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Titanfall Beta Players: Is "Revolutionary" and "Game Changer" accurate?

Definitely not a game changer or revolutionary. It is a fun shooter, with cool parkour mechanics. I don't see this changing anything in multiplayer gaming, we've had parkour before in first person shooters and mechs isn't a new thing, but they combine all these aspects well. After playing the beta I hope I never see bots again in any other game the way they are used here, they're atrocious.


I'm enjoying it on PC, but I would be disappointed if I bought the Xbone just for Titanfall. Its fun and fresh but not revolutionary


I think I actually already went on record to say the game is none of the bold descriptors used in the thread title. I also said its not a system seller (due to artificial reasons), but I did say its THAT good and could have been had it been locked to a platform.

The point of contention is it being "THAT" good, isn't it? You bring up valid points about how unremarkable the game is considering how many predecessors have exposed us to various elements of this total formula.

Let me retort by simply saying, Halo did the same thing (meld various been-there-done-that mechanics into one cohesive formula), and for as unremarkable as that game mechanically was, it didn't stop it from being a system seller and ultimately a huge IP in our industry.

That's as far as I will go with Titanfall.

Fair enough, you actually just got dragged into the melee by coincidence, there were a few posters in this topic (such as daman824) who were making vague comments about it selling 'gangbusters' and setting trends, and so my thought was that I've heard this so many times from so many different GAFers that there must be some line they all collectively have to determine Titanfall has hit that appropriate level of success. I don't think you actually were part of that group.

It's more an issue of curiosity and utility, so that in future conversations we can say "Well back then you thought X was a success, but now we see it's done even BETTER. I guess you were right." And so on and so forth. That's why I made my prediction of 3 million in the first few months between PC, 360 and Xbox One, so people know where I stand and don't think I'm just trying to pull them out on the cliff alone :p
No, it's an even easier CoD that gets boring fast. I enjoyed my first 5 or so matches but after that it just felt boring. Once the novelty of the parkour and mechs runs out (which is quick), you realize it's just an easy shooting gallery of stupid grunts until you get your mech, and then it's a shooting gallery of grunts on a mech until it's destroyed with the occasional mech vs. mech fight (which often times just feels too hectic). Then rinse and repeat.

Is it fun? I suppose for people that want zero challenge. Is it revolutionary or a "game changer"? No, it's just CoD in a different skin with much less content and surprisingly, worse graphics (though at least it doesn't seem as optimized as ghosts). It's just a beta, but I'll say it anyways, I enjoyed Ghosts more, and that's saying something.

I think a lot of the hype has to do with people playing it in short bursts at events. Like I said above, at first it's seems awesome, but the glaring problems come to the surface after a bit.

Looks like titanfall is going to make a HUGE impact on the casual CoD crowd. Here's my story that just happened:
I just had two of my co-workers here to show them titanfall. They're both 25 and have never heard of the game before. Both are pretty much the casual dudebro type of players who mainly buy madden every year and cod some month after it comes out. They both own a 360. So I told them it's a new game by the guys who made CoD4 and that its the next big thing. They were really skeptical at first but swept off their feet. So while they were trying it I told them that its a beta you have to sign up for and all that story and in that moment I get 2 mails from EA with my 2 codes I signed up for (got mine through a friend). Guess what happens next?
I print out the codes and they head straight to BestBuy to get a xbone.
Looks like this game will move more systems then I thought..
By the way I told them it was coming out on the 360 and one of them said his joystick is a bit lose so he'd just get a complete new console...

He's joystick was loose so instead of buying a new controller (for 40ish) he goes out and buys a brand new $500+ console for just one game?......ok.


Looks like titanfall is going to make a HUGE impact on the casual CoD crowd. Here's my story that just happened:
I just had two of my co-workers here to show them titanfall. They're both 25 and have never heard of the game before. Both are pretty much the casual dudebro type of players who mainly buy madden every year and cod a month or two after it comes out. They both own a 360. So I told them it's a new game by the guys who made CoD4 and that its the next big thing. They were really skeptical at first but swept off their feet. So while they were trying it I told them that its a beta you have to sign up for and all that story and in that moment I get 2 mails from EA with my 2 codes I signed up for (got mine through a friend). Guess what happens next?
I print out the codes and they head straight to BestBuy to get a xbone.
Looks like this game will move more systems then I thought..
By the way I told them it was coming out on the 360 and one of them said his joystick is a bit lose so he'd just get a complete new console...


It is neither revolutionary nor a game changer. It is fun though, which should be enough for gamers. Think it is a good foundation for a strong franchise going forward. Wouldn't see it selling too many (more) Xbox One's at the current hardware price, considering you can build a PC that will play it for the same amount of money and have all the other utility of a PC.


No, it's an even easier CoD that gets boring fast. I enjoyed my first 5 or so matches but after that it just felt boring. Once the novelty of the parkour and mechs runs out (which is quick), you realize it's just an easy shooting gallery of stupid grunts until you get your mech, and then it's a shooting gallery of grunts on a mech until it's destroyed with the occasional mech vs. mech fight (which often times just feels too hectic). Then rinse and repeat.

Is it fun? I suppose for people that want zero challenge. Is it revolutionary or a "game changer"? No, it's just CoD in a different skin with much less content and surprisingly, worse graphics (though at least it doesn't seem as optimized as ghosts). It's just a beta, but I'll say it anyways, I enjoyed Ghosts more, and that's saying something.

its a beta with only a fraction of content from the full game
of course it gets boring fast but maybe its not your cup of tea

saying its easy is a bit subjective though since it doesnt seem to be easy for the people i kill all the time :p

still its your opinion and i respect it


its a beta with only a fraction of content from the full game
of course it gets boring fast but maybe its not your cup of tea

saying its easy is a bit subjective though since it doesnt seem to be easy for the people i kill all the time :p

still its your opinion and i respect it

I think he found the foundations of the game (the titans, gunplay and parkour) boring rather than the content.

I do not think the full game with radically alter it's foundations from the beta. The gunplay, especially. It's so shallow.
its a beta with only a fraction of content from the full game
of course it gets boring fast but maybe its not your cup of tea

saying its easy is a bit subjective though since it doesnt seem to be easy for the people i kill all the time :p

still its your opinion and i respect it

It wouldn't take much to make it better, really. All they have to do, is make the grunt AI capable of killing human players. They're what's ruining the game for me. It feels incredibly easy and cheap and as a result gets old really fast. You can just farm for grunt kills till you get the Titan and then run around with it for a while. It's the epitome of easiness. Playing on more maps won't change that issue. The most fun that can be had is in certain Titan vs Titan battles (preferably 1 vs 1 cause more than that gets to chaotic and looses the appeal). They need either much better grunt AI, or they need to get rid of them and increase player count. It feels like the game was made with the very most casual audience in mind.


It wouldn't take much to make it better, really. All they have to do, is make the grunt AI capable of killing human players. They're what's ruining the game for me. It feels incredibly easy and cheap and as a result gets old really fast.

If you stiffen up the grunts you will wreck the flow of the game. Instead of people killing them as they move around the map in search of enemy pilots/titans they'll avoid them, which ends up making parts of the map useless/unused. The last thing anybody should do is get bogged down killing grunts, leaving themselves exposed/vulnerable to an enemy Pilot/Titan.

They're sentry beacons and a minor buff on titan fall speed. Make them more than that and you slow down the pace of the game.

The part I don't understand is why the people who complain about killing them being no fun bother killing them in the first place. If it isn't fun and they're no challenge you can safely ignore them, right? :p
Buffing grunts would defintely take away from the game. They are there to grind to Titans faster. Anything else shifts the attention away from Pilot v Pilot
If you stiffen up the grunts you will wreck the flow of the game. Instead of people killing them as they move around the map in search of enemy pilots/titans they'll avoid them, which ends up making parts of the map useless/unused. The last thing anybody should do is get bogged down killing grunts, leaving themselves exposed/vulnerable to an enemy Pilot/Titan.

They're sentry beacons and a minor buff on titan fall speed. Make them more than that and you slow down the pace of the game.

But if they're just going to be standing around to get shot (they provide absolutely zero challenge), why even have them?

I understand their line of thought, but I simply don't agree with it. They just make the game boring for me. Though I can see how very casual people or someone looking for a quick, easy game would get into it pretty fast. It should have mainstream appeal at least. I suppose it's just not for me, but it does have potential. Hopefully Titanfall 2 really takes them forward.

this makes it sound like human pilots dont exist
seems like you get in matches with newbies only since i had a lot of awesome moments with very skilled players

taking down a titan as a pilot is as easy (maybe even easier) as killing a pilot as a titan so i dont get what youre saying. theres more to this than just farming till you get your titan.

then again i fell in love with this game so im probably biased :p

Oh I've definitely had moments like that. I see a player jumping on the roofs and take him down (that kind of fun is why I wish there were more players). That's fun, but most of time I'm just running around killing grunt after grunt with a player every now and then. I get the Titan and continue blasting grunts and the occasional player on the roof. The best parts of the game are when you're engaged against another (competent) Titan pilot 1vs1. That can be very fun, but when it's 2v2 or 2v1 or whatever, it get's overly hectic and takes the fun out of it as it looses the strategic factor.

That's why I wish either the AI was better, or the AI was gone and player count boosted (with maybe a set limit on the amount of Titans that can be on the field). Would make the game so much better for me. But as I said, this is just the issue I personally have with it. It could be the game is just not for me, and that's fine. Other people will find plenty of enjoyment in it and I can see it's appeal.


It wouldn't take much to make it better, really. All they have to do, is make the grunt AI capable of killing human players. They're what's ruining the game for me. It feels incredibly easy and cheap and as a result gets old really fast. You can just farm for grunt kills till you get the Titan and then run around with it for a while. It's the epitome of easiness. Playing on more maps won't change that issue.

this makes it sound like human pilots dont exist
seems like you get in matches with newbies only since i had a lot of awesome moments with very skilled players

taking down a titan as a pilot is as easy (maybe even easier) as killing a pilot as a titan so i dont get what youre saying. theres more to this than just farming till you get your titan.

then again i fell in love with this game so im probably biased :p
I am on the fence about my PC purchase to be honest. Thankfully I got into BETA and was able to see just what to expect. For me it depends on the overall product shipped. If the maps are very good, and the depth of the Titans and such changes and everything just gets more filled out ... I may purchase.

Otherwise, I get bored with FPS online shooters too quickly these days. I haven't bought a shooter since Modern Warfare. Currently Renting Killzone and liking the MP, but it just doesn't last long for me. Eventually all you are doing is grinding for XP and that is the moment the thrill of victory or defeat is lost.

Really wish they would just kill the XP system completely. It is an arbitrary way to get people to continue playing. Guess what I played Unreal Tournament for 3 years back in the day and it never had any sort of XP system. It just had insanely good level design and insanely good mods from the community that kept the thrill alive. I miss Unreal Tournament myself ... low gravity levels ... instagib weapons ... arena style combat where everyone else watches your one on one match ... etc. Augh.

Anyway, Titanfall for now is fun, but I see it becoming just another XP grind like all the others. I will see what the final product impressions are from people who are not so massive CoD fans ( because if you are .... you are not like me in gaming tastes anyway ) and then decide. For now, I have gone from Hell No to " On the Fence "


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
It wouldn't take much to make it better, really. All they have to do, is make the grunt AI capable of killing human players. They're what's ruining the game for me. It feels incredibly easy and cheap and as a result gets old really fast. You can just farm for grunt kills till you get the Titan and then run around with it for a while. It's the epitome of easiness. Playing on more maps won't change that issue. The most fun that can be had is in certain Titan vs Titan battles (preferably 1 vs 1 cause more than that gets to chaotic and looses the appeal). They need either much better grunt AI, or they need to get rid of them and increase player count. It feels like the game was made with the very most casual audience in mind.

I agree that it's a very easy game for casuals to pick up but I don't really see why you hammer the grunts so much. They payoff is massively skewed to not reward it that much, a single pilot kill gets a big time chunk off the titan time and way more points. Like, talking 10+ bots to equal one.

Though I want to see if the full game has any loadouts related to them, primarily hacking Spectre's. This has actually been useful for me as they follow you around like a little squad, and they use rockets against titans. Wouldn't be surprised if they had something to boost hacking power and controlling them.


best part about this game (so far) is the escape after you lose
making a last stand in your titan and blasting out of it at the end right into the ship and escaping into space feels amazing
It wouldn't take much to make it better, really. All they have to do, is make the grunt AI capable of killing human players. They're what's ruining the game for me. It feels incredibly easy and cheap and as a result gets old really fast. You can just farm for grunt kills till you get the Titan and then run around with it for a while. It's the epitome of easiness. Playing on more maps won't change that issue. The most fun that can be had is in certain Titan vs Titan battles (preferably 1 vs 1 cause more than that gets to chaotic and looses the appeal). They need either much better grunt AI, or they need to get rid of them and increase player count. It feels like the game was made with the very most casual audience in mind.
Absolutely not. That's a fundamental misunderstanding of their purpose.
Absolutely not. That's a fundamental misunderstanding of their purpose.

Yeah, their purpose is simply to make it look like a battle is going on. Not just a 6v6 skirmish.

I find that sad to be honest. A next-gen game can't handle anything outside of 6v6 using a dated engine that looks like ass, and then you make those little bots pointless fodder. Just some brilliant game design there. Atleast give the bots the ability to hit you every once in awhile. You know how funny it is to be able to run into the middle of a group of 4 gun wielding enemies and just kick them to death one at a time? Being 1ft. away and them firing and not hitting?


Yeah, their purpose is simply to make it look like a battle is going on. Not just a 6v6 skirmish.

I find that sad to be honest. A next-gen game can't handle anything outside of 6v6 using a dated engine that looks like ass, and then you make those little bots pointless fodder. Just some brilliant game design there.

I thought they were meant to give gratification even to terrible players, so they at least feel like they are doing someting by killing those bots (and they do get xp for it). I think it's clever.


Modesty becomes a woman
It's Call of Duty: Titanfall.

This is what CoD would look like if it had a 5 year development window like GTA gets and not a 1 year turnaround like CoD actually gets. It's pretty freaking awesome but it's still Call of Duty.

You think CoD games are made in a year?


Yeah, their purpose is simply to make it look like a battle is going on. Not just a 6v6 skirmish.

I find that sad to be honest. A next-gen game can't handle anything outside of 6v6 using a dated engine that looks like ass, and then you make those little bots pointless fodder. Just some brilliant game design there.

respawn said:
we tried a huge amount of playercounts (all the way down to 1v1 and up quite high) and designed the maps, gameplay mechanics, and entire experience around which played best.

i trust the makers of cod 4 with my monies


What aspects that are in the final game do you think would change anyone's perspective on this specific question? All the foundation is there to make a fair assessment on this score. It may be the most fun game ever made, but it ain't revolutionary and it ain't a game changer.
i think if something was the funnest game ever it would be a game changer
I agree that it's a very easy game for casuals to pick up but I don't really see why you hammer the grunts so much. They payoff is massively skewed to not reward it that much, a single pilot kill gets a big time chunk off the titan time and way more points. Like, talking 10+ bots to equal one.

Though I want to see if the full game has any loadouts related to them, primarily hacking Spectre's. This has actually been useful for me as they follow you around like a little squad, and they use rockets against titans. Wouldn't be surprised if they had something to boost hacking power and controlling them.

Absolutely not. That's a fundamental misunderstanding of their purpose.

I understand why the grunts are there. I get that. I just don't agree with it.

I'm not saying the game is bad all around, I'm saying it's bad for me personally. I can see the appeal of it, and it's certainly not a bad game (though graphically, it's quite subpar).

The gameplay is A+. As a compromise, I wish there was at least an optional 12vs12 pilot only game mode (with maybe a cap on the amount of Titans, say 3 on each side at any given time). I think I'd enjoy something like that a lot more.

As I've said above, the game shows a lot of promise, which is why I think their second outing will really push them forward. This one ,however, is not what I would call "revolutionary".
Not revolutionary and game changer no, I don't think so, but it is fucking fun I'll tell you that. I've had way too much fun with this Beta, it has made me think about buying this day one. So that's that.
i trust the makers of cod 4 with my monies

lol, thats fine I'm just giving my opinion.

I just find it hard to believe this engine cannot handle anything beyond what we see in the game. Then you have these mindless gun wielding fools running around that can barely hit you even when you are in a Titan. Thats some good aim there. When you see them, you can pretty much just ignore them and continue on.

If it is just candy for poor players .. I don't see how anyone could find gratification by killing the bots. They are so bad, it is not rewarding ... can't be rewarding.


lol, thats fine I'm just giving my opinion.

I just find it hard to believe this engine cannot handle anything beyond what we see in the game. Then you have these mindless gun wielding fools running around that can barely hit you even when you are in a Titan. Thats some good aim there. When you see them, you can pretty much just ignore them and continue on.

If it is just candy for poor players .. I don't see how anyone could find gratification by killing the bots. They are so bad, it is not rewarding ... can't be rewarding.

i dont get it the devs go out and say that they designed the maps and the whole mechanics around 6vs6 and you still want to believe its because of technical limitations ? lol whatever dude whatever


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Yeah, their purpose is simply to make it look like a battle is going on. Not just a 6v6 skirmish.

I find that sad to be honest. A next-gen game can't handle anything outside of 6v6 using a dated engine that looks like ass, and then you make those little bots pointless fodder. Just some brilliant game design there. Atleast give the bots the ability to hit you every once in awhile. You know how funny it is to be able to run into the middle of a group of 4 gun wielding enemies and just kick them to death one at a time? Being 1ft. away and them firing and not hitting?

It's not about not being able to handle, it's about game design. You can't just throw numbers everywhere and make it work. This applies to destruction as well, as I saw some people not like how static it was. If you could level buildings, that has a huge impact on everything. Titans would get WRECKED as they would have no means of escaping or hiding while in fights.

They don't groundwork a game and then start hacking at it to abide to technical limits. They have a vision to follow first and foremost. It would be asinine for a developer making their debut MP game, especially one with the talent they have, to be like "oh god we can't technically handle this lets just toss bots everywhere", they wanted it how it is.

I do get the gripes with it, sure, but I don't get that line of thinking at all personally. I do dislike how we still know so little about what's in the game, as I do want to see if any mode has no bots or is pilot focused. So hopefully they say something on that soon.


I think those words are more a result of trying to make bold statements to attract attention to something.

The important thing though, is that Titanfall is unique in it's approach with the titans, and it's fun. I would hardly call it revolutionary or a game-changer. It's clearly building off a formula to attempt to reinvigorate said formula, and they're doing a good job at it.


Also the grunt AI is awful. You can practically run right up to a huge group and melee them one by one

You totally can. I did so quite a few times today. They need to ramp up the grunt AI for the final release. Even if they're just being used to make players of lower skill be able to summon titans on a regular basis, they need to be better than they are now. They're simply too dumb.


My experience so far is 'sub-par' and ungood and this is a great game for me to skip.

Too much latency for such a fast paced game. Makes virtually every fight a crapshoot against the lag.

The fodder characters are annoying because there is such stark contrast against the real humans. Humans take way more hits and aren't totally dumb as bricks. Horrible AI.

The graphics (on X1) are abysmal, game can't even maintain 60Hz. Looks so bad (compared to other current gen systems and even Wii U). Not AAA looking at all.

It has some cool ideas, but I didn't enjoy what I've played so far one bit. I'm not huge on MP FPS, although I've put 20 hours into Battlefield 4 PS4 MP (but I'll probably put another 5-10 hours more and be done with it forever). And right now I'm only playing BF4 and Killzone SF on PS4, so I'm not huge on the genre anyways...

But yeah there were tons of better FPS. Quake 3 handled low latency beautifully, UT99 was far more interesting...

And for what it's worth I think Killzone Shadow Fall's MP is way better as is BF4's.

BF4 also has latency issues but the pace is slower, no dashing, no shield to throw back bullets. Shit works because it's slow and doesn't require incredible timing.
i dont get it the devs go out and say that they designed the maps and the whole mechanics around 6vs6 and you still want to believe its because of technical limitations ? lol whatever dude whatever

The only reason I say that is because what else is there to believe? That Respawn thinks they need to bring in even MORE FPS fans then already exist by providing little fodder for people who royally suck so bad at FPS's that they will actually find some kind of gratification out of killing helpless non-player controlled enemies? I dunno ... whatever floats their boat, that just seems odd to me.

I think it is more to do with filling the battle scene out, moreso then that odd design decision. Instead of just seeing 6 other blips on your map, you see dozens and see people running around below you while you are in your titan, or see people moving around in groups as a soldier.

That explanation of the bot feels better to me then the bots being candy.

As for the Titan stuff. You only wait what, 3 minutes before you gain access even if you just wall run around for 3 minutes. Not exactly a bad wait for your Titan no matter the circumstances.


I played Titanfall and it's fair to say that it changed my life.

Hm? Let's not go overboard now...

To me, the game is fun, feels a lot like Call of Duty with improved sound and brightness. The freerunning is a great feature as well. Still, it's nothing mind-blowing, and the bots and titans detract a lot for me.

Thinking about buying it for PC, but after realizing my laptop couldn't handle it and I'd have to use my desktop, I'm leaning no. I'll go play League Play on Black Ops II for some real competitveness. This game is geared towards the casual fanbase.


Buffing grunts would defintely take away from the game. They are there to grind to Titans faster. Anything else shifts the attention away from Pilot v Pilot

Not to mention the number of people complaining about being killed by bots would dwarf the number of people that are complaining about the bots not being challenging enough.


As for the Titan stuff. You only wait what, 3 minutes before you gain access even if you just wall run around for 3 minutes. Not exactly a bad wait for your Titan no matter the circumstances.

who cares, a skilled player can fuck up a titan in a matter of seconds
its not like this is the chopper streak from mw2
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