beans, corn bread, and saurkraut. Definitely takes some getting used to!
That square pizza is nasty as fuck Im sorry I could never eat that shit. I use to eat school lunch all in elementary and middle school but highschool I said fuck it and just starved because I really didnt want to mess with it anymore.


I never ate school lunch. I took my lunch until middle school, at which point there was a fully stocked buffet-esque selection of food to eat. My staple was chicken strips with cheese sauce and fries on the side. That lasted about a year, at which point I realized that I was gaining weight like a motherfucker, and had to cut that out. By high school, my lunch pretty much consisted of Dasani and a power bar.


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, I did (and still do) eat just about anything.


Oh, also, a few years ago I taught at an elementary school and had to fill in on lunch duty for another teacher on pizza day... The kids were dousing their rectangle pizza in ranch dressing... I understanding dipping the crust but there was literally no visible pizza on the tray... kids these days...


For the most part our school lunches were awesome. In fact in elementary school our school had some of the best burritos there were. They would bake them up and they were beef and bean and just stuffed with filling. They were some big fuckers too. They'd then top them with some chili and cheese. Those were without a doubt the days they ran out from all the kids going back for seconds. lol


Loved most school lunches, but I convinced my mom that I should be allowed to stay home on fish stick day because it made the whole school stink so bad. The only ones I skipped were fish sticks and steak nuggets, everything else was great.
For me it was hit or miss. The hot dogs and grilled cheese sandwiches were total shit. The burgers were decent. And the general tso chicken and the chicken nuggets were the shit.
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