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Phil Spencer: "I agree that MS needs to up our gaming presence on Windows."


I'm gonna go full tinfoil and suggest that astrotuf twitter accounts creating fake conversations on twitter involving PR and spokespeople could happen.

ok, not really, but could you imagine?

They don't need fake accounts, they have the enthusiast press.
the more things from spencer like this, the more I think he's just like the rest of the chuckleheads that he works with.

I know that "things take time" but a lot of it just seems like "Well this is what they want to hear, so I'm going to say it and outlets/GAF will pick up on how i'm a game changer"

Maybe its because he's always seemed like a big jerk underneath his hip indiegame tshirts + sports coat combo


the more things from spencer like this, the more I think he's just like the rest of the chuckleheads that he works with.

I know that "things take time" but a lot of it just seems like "Well this is what they want to hear, so I'm going to say it and outlets/GAF will pick up on how i'm a game changer"

Maybe its because he's always seemed like a big jerk underneath his hip indiegame tshirts + sports coat combo
You think MS is yanking everyone when they say how PC is important and they'll soon jump on it in full force? Nooo!! Why would you think that???


the more things from spencer like this, the more I think he's just like the rest of the chuckleheads that he works with.

I know that "things take time" but a lot of it just seems like "Well this is what they want to hear, so I'm going to say it and outlets/GAF will pick up on how i'm a game changer"

Maybe its because he's always seemed like a big jerk underneath his hip indiegame tshirts + sports coat combo

So he can't do no right then in other words?.


hide your water-based mammals
Ports or not, some of the games are good but I won't cheer until I see some more substantial day to day content with some of their console offerings.
I hope this means I can see some Gears of War and other Microsoft IP's on the PC. If not, then this guy is just blowing smoke up everybody's ass.


I hope this means I can see some Gears of War and other Microsoft IP's on the PC. If not, then this guy is just blowing smoke up everybody's ass.

Well Gears of War was on the PC, and it was a great port. Unfortunately it was GFWL-only so not a lot of people even know about it.

Which is a shame, Gears at 60fps was gooood stuff. It had some bonus campaign levels as well (But they weren't that good).


DR3 and Halo collection could good, but I really wish they would give us some pc exclusives. I mean, make AoE4 or Flight Simulator and you've got 1 mln copies sold guaranteed, most likely 2 mln or even more.


This is weird to me out of time to put games on PC this just doesn't make sense. I mean this Gen X1 is going be judge by it's exclusive. That would be main reason to get one, cause PS4 has better multi-plates. I just don't see it


Random anon posted this

It's almost certain to be crap but it doesn't seem far-fetched either. We'll know by E3.

I don't see how a person who's 'setting up booths and computers' would see anything related to conference. I mean he might see some games and whatnot, but details like that? I doubt it.

Microsoft won't get serious about PC gaming unless they have their own digital platform on there. And if they do I'd rather it be kind of separate from their Xbox stuff, games like Age of Empires and Freelancer.


People defending GFWL makes me suppose that somewhere, somehow, there must be people really loving cancer.

I'm not sure i want to google-confirm this theory.

Sorry, but this one got to me. As someone who both has cancer cells in him (Lynch Syndrome) and also didn't really have too much of an issue with GFWL (I actually liked adding to my gamer score from a different source other than the 360), I fail to see the correlation of the two mediums in your post. Cancer wasn't fun, especially chemo, and GFWL added a small bit of enjoyment to something I already liked... Just saying.


If their first party Xbox One stuff ends up on PC simultaneously, it'd give me such a massive headache. I likely wouldn't have the juice to run a maxed One game on PC day.. er.. one.. and would cater towards the Xbox version, but then I'd basically bone myself out of having *the only sensible long term version of the game*. I'm miserable enough trying to decide where to get my multi-platform games.

We've had a golden age of games aimed at ~10 year old hardware, that run at a bajillion frames per second with all bells and whistles turned up to max on PC for a while now, but when these games hit simultaneously across all platforms, the PC system requirements won't be so kind any more. Unless you have The Hottest Shit under the hood, the choice won't be so obvious if you own a PS4 and One as well where compromises have been made for you.

Ultimately - especially when looking back on the numerous 360 titles I wish had PC versions right now - it would be great if we had PC versions of, essentially, everything, for posterity's sake. But man. I'm not looking forward to investigating the best course of action for every game.

I doubt they'll be able to offer an option like this for hypothetical Steam versions, but "Cross buy" for Win8/One would be nice. It's all wired into the same Microsoft account, so let me buy it digitally once and then I'll play the PC version in two years when my specs catch up. And uh... Until they unplug the Windows store, I suppose.


The problem is that Microsoft is such a divided company that when one part of the ass says one thing, the other does a different thing.


Random anon posted this

It's almost certain to be crap but it doesn't seem far-fetched either. We'll know by E3.

Well, thats kind hard to believe, because it wouldnt be a smart move at Xbox One situation. Also, its a very coincidence that this guy came up with Dead Rising 3 information just at the same day that this DR3 leak for Steam, I mean, he could have came with that earlier, then it would be more believable. Also, I dont think MS would just give things up like that... if I know them well, if, by any chance, this Halo Collection shows up on PC, it would be later... like 1 year later, so it wouldnt get in the way of Xbox sales.

But I guess we will only know it for sure at day 9.


I believe I said this earlier in the thread, but I'm honestly fine with Microsoft completely separating their console business from the PC side. I understand the need to provide exclusives to incentivize a console purchase.

Just continue supporting the titles that were previously available on PC such as what they are doing with the Age of Empires and Rise of series, but continue that to encompass their various GFWL titles and other releases. Games like Halo 1, Halo 2, Gears of War, Viva Pinata cannot be found on digital store fronts or played reliably due to DRM implementation.
Sorry, but this one got to me. As someone who both has cancer cells in him (Lynch Syndrome) and also didn't really have too much of an issue with GFWL (I actually liked adding to my gamer score from a different source other than the 360), I fail to see the correlation of the two mediums in your post. Cancer wasn't fun, especially chemo, and GFWL added a small bit of enjoyment to something I already liked... Just saying.

I can't believe your post was ignored and I'm sorry you had to read a comment like the one you quoted.

What the hell is wrong with GAF this days?


Junior Member
Supporting Steam only still doesn't make sense. As I said earlier, if they are not going to make another GFWL client or the like, then they must support Origin and that Ubi thing as well.

IMO they should also create a client within Windows 8 or 9 like the app store one and port their games there but don't make it forced. You want Steam? Then go buy it on Steam. You want Origin? Go ahead. You want native Windows client? Why not? In fact, your Xbox Gamertag should be linked with these clients, perhaps for cross-buy and cheevos.

Only way for MS to re-enter the PC market without creating another GFWL unsupported disaster.


Everything that's released on an Xbox should be for PC also PERIOD.

I have just to disagree.
PC with its exclusivities, Playstation with theirs, WiiU with theirs and Xbox One with theirs. Exclusivity is needed, specially on consoles.

Nothing wrong with MS wanting to support PC again though, but not crossing Xbox way. They could, for example, release a new Age of Empires exclusive for PC and that would be great.


MS used to make good PC games, if they want to start publishing games on PC again that's great.

If they want to reintroduce their own service with their own DRM that's probably going to be pretty bad going by past experience.

Most likely though, nothing will happen. That's ok too.


Junior Member
He is just saying all the right things. It could all be bullshit though.

When it comes to MS and computer video gaming, I think they do deserve a bit more credit. GFWL, and their first party support, yeah they deserve critics. They have obviously chosen XBox exclusivity over PC gamers for a good decade now.

But when it comes to building a PC platform and OS that keeps gamers in mind, and offers tools to play your games, I think they have been pretty cool. They do not only offer development tools, but they also consider gamers and developers when building their OS. I do not think their competitors could say the same.


No. Why would anyone buy an xbox then? Might aswell buy a 500$ PC.

PC Multiplats are objectively superior to their console counterparts 99.9% of the time, but they still sell buttloads on consoles.

That's because a big chunk of those console users are people who wouldn't game on the PC. Be it because of the intimidation factor, ease of use of consoles, don't feel like putting in the time, or just don't feel like gaming on a PC period.

So I think even if one system shared all its titles with the PC, it wouldn't lose that big of a percentage.
Sorry, but this one got to me. As someone who both has cancer cells in him (Lynch Syndrome) and also didn't really have too much of an issue with GFWL (I actually liked adding to my gamer score from a different source other than the 360), I fail to see the correlation of the two mediums in your post. Cancer wasn't fun, especially chemo, and GFWL added a small bit of enjoyment to something I already liked... Just saying.
Sorry to hear and best wishes for your treatment. That junior member's post was disgusting. Can I suggest you email the admin team and bring it to their attention?
You think MS is yanking everyone when they say how PC is important and they'll soon jump on it in full force? Nooo!! Why would you think that???



Supporting Steam only still doesn't make sense. As I said earlier, if they are not going to make another GFWL client or the like, then they must support Origin and that Ubi thing as well.

IMO they should also create a client within Windows 8 or 9 like the app store one and port their games there but don't make it forced. You want Steam? Then go buy it on Steam. You want Origin? Go ahead. You want native Windows client? Why not? In fact, your Xbox Gamertag should be linked with these clients, perhaps for cross-buy and cheevos.

Only way for MS to re-enter the PC market without creating another GFWL unsupported disaster.
The problem is that you still need one system for multiplayer if you don't want to split userbase.

As somebody already said, MS really should create one interface where all the big stories/services would plug in. You could have one friend list if you want, all your games in one place, where clicking on one would just autolaunch the correct client or exe. One place where you could search for games to buy and see exactly how much it costs on specific stores etc.
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