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CLANNAD Official English Release Kickstarter (Funded | Stretch goals announced)


Tomoyo is the best gi-

You..... you.................... you always piss me off.

Just stay away from him



I like how it was funded within hours apparently, meanwhile they put in like 60 days for it gather funds. Oh ye of little faith. :p


I like how it was funded within hours apparently, meanwhile they put in like 60 days for it gather funds. Oh ye of little faith. :p

Hopefully it's a sign for other Japanese VN developers that the West wants this shit and WE WANT IT BAD! :D


I hope this sets a good precedent for future releases, I personally would love to see an official english release of Little Busters!

I can't wait to get my hands on this!


Maybe they'll offer other Key releases as stretch goals? It'd be great.

Anyway, such a great time to be VN enthusiast! FSN and Higurashi Vita next, pls. *drools*


XSEED Localization Specialist
We would be looking at the memorial edition with that content removed.

Would you potentially be offering the complete version as well, even if just in a limited-edition form? Because I would be VERY interested in reading it, but I wouldn't be able to support an "incomplete" title on general principle, so would likely pass on it if it weren't the full edition. (And I doubt I'd be the only one.)

...Not saying this to be a contrarian, but just to make you aware that this is a common mindset, especially in recent years -- and that might be something worth keeping in mind if you're to make deals for the game, as it could ultimately affect your bottom line.



Would you potentially be offering the complete version as well, even if just in a limited-edition form? Because I would be VERY interested in reading it, but I wouldn't be able to support an "incomplete" title on general principle, so would likely pass on it if it weren't the full edition. (And I doubt I'm the only one who feels that way...)


And Xseed is here...

The plot thickens! 0_0


It is a good point though. How much money this has garnered in such an incredibly short fashion is a great sign, but a good way to fritter away any kind of good will is censoring the work itself. I mean, if worse comes to worse you could possibly have it be an option in game, but yeah, flat out not having content in one version that was in another, no matter what it is, may not be the best of moves.


I'm not sure how, exactly. I'm a pretty well-known Key fanboy. Of course I'd be here. ;)


Oh really? 0_0 didn't know that. Haven't been here long enough it seems. XD

It is a good point though. How much money this has garnered in such an incredibly short fashion is a great sign, but a good way to fritter away any kind of good will is censoring the work itself. I mean, if worse comes to worse you could possibly have it be an option in game, but yeah, flat out not having content in one version that was in another, no matter what it is, may not be the best of moves.

Just do it like Katawa Shoujo where you can simply click on the option to censor off any mature content.


It is a good point though. How much money this has garnered in such an incredibly short fashion is a great sign, but a good way to fritter away any kind of good will is censoring the work itself. I mean, if worse comes to worse you could possibly have it be an option in game, but yeah, flat out not having content in one version that was in another, no matter what it is, may not be the best of moves.

I take it you're referring to Tomoyo After? There was an all-ages version of the game that was released in Japan. It wouldn't be Sekai Project stripping the game in any form. Besides, the hentai scenes were laughably bad.


XSEED Localization Specialist
It is a good point though. How much money this has garnered in such an incredibly short fashion is a great sign, but a good way to fritter away any kind of good will is censoring the work itself. I mean, if worse comes to worse you could possibly have it be an option in game, but yeah, flat out not having content in one version that was in another, no matter what it is, may not be the best of moves.

As Bobawesome noted, it wouldn't be censorship on Sekai Project's part, but simply a choice to release the already-existing all-ages version instead of the 18+ full version. And that would be a completely understandable decision, which I absolutely would not hold against Sekai Project in any way, and would suggest no one else do either.

However, I still don't think I could bring myself to buy the game, knowing that there exists a "fuller" version of it that we were denied due to restrictions originating from our own outmoded cultural sensibilities. If the game began its life as an all-ages release and had 18+ content added later, that would be different... but technically, the 18+ version is the original, and the more complete edition, and I would feel as if I were betraying my own sensibilities by purchasing it, knowing full well that there's content (however gratuitous it may be) that I'm missing.

I take it you're referring to Tomoyo After? There was an all-ages version of the game that was released in Japan. It wouldn't be Sekai Project stripping the game in any form. Besides, the hentai scenes were laughably bad.
It might be a loss and it might be worth crying over a "fuller version" being absent, but you're spot on. The H-scenes really aren't anything to be that concerned about losing, at least not for me.


However, I still don't think I could bring myself to buy the game, knowing that there exists a "fuller" version of it that we were denied due to restrictions originating from our own outmoded cultural sensibilities. If the game began its life as an all-ages release and had 18+ content added later, that would be different... but technically, the 18+ version is the original, and the more complete edition, and I would feel as if I were betraying my own sensibilities by purchasing it, knowing full well that there's content (however gratuitous it may be) I'm missing.


Agreed with this 100%. The reasons and circumstances are different in my case but it's why I myself have bought Persona 3 yet. There is a PSP version where it has a different MC you can choose but it lacks some of the content from the original version, and for some reason there isn't a 100% version of that game yet. Just a PSP and PS2 version that both have different and missing content/features.

Yeah that's different circumstances and what not but I know that feeling of not buying a game when there exists a "fuller" version sort to speak.

Sekai Project

Neo Member
Would you potentially be offering the complete version as well, even if just in a limited-edition form? Because I would be VERY interested in reading it, but I wouldn't be able to support an "incomplete" title on general principle, so would likely pass on it if it weren't the full edition. (And I doubt I'd be the only one.)

...Not saying this to be a contrarian, but just to make you aware that this is a common mindset, especially in recent years -- and that might be something worth keeping in mind if you're to make deals for the game, as it could ultimately affect your bottom line.


That's a really difficult subject to be honest, if you notice on Key's official site the 18+ version of the game is not even sold anymore. I really comment on it as a company spokesperson.


XSEED Localization Specialist
That's a really difficult subject to be honest, if you notice on Key's official site the 18+ version of the game is not even sold anymore. I really comment on it as a company spokesperson.

Mm, I definitely understand, believe me.

...Maybe I'd make an exception in this one case. Maybe. ;)

If you guys do wind up releasing only that version, though, I'd strongly suggest being very up-front about it with fans. Tell people why, to the best of your legal ability, you're not able to release the complete version, and I'm sure most fans would be very receptive.

Mm, I definitely understand, believe me.

...Maybe I'd make an exception in this one case. Maybe. ;)

If you guys do wind up releasing only that version, though, I'd strongly suggest being very up-front about it with fans. Tell people why, to the best of your legal ability, you're not able to release the complete version, and I'm sure most fans would be very receptive.


This so much, I really appreciate honesty in this industry that is filled with PR bullshit.


Update #3:

Good Morning!

So first off, thanks to the amazing response from you guys we've been able to make the physical version extra special!

We are now planning to make it almost the same as the original 2004 release of CLANNAD first edition. All physical editions are being upgraded for free! We're still working on our own mockups so in the meantime, here's a few pictures of the original Japanese release taken by @misuzulive.





So what does that mean? It means you'll be getting a physical edition of the CLANNAD MABINOGI Arrange Album and 80-page physical version of the CLANNAD Fanbook! Lastly, this is also KICKSTARTER exclusive edition, we cannot sell additional copies outside of Kickstarter once it's over so don't miss out on this!

Next up is HD assets and ports, those are still under discussion with VisualArt's. We noticed people were talking about cropped assets and while we haven't seen the actual assets we will let everyone know and have a side by side comparison for everyone to take a look and judge if it should be used or not for our release of the game.

We do have some other ideas being discussed but can't talk about it just yet!

Again, a big big big thanks from VisualArt's and Sekai Project for making this Kickstarter a HUGE success we couldn't do it without everyone's support.
This makes me feel really good about getting the Early Bird Physical Edition. It's like Steins;Gate all over again, but my wallet is even happier!


I'm a tad bit sad about my digital pledge now, but hell, in the end it's only the game itself that matters.
Is there any way to get the Physical version of the game plus the complete OST? I wanted to up my pledge to 175 but I think you only get the digital version of the game with that one.

Edit: Just noticed the Add-ons section, time to buy EVERYTHING. It's awful that I just got 1000 bucks to spend freely.

Just increased my pledge from 40 to 85.
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