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GTA V PS4/XONE Downgrade - Version 1.00 Vs 1.08 Comparison [edit: BUG]

Of course it's not AF, looks like the second one is cropped and interpolated to make it look like it is the same scene. Half of this video has the look of falsified data.

It's not cropped to make it look like that. Must be something like either there's an option for some incredibly poor DOF/blur effect option which blurs the whole image that was used in one run but not the other or there's some blur added when you go higher than street level or a capturing rendering issue done deliberately or by mistake.


Who cares about the why. Intentional or not it's unacceptable. You can't force everyone to see the unacceptable actions from the exact same perspective.

You can comment on people rushing to judgment in an obnoxious way and still want it to be fixed, Jesus Christ.

Don't be in such a hurry to be mad at people just because their perspective on this doesn't perfectly align with yours.


Car deformation is totally gone, either as a bug or they meant to do it.

I took a few cars, some of them mine, some of them off the street.

I then rammed them back and forth between two walls, making sure id at least get enough speed before hitting the walls to do some good damage.

Each car, I rammed front and back, each car had nothing more than scratches, and the fenders/bumpers falling off.

I spent about 10 minutes with each car, ramming back and forth till they started smoking and one of them even blew up just from that.

I also took some cars off the street into an ally, took out some melee weapons and started to bash all sides of the cars and each of the 4 corners of the cars.

I used baseball bats, hammers, axes, golf clubs, no matter how hard i tried, the best I could do were scratches.

previously even this would result in minor dents and slow deformation over time with each hit.

The games damage models are gone. Flat out gone.

If this is a bug, it needs to be fixed asap.

If this was intended, then i will no longer play the game and not buy the PC version when it comes out, as I was intending to.

Removing a core feature of a gta game, is beyond imaginable. Whats next? no more guns because the netcode causes too much bandwidth to their servers? Come on...
Of course it's not AF, looks like the second one is cropped and interpolated to make it look like it is the same scene. Half of this video has the look of falsified data.
How can they "falsify" car deformation? The car clearly did not deform properly and a LOT of people have reported that elsewhere. Also, the parallax mapping does seem to be gone, and that's another thing they can't "falsify". I'm not sure what they're getting at with the AF stuff, but the car deformation + parallax stuff was correct.


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
It's not cropped to make it look like that. Must be something like either there's an option for some incredibly poor DOF/blur effect option which blurs the whole image that was used in one run but not the other or there's some blur added when you go higher than street level or a capturing rendering issue done deliberately or by mistake.

That would be hard to know unless you made the video or did the pixel counting to figure out the vertical and horizontal resolution from the edges. They look roughly the same time of day and altitude, but everything is blurry for no good reason, even close stuff where DOF didn't kick in.


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
How can they "falsify" car deformation? The car clearly did not deform properly and a LOT of people have reported that elsewhere. Also, the parallax mapping does seem to be gone, and that's another thing they can't "falsify". I'm not sure what they're getting at with the AF stuff, but the car deformation + parallax stuff was correct.

Did I say anything about the car deformation? I said "half", specifically the parts on " popping" and AF. The video showed no visavle difference is AF but the stills were again ultra blurry. I think they are inventing issues along with some real ones.


Each car, I rammed front and back, each car had nothing more than scratches, and the fenders/bumpers falling off.

The games damage models are gone. Flat out gone.
Obviously its not completely gone, as you mention above.

Removing a core feature of a gta game, is beyond imaginable. Whats next? no more guns because the netcode causes too much bandwidth to their servers? Come on...
Deformation-style damage is a 'core feature' of GTA? :/

I'm not saying its cool that it's gone, but c'mon.

Also, I'm pretty sure in the vid the OP posted, there is still *some* deformation. Just not like before.


its funny how people are always "Framerate > graphics" before a game comes out...now a developer may have downgraded some things to get a better frame rate and its a travesty...


I think the issue is that a dev has secretly downgraded the graphics of an already released game rather than whether people prefer graphics or framerate.

The Llama

Interesting. I definitely noticed the increased framerate but hadn't noticed any downgrade. So I guess for me I like the newest patch, though I can see why others would be mad.

Still think I'm gonna triple dip on PC though because I have a problem like that.

Hip Hop

its funny how people are always "Framerate > graphics" before a game comes out...now a developer may have downgraded some things to get a better frame rate and its a travesty...

If the framerate had jumped to 60fps, then you'd have a point. What you said is far from it. The changes in the framerate is so miniscule (If there is any) after the update, that this downgrade makes zero sense and it's far from worth it.

New update, going to test it now
If the framerate had jumped to 60fps, then you'd have a point. What you said is far from it. The changes in the framerate is so miniscule (If there is any) after the update, that this downgrade makes zero sense.

Exactly. The framerate was fine before aside from some occasional dips driving through the city.

This wasn't anywhere near an ACU situation


Well moment of truth. Do we want stable frame rates or the good stuff? One or the other. Anyone moaning about framerates can't really complain about this.

I watched the video, seemed like minor downgrades that don't vastly impact on the look of the game. If it performs more smoothly and its still 1080p I personally don't mind...

(Watched the video in HD on my phone, maybe looks much worse in person)


Just tested GTA:V using 1.09 and still no parallax mapping at Michael's driveway. AF still seems to be bad too.
I think the issue is that a dev has secretly downgraded the graphics of an already released game rather than whether people prefer graphics or framerate.

I think we still need to wait to hear more from Rockstar before talking about "secret" downgrades. The car damage stuff could be a glitch that happened when they added the armored cars for the heist update.


The prepatch version of GTA5 did not run fine at all. Driving through the city during daylight hours resulted in framerate drops on par with the PS3 and 360 versions. Now it doesn't do that. They improved the game.

Given Xbox One and PS4's near-identical visual setups, you'd expect some margin of victory in performance for Sony's more powerful platform. Targeting a fully v-synced 30fps, it's worth stressing that both consoles are, in the end, surprisingly adept at holding form. An initial hour-long play-test, for example, flags no substantial dips on either console, and only the odd dropped frame interrupts a usually perfect 30fps line. It's a solid performer regardless of which flag you fly.DF

Yeah, sounds like it didn't run fine. Please...... Do you even play the game?

Technically, Grand Theft Auto 5 for PS4 and Xbox One is an unmistakable product of last-gen design, but its re-release finesses the visuals enough to make Los Santos well worth revisiting. Both consoles receive even-handed treatment from Rockstar North, starting with the 1080p setup on each, and leading to the boosted texture resolution and broadened draw distances. Given the markdown in foliage density on Xbox One, we're surprised traffic shows no likewise downgrade around the city centre for the console - and that additions such as parallax occlusion mapping and screen-space reflections remain intact.DF



Obviously its not completely gone, as you mention above.

Deformation-style damage is a 'core feature' of GTA? :/

I'm not saying its cool that it's gone, but c'mon.

Also, I'm pretty sure in the vid the OP posted, there is still *some* deformation. Just not like before.

Well you could say they reverted the vehicle damage models back to 2004 san andreas standards.

You think thats acceptable in 2015? it NEEDS to be fixed, no arguing that at all. Remove the damn trees swaying if they are soo hard up on FPS.

The vid in the OP post patch shows NO deformation. At...all. Just panel removal and scratches. Same results I got in my tests.


Yeah, sounds like it didn't run fine. Please...... Do you even play the game?
Literally the next sentence in the article:

But once we venture on to later missions, certain buckling points start appearing on each console. For the PS4, this often manifests during speed races through busy downtown junctions, where a drop to 24fps constitutes our biggest performance dip.

What constitutes 'fine' is different from person to person, but it clearly did not run completely ideally.


Well moment of truth. Do we want stable frame rates or the good stuff? One or the other. Anyone moaning about framerates can't really complain about this.

I watched the video, seemed like minor downgrades that don't vastly impact on the look of the game. If it performs more smoothly and its still 1080p I personally don't mind...

(Watched the video in HD on my phone, maybe looks much worse in person)

this is simply my point...you cant scream that framerate is king and then complain when a developer makes framerate king by pulling back on the eye candy...

I agree that the framerate was fine before...after playing the game on the PS3, the PS4 version was great...but that isnt the point


It still ran and looked better than the console version. Your point?

Yup. On my Core 2 Duo E8600 and 8800 GT combo it looked much better and ran much better than the disastrous console versions. It was by no means a perfect port but performance was absolutely fine by me at the time (40-50fps with a mix of medium / high and max settings at 1600x900). Played it months after launch though (needed to upgrade my CPU).


Can they get sued for this? But seriously wtf. This is inexcusable.

Sued? Would you seriously contemplate suing over this?

I think the problem is more like when you give someone something, you don't take away another thing at the same time.

I think the issue is that a dev has secretly downgraded the graphics of an already released game rather than whether people prefer graphics or framerate.

Ok. Let's think about this for one second.

Can we agree there are two possibilities:

1) Rockstar's patch was glitched and some of these changes were accidental and will be fixed in the next patch.
2) Rockstar devs determined they needed to make these changes for the good of the game.

That is a complicated way to say -- they either did this on purpose, or they didn't. Right?

So... if it's by accident and it's going to get patched... well, okay, let's forgive them. All this talk of how they should be sued, or that it's bait and switch, or 'this gen is terrible' nonsense is ridiculous if it's just a simple mistake.

And if the devs decided it was important to make these concessions for the better of the game, even if we don't like it... well, don't you think they considered that? I mean, Rockstar has a massive amount of top notch devs working for them. If this was done on purpose, can't we at least assume they have reasons for it, perhaps very good ones? That is to say, shouldn't we at least give them the benefit of the doubt and wait for a statement rather than accusing them of terrible things?

Jumping to truly epic conclusions like 'bait & switch' -- "we're going to make our game look good at release then patch it to be ugly months later!" are so absurd it hurts. It's even sillier because many people didn't even notice any differences until they were pointed out to them. Let's tar and feather them!


Literally the next sentence in the article:

But once we venture on to later missions, certain buckling points start appearing on each console. For the PS4, this often manifests during speed races through busy downtown junctions, where a drop to 24fps constitutes our biggest performance dip.

What constitutes 'fine' is different from person to person, but it clearly did not run completely ideally.

A drop here and there doesn't mean on par with "PS3/360" levels. Running "fine" can be open to interpretation but let's not get carried away. Dropping the graphical fidelity so I don't have a second of 25fps driving through an intersection every now and then is not a good compromise for me.

I know you didn't say it, but you felt the need to butt in so there it is.


Well you could say they reverted the vehicle damage models back to 2004 san andreas standards.

You think thats acceptable in 2015? it NEEDS to be fixed, no arguing that at all. Remove the damn trees swaying if they are soo hard up on FPS.

The vid in the OP post patch shows NO deformation. At...all. Just panel removal and scratches. Same results I got in my tests.

There is still some deformation, its just drastically reduced.


I think people are seriously over reacting.
Small loss of detail is worth it for a solid 30fps rather than patchy 30fps.
Again, if this was done on purpose, this is absolutely disgraceful.

This is worse than any downgrade simply because they've taken your money first. Other downgrades may have been visually, much more significant but at least we knew when those games released.

Here, they've shown a product, allowed people to give them millions upon millions of dollars, then decided, fuck you, we're going to take some of your game back.

You simply cannot do that. Give an option to choose between the two sure, but you can't take money from paying customers and then downgrade it later. Simply not acceptable.

This coming from the same people that recently removed radio station tracks from the Steam version of GTA 3.

2) Rockstar devs determined they needed to make these changes for the good of the game.

That's not for them to decide. There was a finished product, hundreds of reviews, a few patches. We paid for the game, we had the game. So what if they decided suddenly half the story didn't make sense, or maybe that Trevor was a crap character. Would you be happy for them to simply remove that? Of course not.


This coming from the same people that recently removed radio station tracks from the Steam version of GTA 3.

That's actually a complicated situation due to licensed music. Record companies play hardball and they might have had no other choice if some rights changed hands or a contract expired. The end result is still shitty, mind you, but it's not like Rockstar MUST HAVE done it just to be malicious.

On Demand

I never had a problem with the frame rate. Stop speaking for everyone please. I'll take high visuals for a little, non noticeable, dip here and there.


A small loss of detail all of the time is worth it so you don't dip a few fps sometimes? I don't agree.

IMO a consistent experience is better than a non consistent experience, especially one that has no judder whatsoever.

I agree that the DOF doesnt look so good though.


"Never assign to malice what can be sufficiently explained by incompetence."

This is Rockstar we are talking about here. Probably an unintended bug.

Car damage bug is fixed. Just fucked up Franklin's car to the point where it couldn't steer.

aaaand done.


IMO a consistent experience is better than a non consistent experience, especially one that has no judder whatsoever.

I agree that the DOF doesnt look so good though.

I guess through PC gaming I've come to accept the fact that framerate is variable. The judder was never at a level to cause me grief in the game (the same cannot be said about the last-gen versions).


Well, having actually just gone and played it (PS4) instead of just looking at pictures, I'm going to file this one under "blown way the hell out of proportion". Yes, the "downgrade" is there, but I actually had to stop and stare at the ground to see it. At no point during normal gameplay was it even visible, much less noticeable. IMO, I don't consider it a downgradaton if it's not something that's noticeable at a glance. Anyone trying to file this under the same category as Watch_Dogs needs their head examined.

That said, I'm going to call it a bug and join the crowd that believes this was a change meant only for online that accidentally affected single-player as well, and will probably be resolved in 1.09.


Unfortunately this is the same time period where people complained about crysis being so heavy all day without realizing that you do not need to run the game at Very High. A very similar situation happened with GTAIV.

Please don't try and pretend GTA4 PC's bugs and horrible optimization was down to people not knowing how the Options worked.


I guess through PC gaming I've come to accept the fact that framerate is variable. The judder was never at a level to cause me grief in the game (the same cannot be said about the last-gen versions).

Funny you say that, im actually primarily a PC player, and for me i just turn 1 or 2 settings down to get my constant 60fps, you know just like R* have done to get a consistent experience on the consoles.

But yes last gen GTA V judder was insane.


I never had a problem with the frame rate. Stop speaking for everyone please. I'll take high visuals for a little, non noticeable, dip here and there.

I wonder how many of those claiming this is a good trade off, have the game on the affected platforms?
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