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Today I say goodbye to my dearest companion

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15 years exactly tomorrow since Christmas day I've always had my cat with me to help me throughout growing up.

When mother or sister were in hospital or when I was a depressed teen, he was always there to sit by me and keep me company and lick my hand or face so i wasn't alone. After getting through all that he became completely irreplaceable to me.

2 years ago he was nearly put to sleep after a serious illness, the vet said it looked grim but he managed to pull through and remained healthy and happy despite what was said.

After being away at University I came home for Christmas on Thursday to see him for the first time in 3 months. He had lost a lot of weight and the moment he saw me curled up and slept next to me all day and night on the sofa.

2 days later when I was walking home I saw him come out of my neighbours garden about 20 metres from my house. When I called out to him he stopped in the middle of the road and cried until I came to pick him up. He could barely walk. For the next 2 days he slept inside drinking and eating and using the litter tray but his condition didn't improve.
Yesterday we took him to the vets and they confirmed it was a type of kidney disease or cancer and there was nothing they could do. At the moment his pain wasn't immediate but over the next week or two his condition would worsen.

Upon hearing that I broke down in front of the vet and decided to put him to sleep tomorrow (today) so his last moments weren't spent suffering. Right now he's sleeping near me, he's dehydrated and calls out to me every so often and then rests his head again after I comfort him.

I've lost count how many times I've cried. Even now typing this message I'm a wreck. Saying goodbye to him is probably the hardest moment of my life. I love him with all my heart and when he's gone it will be like a piece of my heart is missing.

It feels like he was holding on until I got back so he could see me again.

In 2 hours I will go see him for the last time so your support and thoughts for him would be appreciated.

His name is Ninja and and without his support I would not be the person I am today so thank you. I'm gonna miss him for the rest of my life.


His Last Photo



M_Night... Be with Ninja when the deed gets done.

Believe me, I know how you feel, quite a bit. My only wish when my kitty had to have the deed done was that I was with him; sadly I wasnt able to be with him.

If you have the chance and strength, be with Ninja.


My friend had to put her pet down recently as well, it's hard but remember how good of life your cat had and your doing this to save them pain :)


Really sorry to hear this OP. It's the right thing to do to avoid him from suffering, as another poster has said, just be there with him so he spends his last moments with the person he probably loves the most.


I feel for you...hang in there, treasure the memories.

I'm crying right now...been through it once and it is quite hard.


Be strong and think about the great life both of you shared. Ninja is an awesome name for the awesome friend I'm sure he was.
I'm so sorry you have to go through this, I know exactly what you're going through. I had a calico cat that was probably the most affectionate pet I'd ever had, she used to snuggle beside me every night in bed with me, and would even meow from the top of the stairs when I got home from school. One day out of the blue I saw her lying low to the ground and making a wheezing sound. I took her to the vet immediately and within 15 minutes of being seen they determined she was riddled with cancer. I basically had to make the decision right then and there to let her go. It was incredibly sudden and painful to deal with, I had to take the day off work it shook me so much. I know this kind of pain and my heart goes out to you. Having a close connection to an animal is something to be treasured :/
RIP Ninja and remember the fun times, m_knight and be happy that you gave him as good a home as you could while he was alive.

I was at uni when Sally, my 16 year old moggie was put to sleep after bouts of kidney problems. My sister was a veterinary nurse and was there with the cat at the end.

It took 2 weeks for my sister to call me and tell me as she was so upset and thought i'd go crazy at her as Sally was my cat, well as much as a cat can be anyone's, but when i went home 2 or 3 times a year Sally was all over me for the duration of my vsit. My Cat :)
Reading your story and looking at your supplied pictures of Ninja brought me to the verge of tears. I feel your pain, OP, because I, too, love cats, and also had to put one of my own down recently due to cancer and resulting anorexia. She was only 5 and a half.

From reading your post, I know that Ninja loves you, and that he had an exceptional life. It seems like you were a great cat guardian and family member for an amazing animal who had a lot of love to share. It's great to hear that he was able to comfort you in your time of need, and that you're there to comfort him in his, which he so truly deserves.

I'm sorry to hear that today will be Ninja's last, and wish you the best of luck in dealing with your grief as your best friend goes to a better place. Know that he loves you, and that you're doing what's best for him. Also, that you gave him a great (and long) life, one that many animals only dream of.

Try to be there with him as it happens, though, if you can. It didn't feel right to me to leave my cat as she was put to sleep, but some people just can't do it which I respect. I just think it's best for them to know you're there with them, and for the owner to be petting them as they move on.


I'm so sorry to hear that. Go and be with Ninja now. He may be leaving from the material world but he'll always be in your memories and your heart. As long as you never forget him he'll never truely be gone, atleast that's how I've always dealt with this sort of thing. Being with my cat when he was put down (he was a 13 year old big ball of fluff and love) was one of the hardest things I've ever done, but I'm glad I was there with him until the very end. I still get upset thinking about that time now, but it's worth it.

RIP Ninja and thankyou for being such a wonderful friend to M_night!


Thank you everyone. And yeah I will be there with my sister when it happens.

All your support is keeping me up.


My cat is over 20 years old so I've prepared for the possibility that she could be gone any day now. It's going to be hard. The vets say she's healthy, aside from her age, but she has already far exceeded her expected lifespan. I feel at that age she might just go to sleep and never wake up. That would be ideal.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I feel for you dude. My cat passed this year and my oldest dog is starting to look like your last photo. It never gets easier. Especially when you're at this age range and the pet was there for all the years you grew up.


My cat is over 20 years old so I've prepared for the possibility that she could be gone any day now. It's going to be hard. The vets say she's healthy, aside from her age, but she has already far exceeded her expected lifespan. I feel at that age she might just go to sleep and never wake up. That would be ideal.

My friends cat lived to 26, your cat may be old but she could have a lot more left in her <3
My condolences. Throught childhood my best friend was my dog. She passed away in the tenth grade and it was very painful to me.

Take care Ninja.


I feel for you very much. I lost my cat of 16 years on Halloween. I still think I see her in the corner of my eye as I walk through my place. It's so hard to say goodbye. I didn't even really get a chance as she died in the middle of the night. Anyway my thoughts and best wishes to you M_Night. Ninja is a beautiful cat.


I'm sorry for your loss.
Many of us have been there and it really sucks. It might take a while.. it did for me... but eventually you will be able look back and feel good about the time you spent together.


Condolences, but it's good you have pictures to remember him by, and he looks like he was one handsome looking feline.


So sorry. I had a badass cat for about the same length of time. He got I'll and actually gathered the energy to say bye to me. He stopped eating and just slept. Was going to take him to the vet, and did, but he came up to me and purred and spent time with me out of the blue just before hand. I miss him. Loyal little dude. He had been through so much, including having his face wired up because a car had smashed it.


My condolences OP. I've been through it myself and its devastating to lose a companion like that. I found a lot of comfort in knowing that putting my cat to sleep was the best thing for her so that she wouldn't suffer, and also reflecting on countless happy memories together.

He's a handsome kitty, no doubt about it. I'm sure if he could speak he'd acknowledge he's been much loved and well looked after, albeit he'd probably say it in an aloof tone as cats like to do.


never left the stone age
Fuck man :'(. Getting a cat two years ago is the best thing I ever did, so sorry for your loss.


Neo Member
Can't read the OP post fully, man tears started rolling down my cheeks thinking about how he's feeling. I have a cat like that too bro, I can imagine what it feels like losing her.


To Ninja: We are glad for your life. For your companionship, your wordless understanding toward the human who loves you best. For your compassion and camaraderie, more than many cats know how to give. For your love of life, fun spirit, handsome orange and white.
Your human has given you everything he can; comfort him now and take his love with you.
Welcome now into the land where sunbeams are warm, grass is bright, and snuggles have no end. Purr and amens.
Was a pleasure to have met him.

I know how you feel bro, stay strong. You are doing the right thing for the right reasons.

You know where I am if you need me today, I'll see you tomorrow either way.

God bless, Rasta


He is gone. He went within 1-2 seconds and didn't have the strength to fight it. It was painless for him and because of his dehydration he wasn't distressed but more disorintated.

We buried him near the apple tree in our garden and will grow some flower on his grave.

I really appreciate all the support for me and him. The next few days or weeks will be strange around the house but he will always be with me in memory so I will do my best for him.

Once again thank you all.


I'm sorry to hear. Though he may not have understood much in those last moments, your being there without a doubt let him go in peace. You were very fortunate to be able to share these moments with him. Be happy over the years you got to share. These little critters are something else.

Neo Dark

That's sad to hear. It's great you had such a strong bond with Ninja though. Cherish the times you had together and hopefully you two will meet again one day.


Rip ninja be happy to have had such an awesome experience. I feel the same about my pug he is getting older now. Helped me become a better person.


I'm really sorry about your loss, OP. He was a great looking cat.

On the verge of tears, I have to bail out =(
I'm so sorry, OP. I had my twelve year old Border Collie, Milo, put down a few hours ago due to cancer. So I know exactly what you're going through right now. I've never cried so much in one day. You just have to find comfort in the fact that you gave your pet a good, long life. Many pets aren't so lucky.

Stay strong, OP.


I know how you feel man. It's an awful thing.

I would just say that you should take comfort in the fact that you know you gave him a fantastic life and loved him. There is sadly nothing you can do about time passing. However it sounds like you made the most of the time you two had together.


I'm so sorry, OP. I had my twelve year old Border Collie, Milo, put down a few hours ago due to cancer. So I know exactly what you're going through right now. I've never cried so much in one day. You just have to find comfort in the fact that you gave your pet a good, long life. Many pets aren't so lucky.

Stay strong, OP.

You also mate.

We gave them great lives.
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