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What after FF XV in this gen? FF XV-2 / XV-3 or FF XVI?

FFXV-2 is a certain.

FFXII HD remaster.

Maybe FFXVI in 2019.

And of course FFXIV expansions in between.

I don't think we will ever see a third sequel to a main numbered FF game again as they saw how fans lose interest after a second sequel and the sells numbers drops like crazy.


FFXV-2 is a certain.

FFXII HD remaster.

Maybe FFXVI in 2019.

And of course FFXIV expansions in between.

I don't think we will ever see a third sequel to a main numbered FF game again as they saw how fans lose interest after a second sequel and the sells numbers drops like crazy.

Oh how i wish this to happen. FFXII and DQVIII are probably my most anticipated remasters!
XIII-trilogy remaster, XII remaster, CC remaster, VII/VIII/IX remasters

I don't think they need to make sequels to XV to recoup costs, these would probably sell close to a million or so.

I wouldn't mind XV sequels if XV turns out to be any good. Though what I'd like the most is X-3.

And it has to be based on the novel. I don't even dislike Tidus, but it has to be based on the novel.


And it has to be based on the novel. I don't even dislike Tidus, but it has to be based on the novel.



I kinda hope Agni isn't FFXVI. Nothing against the setting and I'd love to see a game there, it's just that it's been so long since we haven't known about a mainline title. I want it to be something I've never seen in the reveal trailer. It's been so long since I've had that feeling. :(

They're actually on track at one mainline Final Fantasy title per generation, since the PS2 era. FFXII for the PS2, FFXIII on PS3 and we're only getting FFXV for the entire PS4 generation. FFXIV is a mmorpg so that is fairly not counted.

More like we're on track to have zero. 3 on ps1, 2 on ps2, 1 on ps3, none on ps4!


I'd want to see a completely new FF for the next one in the series, but if FFXV ends up being critically and commercially successful I wouldn't be opposed to seeing a sequel eventually down the line. Even though it's super early, I do wonder how FFXV's battle system would be like when it is completely fleshed out (e.g., allowing character switches).


Can we just get 15 to come out before worrying about what's next?

I assume xv-2 is next for asset reutilization.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
>< If agni is the main character of 16 im probably gonna die of a heart attack


I'm going to choose the cynical answer and say that there is no more Final Fantasy this gen after XV considering how fucking long it took to make XV.
Wait... What if FFXV sequel weren't called XV-2 and called FFversusXV instead?

That would be really cool and make more use to the line ( a world of versus epic ) plus it's kinda nostalgic and make a full circel.
I think we all know that something reusing the massive effort they put into XV is inevitable. Maybe that's a direct sequel, maybe it's Final Fantasy Versus XV (ha!), but it's definitely something running on the same engine.

...but I dunno, we might get XVI this gen as well. There are some fairly compelling rumors and speculation stating that XVI is underway (at least in pre-production), has been for several years and is aimed at consoles.

Personally really interested to see if the next Final Fantasy uses a custom engine again, or if they finally just give in and use Unreal.


I think XII HD, XVI and more XIV expansions are a lock for this gen.

I'm really curious whether we'll see XV sequels or not. I think it will largely depend on the game's reception upon release.


After that survey?

One can pray for a miracle.


I'd also settle for XVI taking place in Ivalice or a Tactics 2 or even somewhere new. Just... end XV with XV. Make it a complete game. Take the words of wisdom from Sakaguchi. Move on to something else.


I can see them milking FFXV for every penny it can get them. I mean, how many road trips can one group of friends have before it starts to get old? Such a number doesn't exist.

The answer is one.


I'm up for an avatar bet or something similar for an XV sequel/spin-off on PS4/xbone. It's got to be an absolute lock at this point surely.


I'm gonna say they're gonna go FFXV-2 and FFXVI, both games will have different teams and won't release for a long ass time after FFXV (will be late-gen releases for PS4/X1, see FF9 and FF12). FFXVI I could see not coming out until the gen 9 consoles roll around.


I think they're gonna alternate it. When this gets released, they'll show FFXVI for the first time and it will have probably been in the making for a year or two. Once that's released we'll see FFXV-2. The days of long development cycles for Square are over!!!!!!!!



FFXIV mini expansions, Agni's Philosophy (this needs to be an actual game), New Final Fantasy Tactics or any RPG style game in Ivalice universe, 2 new original rpgs, and Zweihander.



Together with these, i expect smaller releases and collaborations (like FFXIIHD, Dissidia Reboot, Type-1 and more) plus continued support for XIV.

By 2019, next-gen will probably be out or about to be, and i'd like Nomura&Osaka Team to close up the KH saga and focus on a new IP to release in the first year of the consoles cycle (likely 2020).



Together with these, i expect smaller releases and collaborations (like FFXIIHD, Dissidia Reboot, Type-1 and more) plus continued support for XIV.

That sounds too good to be true... but it's certainly within the realm of possibilities.


Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
FFXVI and FFXV-2 I think are inevitable. Hopefully in their plans there's also space for a FF7r (again) and DA11!



Together with these, i expect smaller releases and collaborations (like FFXIIHD, Dissidia Reboot, Type-1 and more) plus continued support for XIV.

By 2019, next-gen will probably be out or about to be, and i'd like Nomura&Osaka Team to close up the KH saga and focus on a new IP to release in the first year of the consoles cycle (likely 2020).

DQ is not gonna miss its 30th anniversary in 2016
at least aeana didn't seem to think so
Well for my expectations with dates and releases:

- 2016: FFXV | FFXII HD Remaster ( 10th anniversary)

- 2018: FFXV-2 or FFversusXV

- 2019 | 2020: FFXVI
( it will be released on this generation home consoles months before the launch of the next ones ).


Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
Agni Philosophy please . Agni's a great design , hopefully this wont be another FF mainline title , best as a new IP .

I don't know, I liked Agni's Philosophy for what was, but I'm not sure an art direction handled by an Eidos artist is what I'm really looking forward to in a Final Fantasy. If not for the characters, Agni's could've been easily confused for a wRPG by the Deus Ex team. Lol.
Agni Philosophy please . Agni's a great design , hopefully this wont be another FF mainline title , best as a new IP .

Good point on the new IP part. Might as well give it Final Fantasy elements but let it be its own IP, kind of like how Persona relates to the wider SMT franchise or a closer to home example would be Bravely Default to FF.


In all seriousness, I'd really like some new IPs or resurrection of older forgotten games. With the digital space the way it is, more smaller yet unique projects in the line of the SNES/PS1 (and DS) era of experimentation. Not just FF,DQ,KH, and a spin off here and there.


The age of multiple main ff games in one gen is over,we will only get XV games and one more XIV expansion this gen am pretty sure.
I'm hoping for FFXVI myself.

The series works better with a fresh start each time, and I'm hoping after X2, and XIII 2&3 all sold fewer copies than their predecessors, SE won't go down the sequel path again.

But XII HD first. I've some hope for XV, but I'd rather have a nicer version of the only entry into the series I've liked since the PS1 before anything else after that.


Logic tells me that there was an original FFXV (now XVI of course) well into production before VersusXIII turned into XV. So we may see a surprise that it is coming maybe 1-2 years after XV, but at SE's current state who am I kidding.


Yeah personally i'd rather stay away from direct sequels.

It would be great if whatever was XV originally moved onto XVI. Even with XIV around, I still want XVI to be high fantasy with minor sci-fi elements, and not the other way around, or something unique like X or well...even XV bring to the table. Maybe even pull a Wild Arms with mostly desert / plains style world?
Logic tells me that there was an original FFXV (now XVI of course) well into production before VersusXIII turned into XV. So we may see a surprise that it is coming maybe 1-2 years after XV, but at SE's current state who am I kidding.

Good point, after the debacle of only having 1 single player mainline title last gen they might be secretly pushing towards a FFXVI.


They've already hinted at an XV-2, so I'd imagine that'll happen before XVI.

That said, I think XV-2 is likely to not be a complete disaster, because it sounds like Nomura already has story ideas. And it'll be an actual continuation of the story, rather than some random romp through time or a passion play at the end of existence.
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