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Destiny: Only one area per planet

I...Idk. What I played in the beta was good. Yes, Old Russia did get a bit old after awhile(pun intended) but the gameplay in PVP kept me coming back.

What scares me is the ridiculous amount of DLC they can throw on top of this thing. Im not one to purchase DLC ever really unless its for a game that truly compels me to do so. Hoping the full game does that for me because I dont want to feel left out if I dont purchase new content.

Actually how will Bungie/Acti handle that? What happens if the majority of their purchasers(casual gamers) dont end up buying DLC?(Do casual gamers even buy DLC?)


Not at all. Do you guys ever get tired of us insisting it’s not an MMO? Debate about this game is always fun, and we welcome it. The ideas that are shaping Destiny come from a lot of different places. We’re drawing the best elements from experiences we love. Like an MMO, our game will compel you to explore. You’ll embody a character that evolves on that journey. Unlike an MMO, the entire experience is built around heart-pounding action that you’ll see through the eyes of your hero.

From bungie themselves. It's not an mmo

I was going to get a PS4 just for this game on launch with the White PS4 bundle but now I'm not. I think I'll wait till the expanded edition comes out with all the dlc included


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Just as an example: Bungie's quote that "you can actually go there" AFAIK was directed at the landscape that you see right at the beginning, where you stand before the wall of Old Russia. In the Beta you can't even go back to that area. Similarly, all comparable landscapes are not reachable. (Either you drown, or you fall to your death.) But that quote made the impression that they would be. The final area is much smaller than that quote made it seem to be. So in the light of that quote, the final result is disappointing.

This is literally wrong. Its right through a tunnel across from the Public Event area where the Walker drops. You can revisit the entire opening section up to the part where you enter the wall from the other side. All of the tunnels and interior of the wall are there to be revisited and there's even explore mode missions that will put you there.

This is like when people talk about how the PvP is shit when all they do is sprint around the moon nonstop wondering why they're getting bodied.



Do we know if there's missions like Skyrim which basically portal you to other locations? All the content? 4 planets might be fine if each is brimming with content.

Based on the alpha/beta Old Russia and The Moon are depressingly empty and features static enemy spawns that makes the world feel static and unchanging
Activision just shot themselves in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about Bungie culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in Infinity Ward where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw over a Bungie fan, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is that Bungie fans, after hearing about this, are not going to want to purchase Destiny for any system, nor will they purchase any of Activision's games. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Bungie has alienated an entire market with this move.

Bungie, publicly apologize and add more areas or you can kiss your business goodbye.

It might be time to fall on your sword and bring honor to your parents.
So we're limited to one area per planet.
The game may only have 5 or so explorable planets.
The player cap is 20.
There is no way to trade items with other players.
The end game appears to consist primarily of grinding reputation.
The game has a low max player count.

Am I missing anything?

I'm still looking forward to this game because when the combat is on point it does scratch that Halo itch...but none of this is especially reassuring for a game that claims to be an MMO, yet is structured more like PSO without even that game's ability to give items to a friend.

Destiny isn't an mmo. Bungie has been very clear about avoiding that terminology. As for yhe other things. 5 explorable planets is disappointing because there is only on zone, but if they're all as detailed as old russia (given that areas are clearly locked off), then it'll be fine. There is progression beyond the level cap. Not being able to trade weapons is odd, and the reasoning just shows me they are really invested in the player narritive idea, not sure how much I buy it, but I've definitely had flashes of Skyrim with my guardian that spoke to that claim but we'll see. The player count stems from the fact that this is NOT an MMO. The more we start looking at how Destiny hybridizes things, the more we'll get the full picture. Isolating parts of it isn't really helping.
We also have NO IDEA what the endgame content is right?

Maybe theres some cool stuff.
Maybe theres nothing.

Idk. I just gotta hope they are gonna do something more clever than just doing what we did in the beta in 3 different locations.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
This is literally wrong. Its right through a tunnel across from the Public Event area where the Walker drops. You can revisit the entire opening section up to the part where you entire the wall. All of the tunnels and interior of the wall are there to be revisited and there's even explore mode missions that will put you there.

I tried to go back the same way, and the area outside the wall was sealed of by a gate exactly at the location where you get your first gun. I was not talking about the tunnels in the wall, I was talking about the landscape outside. That's what that developer was referring to when he said that you can "go there", implying that you could travel to everything you see on the horizon.
Well this is somewhat disappointing. I really hope the other three planets offer more missions than the handfull we have on Earth, otherwise the campaign will be over pretty quickly. And while the multiplayer is fun as well, it doesn't seem to be the focus of the game like Halo was, so I really don't know if I could keep playing it for months on end.

Is there a release date for the first two DLCs yet?



There's a lot of Russia we haven't seen yet right due to all the ?? Level enemies that are blocking the edges of the approved Beta area?


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
I tried to go back the same way, and the area outside the wall was sealed of by a gate exactly at the location where you get your first gun.

If you look on the map of Earth, you'd immediately realize that there's an entire King's Watch type area on the other side of that door...
Can you explain what went down in Two Words' post then? I'll quote it just in case you missed it:

I actually wrote something on that regard that I didn't post, but the summary is this.

To me, I've always viewed Destiny's marketing from 2 perspectives, which is pre-2014, and post-2013.

We all know how Destiny's marketing started out. A lot of big promises, concept arts, names being dropped down. Then later at the year we saw the gameplay slice, with public quest, etc being showcased for the first time.

But what happened after that?

Destiny's marketing post E3-2013 significantly winded down as they kept quiet from a marketing perspective for months on end, only getting very sporadic updates. And even when the marketing engine revved back up in early 2014, it was very apparent that there's been a shift in their marketing and messaging, where they've avoided mentioning places like Old Chicago and Mumbai Push, but instead laser focused on Old Russia, Moon, etc. I recall there being an interview where Bungie was asked if there was any other explorable space on Earth other than Old Russia, and they deflected to answer it by saying that they're focused on Old Russia right now or something along those lines.

I don't know if it was developmental troubles or rather their original vision being unachieavable by September for whatever reason, it was starkly apparent, imo, that never mind content, even from a gameplay perspective they were unable to deliver their original E3 2013 gameplay promise, with real-time ship teleport to world and ghost lighting being removed from the final retail release.

That's why I was initially even questioning whether or nor our Guardian would be a mute character, because all the trailers post-E3 2013 didn't show our character talking at all. When the E3 2013 trailer was cited as an example for that, I said that that old trailer is pretty much bullshit at this point, because it's clear that there are things that at a fundamental level that has changed from then to now.

Kinda like Bioshock Infinite. I could reference back all the promised stuff showed at the old trailers/interview, but it's clear that things had changed since the original reveals. The same is true for Destiny at a lesser scale.


hide your water-based mammals
Based on the alpha/beta Old Russia and The Moon are depressingly empty and features static enemy spawns that makes the world feel static and unchanging

Without having the full game, take the beta as a demo. I'm not judging this and thinking the full game will be like this and nothing more.


2 hours on story missions
1 hour on PvP (4 maps, 2 modes, roughly an hour to experience 2 modes on all maps)
30 minutes at the Strike
30 minutes at the Tower

If I remove all repetition, all grinding and tryout of different classes, there's 4+ hours of content in the beta alone.

Let's quadruple that, and it's 20 hours of non-repetitive content, minimum.

2 hours on those story missions?

Can't have taken me more than 45 minutes to an hour to do those. Also I don't really count the tower as actually gameplay considering it's essentially a glorified menu system.
What are people accomplishing by showing GAF that they're canceling their destiny orders?

I seriously don't understand it, at all. "I don't know how much you know about throwing shade on a highly-anticipated video game (I'm an expert), but canceling pre-orders and seeking NeoGAF's approval on the matter are huge parts of it."
My only concern is that PVP will be the main end-game attraction. I'm hoping for something more sustainable in the co-op aspect. I'm not buying Destiny to have a new competitive shooter to play, I'm buying it to have a deep long-term co-op game.
What's the point? You don't get drops that aren't relevant to your class. Loot is instanced, everybody's is seperate. Loot in Phantasy Star Online was shared. Everybody saw the same drops, and if somebody picked up an item that was great for you but useless to them, tough shit, meseta or gtfo.

Trading in a game like Destiny would just ruin the game. So your friend gives you some high level shit, then what? That raid you needed to complete to get the high level shit, it's no longer necessary. Why even buy the game in that case? To look cool in PvP? You spent $60 on something you didn't even want to play. It's so backwards.

So why is it no problem in Borderlands then?

Sofa King

There's a lot of Russia we haven't seen yet right due to all the ?? Level enemies that are blocking the edges of the approved Beta area?

I went into the basement of a structure that had those ?? Guys and tried to run past them to see what was behind them and it was just a room. I thought it was odd. I did die a lot though.


Activision just shot themselves in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about Bungie culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in Infinity Ward where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw over a Bungie fan, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is that Bungie fans, after hearing about this, are not going to want to purchase Destiny for any system, nor will they purchase any of Activision's games. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Bungie has alienated an entire market with this move.

Bungie, publicly apologize and add more areas or you can kiss your business goodbye.

Surprised it took this long. Bravo.


Why are people thinking that what we saw of "earth" and old russia is it?

I mean we had a few missions etc that were included in the alpha/beta but whats giving the impression that is all that we will get from that area?

Maybe im wrong but im under the assumption that we only saw the tip of the iceburg when it came to "content" from old russia

any input?


I went into the basement of a structure that had those ?? Guys and tried to run past them to see what was behind them and it was just a room. I thought it was odd. I did die a lot though.

Haha maybe they're there to make us think there's more content hidden behind?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
That does sound disappointing, since I wanted to explore more of ruined future earth, but I'll still reserve judgment on just how much content is in the final game.

Definitely won't be pre-ordering, though. Will wait for impressions to come out.
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