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Destiny Alpha Thread: Impressions from the wild [Code Begging=ban]

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The Giant Bomb Quicklook made me super excited for this game. I've never been into the Halo games so any similarities or differences are lost on me but the MMO-esque set-up and really pretty art style have me hooked. Also FPS with damage numbers popping up and RPG trappings is what I want.

If I don't get into the alpha this weekend I will cry. And after I'm done crying I'm going out and sell my bum virginity to get enough money for a pre-order so I don't miss the beta :)
I gotta say, I would not be as interested if this game did not have a campaign. So glad they decided to have one. Would feel empty without.


I will gladly accept an alpha code as today is my burthday! :p
I'll check out the Giantbomb footage now. I'm just torturing myself by watching every bit of info I can find... ;_;

/edit: "Is that Peter Dinklage?" "Nah, I don't think so."
They really know their stuff...


So the Beta is open to everyone tomorrow then? If not, what's the best way to get in? Someone said buy from Amazon and then cancel your order?

Tomorrow is the Alpha. The Beta starts on July 17th. For the Beta code you can simply pre order the game on Amazon and cancel it as soon as you get the code via email.
To enter the Alpha you have to register here:

i hope you get a code, happy birthday! :)
Happy birthday man. Hope you get your code.

Thanks guys! I hope so too! I hope everyone who entered their PSN ID gets a code. :)
I will gladly accept an alpha code as today is my burthday! :p
I'll check out the Giantbomb footage now. I'm just torturing myself by watching every bit of info I can find... ;_;

/edit: "Is that Peter Dinklage?" "Nah, I don't think so."
They really know their stuff...
Happy Birthday!

Giant Bomb QL of Destiny is like peanut butter and chocolate for me.


I'll gladly accept an alpha code too. ^^

I've registered with every psn account I have...

Good luck everyone getting in.
This game will be the cat's pajamas. Been eagerly anticipating it for ages now. I hope i get into the alpha thingy tomorrow :)

Greatest game this year! Calling it now.
I sure hope non-ADS weapons are viable cuz fuck ADS right in the ass
The only time I use ADS is when I want to be super accurate from medium-long range and farther. Still, I'd really like Bungie to remove it, as it can impair me from being entirely efficient without using it.
Few questions:

So how does loot/xp work in free roam? If ppl randomly pop in do they steal your xp/loot? Can you turn off group play/play solo?

What kind of mods/item affexes are there for gear? Like stats or effects. Plus to skills etc

Is there any depth/rpg elements besides the basic skill tree?

In the leaked alpha thread the mission forcefully ended after beating a boss, before the guy had time to look around and loot more. Is this gonna be changed or can you go anywhere in free roam and not have to worry about missing things?
1) You can only access your own loot. People can't steal it.

2) I have no idea what you're trying to ask here. What do you mean?

3) What do you mean basic skill tree? You can customize your weapons, ship, person...

4) All the Story/Strike missions use areas of the same map that you can explore fully in free-roam mode.
Watching the Giantbomb Quick Look, I saw... a game that really seems to drop the ball. Granted, it's only the alpha, so maybe it'll all change.

Enemies seem to all be bullet sponges, to varying degrees. Not only bullet sponges, but they also don't seem to react to bullet impacts. You can't stagger them or make them flinch with shooting them, from what I could tell. So you're firing full auto at this huge bullet sponge "Hive Knight" or a bullet sponge giant purple ball... and that doesn't look fun to me. It's the same problem that I had with Borderlands. There's nothing fun about playing a first person shooter if you feel like your gun is terribly weak. (1)

There was also a point where Jeff completely ran out of ammo. Now... Jeff is not a bad FPS player. He's been playing them for a large chunk of his life, he reviews most of them for Giantbomb, so the guy knows what he's doing. And he completely ran out, and was just standing there doing nothing. And that seems insane. Again... in a traditional MMO, players don't run out of ammo. (2) They always have some mana left for to cast a spell, or they can build up rage, or just autoattack. But you don't run out of ammo. So to see Jeff actual run out of ammo and just be left completely useless seems like a very not fun sort of game. You should never run out of ammo. Of course, I can understand why he did, because like I said in the first paragraph... these enemies are all bullet sponges. But this game is not supposed to be some sort of survival horror game, like Dead Space. There needs to be ammo all the time.

I also don't know what's going on with the companion cube's voice acting. It sounds horrible. Like, I know it's a cube and not a real person, but the flat tone just comes off as... completely disinterested and awkward. And not in a "Hal 9000" sorta way. More of a "Wow, they got a terrible actor in the voice booth" sorta way.

Graphics do look good though.
(1) I don't know how many times people who have played the game will have to say this, but the traditional enemies aren't bullet sponges (this can be leveled at the bigger enemies like Fallen Tanks/Sepiks Prime, but they're still fun to fight). They react and try to avoid your fire. That being said, every enemy could use another pass at gameplay feedback because I feel like everything can be ramped up further.

(2) Destiny isn't an MMO. If you're not careful you will run out of ammo. You gotta be smart in how you use it. Just because someone is experienced at FPS doesn't mean they won't make mistakes when trying out a new game because...well, it is a new game after all.
Well, Gaz and I ran into a ?? Hallowed Knight. That was terrifying.
There are several areas like that. Enemies with high levels. You'll have to go back later!


So hoping for an Alpha code tomorrow!

Pre ordered back before PS4 launch and beta code redeemed since then but need this now.

Good luck all those in the hunt.


I hadn't been keeping much more than a cursory eye on this, but I watched the PlayStation Access play through last night and I'm definitely interested. Will potentially be the first console FPS I've played for *ages*.


How much, if at all, does loot drop off enemies versus getting it from chests/quest rewards/vendors? If enemies do drop loot, do they have cool stuff? Did it seem like the Strike had specific, unique guns/armor?
How much, if at all, does loot drop off enemies versus getting it from chests/quest rewards/vendors? If enemies do drop loot, do they have cool stuff? Did it seem like the Strike had specific, unique guns/armor?

From my experience, loot is more common if you look for it in the wild than fighting enemies to get loot, because only special enemies will drop it (rarely sometimes more common enemies too, IIRC).

As for special enemies dropping specific, unique stuff...I guess? It's hard to say when we still have an unfamiliar grasp with the weapons and gear in this game.

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
I remember those legs and the room from Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze thread. I can confirm that this is indeed Dax01.
I have a question too Dax01. Is that you in the avatar :) ?


went from complete disinterest in this game when they showed that alpha before e3 to on the verge of grabbing a ps4 to play this with my cousin in the fall.

having non-braindead players demonstrate a game does wonders.


This game looks so fun. Here's hoping I'm one of the lucky person that'll get an Alpha invite. I don't work until sunday. *fingers crossed*


Can Warlocks use Rocket Launchers? That's all i need to know.

EDIT Better question: Can all classes use all weapons?

EDIT Oh, great! I've been worrying about that ever since Destiny was shown.


I guess i'll add my voice...had very little interest in this game and then i saw the giantbomb video...completely turned me around. Very excited


Really bummed out to hear it's not an option to turn off floating dmg numbers. I can't imagine it would take a lot of work to include an on/off option for dmg numbers.

I also saw a video from the tower. Seemed like a nice social hub for the game. But I'm not a fan of player icons appearing through walls.


Cross posting my initial impressions after playing the Alpha for a bit now. I'll be able to shed some light on things if people have individual questions about this build.

For the last week or so, I've been chiming in playing the Destiny Alpha with the gang. Please note that these are just initial impressions, everything is subject to change and I cannot confirm/deny things that aren't present in the game. I can only tell you about what is in the Alpha Build that Bungie has granted me access to.

Player Customization:
Huge. This is the first thing you do upon entering the Alpha. Create your Guardian's Race, Class, make a face, hair color, eye color, makeup and much more. Once you hit submit on these options you cannot return back to this menu, choose wisely.

First Mission:
Upon entering the world of Destiny, you'll spawn in Old Russia on a level three Story mission that walks you through the basic fundamentals of how to use the game to your advantage. Things like spawning your Ghost and using waypoints to find your way. Knowing when your Super is ready, picking up loot and equipping new things, finding other players and battling bosses.

As someone that's Halo driven mindeset, Destiny is DIFFERENT game. You cannot "halo" it up and use a "one gun" mentality. You're forced to think of on your feet and use different combinations for different scenarios with your fireteam. The beauty of Destiny is that you're challenged to find the right combination of attack/defense. You have to analyze the right time when you attack, and when to run. It's not always to your benefit to pursue an enemy, maybe you're not high enough level or don't have the best weapons match, or maybe just ran out of ammo!

The Gameplay:
It's fast. In the open world scenario's you're tasked with either walking around endlessly shooting enemies and finding loot and enjoying the view or you can start up a beacon mission and enjoy it with your fireteam. Missions get more difficult as you progress in rank, and depending on the playspace that you're in.

It's easy to jump in with new players. You can be off on your own adventure and find other players to party up with. The best part is that you don't HAVE to join up in a fireteam, though if you do, you're guaranteed to stay with that player until you decide to part ways.

You have your sparrow to navigate across large gaps/areas. Just found out recently you can use emotes when you're on the sparrow (forward/left/right), super cool.

Public events are rare as it believe the game determines if it has the right amount of players in a specific area, within a time period and it will kick one in. My first public events was to clear 3 waves of enemies within a playspace. I nearly got my ass handed to me. The AI in this game is definitely much more response than what you're use to in Halo.

The Tower:
The tower is AWESOME! One of my favorite places to visit. It's quiet but can get hype active. Meet up with others, Pick up bounties for rewards, sit and watch the view and I love the day/night cycle of this playspace. At first I was confused because there were TOO MANY things you can do. Bungie does a nice job of displaying "Hey you should go here" by placing a green notification over a vendor's head if you have something new that you can do.

This is a good place for organizing a party of friends before you head back to orbit and go on a new mission. There are weapon, engram, and class specific vendors as well as ones for individual factions, spaceships, Crucible (PvP), notes, Vanguard, player emblems and more. As you find things in the wild, you can turn them in to get glimmer as a reward, then purchase that sweet armor you've seen that other guy wearing.

Destiny is best enjoyed with friends. While you can go off on your own adventure, it's unbelievably fun when you enjoy it with your buddies. You will die as a group and back up to the last checkpoint, but when you're just trying to run through and accomplish that mission, while communicating each other in relationship to your abilities (Anyone have a Super?) it's a satisfying experience.

Dear reader let me warn you, it's extremely easy to get addicted to the player progression system in Destiny. In the Alpha you're capped at level 8, you cannot proceed. However you can see armor/weapons for those beyond level 8. Bungie is good at teasing you for more. You'll also be thinking you're hot shit, and all of a sudden a new player jumps into the tower with his fireteam and has MUCH cooler gear than you. You now want to go find it.

I cannot wait for the public release of this as I'm curious on HOW MUCH more populated the areas are going to be. Right now since a specific game population, most of us haven't seen this game when it's being hammered by thousands of gamers.

If you have questions about the Alpha Build and my experience, ask them! Please note these are initial impressions. I haven't even discussed PvP, I will get to that soon.



The Giant Bomb Quicklook made me super excited for this game. I've never been into the Halo games so any similarities or differences are lost on me but the MMO-esque set-up and really pretty art style have me hooked. Also FPS with damage numbers popping up and RPG trappings is what I want.

If I don't get into the alpha this weekend I will cry. And after I'm done crying I'm going out and sell my bum virginity to get enough money for a pre-order so I don't miss the beta :)
Thanks for posting this. Wasn't really feeling this game before, but this looks pretty damn awesome. :)
Loved the Halo series and actually played through everything besides 2 last year.
This looks kind of reminiscent, yet quite different.
Think I'm going to pick this up day one. The hard part will be trying to convince my buddy to do the same since he's not into sci-fi shooters. :(
Really bummed out to hear it's not an option to turn off floating dmg numbers. I can't imagine it would take a lot of work to include an on/off option for dmg numbers.

I also saw a video from the tower. Seemed like a nice social hub for the game. But I'm not a fan of player icons appearing through walls.
While the damage numbers aren't too bothersome, I do agree that there should be an option to turn them off. All they really is superfluous information that doesn't tell me much.
How is Remote Play?
I know you've asked this several times before, and the reason why I think you're not getting a response is because nobody knows. I personally haven't tried it because I don't have a Vita, nor do I know if it's supported or not.

Yu Narukami

I just found out that there's no cross playing between PS3 and PS4 users. I really hope that there will be enough people playing this on PS3.
That would be an excuse to buy a PS4, he he.


The only Bummer for me is, that in PVP the health is more like CoD and not Halo or UT

Oh god. Remember when we had intense gunfights with other people? Now it's pew -> dead; pew -> dead

The generation of reward metrics is the worse that happened to gaming for me.
What's with the ADS hate? I'll never understand it. Actually aiming the firearm, well... it usually improves accuracy. Firing from the hip, which is arguably instinctive-aiming, makes sense in only the closest of encounters.


I will gladly accept an alpha code as today is my burthday! :p
I'll check out the Giantbomb footage now. I'm just torturing myself by watching every bit of info I can find... ;_;

/edit: "Is that Peter Dinklage?" "Nah, I don't think so."
They really know their stuff...

Happy Birthday KeRaSh! Hope you get a code and got my fingers crossed for tomorrow! !
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