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Does Bungie know what they're doing with Destiny?


Yeah, the Queen's Wrath event left a rather sour taste in my mouth. Replaying the same exact missions I've already played about a hundred times prior just for some rather underwhelming gear wasn't exactly what I was expecting for the post-release support, and I couldn't conjure up the willpower to play the Iron Banner for very long.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. Bungie was given too much freedom to do things. Destiny reeks of a game where no one ever stood up and complained at all in any meeting (and if I can popularize the phrase "Destiny is a Shooter designed by a committee that would be great).

Games are not made in a vacuum, they have to be able to see what others before them have done, and their pitfalls, but Bungie stubbornly proceeded to do the same mistakes. I always thought MS was being kinda heavy handed not letting Bungie work on anything except for the Halo IP, but after a month of Destiny, I gotta say maybe MS was onto something. Bungie as a studio seems to work better when given restrictions rather than letting them go all willy nilly with ideas.

In the short run, they really have tarnished their own name with the mark of horrible writing and continued belief that they don't know how to balance their own games. In the long run, I know they have to have soured a lot of people on the "Destiny" brand.

So creative leads on Destiny were surrounded by people who didn't challenge them on anything? Sounds a lot like some of the in-depth criticisms of Lucas's prequel trilogy. Lucas had become so big that nobody could challenge his questionable decisions.
Honestly, I don't know if Bungie knows what they are doing with Destiny. The game has so many fundamental flaws and glaring omissions that I can't help feel like, for whatever reason, they were not able to deliver the game they intended. That is a bad enough problem in and of itself; however, if Bungie can show me through game updates and the DLC a better representation of their initial plan then maybe I'll give them a second chance.

If, however, it's more of the same, then I think Bungie made a huge mistake. It's frustrating, because as barebones as Destiny is I can see - if I squint really hard - a fantastic game. A game that has the same hooks as a really good MMO but is still accessible to those looking for a more straightforward shooter.

Of course, Destiny as is isn't anywhere close to that vision. I can only hope Bungie can scrap together their original vision or adapt to what people really want, because man does this game have potential.
This game is probably the biggest cluster fuck I ever played, I am currently at level 24. How I got there? I don't know, all I heard is that I have to have some kind of legendary armor. Can anyone please explain to me the easiest way to get them?


The game is the best advertisement for WoW and the Master Chief Collection I've seen yet.

This game is probably the biggest cluster fuck I ever played, I am currently at level 24. How I got there? I don't know, all I heard is that I have to have some kind of legendary armor. Can anyone please explain to me the easiest way to get them?

That's a grindfest I never want to go through again. Basically you get reputation and buy your gear.
I'd like to think they did lots of research into the loot genre games to see what didn't work and what did work. But I'm not so sure that's the case. It doesn't seem like they really understand how to do it correctly. Otherwise their game would have looked more like Diablo 3 after AH removal and not like Diablo 3 pre-AH removal.

They are as bad as Diablo 3 was with the auction house except there is no auction house and not even trading. So it doesn't even really matter if everyone gets hot loot. The only part where it would have mattered would've been Iron Banner but we all know that's not what it was advertised as.
I think Bungie knows what they are doing, and I think they are making good changes, but they are doing things in the wrong order or fixing a cheese rather than fixing the reason people will cheese.


So creative leads on Destiny were surrounded by people who didn't challenge them on anything? Sounds a lot like some of the in-depth criticisms of Lucas's prequel trilogy. Lucas had become so big that nobody could challenge his questionable decisions.

Yeah pretty much. It happens a lot in many different fields, not just creative types. I mean when your company created Halo, a monster of a game (despite how there was criticisms as more games were made yet scores were praised on them as well as sales), coming out as if they could do no wrong, and they thought there were infallible.


This game is probably the biggest cluster fuck I ever played, I am currently at level 24. How I got there? I don't know, all I heard is that I have to have some kind of legendary armor. Can anyone please explain to me the easiest way to get them?

Grind rep, and buy it all from vendors.
I think Bungie knows what they are doing, and I think they are making good changes, but they are doing things in the wrong order or fixing a cheese rather than fixing the reason people will cheese.



Destiny is not an MMO, or a viable long term MP shooter. It's not good at PvE or PvP.

At some point you have to realize it's not worth playing anymore. For me the best part was the story missions/strikes and those all sucked.

If you keep playing it's either more grinding or raging in PvP.

Why would anyone subject themselves to this punishment?
This is the exact conclusion I came to myself as well. Haven't played in a couple of weeks now. I don't like feeling like a game is giving me the run around. I have real life to take care of that for me already.

It's not a bad game. Just a game stuffed with bad decisions.
The most satisfying thing in the game was after trying to deal with all the crap and Bungie's BS for an entire month is that I was still able to get $45 from gamestop.


intangibles, motherfucker
Great post. Its getting to the point where the small pool of small complaints I had about the game are growing bigger as i progress further to the level cap (just hit level 28 for reference) and are getting very close to undermining the very solid core i think the game has. Its extremely frustrating.

Its like the game i want this to be has one foot through the door but keeps wanting to pull back the more it goes along.
Depends on your definition of "know what they're doing." Did they build a mechanically sound game, advertise the hell out of it, get pre-orders galore, such that they can claim success my just about every metric that counts to a business regardless of what they do from here on out, and as such, will do very little (ie, they implement small balance and loot changes that have s marginal effect at most)? Then yes. They clearly nailed that. And I'd expect that to be about all they do until they release paid DLC.

If you would consider s demonstration of "knowing what they're doing" to involve restructuring elements of the existing game to make it less grindy, less repetitive, more full of character and life, more content rich, or to make an existent storyline, then I'd say no, they don't know what they're doing, and I wouldn't trust them to make good on any of that.

I expect they feel their product is a great success and as a result, little will change in the game, and folks can expect much the same for quite a while. It's for you to decide if that's a good thing.

They seem to be doing things and then immediately going against those things as if they were unsure of them in the first place. It's that kind of half-hearted approach that has me annoyed, as if we're all being given an unfinished product to test and find their holes and mistakes.

Their previous game was complete when it shipped. I didn't agree with a lot of the mechanics but I felt as though they were labored over, internally tested and discussed. Many of the mechanics in Destiny feel like they debut live then and there. I didn't pay for a beta.


Dinklage's voice performance, loot, content, encounter design and the limp story tells me they simply do not give a fuck. I do not know how it is even possible to not give a fuck about a $500 million dollar product, but from playing Destiny it's really the only explanation that makes sense.


Bungie knows excatly what they do, three letters: D L C

Don't expect meaningful content until the first expansion. All the patches and events are just there to keep the fans somehow happy till december and then Acti/Bungie gonna ask you for another 15$ so the epic story can continue
pff hahaha


They still haven't fixed the shotgun issue in PVP. Or the other 1-hit gun issues. The only thing that should really be 1-hitting is sniper rifle headshots, and near-direct hits with the rocket launcher. Oh, and sticking someone with a grenade in the damn face.

I just hit level 26 and I recognize the multitude of issues that make the game less fun and less complete. Nobody even mentioned the lack of voice chat, or lack of matchmaking for Vault of Glass.


Sometimes it seems like someone over at Bungie fell in love with the worst aspects of WOW or other MMORPGs.


nightfall/weekly/daily all on 28 (nightfall is 28 no matter what)

you get 499-500 each for nightfall and weekly strike on 28

This is awful advice for a level 24.

This is also awful to notice since the biggest yield of rep comes from a mission you can do once you actually have gottent he rep to buy the gear to get close to level 28 in the first place.


Bungie knows excatly what they do, three letters: D L C

Don't expect meaningful content until the first expansion. All the patches and events are just there to keep the fans somehow happy till december and then Acti/Bungie gonna ask you for another 15$ so the epic story can continue
pff hahaha


Ha try $20.


It's funny how the bugs in the raid aren't addressed yet, while the patch is supposed to get rid of the templar cheeses, while my group made an ad-hoc cheese that was faster than the previous cheese.


They still haven't fixed the shotgun issue in PVP. Or the other 1-hit gun issues. The only thing that should really be 1-hitting is sniper rifle headshots, and near-direct hits with the rocket launcher. Oh, and sticking someone with a grenade in the damn face.

I just hit level 26 and I recognize the multitude of issues that make the game less fun and less complete. Nobody even mentioned the lack of voice chat, or lack of matchmaking for Vault of Glass.

All of those are the main reason I traded this game in. How can so many things one shot you, including the class specials... that was not fun PvP at all.


intangibles, motherfucker
It goes against "business" and would never happen, but as someone that thinks its INSANE there is only one raid in the game and its all the way at the end and its very clearly (to me, atleast) the best content in the game, It would go a long way to push another one of those out for free.

Its clear those are meant to be the carrots dangling on the DLC stick. Which makes me not wanna get the DLC as much as i like them because it feels super scummy.
The game is the best advertisement for WoW and the Master Chief Collection I've seen yet.

That's a grindfest I never want to go through again. Basically you get reputation and buy your gear.

Yeah, this. I'm not even joking, I am actually considering buying an Xbox One and the Halo MCC because of Destiny.


How are server issues?

About a week and a half ago was the last time I played and I couldn't stay in a match for more than a few minutes before getting kicked out (all the way to the title screen shit).
I have had no issues at all since launch on ps4.


It is one of the most bizarre games in the last 5 years. It is beautiful, polished, and fun as hell to play, but it just feels hollow in many ways. The leveling past 20 makes no sense to me, why would you design a game like that? Where is all the content we thought they were making since Reach wrapped in 2010? Why didn't they just steal Borderlands and make it good? The real meat of this game seems to be very repetitive and frankly boring, I'm not going to kill Sepkis Prime for the 20th time, I have other things to do. The expansions might bring me back to the game, but for me as it stands right now, Destiny was a dud. It seems directionless, and Bungie doesn't seem to have a clear vision of where it should go.
They dont have a fricking clue. They are still in the panic mode they went into a few months before the game was released, and have yet to even admit they gutted the game despite all the loose ends in the game and the pre-release footage of elements that have mysteriously evaporated.

This is so true. The last time I heard DeeJ he was talking about MAYBE correcting a FEW things here and there and he even said he wasn't in "promise-making mode" (because devs can't implement all requested features at the same time and they have to prioritize). It's the entire game that should be overhauled and I don't think they realize it.


it was obvious they didn't know what they were doing when they didn't add custom games and/or forge mode.

"Evolution" of Halo multiplayer from 1 to Reach shows they have no clue when it comes to game design, they just get lucky sometimes and then go on to ruin it with patches. It's the same mess Respawn did with Titanfall post-launch. Stop fixing what doesn't need to be fixed.


Bungie does not have a clue in terms of making a proper MMO. They know how to make a game with good presentation and good game play feel but they lack in everything else. They need to bring some people on board who are well versed in the MMO genre.

They also don't seem to get that PvP balance is different from PvE balance. Shotguns are terrible in PvE but they nerfed them in PvE anyway.

I do appreciate the regular events though.



This killed me.

When the expansions come out and they are nothing but new bounty titles and two or three "Hold Square for Dinklage" copy-paste missions, people are going to be fucking furious. Nothing in the release product or the patches/"events" since have given me any hope that Destiny will be ever be anything special.
Destiny is a game that basically didn't even come close to living up to the hype for this longtime Bungie fan, but it's not really a truly bad game even if it's extremely disappointing. I find it strange to think that it has helped me to more deeply appreciate what they accomplished with their Halo games as well as the other action-loot games that they clearly patterned their game off of, but actually did it right, like Borderlands 1 or PSO, when I came in expecting that those would have been something to look back on as stepping stones to the greatness I expected them to deliver. I'm in for the two upcoming DLC expansions because I believed it would be worth it to pay upfront as it would add to what I presumed would be another Bungie classic, but now I'm just waiting for those to get it to the point where I thought the released title should have been on day-one. So, I hope they know what they're doing now if they didn't before.


"Evolution" of Halo multiplayer from 1 to Reach shows they have no clue when it comes to game design, they just get lucky sometimes and then go on to ruin it with patches. It's the same mess Respawn did with Titanfall post-launch. Stop fixing what doesn't need to be fixed.

Hell according to some users (I can't verify it myself so just posting the reddit thread) are saying the patch for the gun they nerfed is actually larger than what was stated by Bungie themselves http://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheG...ungie_lied_about_how_much_the_mythoclast_was/ Now i would take this with a grain of salt for now till more test can be done, but if true, damn that is a huge fuck up.
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