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Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain E3 Full Gameplay Demo [Up: NEW official version!]

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That stream sadly is not available in Germany :(

Oh I see, sorry.


If Ground Zeroes or the trailers that have come out and this video isnt enough context for me to say that then I dunno what else you need. There is obviously a huge amount of VO being sacrificed due to Keifer Sutherland. Seriously this just sucks personally as a fan of the series.

It's pretty damn sad tbh. He might as well be mute and I bet you it won't be much better in the finale product. Kojima wanting his hollywood actors.

Rainy Dog

I'm determined to stay away from seeing anymore of this but man it's agonising when he keeps showing it off like this.

Just catching a glimpse of those gif's is nearly enough to bring on the manly tears of joy.
Name a Metal Gear game where Snake says anything during gameplay, this is par for the course man, you never hear the guy until someone calls you or until a cutscene starts, completely normal.

Fair enough, but can you name a metal gear game with a one-way conversation briefing?

Look, I'm not saying that based on this Big Boss isn't going to speak for the entire game, just that so far we haven't seen anything that would strongly indicate otherwise, and common sense says that there's no way they would pay Kiefer to voice as many lines as Snake would commonly have in an MGS game. Couple this with Big Boss supposedly being this massive, larger than life figure and it all starts to sound a bit wrong, no?
I imagine they were just using it a lot for the presentation and the actual moment to moment gameplay won't involve that much Fulton action.

Yeah hopefully, as long as it doesn't gimp progression I'm good with it.

Although I would prefer if they did like in Splinter Cell Blacklist (High Value Targets).
We need a horse shitting gif STAT

Calm down, calm down, here's your horse poop



I am so glad that apparently they removed the extreme Big Boss ghosting when you are lying down aiming and such. It was so frustrating.


My hype went through the roof with this presentation. I was doing relatively good before this. Welp. All the hype has transformed me into a being that runs only on gameplay videos and trailers.


People really believe this is Ocelot giving Snake the briefing for the first time in this scene?

You don't see the difference between for example MGS1, MGS3 and this? Incredible.
Fair enough, but can you name a metal gear game with a one-way conversation briefing?

Like I said to the other guy, we saw about a minute of the ending to a briefing, it's not like we had been laid out some elaborate 20 minute cutscene where Snake doesn't speak at all.
I could give you SEVERAL minute long intervals of MGS cutscenes out of context where Snake doesn't speak for a minute.

Listen to the GZ briefing tapes if you want an indicator of what it will be like in Phantom Pain, there's a lot of Kiefer dialogue in there for such a short mission, so imagine that amount of dialogue for every main mission in TPP and you have a rough idea of what to expect.


Looks absolutely brilliant. I'm concerned though that the entire open world is just the same as that presentation. Desert. Tell me I'm wrong GAF.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Snake's lack of dialogue concerns me. Otherwise, the game looks fantastic.


Even though Kojima said there won't be as much dialogue because he wants to show more through facial expressions and such I wouldn't worry too much about the lack of dialogue, Kiefer said he worked on the game for a year and a half. The complete lack of dialogue at the beginning of the demo was a bit disappointing/weird though.


Yeah hopefully, as long as it doesn't gimp progression I'm good with it.

Although I would prefer if they did like in Splinter Cell Blacklist (High Value Targets).

How does that work? Never got around to playing it, despite loving Chaos Theory...

Double Agent/Conviction burned me bad.
Are you still in this thread for lil old me? Everything you just saw makes you still say it looks boring? Yes, it's your opinion, congrats on having one. I happen to think it's a shitty one. How you can look at an open world game providing you a go anywhere, do anything option along side the best stealth available in quite some time, going by Ground Zeroes mechanics, is beyond me. Add the hilarity/absurdity of the Fulton, the box, the mother base stuff and all the little things Kojima throws in his game to make sure it's loaded with content and I'm curious how you don't think the onus is on you to shed some light on such an absurd statement as "it looks boring". Go ahead.

I think the open-ness of the previous games were enough to be honest. I'm not sure a big map with dynamic time and weather is really needed nor a thing I'd want in MGS. If it's really good implemented, sure, it could work as a nice bonus, but I don't see it as an incentive for playing the game. Total freedom/more choices aren't always better, of course, and "open-world" is more or less an illusion, for me at least. It's mostly just bigger areas with fewer restrictions, and with that comes a lot of potential issues.

I'm pretty indifferent to the ridiculous stuff like the Fulton, box etc. but the Fulton seems a bit too powerful because bodies are basically no longer an issue. Sure, you pay for each use, but I don't know how much and/or how much that is relative to everything else.

And on top of that - it didn't seem to be any challenge. It could be scripted and the guy playing surely knew what he was doing, but why show a segment where he's just flying through the game? What's the point of that?
People really believe this is Ocelot giving Snake the briefing for the first time in this scene?

People just think it's weird that Big Boss speaks zero words in the whole thing, even when directly questioned. One guy completely stonewalling the other participant in a two-person conversation is super weird, especially after we just watched fifty minutes of that lady "Hai hai hai"-ing after Kojima's every sentence :p


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
1080p@60fps... is this true? I want to be a believer but it's soooo hard to see this being 60 :(


There is obviously a huge amount of VO being sacrificed due to Keifer Sutherland.

People are still going on with this crazy theory? Kojima already said Snake talks less in this game because he wants to express his motions more through his facial expressions, something he was never able to do in previous games.


Can't rewatch the stream on YouTube since it's blocked in my country and don't want to use a proxy for HD, also it's not been saved on twitch.

Sooo.. does anyone have an alternative link?



Gameplay aside I'm really starting to think this game might be a disaster for fans of the fiction. I can't believe Big Boss didn't say a single word during that entire thing that wasn't in GZ. How do you present a character as a charismatic leader if he never says anything ever?

I think it's pretty clear that he had to cut down Snake's dialogue in the game because of his choice of actor. Granted we haven't seen many cutscenes outside of this one Afghanistan segment, but assuming it's any indication of the direction they've gone in the full game I'm very worried.

It has been said time and time again by the devs that the choice of actor was chosen AFTER the script was written. They want to convey Boss's emotions through his facial animations now. Besides, this was gameplay.


The Fulton system still looks goofy as hell as it did in Peace Walker and Big Boss' lack of dialogue disturbs me.

Otherwise, this game looks fantastic and I can't wait! Can we have a release window now please?
The thing we need to remember though, is that Big Boss is apparently going through some amnesia. Kojima has said that part of his design for TPP is to ease newcomers into the MGS experience by starting him out with a psuedo-blank slate. Besides, he's got to be pretty mentally fucked up at that early stage of the game, since we can assume he's only been recently rescued by Ocelot and went through a mental hellhole that was flaming whales and that whole "crawling in the hospital" shebang.

Besides, it's clear, even from the small bits of him talking in the story trailers is that the BB in MGSV will be very subdued, channelling a ton of inner rage that is not expressed in conversations that much. It's like his voice is reserved for his comrades.


People just think it's weird that Big Boss speaks zero words in the whole thing, even when directly questioned. One guy completely stonewalling the other participant in a two-person conversation is super weird, especially after we just watched fifty minutes of that lady "Hai hai hai"-ing after Kojima's every sentence :p

Why should Snake even talk here, anyway? He is ready and set to go on a mission, it's not like he is sitting down with Campbell or something.
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