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Giant Bomb @ E3 2014 | Ice Cream Truck vs. The Electronic Three

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Again, if I'm in the games press, why would I interact with a bunch of people who assume I'm either paid off, incompetent, biased, or don't know anything about video games because my opinions are different than theirs, especially, when unlike most people on GAF, I, as a members of the game press have a community I can interact with in my personal life.

I'm not saying that journalist should interact with GAF. I'm saying that they have no business talking shit about the community and looking down on it if the only time they choose to interact with it is when people are yelling at them for any of the above mentioned reasons.


Again, if I'm in the games press, why would I interact with a bunch of people who assume I'm either paid off, incompetent, biased, or don't know anything about video games because my opinions are different than theirs, especially, when unlike most people on GAF, I, as a members of the game press have a community I can interact with in my personal life.

Yeah, from looking at years of "game journalism lolol" threads, I can understand why a lot of game journalists can get cynical about GAF. It's not so easy to look at the good parts of GAF when the threads about game journalism is little more than a contest of who can dismiss the whole profession the most (I'm not saying game journalism doesn't have its problems, God knows it does, but there's a bit too many "payola" comments without any evidence).

Thats a real shame. I turned it off when he came on.

Seriously, there was absolutely nothing weird or bad about that segment. Another case of GB fans blowing things way out of proportions (he let the others do most of the talking, especially Vinny).
Somehow I get the feeling there's another side to this story. We will never find out, I guess.

I don't get what you are trying to say here. That's my story, my experience. There's nothing to "find out". He sold me 35 bucks of nothing. Now you know something you didn't know before. You can behave to your own accord no matter what happened to me, a stranger to you.

I can provide proof of what I alleged before, via PM, if you want. I'm not in the business of starting smearing campaigns on GAF and I already regret to not have kept my mouth shut as I proposed and I usually do. But all the positivity the guy gets in the GB community gets me everytime because, as I said, that situation really bummed me and made me somewhat more jaded.


I don't know guys, nothing gets me pumped for the final final E3 recap like Paul Barnett telling what kind of games his kid plays.

I get that you're playing it up here, but seriously, how much time did that take up? 1 minute tops? Hearing some people talk here you would believe that the segment only consisted for Paul Barnett screaming out anectodes when Vinny tried to talk. For most of the segment he didn't even speak! I guess a lot of people will scream and curse in the chat (and to a lesser extent here) every time they see him on GB content now largely because of the Dungeon Keeper thing, even if he did absolutely no wrong on this stream.


It's kind of like how something you don't necessarily like might only comprise 1% of your drink but you still kind of feel that the drink isn't right anymore


I don't get what you are trying to say here. That's my story, my experience. There's nothing to "find out". He sold me 35 bucks of nothing. Now you know something you didn't know before. You can behave to your own accord no matter what happened to me, a stranger to you.

I can provide proof of what I alleged before, via PM, if you want. I'm not in the business of starting smearing campaigns on GAF and I already regret to not have kept my mouth shut as I proposed and I usually do. But all the positivity the guy gets in the GB community gets me everytime because, as I said, that situation really bummed me and made me somewhat more jaded.

Possibly your experience is not the norm and maybe there's a decent explanation for it. I'm not denying that you were screwed out of thirty five dollars, but that doesn't mean it's going to change everyone else's thoughts on Max which are based on a lot more than one person's bad experience with him.
Possibly your experience is not the norm and maybe there's a decent explanation for it. I'm not denying that you were screwed out of thirty five dollars, but that doesn't mean it's going to change everyone else's thoughts on Max which are based on a lot more than one person's bad experience with him.

Ok. Last thing I say on the matter, heart crossed. It's not like there was a problem with an item I bought and that's life, what are you gonna do? The guy ignored my emails for months, then I got hold of him via twitter, then he simply refused any further contact, he probably blocked me on twitter and filtered out my email address. He took my 35 of course. So, sorry to burst you bobble, but that kind of rationalization doesn't cut it. I know everyone's goodwill towards the guy will trump any issue I had, I get it, fuck me, but I still beg to disagree, because the day it will happen to anyone of you then you'll probably don't care if it's the norm or whatever.
As I said, it gets me blood boiling, so I'll drop it from now on.


Do you guys remember Tested.com? They did good coverage on the Oculus Rift and Sony Morpheus at this year's E3.

And damn, I never realized what a huge gig Will and Norm landed with the Mythbusters crew. They have video hits that Giantbomb can only dream of right now.


Do you guys remember Tested.com? They did good coverage on the Oculus Rift and Sony Morpheus at this year's E3.

And damn, I never realized what a huge gig Will and Norm landed with the Mythbusters crew. They have video hits that Giantbomb can only dream of right now.

Yeah, they're doing good on Youtube. The website itself seems pretty much dead (and the Premium stuff was DOA), but they're doing really good on Youtube with a ton of subscribers. Maybe they should just ditch the site and move the whole operation onto YT?


the holder of the trombone
Do you guys remember Tested.com? They did good coverage on the Oculus Rift and Sony Morpheus at this year's E3.

And damn, I never realized what a huge gig Will and Norm landed with the Mythbusters crew. They have video hits that Giantbomb can only dream of right now.

They only get their hits from youtube though so that might skew numbers.

I think youtube is pretty secondary when it comes to giantbomb viewership.


Do you guys remember Tested.com? They did good coverage on the Oculus Rift and Sony Morpheus at this year's E3.

And damn, I never realized what a huge gig Will and Norm landed with the Mythbusters crew. They have video hits that Giantbomb can only dream of right now.

As much as I love poking fun at Tested for being Adam Savage's Adam Savage fan site, I really do like a lot of the videos about the interesting stuff Adam does.


The rampant love of everything terrible Giant Bomb does is way worse than the rampant hate of everything middling that Giant Bomb does.

~ Rampant hater


Do you guys remember Tested.com? They did good coverage on the Oculus Rift and Sony Morpheus at this year's E3.

And damn, I never realized what a huge gig Will and Norm landed with the Mythbusters crew. They have video hits that Giantbomb can only dream of right now.

I wish Will would join GB (if I can fantasise for a sec here). Was always happy to see him on camera during the Whiskey days.


I wish Will would join GB (if I can fantasise for a sec here). Was always happy to see him on camera during the Whiskey days.

I doubt Will would want that.

Dude is getting full access to Adam's workshop just to create random shit all day and cover nerdy/techy stuff with Norm. Sounds like a pretty neat job.


I doubt Will would want that.

Dude is getting full access to Adam's workshop just to create random shit all day and cover nerdy/techy stuff with Norm. Sounds like a pretty neat job.

Yeah yeah, of course.

Just saying I miss his interactions with the GB crew. :(


Hearing Jeff say he's interested in Bloodbourne is blowing my mind.

I guess I missed it or I've just forgotten, but why does he hate the Souls games anyway?

Edit: Nvm.. googled "Jeff gerstman dark souls" and his tumble answer is right at the top:

"It’s a batch of interesting ideas surrounded by some of my least favorite types of combat.

I don’t like anything about the way it plays. Slow attack animation is certainly a valid design choice, it just also happens to be one that I kind of hate in most games. It’s funny that some people choose to ignore that I’ve said this a few times now and just boil it down to people like me not “getting it.” It’s not some elaborate, unsolvable puzzle, people. But when I solve that puzzle, it comes up saying “yeah, don’t play this game.” So I’m going to continue not playing it."


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
More offensive and pro-active gameplay might have been the key words here.

It's why I'm finally interested in one of these games. Dark/Demons Souls is just too slow and boring for me. Hopefully there's more pep in the action and the idea of a constantly shifting and rotating enemy lineup is really fucking cool. No need to learn, just fight and go.


Giant Bomb is at its best during E3 and GDC. The duders really step it up and put out a lot of wonderful content. The behind the scenes vid was amazing. Wish they would do more of that.


Considering that even in good threads about games journalism, for every good post, there's twenty posts saying 'lol Doritos' or posting conspiracies about guys who have to share apartments in San Francisco being paid handsomely to give a game a 8.7 instead of 8.2, yeah, if I was in the games press, I'd avoid GAF like the plague.

I mean, Jason Schreier tries to deal with people on here and he mostly gets 'loltaku' and 'I hate Patricia Hernandez, so I hate you' reactions.

Shit posters are in every community.
GAF is not an editorial team, whatever comes out of here has the only filtering element of a moderation team that gets outnumbered by the thousands.
This is true for every single community, including the Giant Bomb forums.
And may i add, the moderation on GAF is pretty stellar, considering how much stuff they have to watch for (GAF being one of the, if not THE largest gaming forum).

I think it's silly to consider it like a single entity, there's good people and less good people, there's good people who sometimes have brain farts, and there's idiots with occasional strokes of genius.
That's just what almost any community is.

I think Alex playing "holier than thou" is a bit silly, even though i can understand seeing some shit posts and write off the whole community as unbearable, i still consider it a shallow attitude.
Max can he okay, he is another one that needs to learn not to try so hard on streams. He is a rich guy who wants to hang with GB so badly he works for free and is building then a streaming set. Can't complain with that.
Man when you put it like that it's kinda sad.


Sorry to double post, but there was a weird lack of dumptrucks this week. Did Patrick ever say why that was?

I'd imagine time constraints? On that Drew video he looked very busy between attending E3 and managing guests who were constantly dropping out or rescheduling, so I think he's recorded a few but just not had the time to edit/render/post them.


I'd imagine time constraints? On that Drew video he looked very busy between attending E3 and managing guests who were constantly dropping out or rescheduling, so I think he's recorded a few but just not had the time to edit/render/post them.

Yeah I think that's it. I wouldn't expect too many but probably a couple here and there.
Ok. Last thing I say on the matter, heart crossed. It's not like there was a problem with an item I bought and that's life, what are you gonna do? The guy ignored my emails for months, then I got hold of him via twitter, then he simply refused any further contact, he probably blocked me on twitter and filtered out my email address. He took my 35 of course. So, sorry to burst you bobble, but that kind of rationalization doesn't cut it. I know everyone's goodwill towards the guy will trump any issue I had, I get it, fuck me, but I still beg to disagree, because the day it will happen to anyone of you then you'll probably don't care if it's the norm or whatever.
As I said, it gets me blood boiling, so I'll drop it from now on.
I believe you and join you in now thinking he's scum.


Giant Bomb is at its best during E3 and GDC. The duders really step it up and put out a lot of wonderful content. The behind the scenes vid was amazing. Wish they would do more of that.

This is so true. I started out with the 1up yours crew and slowly watched them move on to better careers. When Giant Bomb started up I feel like it was fate for them. They filled this giant hole in the game journalism industry that the 1up crew had left. Ever since they have been my go to place for all my needs. They have been doing an amazing job and im only looking forward to the future. Im already missing Vinny though!


Yup always look at both sides of the story.

brad if u need to call me ill pm u my # and feel free to crash on my couch or i can cook for u too!

On a serious note just finished Drew's E3 2014 video, just as great as last year. Brad's impressions of Alien: Isolation have really piqued my interest in that game.

Patrick Klepek

furiously molesting tim burton
Hey! I'm sure some of you are still watching the content from this year, but given that it was my first year booking, I wanted to pop in and solicit some feedback from everyone. If you want to express that as "I liked this person, I didn't like this person" please be respectful or sent me a private message -- even when a guest doesn't necessarily fit into our mix, we need to be respectful of their time and presence. I've learned a bunch of lessons that I'll probably write down in a big blog post on Monday or Tuesday (I'm taking Monday off to try and catch up on sleep).
Hey, guys! I'm sure some of you are still watching the content from this year's show, but given that it was my first year booking, I wanted to pop in and solicit some feedback from everyone. If you want to express that as "I liked this person, I didn't like this person" please be respectful or sent me a private message -- even when a guest doesn't necessarily fit into our mix, we need to be respectful of their time and presence. I've learned a bunch of lessons that I'll probably write down in a big blog post on Monday or Tuesday (I'm taking Monday off to try and catch up on sleep).

I can see peoples complaints about having a segment with top company executives but the majority of the time focuses on people like Lang. I loved it personally but i really wanted to hear more from Brohei.
Hey! I'm sure some of you are still watching the content from this year, but given that it was my first year booking, I wanted to pop in and solicit some feedback from everyone. If you want to express that as "I liked this person, I didn't like this person" please be respectful or sent me a private message -- even when a guest doesn't necessarily fit into our mix, we need to be respectful of their time and presence. I've learned a bunch of lessons that I'll probably write down in a big blog post on Monday or Tuesday (I'm taking Monday off to try and catch up on sleep).
I thought this week had some of the best E3 content GB has ever produced. I do feel like during the 2nd day some of the combinations of people grouped together just led to the conversation going off on a tangent for too long and could've been reeled in, but esp. after Drew's E3 video I can see how you're kinda limited with people's schedules and that can affect which people get put together. Having the more subdued and in-depth talk on Day 3 really was a nice contrast to the craziness of the day before.


I thought this year's guests were pretty great for the most part. Tons of people with varied roles and mostly interesting things to talk about. Some certain people may have been trying a little too hard, but no legendary stinkers this year, which might be the only thing I felt was missing :p Maybe the lack of slum lord porn sets this year kept things from getting too crazy.


Hey! I'm sure some of you are still watching the content from this year, but given that it was my first year booking, I wanted to pop in and solicit some feedback from everyone. If you want to express that as "I liked this person, I didn't like this person" please be respectful or sent me a private message -- even when a guest doesn't necessarily fit into our mix, we need to be respectful of their time and presence. I've learned a bunch of lessons that I'll probably write down in a big blog post on Monday or Tuesday (I'm taking Monday off to try and catch up on sleep).

I really loved the Day 1 and 3 LIVEs, personally.

Day 2 i skipped here and there (really appreciated your description of Bloodborne) because as someone who doesn't follow GB 100% of the time (i do listen to the Bombcast often and such, but i'm not there for everything you guys put out) some of those inside jokes, and more personal chat went lost on me, so the non-games talk felt like it dragged for a bit too long (also the fact that i'm not from the US could be a factor, since some stuff).

Though i'm sure more long term fans loved those parts, so of course i'm just talking from my point of view.

I have yet to catch up with all the stuff, but FWIW, i thought you did a wonderful job, Patrick.

The only thing i would say, is to keep it on topic a little bit more, but for the most part i liked the coverage.


Hey, guys! I'm sure some of you are still watching the content from this year's show, but given that it was my first year booking, I wanted to pop in and solicit some feedback from everyone. If you want to express that as "I liked this person, I didn't like this person" please be respectful or sent me a private message -- even when a guest doesn't necessarily fit into our mix, we need to be respectful of their time and presence. I've learned a bunch of lessons that I'll probably write down in a big blog post on Monday or Tuesday (I'm taking Monday off to try and catch up on sleep).

When you have so many guests filling multiple shows during a very busy event, I'm sure it must be hell trying to organise them by 'theme' or personality types, but if it's at all possible in the future, I'd really like to see some of the more introverted guests, or those who's native language isn't English, be given a more quieter, laid back show.

I'm not at all suggesting that one show should be a 'boys club' with antics and jokes while another is serious and pandering, but it sometimes felt certain guests weren't given the opportunity to shine because of the chaos.

Another thing that I'd absolutely love to see is like a 'Technical Hour' or something with programmers and developers like Cowboy. He didn't talk much, but it was really interesting to hear what it takes to have a AAA demo ready for E3 or the difficulties of porting a game to a new platform (which a lot of people mistakenly think is easy). You don't often get to hear specifics like that within the enthusiast press.

But these are all nitpicky things, that aside, the night shows were absolutely amazing this year. I can't imagine what it takes to get so many high-calibre guests on camera, but I'm sure I speak for the entire thread when I say we're really grateful for it.


That part was great, I couldnt believe THAT was where he was going with all that.

I didn't read it as that. I thought it was more him trying to find the most extreme examples of people who prioritized work over everything else and made the most of it. Of course he didn't compare himself to those two.


Hey! I'm sure some of you are still watching the content from this year, but given that it was my first year booking, I wanted to pop in and solicit some feedback from everyone. If you want to express that as "I liked this person, I didn't like this person" please be respectful or sent me a private message -- even when a guest doesn't necessarily fit into our mix, we need to be respectful of their time and presence. I've learned a bunch of lessons that I'll probably write down in a big blog post on Monday or Tuesday (I'm taking Monday off to try and catch up on sleep).

Hey Patrick, I thought the overall assortment of guests and how you coordinated the groups for each panel was solid! It led to very different discussions, sometimes more humorous and off-topic, sometimes more in-depth and personal. I only had gripes with a couple of guests who I felt didn't fit in. Even then I wasn't too bothered by them unless they dragged down and derailed the discussion. Two names come to mind here - I'll send you a PM if you want, but I don't think I need to harp on them further here.
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