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Current-Gen is in desperate need of FUN (for the sake of fun) games

get wiiu my friend i think it has been said so many times. games are not that many but the once that are still hold charm to them and are very fun.
I don't know what you've been doing but I've been having fun.

Maybe next time you should turn on the TV when you play?

Seriously though all games are "FUN(for the sake of fun)", what you described are arcadey and shallow(im not using that as an insult) games.

The games you want are there.

They're just not as popular as before because the industry has exploded in size so it can't cater to a single genre like in the past.


i see a lot of people listing plant vs zombies. from what i played it was great but me and my friends couldn't figure out how to party up in multiplayer unless we played horde mode. is there a way to get into team deathmatch with your friends?


There are a ton of fun indie games on PS4. Resogun and Binding of Issac being ones that has endless replay value imo.


The vast majority of all games are fun just for the sake of fun. Like, what?

What you mean is you want games that are less realistic, more zany, more arcadey based on your comments. That's just a different type of game.


Do you really want to play crazy taxi again?

It really doesn't hold up. Is it even that fun in a great world like GTA - if that's all you could do.

There are shitloads of smaller great arcade indies to play but I'm guessing it's not current-gen enough. They're better on handheld too.

Big fun games like Sunset Overdrive are hard to come by even last generation. I don't think it's going to change too much this gen.

I hope so though.

Super Mario Strikers running on dolphin is quality btw.
Sounds like you want arcade games. There's probably plenty of indie games that can scratch that itch.
Do you really want to play crazy taxi again?

It really doesn't hold up.
Errrm what, I play Crazy Taxi every now and then and it totally holds up. I was playing Fare Wars on my Vita like a week ago, apart from the different soundtrack it's still fun as hell.


Arcadey sports titles aren't around much anymore because arcades aren't around as much anymore. The genre is dying or dead. You just don't see as many quarter-munching, die-and-try-again games anymore.


Sounds like you want arcade games. There's probably plenty of indie games that can scratch that itch.

Errrm what, I play Crazy Taxi every now and then and it totally holds up. I was playing Fare Wars on my Vita like a week ago, apart from the different soundtrack it's still fun as hell.

Yeah I can believe that. Pretty much everything holds up on Vita for me, but I can't imagine sitting down on a big screen playing it for an hour. OP seems to want big current gen stuff...without a focus on story?

Otherwise cross-gen indies are fantastic. Yes, a few Wii U games fit that well too, if you want to shell out for a new system for them. I'm sure you could find good alternatives too though.
Like if you don't enjoy PvZ:GW, I can't imagine the Wii U is going to help much.

TBH far cry 4 while mostly focused on awesome open world gameplay has some pretty stressful story topics.


I'm so bored right now. All I wish for is that I could play a game like SSX or THPS or NBA Street for my Xbox One. We barely had this stuff last gen and now we have nothing like it this gen and I don't see anything on the horizon. It is brutal.

Edit: Seriously considering getting a WiiU. Also, I finished Sunset Overdrive and loved it -- BUT, I finished it. I know I can keep playing it but it feels finished... if that makes sense...

Edit 2: Some people here don't seem to get what I'm talking about. Some MORE examples: Crazy Taxi, Virtua Tennis, Sega Soccer Slam

I get exactly what you mean. PC and WiiU seem to have a lot of these sort of games that I like to just have a laugh with. I'm sure their will be plenty on both X1 and PS4, but the selection isn't stellar at this moment in time


The vast majority of all games are fun just for the sake of fun. Like, what?

What you mean is you want games that are less realistic, more zany, more arcadey based on your comments. That's just a different type of game.

Yeaaah... I understand that games are in their core "for the sake of fun", but I'm not sure if that is that clear anymore. Some games are more centered in deliver astonishing visuals or realistic environments, or immersive experience, and they seems to forget about the core gameplay. BUT, I tottally get what you mean, and I have fun with most of those games anyway (otherwise I would not bother buying them).

But indeed the OP is looking for more aracdey games it seems. Since he finished Sunset Overdrive, he could try:
-Plants vs Zombies: GW (tons of fun with friends)
-Forza Horizon 2 (besides I'm not sure if I could call it exactly arcade)
-Knack (besides some people bashing it, it was the only game who reminded me, in a good way, the PS1 adventure games era)
-Some indie stuff, like Super Time Force.
-Ah, and of course: Dead Rising 3 (probably the most fun game to play co-op this gen, till this date)

I had tons of fun with those games, and they feel to me very gameplay focused, more then everything else.


You mean you don't like the collectathon RPG skinnerbox games? Games that try to make you feel badass? Getting gamerscore to justify your life? Hmmmm...console gaming prolly ain't 4 u.*

* Wii u not included.
This thread is pretty painful to read through lol.

The reality that I'm coming to regarding games of old that OP seems to be looking for, are that those titles were never given the massive budgets many other types of games were given. Those games were the indie titles of those times. If you're looking to get some amazing experiences, easy grab and play style games, what you need to do is get involved in the Indie scene. Not buy some $300 box, and a bunch of $60 games. You already have an Xbone, enjoy it, there are a ton of games with instant accessibility and no responsibility.
Been having a blast with Wii U games and Indies like Spelunky, Rogue Legacy, Mine craft, Binding of Isaac Rebirth, Nidhogg, and Towerfall.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
I gotta say, as much as i'm really enjoying my PS4, i really would not mind a Burnout Revenge port of the 360 version right about now....
Hey, someone needs to go pick up a Wii U, some Kart, some Smash, go on an adventure with Toad...

All I wish for is that I could play a game like SSX or THPS or NBA Street for my Xbox One.

All three of those games struggled in sales too, unfortunately.
I can definitely feel the lack of optimism.

There's a weird phenomenon where we have lots of recent and upcoming games that take themselves quite seriously (Assassin's Creed, Halo, Final Fantasy XV, Bloodborne), and the ones that do seem to exude fun seems like they're going out of their way to say, "Look how FUN we are!" (Sunset Overdrive).

It's a lot rarer to see studios put out games with utter confidence in their pure fun factor. Even Nintendo has fallen back in that regard, where they were talking about clear pipes in Mario 3D World to try to drum up interest.


I understand what the OP is saying. Sunset Overdrive is one of the few games that fit that bill this gen. It's kinda a genre that was covered by the mid tier developers.


Super Mega Baseball? Just came out on PS4 yesterday. Baseball Stars meets 2014, pick up and play sports fun, 20 bucks.

Pix The Cat? Best pure arcade game to come out this year, zany and wacky and tons of unlocks. One game turns into 20 before you know it. PS4 again.

Super Time Force is great, mind bending shooter where you rewind time when you die and then fight alongside your previous life. Repeat x25 and watch the insanity.

Towerfall, OlliOlli, Sportsfriends, Nidhogg, the list goes on. Sounds like OP just wants 60 dollar retail "fun" titles though and isn't looking at the amazing indie scene on PS4/PC.


Neo Member
I'd like to second Super Mega Baseball. It's on PS3 and PS4 and I think it's Cross play. I've only played a couple games so far but it seems like very arcadey fun.

The Goat

Like everyone has said, Wii U is where it's at. Mario Kart 8 is fun, but also frustrating and infuriating.

If you want a something fun on PS4, pick up Towerfall Ascension. 4 player couch vs is insanely fun.


I'd be in the dick
OP, have you followed the indie scene much at all? There's a ton of amazing score attack games from small devs on every storefront.
Funny this thread pops up the night I bought a WiiU.

I can tell I won't be regretting selling my PS4 for a WiiU.
Except for having to rebuy FF14.

OP, take note. I've never regretted a system more than the PS4 - No worthwhile exclusives and my PC can play literally every 8th gen multiplat at max sans for Unity. Even after a single night the WiiU feels like a godsend.
People who blow 400 bucks and sell a console in the first year make no sense......The ps4 library is staked in 2015 and going forward there will be tonnes of games. Did you sell your wi-u in 2013 and rebuy as that had an even worse drought. Wiiu lineup outside a few exclusives is barren in comparison. Third party games are a thing and ps4 downloadable titles are numerous compared to the competition.

Well... I'm going to be spending a lot of money on a computer soon and someone offered me $350 for my PS4 last night out of the blue so I was like, 'sure'. Honestly there have been a fair number of games on the PS4 I've really enjoyed, like inFamous, Strider, Geometry Wars, GTA V, TLOU, and Wolfenstein, but I'm not really excited for its upcoming lineup and a lot of that has to do not with that there's no games coming but that I'm just not interested in what they offer from a gameplay perspective so I bailed. I'll probably get another PS4 at some point down the line when I can pick it up for as much as I sold it for or less. I still have my Wii U because I still play the exclusives on it. I'm getting a powerful PC and that takes care of third party games as well as far more numerous PC exclusives. And I've had a modest PC for some time which covers many of my favorite multiplayer and indie titles.
Fun artstyles are the hallmark of indie,mobile phone and Nintendo games. The two mainstream consoles will eventually get more 60 dollar titles as developers see that those kind of visuals sell elsewhere and they will tap into it. It is just going to take some time.

Finally, we are getting past the kiddie versus mature artificial mindset of the last 15 or so years.


I can definitely feel the lack of optimism.

There's a weird phenomenon where we have lots of recent and upcoming games that take themselves quite seriously (Assassin's Creed, Halo, Final Fantasy XV, Bloodborne), and the ones that do seem to exude fun seems like they're going out of their way to say, "Look how FUN we are!" (Sunset Overdrive).

It's a lot rarer to see studios put out games with utter confidence in their pure fun factor. Even Nintendo has fallen back in that regard, where they were talking about clear pipes in Mario 3D World to try to drum up interest.

The "look how fun we are" games use the same systems and manipulations as the serious games. They aren't any different aside from the 4th wall, we-so-funnnnniiiieeee stuff.

Console games are like snack foods made by billion dollar conglomerates; console game devs are like the food scientists those billion dollar corporations employee. Pernicious f2p companies and devs are more like crack makers and dealers.

With the exception of Nintendo, I think people wanting to play great games need to look at some of the pc f2p stuff (dota2, lol), some of the indies, and some of the iOS games.

Retail console releases are for people who haven't been burned out on the rpg mechanic treadmill.

edit: there are rare exceptions to the rule, of course. Driveclub is a pure, skill based game with no bullshit rpg mechanic game-ification treadmill crap. Now whether it is fun or not will come down to whether you like cars and skill based games, but I guess there are a few good games at retail, or at least one.
I agree OP, though I would change it from "More fun games" to "More arcade games". Unfortunately there isn't as much of a market for arcade games anymore. Less and less seem to be around.


OP is looking for arcade games.

I'd say go indie for that. I actually don't think the Wii U has what he's looking for.
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