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Report – Denuvo DRM System Has Been Cracked

3DM has reported that it’s been able to crack the latest DRM system, Denuvo, that was used in FIFA 15, Lords of the Fallen and Dragon Age: Inquisition.

Denuvo has been a great DRM system as it was able to protect FIFA 15 for two months and Lords of the Fallen for one whole month.

And since Dragon Age: Inquisition – Bioware’s highly anticipated RPG – has been released with this DRM, this particular scene group a Chinese team decided to prove that everything can – eventually – be ‘unlocked.’

Before closing, we should note that the Chinese team has been able to crack the DRM. This does not mean that there is any working crack at the moment, however it opens up the road for ones.




By the by, Lords of the Fallen DRM was cracked by two Russian scene crackers about a week ago or something... Guess they were waiting till Fifa and Dragon Age got the full axe to really declare it's totally cracked.
Keep on trying new draconian bullshit though, I'm sure one of these days something made by humans will be unbreakable by humans.



Sometimes I wish journalists would take their reports a step further and not regurgitate press releases. They should ask questions on how it was cracked or at the very least run a game themselves with the crack.


Does this form of DRM actually cause any problems for consumers? I don't have any of the games in question.

Apparently it runs at the expense of performance but I don't have any experience with it so I can't tell you how bad it cripples performance or if it cripples performance at all.


Pirates - 1
Legitimate consumers - 0


Actually, legit customers can STILL use this crack, at least the Lords crack as I personally did (improved performance a lot too) for actual bought copies. Don't believe me, check my Steam, I have Lords. All you gotta do is copy/replace the existing .exe with the cracked one and a few other files.

The Cowboy

Not surprised at all and said as much day i read about it, all it needed was a very popular SP focused game to get the crackers to work on it - and i think we all knew Dragon Age would be the one to get them to do it.


No clue. I hope performance is better without Denuvo to see the backlash tbh.

If it's proven that there is no negative effect for consumers, why would you still want backlash? If it can't be proven that it's causing performance issues consumers will have no reason to complain about the DRM being in there.


It was always going to break , but, what will be interesting to see is that if it did in fact have an impact on the performance of these games.

Hopefully publishers did not screw legitimate customers here.


Pirates - 1
Legitimate consumers - 0


Don't think it's really been proven to actually impact gameplay performance at all. You never know. Maybe will be able to see how games run without the DRM to see if it makes a difference. If it doesn't, I don't see why it's a loss for legitimate consumers? If anything, it'll once again cement in game companies minds that the PC is a platform with high piracy and their DRM efforts aren't working. Is it better to allow 10 million pirates to play their game for 2 million sales etc.

That being said, anything that is eventually created will eventually be cracked/broken. It's inevitable. Once this is no longer viable, they'll develop something new.


First rule of computational science: what can be done can be undone.

I'd love to say "aww thats a shame" but tbh I have no love for invasive DRM. Good riddance, bring on the next futile attempt, etc. And before anyone tries to be a white knight galloping in on their midget pony, I pay for my games 100% and have no interest in pirating them.


Stormy Grey
If the DRM turns out to be cracked, and there is a significant performance boost with it removed, pubs should patch it out of legit copies. CDPRed once did that with the DVD copy of The Witcher 2, and despite it pissing off WB, it turned out for the best for consumers. If all these companies are worried about is preventing piracy, their gig is up the moment a cracked version hits.

This is, of course, dramatically oversimplifying the situation and a total dream-world wish on my behalf. But it'd be real nice.


Does this form of DRM actually cause any problems for consumers? I don't have any of the games in question.
It can wear out your SSD faster than normal because it keeps modifying the exe a lot in a short amount of time.
If the DRM turns out to be cracked, and there is a significant performance boost with it removed, pubs should patch it out of legit copies. CDPRed once did that with the DVD copy of The Witcher 2, and despite it pissing off WB, it turned out for the best for consumers. If all these companies are worried about is preventing piracy, their gig is up the moment a cracked version hits.

This is, of course, dramatically oversimplifying the situation and a total dream-world wish on my behalf. But it'd be real nice.

Ended up great for CDPR too, they're the face of DRM free gaming atm.

Now if only other publishers could see the light.
Actually, legit customers can STILL use this crack, at least the Lords crack as I personally did (improved performance a lot too) for actual bought copies. Don't believe me, check my Steam, I have Lords. All you gotta do is copy/replace the existing .exe with the cracked one and a few other files.
B-b-b-b-but only pirates hate DRM.


hide your water-based mammals
Actually, legit customers can STILL use this crack, at least the Lords crack as I personally did (improved performance a lot too) for actual bought copies. Don't believe me, check my Steam, I have Lords. All you gotta do is copy/replace the existing .exe with the cracked one and a few other files.
It's amazing that such DRM assole detrimental to a game performance on PC. I spend a lot of money to build my PC's and something like DRM which cripples performance is unacceptable. I would also be using this crack because if it doesn't improve performance then I am going to take the means to improve performance much like I would lower resolution or texture settings to get me those extra frames.


Actually, legit customers can STILL use this crack, at least the Lords crack as I personally did (improved performance a lot too) for actual bought copies. Don't believe me, check my Steam, I have Lords. All you gotta do is copy/replace the existing .exe with the cracked one and a few other files.

How much did it improve? Because if this turns out to be having a negative effect on DA: Inquisition, I'm going to be pissed. I didn't know that Denuvo was thought to impact performance. This is news to me and if true I can't wait to watch this fucker burn.


So I should probably use a crack on Dragon Age after I install a legit copy then? How big of a performance jump does lords get without it?




Who's gonna doubt me now!!! Mwahahahas, seriously though I just have access to places, people and sites 99% other people don't so I'm just a kindly messenger. :p

But yeah, my performance in Lords on my gaming laptop went from a 45ish-60fps depending on the location/situation, to a near solid 60fps with sllight occasional dips to 55fps. So it's pretty clear from my experience and the many others in the comments section for the crack that this removal did indeed improve performance by some margin.

At lest we not forget these are the same scheming assholes who brought us the SecureRom DRM...thank god that was cracked!


Actually, legit customers can STILL use this crack, at least the Lords crack as I personally did (improved performance a lot too) for actual bought copies. Don't believe me, check my Steam, I have Lords. All you gotta do is copy/replace the existing .exe with the cracked one and a few other files.
Make some benchmarks, like screencaps of different areas with the framerate.




Who's gonna doubt me now!!! Mwahahahas, seriously though I just have access to places, people and sites 99% other people don't so I'm just a kindly messenger. :p

But yeah, my performance in Lords on my gaming laptop went from a 45ish-60fps depending on the location/situation, to a near solid 60fps with sllight occasional dips to 55fps. So it's pretty clear from my experience and the many others in the comments section for the crack that this removal did indeed improve performance by some margin.

At lest we not forget these are the same scheming assholes who brought us the SecureRom DRM...thank god that was cracked!
I mean... nobody needs "insider info" to predict these kinds of things. It was never a matter of if, it was always a matter of when.
Everyone is saying Denuvo is DRM when it is not, it's just anti-tamper security on the .exe files.

Did they ever say it was un-crackable? I mean even their own boasting on their website says that it took them 40-something days before Fifa 14 was cracked.




Who's gonna doubt me now!!! Mwahahahas, seriously though I just have access to places, people and sites 99% other people don't so I'm just a kindly messenger. :p

But yeah, my performance in Lords on my gaming laptop went from a 45ish-60fps depending on the location/situation, to a near solid 60fps with sllight occasional dips to 55fps. So it's pretty clear from my experience and the many others in the comments section for the crack that this removal did indeed improve performance by some margin.

At lest we not forget these are the same scheming assholes who brought us the SecureRom DRM...thank god that was cracked!

And this is the proof I needed. Yeah this DRM needs to go away.
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