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Far Cry 4's art is racist and the antagonist is (potentially) gay

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Purple is a color often associated with gay people by choice, at least recently. Though I'd say this is pinkish purple, and pink is considered by many to be an effeminate color. Limp wrists is a stereotype of gays, as is being fashionable. So when you combine all those in one image, I think it is pretty clear why I'd feel like they could be playing off this stereotype.

People are entitled to their opinions and can certainly disagree with me. All I did was voice my concern about what was given to me and my initial feelings.
Well shit, some one better tell the Phoenix Suns they can no longer call there arena The Purple Palace. People might get the wrong idea, or something.


My best friend has a haircut really close to the one the bad guy has there, should we have fucked by now? Did I mix up the signals? I thought we were two straight bros.

Depends. Does he fulfil any of the other criteria from the OP's checklist on homosexuality?


This may be the biggest backfire I've seen on a board ever

The worst part is he keeps defending his narrow minded beliefs of what a stereotype is (the color Purple) and a wrist that he keeps wanting to be limp when it's clearly not. Also being fashionable is a stereotype.

Really, the ironic thing, he's being allot worse towards the stereotype than the boxart could ever dream of being.




nothing racist or gay about the box act at all. classic idiots trying to find issues with every single thing without thinking about common sense.

People like the op are is what is wrong with society. There is real racism out there and all this does is devalue the term racist, it gets thrown around far too easy without people thinking beforehand.


That's actually your camp's problem. The game does not exist yet. No member of this forum has played it. This is not criticism because there is no artifact to criticize. There is no context because the argument is inferring from a box art (which are noted for how narrow and lacking nuance they are) the details and actions of a character. This is a game of how offended will I be today.

I agree that it's too early to really make any meaningful commentary about this game (and I'm really hesitant to even be in this thread), but I would say that any piece of official promotional art for the game is an artifact and part of the product's existence.
op, youre probably jumping the gun a bit breh but i wouldnt give ubi the benefit of the doubt given far cry 3's status quo white savior story
I was with you up until the last line~ Trust me, few are offended~!

Its just nowadays everything "offends" someone...if its a gay its because its gay, if it aint, its cuz it aint.

Your personal choice of sexual orientation does not make you somewhat special or extra sensitive.

What I feel is that sometimes people force to be offended, just because it doesnt fit THE STEREOTYPE THAT YOU ACTUALLY HAVE IN YOUR HEAD !

So they get offended, when a character OF THE SAME (hypothetical) SEXUAL ORIENTATION isnt portrayed as they like...that actually makes them prejudice themselves and hipocrite.

*This goes for any type of prejudice (sexual, race etc..)

I am not gay, and the only thing this cover offends me, is that its very bad designed, BUT it made me have interest for the character, seems like an interesting character.




Wait. Now is this offensive because he now looks middle-eastern? shit. I'm not sure how to fix this to make it non-offensive to everyone.

Oh wait. Here we go:

I'm sure you could keep the RPG. The RPG wasn't hurting anyone.
This is what I dont like about gay people who stress over everything.


wait, let me explain it better...




Do you guys really get offended on this ?! Just cuz they make a character who looks slightly more feminine ? If all you want is equal rights, then Shut it already !

Nope, you lost me. For future reference:

1) Don't tell a group of people you don't belong to how to act or how they should be doing things

2) "If all you want is equal rights, then Shut it already !" is unabashedly terrible




Wait. Now is this offensive because he now looks middle-eastern? shit. I'm not sure how to fix this to make it non-offensive to everyone.

Oh wait. Here we go:

Is that Saddam Hussein? You're totally right, second picture is the only safe one.


Artwork of person of color A in a position of power over person of color B =

If they are two different races,

If they were two different genders, it would be sexist.
If they were two different sexual orientations..
So on and so forth.

If it hadn't been for somebody being so concerned with the race and sexuality of others, I never would have noticed how hateful this artwork is.


Some stereotypes of gay men are: Fashionable / Style (check), limp wrist (check), and the color pink (check), which at least in America, is often considered an effeminate color.

My issue is if this character is gay, thus far he is portrayed as a gay stereotype in this piece of art, and that alone is problematic. Let alone if he is the whole "gay people are bad guys or punchlines" trope.

So where am I being a hypocrite or judgemental here?

Well you're the one who drew the conclusion that the character on the cover is gay based on outdated and judgemental stereotypes without any kind of further information, so how could I possibly come to that conclusion?
And if he was gay? Then what?

*looks to the sky for comets*
If he happens to be gay, it means 75% of people in this thread were wrong that looking sterotypical =/= acutally being sterotypical for FC4. It also means we have a gay guy in a purple suit, which is absolutetly fabulous! (/Sarcasm) Another thing is that the chance of homosexual actions against a MC will increase slightly which is pretty homophobic if you ask me.


He dresses pretty well. No limp wrist though.

Maybe I should send him dick pics and go from there?

Wait, I'm a brown dude. Does that mean I'm gay or not?

Probably best to send a pic of your friend to the OP, he's an expert on this.

Nope, you can't be either gay or racist. It's just not possible for us brownies.

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
But.... isn't the dude on the cover in the purple zoot suit the same race as the dude on the ground? He definitely doesn't look anglo white to me...

I'm seriously just not getting this at all. Doesn't look racists at all. Buck liked tha gentleman and was a completely unrepentant asshole... it wasn't a big deal. But whatever i suppose... everyone needs something to bitch about. I guess.

Such manufactured "controversy" ... some people just don't even try to see over their own soap box anymore.

Also - why does it matter if the antagonist is gay? ... what a muck trudge of a thread this is...
Some stereotypes of gay men are: Fashionable / Style (check), limp wrist (check), and the color pink (check), which at least in America, is often considered an effeminate color.

My issue is if this character is gay, thus far he is portrayed as a gay stereotype in this piece of art, and that alone is problematic. Let alone if he is the whole "gay people are bad guys or punchlines" trope.

So where am I being a hypocrite or judgemental here?

Trucking in these generalizations reinforces stereotypes. YOU are trucking in these stereotypes with your thread, or at least assuming someone else may be. Either way, you are labeling the image with what YOU bring to it.

Even if the character ends up being gay, that means nothing! A straight person may be rich, flamboyant, and effeminate just as well as any gay person could be. Is a gay character not allowed to wear pink or be fashionable without being a stereotype? Seems rather unfair; you might even say discriminatory.

What is problematic is that based on your culture, YOU are seeing a gay stereotype. Maybe that's not your fault since that's an image the media has perpetuated. But now you're perpetuating it too. This game may well be offensive for any number of reasons, but this image, on its own, without context, is only offensive if you bring something offensive to it.
It's way too early to be starting with this shit, atleast wait until there's actual gameplay footage out or anything besides a single box-art image.


Unconfirmed Member


Wait. Now is this offensive because he now looks middle-eastern? shit. I'm not sure how to fix this to make it non-offensive to everyone.

Oh wait. Here we go:

The second picture isn't displaying for me.

edit: Oh I get it...


As an openly bisexual (if we must label it) man with a boyfriend, I'd like to think I know about gay dudes. I'm just saying it looks like they created a character that leans towards being a gay stereotype from looks alone.

As a gay man, I'd like to think I know a bit about homosexuality too—stereotypes et al. I see nothing here implying the character is gay. I'd go with Russian/eastern European mobster over gay by (stereotypical) looks alone. Now if the character begins talking with a lisp and prancing around flamboyantly, then I'll get out my (bedazzled) pitchfork, but in the meantime I find your analysis more offensive than the allegedly gay antagonist.


He dresses pretty well. No limp wrist though.

Maybe I should send him dick pics and go from there?

Wait, I'm a brown dude. Does that mean I'm gay or not?

what color is the shirt you are currently wearing?

Twitter meltdowns are fun. Who would have thought @Veeren_Jubbal was a closet racist?

That closet is waaaay open now. Any media outlet would have to be insane to give him a freelance gig with this nonsense attached and his reaction.


Some stereotypes of gay men are: Fashionable / Style (check), limp wrist (check), and the color pink (check), which at least in America, is often considered an effeminate color.

My issue is if this character is gay, thus far he is portrayed as a gay stereotype in this piece of art, and that alone is problematic. Let alone if he is the whole "gay people are bad guys or punchlines" trope.

So where am I being a hypocrite or judgemental here

Stereotypes can't apply because???

Gay people can't be villians? Do you even understand what your typing? So by that logic every action movie/video game to date with straight villans was an attack on straight people saying they're all bad people?
Somewhere, Richard Pryor and George Carlin are looking down at the Earth and shaking their heads.

I wish 50 Cent would release another game. It would be amazing to see what the reaction to something like Bulletproof would be in today's social climate.

Which leads me to the question. How the HELL does Rockstar avoid these controversies when you have jackasses like Veeren out there crying wolf everytime something bothers them?
In my opinion it would be freakin' great if this game dared to make me feel uncomfortable in the way that the OP fears it will. A racist homosexual lead character in a big budget, mass market title would be a victory for artistic freedom. This contemporary demand for political correctness in video games (and other entertainment products) is really holding storytelling back.
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