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Current-Gen is in desperate need of FUN (for the sake of fun) games

You're doing it wrong. You've just gotta find games you like. I was really bored with games for a while but then decided to replay through DmC again and it's been great so far.

Most fun current gen game that I have played.


Wii U also has backwards compatibility. OG Wii and Wii U's libraries together is the killer-combo of fun-for-the-sake-of-fun games.

It wasn't until I grabbed a Wii in 2010 that I realized that I was pretty unsatisfied with most of the dark retail "immersive" games of the previous few years.
Along with all these Wii U recommendations, I feel we're lacking in Nintendo Land posts

From the sound of it you're looking for more of an arcade-y experience, and Nintendo Land is basically a collection of new and unique arcade type games that are pretty well made.

God I wish there was a full downloadable title made out of the Donkey Kong attraction though.
I'n not really understanding your point. There are plenty of games of all types on all consoles and it's only been a year. Unless you have literally played every game available, which is impossible, how can you say there is no fun to be had. However, if you are saying that there are no new iterations of those old games on current gen then you would be correct. Personally I'd rather they focus on new experiences and ips than rehash old games, for better or for worse.


All these : Get a Wii U

Why ?

......because it has 'fun' games?

The problem with a lot of 'AAA' development is that much of it takes itself far too seriously. The industry has for some time now been pushing this idea that games need to be these complex constructs for us to navigate through. The stories need to be deep and emotional with characters we can relate too, the game world needs to be large, dynamic and full of interactivty, the visuals need to be as life like as the technology can possibly allow and the games need to present us with mature themes engage us with 'cinematic' like quality to 'immerse' us in their game world.

Thats not necessarily a bad thing, I like games that do all of the above; but they are sometimes draining. You cant just play them sporadically, you need to invest a reasonable amount of time in that game world each time you play to really get what the developers have set out to achieve.

Sometimes, I just dont feel up to that sort of thing. I want something that is simple to pick up and play. Something that doesnt revolve around complex game mechanics, an involving story and simply being bombarded with so many thing to do you dont know where to begin. You just want it simple, accessible and easy to jump in and out of. Something that nails its core mechanic too a tee and progression doesnt mean fleshing out a games story but simply progressing through a series of challenges set out by the games world.

Wii U gets mentioned for this because its games arent about heavy stories and cinematics and expansive game worlds but simple, superbly executed game mechanics that are used to overcome a series of progressively increasing challenges set out by smart level design challenges. There is nothing pretentious about many of the Wii U titles. You could virtually throw the stories from the games entirely and they would still be every bit as enjoyable.

This same logic can be applied to many mobile and indie titles that rely on the same core principles; accessible, easy to get into with no illusions of being some sort of grandiose life changing experience; they are just there to be enjoyed. You dont need to scrutinise their lack of depth in story telling, whether its pushing technological boundaries or whether its revolutionising the way we play games.

On consoles, the Wii U is really hitting that mark. The games are unapologetic in their straight forward approach to game design and many of their games are all the better for it. Look at games like 3D World, its the same basic concept that has existed in the Mario universe since it first appeared on the NES, you navigate your way via a series of platforms , jumping on or over enemies until you reach the goal. Sure some items have been added that expand upon that idea to a small degree and the shift to 3D has allowed the developers to come with new ways in which to challenge players in their level design but the core concept hasnt changed and its a game that relies on a single button to jump, and another to run. Thats it.

Again I will reiterate that sometimes, I want a game more visceral, something that challenges me on multiple levels and provides me with a thought provoking or gripping story; but I enjoy them for a different reason to the reason I enjoy games on Wii U.

Basically, I play Wii U games when I want to play a game that is just good ol fashion 'fun' to play.
And then I play games like Alien Isolation, Evil Within or Assassins Creed when I want an 'experience.'
ping story; but I enjoy them for a different reason to the reason I enjoy games on Wii U.

Basically, I play Wii U games when I want to play a game that is just good ol fashion 'fun' to play.
And then I play games like Alien Isolation, Evil Within or Assassins Creed when I want an 'experience.'

I play for boith. Some Nintendo WiiU games were not that good fun or experience for me (3dWorld) so I dunno I could cuantify this concepts as AAA or "Nintendo Games"


I play for boith. Some Nintendo WiiU games were not that good fun or experience for me (3dWorld) so I dunno I could cuantify this concepts as AAA or "Nintendo Games"

Not every game is going to win over every gamer, but when you look at the general comments and reviews for that game, its clear it worked for many. That doesnt mean everyone has to like it, I just used it as an example.

A lot of people loved DK TF and thats another game that pretty much stuck with its roots, I personally have a lot of trouble getting into it myself despite the fact alot of people have it down for their GOTY and even some have said best 2D platformer they ever played. It definitely fits into what I would consider that non-pretentious fun category but again it wasnt something I was able to really get into. Think I hit world 4 in that one.


This thread makes me want to post SO gifs from my first play session.


LOL at my characters reaction to the guy looking at her.



I literally just started the game :)
Not every game is going to win over every gamer, but when you look at the general comments and reviews for that game, its clear it worked for many. That doesnt mean everyone has to like it, I just used it as an example.

A lot of people loved DK TF and thats another game that pretty much stuck with its roots, I personally have a lot of trouble getting into it myself despite the fact alot of people have it down for their GOTY and even some have said best 2D platformer they ever played. It definitely fits into what I would consider that non-pretentious fun category but again it wasnt something I was able to really get into. Think I hit world 4 in that one.

And for many stuff like DragonAge or Mordor is also fun unpretentius stuff, so dunno why the need to use FUN as a differentiator between games or consoles.
There are a handful of pickup and play games, though obviously not that many because the gen is still young

  • Sunset Overdrive - Unparalelled in the "pick up and play" department. You can boot right in and play for like 15 minutes just doing something ridiculously zany or trying to get the collectibles in an aweosme environment that is a thrill to navigate around
  • Trials Fusion - Another solid Trials game. Not as good or deep as Trials Evolution for 360, but still a very easy "pick up for 10 mins and try to beat some levels" fun
  • That new baseball game for PS4 looks absolutely incredible. I haven't played it yet but I seriously might buy a PS4 just for that game (well, and UC4 next year...)

But the best feature overall for pick up and play is quick resume on X1 and eventually PS4. I find myself jumping into games just for 20 minutes when I have something to do in a half hour just because you can boot up and be playing the game in 5 seconds instead of having to wait 3 or 4 minutes. Playing GTAV on 360/PS3 used to take at least 3 or 4 minutes just to boot up and play the game, but with Quick Resume you pick up exactly where you left off with no load screens... It's a game changer, especially when your gaming time is limited.


Fun is subjective. I had fun failing at the same point in Alex Kidd for 5h straight and playing that shit from the beggining over and over again.

I mean. Sometimes the problem is not the game.


Why are people outraged by the notion that this gen is so far lacking "something". Hell, even the previous gen was lacking compared to the variety offered by the PS2 era. I thought that was commonly accepted


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
its debatable whether or not Nintendo games are more "fun". They are less filled with bullshit sure, but i think the OP is actually looking for 'arcade style' games in general. A Black in comparison to a Call of Duty, a Burnout in comparison to a Forza. An NBA Street Vol 2 in comparison to a NBA2K, an NFL Blitz 2000 in comparison to another yearly iteration of Madden. A Bad company 1/2 instead of Battlefield 3/4.


I'n not really understanding your point. There are plenty of games of all types on all consoles and it's only been a year. Unless you have literally played every game available, which is impossible, how can you say there is no fun to be had. However, if you are saying that there are no new iterations of those old games on current gen then you would be correct. Personally I'd rather they focus on new experiences and ips than rehash old games, for better or for worse.

Agree. There are 'fun' games on every console. You just got to find them. I don't care what anyone says but the LEGO games are especially for local coop.
I'm so bored right now. All I wish for is that I could play a game like SSX or THPS or NBA Street for my Xbox One. We barely had this stuff last gen and now we have nothing like it this gen and I don't see anything on the horizon. It is brutal.

Edit: Seriously considering getting a WiiU. Also, I finished Sunset Overdrive and loved it -- BUT, I finished it. I know I can keep playing it but it feels finished... if that makes sense...

Edit 2: Some people here don't seem to get what I'm talking about. Some MORE examples: Crazy Taxi, Virtua Tennis, Sega Soccer Slam

I wish companies were still making games like that, but Nintendo and indies are close to all we've got on that front. I have a Wii U and can tell you that all of Nintendo's multiplats are pretty much like that. Mario 3D World, DK Tropical Freeze, MK8, Wonderful 101, and Smash Bros all have that vibe in spades. Nintendoland probably does too but I don't own that game. I really, really miss SSX and Crazy Taxi though. A crazy taxi with GTA4/5 physics would be amazing.
Maybe I'm not grasping what you're saying either, but I think Resogun fits into the category of fun just for the sake of fun. It's like any old school game with points, and a leaderboard. Doesn't get any more fun for the sake of fun. Although, based on your examples I'm starting to think you mean outlandish sports titles than anything else. Something like Mutant League Football.


You shouldn't have said "fun". You should have said silly or arcadey games. And I agree that I'd love to have more of those. But there are plenty of FUN games out there.


Yup going have to agree with everyone saying Wii U. The greatest fun I had with video games in a long time.

Also 3ds: Kid Icarus: Uprising, Hours and hours of fun to be had there!


its debatable whether or not Nintendo games are more "fun". They are less filled with bullshit sure, but i think the OP is actually looking for 'arcade style' games in general. A Black in comparison to a Call of Duty, a Burnout in comparison to a Forza. An NBA Street Vol 2 in comparison to a NBA2K, an NFL Blitz 2000 in comparison to another yearly iteration of Madden. A Bad company 1/2 instead of Battlefield 3/4.

THIS. (I am OP)

Bold One

its debatable whether or not Nintendo games are more "fun". They are less filled with bullshit sure, but i think the OP is actually looking for 'arcade style' games in general. A Black in comparison to a Call of Duty, a Burnout in comparison to a Forza. An NBA Street Vol 2 in comparison to a NBA2K, an NFL Blitz 2000 in comparison to another yearly iteration of Madden. A Bad company 1/2 instead of Battlefield 3/4.

Didn't you hear? Nintendo owns the patent to FUN


I know what you mean, it's why I have mostly played on Wii U and 3ds despite owning the other current systems. Stuff like geo wars, sunset and such are also very fun but in general, the core focus on fun mechanics and faster paced play seems to be going away in favor of walk slow with your finger on your ear to EPIC sort of things..
A few PS4 recommendations for some light-hearted fun:

The Last of Us Remastered
The Walking Dead
Metro Redux
Wolfenstein The New Order
I know what you mean, it's why I have mostly played on Wii U and 3ds despite owning the other current systems. Stuff like geo wars, sunset and such are also very fun but in general, the core focus on fun mechanics and faster paced play seems to be going away in favor of walk slow with your finger on your ear to EPIC sort of things..

I have a PS4, Vita, 3DS and WiiU and I played mostly with my ViTa this year.

Tastes are funny


I'd say buy more indie games, or get a Wii U/3DS. Or just look harder for more games that are just about fun gameplay on the platforms you already own.
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