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Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain E3 Full Gameplay Demo [Up: NEW official version!]

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Is this a joke comment? Rockstar can release something which looks like a PS2 game and they would still sell several times more than any MGS game can ever hope for. What are they worried about exactly? :p

Yeah Joke post. Reference to this thread:

I still dont get why he would be depressed by that. This game is looking great, but if thats fueling him to make it look better I guess more power to that then?


Is this a joke comment? Rockstar can release something which looks like a PS2 game and they would still sell several times more than any MGS game can ever hope for. What are they worried about exactly? :p
It's just a Kojima joke :D

He said he was depressed by GTA's scale and polish.
I could probably play this for hours.

Although... I have a bad feeling about the ammo supply drop. *Flashback of crappy MGSPW boss battle > shoot at boss > supply drop > shoot at boss > supply drop ---> repeat until out of ammo drops ----> dies*


Troy Baker was great! Snake was eh.. yeah quiet. But whenever he does speak, it is jarring as he sounds like Jack Bauer reading the wrong lines. I wish there was an option to change Snake's voice actor to the japanese and keep the rest the same, it sounds retarded but honestly it would be much better than hearing Bauer's voice.
Dialogue. From Big Boss. Y'know, the charismatic leader who has a way with words, considering the level of respect and admiration he commands from his soldiers.

the presentation was clearly about the new gameplay mechanics of the phantom pain and how the open world / mother base building will work into the game. Big Boss has ton of dialogue, but for this e3 demo, they aimed at gameplay, not story.
I could probably play this for hours.

Although... I have a bad feeling about the ammo supply drop. *Flashback of crappy MGSPW boss battle > shoot at boss > supply drop > shoot at boss > supply drop ---> repeat until out of ammo drops ----> dies*

PW bosses were clearly bullet sponges though. ( cough Mini Metal Gears cough )

It seems highly doubtful that TPP will have bullet sponges as bosses. It's probably those dudes teased in the E3 2013 trailer "Those Who Don't Exist."
How does that work? Never got around to playing it, despite loving Chaos Theory...

Double Agent/Conviction burned me bad.

Kinda like a secondary objective. Capture a HVT and bag him.
In Blacklist you get extra money.

In TPP, it could be like extra skills for Mother Base.


Kinda like a secondary objective. Capture a HVT and bag him.
In Blacklist you get extra money.

In TPP, it could be like extra skills for Mother Base.

In Ground Zeroes you had to carry the prisoners to the helicopter itself. Possibly still an option, although it seems like Fulton kinda negates it and makes it trivial.
Dialogue. From Big Boss. Y'know, the charismatic leader who has a way with words, considering the level of respect and admiration he commands from his soldiers.

I understand that. I'm not too worried about it though. Even if Kojima cut the dialogue in half of any of the MGS games it would still be more than most games. Not to mention this is specifically a gameplay demo.

I'm really wondering what Codec sequences will be like (if there even is a codec).
I think it's pretty clear that he had to cut down Snake's dialogue in the game because of his choice of actor. Granted we haven't seen many cutscenes outside of this one Afghanistan segment, but assuming it's any indication of the direction they've gone in the full game I'm very worried.

Sean Eyestone stated that Big Boss not talking as much was planned before hiring Kiefer Sutherland. Furthermore, Kiefer also did lines for Ishmael and the MSF Medic, so I'm not really sure if this has anything to do with being paid per line - plus he talks in the hospital section too.

Also, I wonder if Big Boss opens up more and therefore begins to talk more as he regains his memories - so it's only in the beginning stages.


In Ground Zeroes you had to carry the prisoners to the helicopter itself. Possibly still an option, although it seems like Fulton kinda negates it and makes it trivial.

Depends on if you have a limited number of fultons like in PW, but I didn't see any number in the gameplay today.
Dialogue. From Big Boss. Y'know, the charismatic leader who has a way with words, considering the level of respect and admiration he commands from his soldiers.
You really think there won't be long-ass conversations like in every MGS game?

It's a gameplay demo. You want them to show cutscenes? lol
Depends on if you have a limited number of fultons like in PW, but I didn't see any number in the gameplay today.
It's at the very least limited by money. And it's not a 100% chance of success.


In Ground Zeroes you had to carry the prisoners to the helicopter itself. Possibly still an option, although it seems like Fulton kinda negates it and makes it trivial.

There should be a limit on how many fultons you can use. It really takes away from the realism imo. The game is based around being stealthy and yet there are dozens of things being airlifted around the map in obvious view of NPCs.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
There will be more locations, jungle for example.



I think the open-ness of the previous games were enough to be honest. I'm not sure a big map with dynamic time and weather is really needed nor a thing I'd want in MGS. If it's really good implemented, sure, it could work as a nice bonus, but I don't see it as an incentive for playing the game. Total freedom/more choices aren't always better, of course, and "open-world" is more or less an illusion, for me at least. It's mostly just bigger areas with fewer restrictions, and with that comes a lot of potential issues.

I'm pretty indifferent to the ridiculous stuff like the Fulton, box etc. but the Fulton seems a bit too powerful because bodies are basically no longer an issue. Sure, you pay for each use, but I don't know how much and/or how much that is relative to everything else.

And on top of that - it didn't seem to be any challenge. It could be scripted and the guy playing surely knew what he was doing, but why show a segment where he's just flying through the game? What's the point of that?
I think it's just better to have the option to come at a situation from any angle. Did you play GZ? It fully lives up to that potential. So many ways to tackle a situation. I find it much more enjoyable to have those options. It's the stealth I've been wanting for a long time. The mechanics are the best and most fluid they've ever been in an MGS as well.

I hope the Fulton stuff is a little harder to pull off in the full game. I like that it costs money, and I'm sure it won't be as easy as he made it seem here with seemingly limitless supply. It's pretty obvious they had the enemy AI set on easy. On hard, you can't get away with much. Their vision is much better. He's flying through the game to show all the newly available stuff. Playing it on the hardest difficulty in a certain amount if time would be impossible trying to show off all they show. It takes more time and patience, usually.


I also really like how Ocelot is one of the few allies of Snake who emphasises the "Big Boss" codename. Usually his opponents refer to him as BB, while his allies use Snake or just Boss.
Some of the Mother Base units. The main ones appear to support up to 50 soldiers. Better have a lot of fultons.

Each type gives you different benefits in the field. As we see, putting a soldier into the Intel Unit increases its level, unlocking "scouting" and letting Big Boss see the general threat areas on his map.

Why should Snake even talk here, anyway? He is ready and set to go on a mission, it's not like he is sitting down with Campbell or something.

It's exactly like that. We've seen this same pre-mission briefing in pretty much every MGS game before this, and Snake/Big Boss/Raiden is always part of the conversation, even if it's just a couple of words of acknowledgement. The only difference now is that BB isn't saying anything, and people are commenting on it because it comes off really weird and unnatural. Maybe he's got more dialogue elsewhere in the game, but that doesn't make this scene here seem any less silly. Just say "Roger" or nod or something, man. If I was Ocelot I wouldn't trust a guy who acted like that to go and rescue a POW. There's 'taciturn badass' and then there's "Uh... hey, did you get all that? Hello?"


It's exactly like that. We've seen this same pre-mission briefing in pretty much every MGS game before this, and Snake/Big Boss/Raiden is always part of the conversation, even if it's just a couple of words of acknowledgement. The only difference now is that BB isn't saying anything, and people are commenting on it because it comes off really weird and unnatural. Maybe he's got more dialogue elsewhere in the game, but that doesn't make this scene here seem any less silly. Just say "Roger" or nod or something, man. If I was Ocelot I wouldn't trust a guy who acted like that to go and rescue a POW.

We have no confirmation whatsoever that this is the definitive briefing scene. We can talk again when the game is out.

Either way, I like the style of the scene, it's perfect. I really don't know why people are complaining, it does not make sense.


I'm sure not all missions will have a time limit, in ground zeroes I went off and did random stuff for a couple hours during one mission once.

Let me quote Kojima-san. I have my audio-recording here: Some nuances might be lost in translation. Please understand.

Hideo Kojima @E3 said:
First off, this game is not necessarily what you would call a sandbox, where you could go wherever you want and do whatever you want. Such as in GTA, where you can do pretty much whatever you want at any time. This is not the way it will work in this game. It is an open-world-game, but this is not our approach.

In this case, for your game, you go into enemy territory, you get in, you complete your mission, you get out. Now, these missions are very simple. Destroy something, rescue someone, recover something. It is really simple in that regard. The fun part is: The player has all the freedom in the world to think about what method, what route, what weather will they choose? What time of day will they chose to get in, or to get out and complete the mission. And now through clearing the mission you get a story, that keeps developing. It is certainly limited, what the player can do while he is staying away from these missions. Because the objective is clear, there is mission to clear. It’s a little bit different than GTA where you can do whatever you want, without being in a specific mission and you will still get different reactions. In our game, there is a mission. And I am trying to provide the people with as much fun as possible in the freedom of how to accomplish this mission.

So for example in the presentation there are different elements. Instead of focusing on the mission you can collect diamonds, fulton animals and I do not know, maybe create a zoo on your motherbase. Why not? But in the end, what you have to accomplish through the game is going through these missions, clearing them and understand why you had to do this mission and what happened because of clearing this mission. In this regard it is a little bit like a TV-series. You watch one episode and something happens in this episode. And when you put together all the elements that happen through different episodes in one season, you start putting a story together.

For example in this presentation we did not just want to just reveal where was Kaz or where not. But at the beginning of the mission Ocelot tells you that Kaz will probably stay alive for about three days. So you have this time-limit where Kaz, if you stay away from the mission and focus on something else for four or five days, will probably be dead at this time and the mission will be failed. So the people can keep playing it, but they won’t be able to clear the mission. We have added certain restrictions. Now how to rescue Kaz – the freedom is there.

More than giving all the freedom for the people to do whatever they want within the sandbox, it is more about giving a specific mission and giving all the freedom the players will need to create their own strategy, to create their own experience of how to cleat the mission. That is where the freedom is and that is where we are putting our focus for this game.
In Ground Zeroes you had to carry the prisoners to the helicopter itself. Possibly still an option, although it seems like Fulton kinda negates it and makes it trivial.

If in TPP it was like "Hey, there's this dude ou dudette that's really good at X, go capture him/her for our base" that would be awesome - very limited fulton. That or drag them to the helicopter you call.

But it seems it's just mindless "fultoning" - the demo he "fultoned" every damn enemy.

Same issue with the cardboard box.

There's a very serious tone to the game and these mechanics just remove that immersion for me.
I actually really like that there's no minimap. It means you only focus on the main screen, which you can put markers on. This means that planning an entry and exit route is actually something you have to do, instead of just following a GPS line.
I wish this wasn't cross-gen, but I can understand why it is. at least I can hope IQ (including pop-ins etc.) will be flawless on PS4.



And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
The details in this game reminds of the quality of the Tanker in MGS2...
Loved what I saw. Never really had the chance to play the previous games in the series.

The gameplay looks fantastic, but without knowing basically anything about the story, am I wasting my timwe?
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