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Universal Windows applications running on the Xbox

I made this post about powerpoint earlier.

I don't think people would do the main editing work on the Xbox One, though it should still be allowed, for that quick, last minute blooper fix that you just caught before you had to present the your powerpoint.

In addition you could use Kinect to scroll through word documents and things. I think it would be more useful for presentation that actual editing work, though the Xbox One does support mouse and Keyboard, so there's nothing preventing it from working like a normal computer.
Good point actually. I didn't think of that, would the full editing suite be of any benefit though?
How the hell can I downplay something that isn't a reality yet. This whole thread is talking about emulators. Really? Bye with that.

The Xbox One will get the benefit of having the app however it's not going to be the platform that pulls developers first and foremost. Your kidding yourself if you think the Xbone one is ringing bells to all developers to create apps.

As I said above its a benefit but not the self starter to kick this campaign up. So it's on everything Windows, but if people aren't buying Microsoft products then what good does this do?

It's a big deal for Xbox Fans but not a big deal for the general public who still aren't convinced that this vision MS is trying to create is good enough to leave their ecosystems for. I'm not looking at only Xbox for this and that's what everyone is failing to realize.

People...are buying windows products? The Surface 2 was far better received than the Surface 1. Windows Phone has consistently increased in marketshare. And the Xbox One is doing great. OneDrive and Outlook.com have a ton of users. Bing powers everything Google doesn't...

Where is the idea that MS products aren't selling? Because the facts show YoY that isn't true.
WinRT is a pretty vast API.

In practice, the different kinds of devices will probably support variably overlapping subsets of it.

There will be differences in what methods / properties are available but it's all built on WinRT, not "WinRT for phone, WinRT for pc" and so forth.

MSDN has updated already - see this for example which shows a particular property being valid on both phone and Windows boxes.

Compare to this one - camera application manager api - which is phone only.


Is this a new skin for 8.1? If so than people need to put download link because I am in love with that menu :D I hope they go this route with win9.

They actually announced it to be a future update to W8.1

Edit: Yep. http://www.engadget.com/2014/04/02/microsoft-teases-a-classic-start-menu-for-windows-8-1-with-built/

As a part of its Build 2014 announcements, Microsoft showed off an interesting twist on its classic Start Menu. Coming to Windows 8.1 in a future update, it has the look of the Start Menu Windows users have experienced for years, but adds the Live Tiles Microsoft has been pushing as a part of Windows 8 and Windows Phone.
Seriously bro do you even android?


But seriously they don't...only apple does

Well shit. I haven't bothered looking for emus on Google Play Store since before it was named that. I guess Google stopped caring a while back, they used to remove emus.
I made this post about powerpoint earlier.

I don't think people would do the main editing work on the Xbox One, though it should still be allowed, for that quick, last minute blooper fix that you just caught before you had to present the your powerpoint.

In addition you could use Kinect to scroll through word documents and things. I think it would be more useful for presentation that actual editing work, though the Xbox One does support mouse and Keyboard, so there's nothing preventing it from working like a normal computer.

I'd rather use a Surface Pro and miracast it off to a TV, use the pen/touchscreen to move around.
Imagine peoe playing SNES, GBA, N64 games before they happen on the Wii-U. Microsoft now allowed that on a competing device without Nintendo's consent or royalties. This will never happen. Nintendo would win this lawsuit in a heartbeat. Direct competition, copyrights, protecting intellectual properties and on a closed system.... Good luck with that.

PlayStation Now if Sony allows it could be a possibility. I doubt the would.
This is why I can't stand the rise of apps and all of these ecosystems. We should all be developing against HTML5 and its future instead of all of these various storefront controlled app gardens. Its all so backwards.
I'm guessing there will be. If MS heavily regulates what slips through, it nearly defeats the entire purpose of the endeavor. Where do they draw the line? Just blocking all clones of popular games would be a huge endeavor.

I don't know where they draw the line but I think they will somewhere. I can't see it being completely open like some are suggesting.

Perhaps they don't allow any games at all through the 'app' side of things. After all it could be quite conflicting with the whole ID@Xbox indie game setup.

Of course, I could be completely wrong :)

Edit - Oh fuck I'm no longer a junior, why did that happen?!


That is very nice. :)

Windows 8.2 or 9?

More importantly, is it a free upgrade for 8.x owners?

They didn't talk about that. They demoed it during the "future vision" section of the BUILD conference so it's a pretty safe bet it's Windows 9.


No you couldn't.

Sharing WinRT classes? I'm pretty sure this was already possible.

What you described some posts above sounded a lot like what I can do now with a W8 app written in C++, and taking shared WinRT classes to a WP8 app project.
WP8 already supported a vast subset of WinRT for W8, as well as COM and Win32.

Maybe there's something else I'm missing and you can explain to me via PM.
I could do this in VS2012 already.

To be clear on what I mean here - 90% of your code will be in App.Shared.

Your platform-specific customisations - e.g. Kinect voice mappings, screen layouts for rotated/vertical phone, snapped windows 8 view, would each live in the 'platform specific' project.

But all of those projects - shared and platform specific - will be built on WinRT.

In the old world, you would maybe be able to get 50% of your code into a shared PCL but then you'd be on your own with individual programming models for phone and store.


Sharing WinRT classes? I'm pretty sure this was already possible.

What you described some posts above sounded a lot like what I can do now with a W8 app written in C++, and taking shared WinRT classes to a WP8 app project.
WP8 already supported a vast subset of WinRT for W8, as well as COM and Win32.

Maybe there's something else I'm missing and you can explain to me via PM.

Not a dev (well all that good of one) but i think he was refering to the fact that on windows phone it was winprt instead of winrt...now it is winrt the same as windows 8


I don't know where they draw the line but I think they will somewhere. I can't see it being completely open like some are suggesting.

Perhaps they don't allow any games at all through the 'app' side of things. After all it could be quite conflicting with the whole ID@Xbox indie game setup.

Of course, I could be completely wrong :)

Edit - Oh fuck I'm no longer a junior, why did that happen?!

But why would they arbitrarily block it on Xbox but not in the windows 8 or windows phone stores?


Good point actually. I didn't think of that, would the full editing suite be of any benefit though?

I think it would actually be simpler to just take the full thing and make it available instead of going in and removing features.

Plus, like I said, being able to edit no matter what you want, however you want, and no matter what platform you are presenting on would be really convenient. I think they should.

I'd rather use a Surface Pro and miracast it off to a TV, use the pen/touchscreen to move around.

The scrolling part would be a part of the Xbox One as a convenience, not as a main selling point like it might be for the Surface. Just added so you aren't restricted in case you have it on your Xbox. But yes, it would be more usable on a Surface or whatever.

The main selling point for the Xbox One would be the Kinect features, like I said would be VERY useful for powerpoint type stuff. Completely hands free, which would definitely be a plus.


To be clear on what I mean here - 90% of your code will be in App.Shared.

Your platform-specific customisations - e.g. Kinect voice mappings, screen layouts for rotated/vertical phone, snapped windows 8 view, would each live in the 'platform specific' project.

But all of those projects - shared and platform specific - will be built on WinRT.

In the old world, you would maybe be able to get 50% of your code into a shared PCL but then you'd be on your own with individual programming models for phone and store.

I see. It really became platform agnostic now (minus the platform-specific contracts).
That's excellent, and I think people will put this into great use. Even beyond games.

I appreciate your patience with me. Thank you. :)
Sharing WinRT classes? I'm pretty sure this was already possible.

What you described some posts above sounded a lot like what I can do now with a W8 app written in C++, and taking shared WinRT classes to a WP8 app project.
WP8 already supported a vast subset of WinRT for W8, as well as COM and Win32.

Maybe there's something else I'm missing and you can explain to me via PM.

I'll reply in here just once as it's a dev conference related thread and others may be interested.

The bolded bit is the key bit... you're limited essentially to pretty noddy classes (relatively speaking) - i.e. PCL-compliant classes. The second you went platform-specific you'd need to target the specific platform in a new project, and that meant a lot of "wasted" code - your WinRT XAML UI for Win8, your Silverlight UI for Phone, and so on.

Now we're talking about the entire ecosystem running WinRT... so you can write pretty much your entire codebase just once using WinRT, no more Silverlight for Phone, WinRT XAML UI for Win8 and so on.

Happy to carry on in PM as I am fascinated by this. I have VS open at the same time and am hacking away in it!


everyone saying emulators
what makes you think theyre going to have an open store or just let you sideload apps on xbox? i kind of have trouble seeing that happening
I see. It really became platform agnostic now (minus the platform-specific contracts).
That's excellent, and I think people will put this into great use. Even beyond games.

I appreciate your patience with me. Thank you. :)

My pleasure man, I am a geek at heart :)


I could do this in VS2012 already.

I never tried writing a shared app for Windows 8/Phone 8 so I can't exactly argue, but are you sure it was as simple as right-clicking your Windows 8 project, creating a Windows Phone project of your app, copying over all of your existing code and then deploying to the phone? Because that's pretty much what they did during the conference today. Of course you'll have to change some of your XAML to suit the device, but the code behind remains unchanged. It seemed very simple.


Scrub back to the 2hr 14min mark if you're interested.

Edit: I see this has been explained, but I'll leave my post here anyway.


Microsoft integrating their different platforms is very interesting and something that could have a pull effect on consumers for every one of their platforms.
Curious to see their execution.


There seems to be two discussions here...those that know microsoft and know what this means and those who basically reply "they aren't going to let emulators in" Even if that is true this is a big deal for moving htpc computing forward...a easily ported set of applications that are designed around a 10 foot interface is an awesome, awesome thing for anyone who has struggled with windows (or linux or os x) on a television
Universal apps become available with the Windows 8.1 update (starting April 8th). Windows Phone 8.1 whenever that gets released. No date on XBONE from the conference.

I would assume only one price for a universal app. Old apps would stay the same.

Each update to a Windows app goes through certification. So stuff could get through.



Just read on the Plex forums that you currently have to be an ID@xbox dev to publish Bone apps too. Hopefully the signups for that become automated and more lenient.
There seems to be two discussions here...those that know microsoft and know what this means and those who basically reply "they aren't going to let emulators in" Even if that is true this is a big deal for moving htpc computing forward...a easily ported set of applications that are designed around a 10 foot interface is an awesome, awesome thing for anyone who has struggled with windows (or linux or os x) on a television

God... imagine if Microsoft open sourced Media Centre. I bet somebody creates a clone of it anyway...


God... imagine if Microsoft open sourced Media Centre. I bet somebody creates a clone of it anyway...

Honestly there are much better things than windows media center out there now (speaking as someone who used to use media center exclusively) . Only issue is if you need encrypted television channels from a cable card. Otherwise you are better served by xbmc, plex, jriver, or one of the other lesser media centers.


And it will probably be behind Gold.

So not interested, do not own any other Microsoft stuff anyway so yeah. Cool for Microsoft people.


Just read on the Plex forums that you currently have to be an ID@xbox dev to publish Bone apps too. Hopefully the signups for that become automated and more lenient.

If the launch parity clause is still there, that will be a big turnoff for some developers... but not most.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
It's kinda funny because they've been mentioning it at MS techdays as early as 2012 but of course journalists have no reason to go to boring non-game developer events.

Then why was there big applause from devs in the room when it was announced? I know they've been hinting at it but they've never announced it.
There seems to be two discussions here...those that know microsoft and know what this means and those who basically reply "they aren't going to let emulators in" Even if that is true this is a big deal for moving htpc computing forward...a easily ported set of applications that are designed around a 10 foot interface is an awesome, awesome thing for anyone who has struggled with windows (or linux or os x) on a television

My HTPC runs Win7 and I have no issues using it on a TV using the classic desktop UI and a mode and keyboard.
I think that there is a big miscalculation about the demand for apps that aren't games on a TV. This would have made more sense before the rise of mobile computing. Any app that I can think of that would work on a TV would work better on a tablet or phone because they can be taken with you. So it makes far more sense to pay for a notification or social media app that will actually follow you around rather than being tied to your living room.

If you are going to be tied down to a location to do work then you'd be more productive sitting at your computer instead of your TV. On the other hand if you are going to add a keyboard and mouse to your XB1 setup in order to overcome its input limitations, then why not go with a full computer at that point? One of the main benefits of using a console is that you don't need a keyboard and mouse. Take that away and the computer becomes the more logical choice.

The best possible use for the TV is as an optional large screen display output for a mobile device, not for running the app directly. The TV will never be used for heavy editing work so why would someone want to buy another app just to display content created elsewhere.


Does that mean the xbone will become the ultimate emulation machine? How many emulators are available for windows phone?

Would be pretty amazing if you could play more ps1 games on xbone than ps4.
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