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Assassin's Creed Unity Gameplay E3 2014


Looks pretty good, though the head thing was a bit much. Or is that historically correct? Don't remember anything like that from history class.


French Revolution was all about beheadings.


Gold Member
If I play this alone and the game gives me shitty AI mates, this is going to be the first AC I'm not going to buy. Really hope this Coop stuff is MP only and has no effect on the campaign.
so is the single player nonexistent, or is it still intact without 4 characterless drones following you?

Also its hilarious that the french soldiers speak in English, not even french accents..


Haters gone hate
I love me some Assassins Creed and I love me some co-op, just please please please offer split screen ubi!


Not particularly into co-op for in AC but it looked cool to me. Wondering how they'll do the story with 4 protags though.


Not gonna lie, it looked pretty damn great, and having coop might actually mean I can accept playing another ubigame.


I think it looked pretty good. I'm interested at least which I wasn't expecting since I'm only a fan of AC4 in the series because of the whole pirate theme and ship sailing aspect. Want to find out more


Wow, I couldn't believe AC manages to beat CoD in the boring-same-old-gameplay-we-have-seen-thousands-of-time-already catalog.
Grats in using same mechanic over and over again, and still manage to sell millions.
At least the co-op gameplay will make the game more bearable, now I don't have to spam that many sword swings to win.


well not really...yet
Jeez, it looks fucking beautiful.

I wonder if the co-op Assassinos can be customized.
Who the fuck asked for 4 player co-op?

Everybody. It's one of the major requests of this game for years. If you want to play the same formulaic AC you can play AC3 and 4 again. I'm glad they're showing variations on the game.


Unity really impressed me. I was brought back to the AC series with IV, after really disliking Revelations and ACIII... IV is surprisingly fun, and this looks excellent. Just some subtle improvements you can pick up from watching it too, like the roll animation at the edge of something when you have to drop down. It's always frustrating to not naturally jump down from one height to another unless you're in free-run and you do that huge leap.
I know it no longer makes any sense from a stealth perspective, but from a pure style standpoint I immediately missed the white hood/cloak.

Hopefully there are costume changes. :D


Junior Member
the beheading bit really freaked me out, oddly disturbing for an AC game

I like the new animations but I'd be pressed to say they were better, just different. but I think the last two games set the standard for the industry, so perhaps my expectations were too high


Junior Member
Errr... am I the only one that thinks this game doesn't look too good? Looks clunky, combat looks stiff as hell, and the execution bit at the end looked hilarious in a bad way. Visuals are nice but nothing too amazing.


He touched the black heart of a mod
Neat, more work on indoor stealth. Did I see crouching?

Sound design seems really good too.
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