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Raise the flame shield: Your "controversial" gaming opinion.

Some Nobody

Junior Member
Destiny is not only the spiritual successor to Phantasy Star Online, it is better in every way (except not being able to feed stuff to the ghost), and is on my short list of best games of 2014.

Then I am a completely different person as I found Destiny's grind to be intolerable, for a variety of reasons. I'm hoping The Division does a better job.

I hate western RPGs like Fallout, Elders Scrolls...where you need to create your own hero or when you have dialogue options like Mass Effect.

I much prefer playing a game where the main protagonist has its own look and personality. It makes me enjoy the story a lot more.

Please JRPGs, dominate again like you once did!



Ppl complain about micro transactions, on disc dlc, exclusive content, always online but I think the thing that has really ruined this industry is patches

Patches are the sole reason as to why games get released in a shitty unplayable state. Damn near every game comes with a day 1 patch that's practically the size of the game itself.

It also makes us as consumers both soft and succumb to an overwhelming sense of entitlement because we endure the bullshit with the idea that "they can just fix it with a patch" or "here's 1001 things they should patch in to make the game better!"


Making video game is very hard work. Much harder that majority of NeoGaf(and gamers in general) will ever understand. They will rip games and developers apart over details they are citing incorrectly because they have no actual working knowledge, only a 15min wikipedia read.

As a result they want all games to be AAA quality, catering to all demographics (even ones that are not known or recognized yet), have mind blowing meta plots, available on ALL platforms, be FREE and then have sequels planned that are unique but not too unique as to change what they liked about the first game but didnt know they liked.

Speaking as a tech of a major developer, so much this.


Grand Theft Auto is a bland, often racist, crap series that boils down to being a rage outlet simulator that has shit characters that no one cares about.

Earthbound/Mother has terrible character design, Nes is so ugly/creepy that the only reason I want him in smash bros is so I can beat him up.

Sega was the most innovative hardware manufacturer and deserves to be in gaming more then Microsoft.

It's called satire, and GTA does it sublimely.


People should be more pissed, uproar, riot if Multiplayer is removed from their games

These days thats almost more than half the game disappearing and one of the reasons i'm contemplating if i should ever buy a console again, PC games for the most part allow people to host servers so that content will remain as long as you or someone else is willing to setup a server which is relatively cheap these days compared to the past.


I hate western RPGs like Fallout, Elders Scrolls...where you need to create your own hero or when you have dialogue options like Mass Effect.

I much prefer playing a game where the main protagonist has its own look and personality. It makes me enjoy the story a lot more.

Please JRPGs, dominate again like you once did!

Jesus fuck no please, the only writing in games worse than bad Western games is the "masterpieces" of allegedly well-written Japanese games. Western tropes might be unimaginative or cliche, but Japanese tropes are bad storytelling at their core.


I just have to add this because lately the mass jizzing over this developer has reached critical mass. Platinum games has got to be one of the most over rated developers of all time. I have no idea why people like their games, I've never played a single one I liked.

I mean, they're not horrible games, but the praise they get is off the fucking charts.


Edit: funny how this post fits perfectly with the one immediately above, lol


I've probably said it in here before, but I really couldn't care about The Last Guardian to the point where I roll my eyes in every thread I see it's name appear. Which is more often than you may think. Is it some sort of old joke that stopped being funny a long time ago, or do people actually care about it? It's gone beyond the point of parody.

Most indie games that have been released on PS+ for PS4 look like the kind of game I used to play at school: bland Flash-based games. If I wanted to pay money for that kinda thing I'd invest in a time machine and go back 12 years. However, a lot of the gaming community get their knickers in a twist because apparently if you're not supporting indies, you're like some sort of gaming war criminal / ungrateful person for daring to speak out about it.

There's too much talk of Nintendo giving up the hardware game and moving onto things like phone games. This would figuratively kill me.

Majora's Mask > Ocarina Of Time > Final Fantasy VIII >>>> Final Fantasy VII

How are we ever supposed to "Catch 'em all", when a lot of the more rare Pokemon aren't made available? Saying that, X & Y were good games, albeit a little easy.


I'm tired of people complaining about different types of characters in game.
Ex: Need more [genre, race, orientation, etc] characters in XY game.

I don't see anyone complaining like that when they go see movies or read books.

Games, like books and movies, give us a story, a context and why should they require that their characters match XY stereotypes to please XY people???? IT'S FICTION!

Your fortunate because I know people (irl) who will complain whatever the support is. The problem for me is usually not the cliché but the dialogs who make dumber the character.

Jesus fuck no please, the only writing in games worse than bad Western games is the "masterpieces" of allegedly well-written Japanese games. Western tropes might be unimaginative or cliche, but Japanese tropes are bad storytelling at their core.

Go play Divinity Original sin and come back here and tell us that its lovers quarrel story didn't make you want to smack the game ?


Jesus fuck no please, the only writing in games worse than bad Western games is the "masterpieces" of allegedly well-written Japanese games. Western tropes might be unimaginative or cliche, but Japanese tropes are bad storytelling at their core.

Don't really agree, they're about equal but western stories strike western sensibilities so people use that to attack Japanese stories when it's just a difference in cultural upbringing (tropes happen everywhere so generalizing is stupid).

The best western video game story I've experienced is Planescape Torment, it's just really good; imaginative setting, good story, and great dialogue/writing. Meanwhile I super enjoyed 999 for its story, it's one of those few games that can't be done well in any other medium. It's writing can be a bit overbearing but it pays off massively in the end; the end feels truly penultimate.


Your fortunate because I know people (irl) who will complain whatever the support is. The problem for me is usually not the cliché but the dialogs who make dumber the character.

Go play Divinity Original sin and come back here and tell us that its lovers quarrel story didn't make you want to smack the game ?

I'm... not sure if you mean that should be a good or a bad thing, lol
Seriously WTF is Dota or Starcraft and why do people like them so much? They look boring as crap and the crowd around those game the sound less than awesome anyhow.


Don't really agree, they're about equal but western stories strike western sensibilities so people use that to attack Japanese stories when it's just a difference in cultural upbringing (tropes happen everywhere so generalizing is stupid).

The best western video game story I've experienced is Planescape Torment, it's just really good; imaginative setting, good story, and great dialogue/writing. Meanwhile I super enjoyed 999 for its story, it's one of those few games that can't be done well in any other medium. It's writing can be a bit overbearing but it pays off massively in the end; the end feels truly penultimate.

Well, obviously there will be exceptions (I've heard P.T. is great, and some people love, some hate, the writing in 999 which to be fair I haven't played), but my experience with e.g. anime-inspired jrpgs is that the writing is fundamentally bad from a narrative standpoint (all talk no show, deus ex macinas all over the place, given to histrionic melodrama). There may be gems out there I've missed, but not from what I've gathered from watching any number of gameplay/cutscene videos (or in my own living room, as I have jrpg-fan roomies).

Tales of Graces F, for example. Awful storytelling. Worse acting.


I don't get the love for Ratchet and Clank.

There's no originality in the gameplay or level design. It doesn't have you do anything that hasn't been done before in platform games. I feel like it was down to Insomniac and how they operate as a studio. They create a bunch of levels, give the main character a gun and go ask him to shoot a bunch of stuff. Technically they are very good games, but I don't think they have enough guys that are creative enough as gameplay designers and certainly they don't spend long enough designing the gameplay. Its a case of the personnel dictating the game and getting a finished product out there in the timeline available rather than designing a game that is fun to play. Of course having tight timelines and sticking to them is good business practice, but I think their games suffer for it.

That's why I'm not hyped at all for Sunset Overdrive.


Well, obviously there will be exceptions (I've heard P.T. is great, and some people love, some hate, the writing in 999 which to be fair I haven't played), but my experience with e.g. anime-inspired jrpgs is that the writing is fundamentally bad from a narrative standpoint (all talk no show, deus ex macinas all over the place, given to histrionic melodrama). There may be gems out there I've missed, but not from what I've gathered from watching any number of gameplay/cutscene videos (or in my own living room, as I have jrpg-fan roomies).

Tales of Graces F, for example. Awful storytelling. Worse acting.

It's a bad idea making such strong generalizations in such a declarative manner from so small a sample size. That's all.

Also you picked the worst story from the Tales of series so yeah. That series prides itself on being traditional in characters, stories and tropes, for better or worse, so using that series as an example pretty bad. The only thing you can really test is how much good execution improves a story in such an unchanging series (story-wise, the gameplay constantly changes game-to-game).


It's a bad idea making such strong generalizations in such a declarative manner from so small a sample size. That's all.

Also you picked the worst story from the Tales of series so yeah. That series prides itself on being traditional in characters, stories and tropes, for better or worse, so using that series as an example pretty bad. The only thing you can really test is how much good execution improves a story in such an unchanging series (story-wise, the gameplay constantly changes game-to-game).

Yeah, that's fair. I'm just not into that style of storytelling. Can't say I hate them all; I loved the Abyss anime after all. But there's just so much junk to sift through I can't be bothered. It's probably my loss.
Well, obviously there will be exceptions (I've heard P.T. is great, and some people love, some hate, the writing in 999 which to be fair I haven't played), but my experience with e.g. anime-inspired jrpgs is that the writing is fundamentally bad from a narrative standpoint (all talk no show, deus ex macinas all over the place, given to histrionic melodrama). There may be gems out there I've missed, but not from what I've gathered from watching any number of gameplay/cutscene videos (or in my own living room, as I have jrpg-fan roomies).

Tales of Graces F, for example. Awful storytelling. Worse acting.

HAHAHAHA, Graces F is your example? oh boy. I can see how you can think that Japanese games are shit at telling a story now. Final Fantasy and Tales are some of the worst offenders out there. There's amazing stories in Japanese games but you won't find them in mainstream japanese rpgs.


Neo Member
Ppl complain about micro transactions, on disc dlc, exclusive content, always online but I think the thing that has really ruined this industry is patches

Patches are the sole reason as to why games get released in a shitty unplayable state. Damn near every game comes with a day 1 patch that's practically the size of the game itself.

It also makes us as consumers both soft and succumb to an overwhelming sense of entitlement because we endure the bullshit with the idea that "they can just fix it with a patch" or "here's 1001 things they should patch in to make the game better!"

I agree with this.

As much as I hate DLC, patches bug the fuck out of me too. Is it too much for me to expect a game to not need me to download a patch later and have it work as I expect it to work when I first purchase it?


Picked up a Xbox one for sunset over drive, game feels amazing, plays amazing, but yeah you can tell it's not 1080p,and I swear some Ratchet games looked better.. it does not ruin the experience, but the great white box will not be used for any multiplat games. I'm happy to have a pc/ps4 and x1 now though


Fallout 3 was straight dookie with a shit ending and weak dlc addons. Fallout NV was far superior in every regard.

Eh...thing is, FO3 had that amazing sense of 'HOLY SHIT!' when it came to exploration and generally just seeing the new take on the Fallout setting for the first time. That made up for a lot of its shortcomings. Then NV rolled around and, while it was a major improvement in almost every aspect, it was similar enough to FO3 that it lacked that same feeling. Too much of NV was 'been there, done that in FO3'.

I wish I'd played NV first, I guess? /opinion


Didn't know this was controversial. I've known a lot of people that have thought this. I remember when it first came out, there were wars on which was better, FF8 or FF7.

Hugely controversial. FF threads are always fun. At least FFXII gets the recognition it deserves these days.


Monster Hunter 4 is the ugliest Monster Hunter Game.

Soul Sacrifice Delta is a far better game than any Monster Hunter.

Bayonetta 2 is the only real good exclusive for the WiiU

People complain about ports but are port beggars. People buy the ports they complain about just to complain more.

Neogaf is 90% negativity on games.

Negativity on games is destroying dedicated gaming consoles.

No im not saying Neogaf is doing the destruction alone.

Pokemon and Youkai Watch are the cancer of the industry.

Mario should shave that mustache.

Sonic is dead.

Megaman is dead.

Metroid is dead.

F-Zero is dead,

Star Fox is Dead.

thats all i got for now.
By the end of this generation console gaming with collapse upon itself and gamers are have nobody to blame but themselves.

PC gaming is more trouble than its worth if you just want something to pick up an play.


Neo Member
Hugely controversial. FF threads are always fun. At least FFXII gets the recognition it deserves these days.

I'm so used to the FF fandom disagreeing about everything so I generally keep out of those threads XD But it goes to show how long I've been away from seeing the opinions of the fandom.


I guess you don't like Nintendo games, as:

  • Pikmin 3
  • Mario Kart 8
  • Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze
  • Super Mario 3D World
  • Wonderful 101

are some of the best games I have played in years and they are exclusive to the Wii U.

not one of those titles i like.(althou Mario Kart 8 might be the better on that list)
If i want a Nintendo game i have 3ds for all of the best nintendo games there are currently today. WiiU catalog is not good at all.
Wonderful 101 is overrated.
I say this as a huge fan of Dark Souls, but some people need to reign in the hype around Bloodborne. For all we know at this point, it could be shit.

That goes for any unreleased game. I find it ridiculous how many people are willing to proclaim a game they've never played as the second coming.
not one of those titles i like.(althou Mario Kart 8 might be the better on that list)
If i want a Nintendo game i have 3ds for all of the best nintendo games there are currently today. WiiU catalog is not good at all.
Wonderful 101 is overrated.

I can't agree at all, but it's nice that you at least enjoy the 3DS.


Nintendo is the new Capcom. it continues on the safe side , releasing games we all know. I wonder when they will release a new ip that can surprise me like when i was a kid and played Metroid for the first time.

The God

I say this as a huge fan of Dark Souls, but some people need to reign in the hype around Bloodborne. For all we know at this point, it could be shit.

That goes for any unreleased game. I find it ridiculous how many people are willing to proclaim a game they've never played as the second coming.

and for people who've played the alpha and the builds at conventions?
and for people who've played the alpha and the builds at conventions?

Do you have any idea how much games change between Alpha and Retail? Or the fact that Alpha builds usually aren't even actual gameplay footage, just cut together segments that show off the game as best they can--or in a lot of cases better than the actual game will be.
Nintendo is the new Capcom. it continues on the safe side , releasing games we all know. I wonder when they will release a new ip that can surprise me like when i was a kid and played Metroid for the first time.

Hopefully Splatoon makes me feel that way, I'm really interested in that game even if I'm not big into 3rd person shooters at all.

I also think Nintendo does a good amount of risk at times, funding two Platinum games was great and reviving Kid Icarus was amazing.


Hopefully Splatoon makes me feel that way, I'm really interested in that game even if I'm not big into 3rd person shooters at all.

I also think Nintendo does a good amount of risk at times, funding two Platinum games was great and reviving Kid Icarus was amazing.

mmm im not sure how much of risk is creating 0 new IPs and bringing the ones fans will buy for sure. Risk in Nintendo is maybe on the hardware side, not in the software . Just check how many mario games exist and you can see what i mean.
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