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How much should someone shower in a week?

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Once a day is fucking crazy. No one needs to shower that much unless your working outside in dirt or have a really labour intensive job. If you working out too then it makes sense. If your just working in an office or some other white collar job, you do not need ot shower everyday. You just don't. Thats completely psychological. Once or twice a week is fine for me too.

No, its not. I feel sorry for Your coworkers.

I'm surprised that people are showering less than once a day. I personally shower twice a day, i just cant go to bed without knowing that i'm clean. I need to shower in the morning after sleep and i need to shower after i get from work, and i work in the office
When i stay at home for a full day, i shower once.


Anything less than once a day is gross if you're a guy.

Once a day is fucking crazy. No one needs to shower that much unless your working outside in dirt or have a really labour intensive job. If you working out too then it makes sense. If your just working in an office or some other white collar job, you do not need ot shower everyday. You just don't. Thats completely psychological. Once or twice a week is fine for me too.

Got some bad news for ya bud. Everyone around you hates you. ;(
When I'm working mornings:
-Get up, bath, work, work-out, bath
When I'm working evenings:
-Get up, work-out, bath, work
-Get up, bath, work
-Get up, work-out, bath

So an average of 1.357 baths a day is ideal.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
If I'm leaving the house, I'm showering that day. It is law.


I shower 5-6 times a week. I don't sweat much at all and I've been told by people I trust to be honest with me that I don't smell, so I've never felt the need to shower more than once a day


I love how people here are talking in absolutes like we're all clones living in a vacuum with climate, physiological differences, occupation all being a complete non-factor. "Once a day is crazy!" "Less than once a day is crazy!"

leng jai

Once a day is fucking crazy. No one needs to shower that much unless your working outside in dirt or have a really labour intensive job. If you working out too then it makes sense. If your just working in an office or some other white collar job, you do not need ot shower everyday. You just don't. Thats completely psychological. Once or twice a week is fine for me too.

Good god. You must be one of those people that stink out the place without even realising it. Once every 2 days is tolerable but once a week is complete nonsense.


I love how people here are talking in absolutes like we're all clones living in a vacuum with climate, physiological differences, occupation all being a complete non-factor. "Once a day is crazy!" "Less than once a day is crazy!"

Exactly. One should also factor in the water situation within their location. Like I have to help my host grandmother wheelbarrow water for about 2/5th of a mile. If I bathed everyday, I would be wasting so much valuable water. So I stretch it out to a few days, unless I play futbol.

Back in Florida, I would shower once a day easily.


Once a day is fucking crazy. No one needs to shower that much unless your working outside in dirt or have a really labour intensive job. If you working out too then it makes sense. If your just working in an office or some other white collar job, you do not need ot shower everyday. You just don't. Thats completely psychological. Once or twice a week is fine for me too.
Twice a week? Ah. You're one of those.
If you shower at night, why do you need to shower again the next morning?


I live somewhere where it's hot as fuck. So I sweat a little during the night and at work as well. Which leaves out not showering when I wake up. I do sometimes just say fuck it after work, and do not shower, but most of the time it feels a lot nicer to just take a quick shower. and you now, you might work out as well or some other physical activity where a shower would be nice.


Yeah, no shit, if you're living somewhere where you literally have to haul water to your house to shower, maybe you should think twice about overdoing it.

But if you live somewhere where there isn't a water shortage and you have easy access to nice hot running water to your house, and you choose to not shower at least once a day, you're disgusting.

All this shit about "natural oils" is a joke. That's called grease, and that's what happens when you go too long without showering your disgusting, slime covered bodies you slobs.


Unconfirmed Member
I naturally shower twice a day, but if I poop I will always shower as well. And since I poop, on average, twice a day...


No, its not. I feel sorry for Your coworkers.

I'm surprised that people are showering less than once a day. I personally shower twice a day, i just cant go to bed without nothing that i'm clean. I need to shower in the morning after sleep and i need to shower after i get from work, and i work in the office
When i stay at home for a full day, i shower once.

That's exactly what RangerX was saying: the issue and habit is psychological. You don't need those two showers because you're dirty in less than 12 hours, you need them because you want to feel clean.

It's a case of wanting vs. actually needing to.
Once a day, wash my hair every other day.

Sometimes I go a day without showering but I wash my face, brush my hair and teeth and use deoderant.


three times a week. But my Hair five times. I have Atopic dermatitis and to much showering destroyes the natural shield of the skin.

I do not stink and the fauna of your skin will thank you.


I feel gross if I don't shower once a day, partly because I have oily skin.

That's exactly what RangerX was saying: the issue and habit is psychological. You don't need those two showers because you're dirty in less than 12 hours, you need them because you want to feel clean.

It's a case of wanting vs. actually needing to.

There's also the possibility that he needs to shower more often than that, but doesn't realize how bad he smells to his coworkers.


That's exactly what RangerX was saying: the issue and habit is psychological. You don't need those two showers because you're dirty in less than 12 hours, you need them because you want to feel clean.

It's a case of wanting vs. actually needing to.

But You are dirty after being outside of home for 10+ hours. People can debate if they need to shower after sleep, but i personally just need to, i feel it if i dont do it - maybe it is in part psychological, but not completely. Most people sweat quite a lot while sleeping btw.
And i personally dont sweat much in comparison to many people i know.
at least once a day

twice if you work out or have a long day at the office

Do you exude broth?

I shower daily, after workout, but it's otherwise really ok to go for a couple of days without it.

Also, in Italy there are bidets in every home, using that and washing your face and armpits in the morning is perfectly good hygiene.


Once a day is fucking crazy. No one needs to shower that much unless your working outside in dirt or have a really labour intensive job. If you working out too then it makes sense. If your just working in an office or some other white collar job, you do not need ot shower everyday. You just don't. Thats completely psychological. Once or twice a week is fine for me too.

Please let honest people smell you once. IT COULD be that you are one of the crazy people that have healthy diet and don't sweat at all or you are one of the crazy people whose smell always smells fruity (like mine, even though I don't use deo or shit like this, but I also shower daily..).

Maybe you also clean your arm pits, face etc. with a washing cloth? That could be good too, many people do this and it isn't considered showering of course so there could be people that shower more rarely. If you don't do this, you have to be a ubermensch that got a crazy good smell or you just stink and everyone lies to you.


Telling others they're disgusting for not showeing as much as you do is a little weird. Everyone is different, not everyone sweats as much and needs to shower as often. Maybe someone is okay with twice a week. What does it matter to you?

I shower every 2 days, sometimes every 3 days depending on how lazy i feel. I have pretty straight up friends and colleagues who would tell me if i stink, and no one ever has.
If you exercise even a little please don't come to gym without showering within the last 2 days. It's really awful being blasted by that smell in the weight room


Generally once a day,mornings when working. I'll skip on lazy inside days. I'll most likely shower before going out to pubs/bars etc. Festivals though,all bets are off as there really is no point,just make sure to keep my hands and face clean.

I can completely understand showering less though. It isn't as necessary as people think (obviously in relation to where you live/work). And the hyper obsession with cleanliness with some on gaf is baffling


i cant shower other than in the morning otherwise my body feels itchy and i cant sleep

I skipped a shower recently and had the exact problem at night - felt itchy, made me uncomfortable, couldn't sleep as a result. Had to take a shower at 3 am and slept perfectly afterwards.

But man, those people who need to shower after they poop? Do you cover your entire ass with shit spray or am I missing something? Poop comes out hole, hole gets cleaned, done. Are you germophobic by any chance?


Please let honest people smell you once. IT COULD be that you are one of the crazy people that have healthy diet and don't sweat at all or you are one of the crazy people whose smell always smells fruity (like mine, even though I don't use deo or shit like this, but I also shower daily..).

Maybe you also clean your arm pits, face etc. with a washing cloth? That could be good too, many people do this and it isn't considered showering of course so there could be people that shower more rarely. If you don't do this, you have to be a ubermensch that got a crazy good smell or you just stink and everyone lies to you.

I don't really sweat at all no unless I'm doing something strenuous, after which I'd have a shower. It is purely societal conditioning and psychological habit that you need to shower every day. That only makes sense if your doing hard physical activity. How bad is your health if you smell terrible after a day or two without a shower. Theres something wrong there if you do. I know I don't stink, friends when I'm working have actually come up to me to slag off the stinky co-worker . I don't join in of course, Its probably glandular. Its never been a problem in the bedroom either. People really don't smell after two days without a shower


Modesty becomes a woman
I can't sleep without showering. 7 times a week.

I do shower before bed and not when waking up, which a lot of people find strange. I find it strange to get dirty and sweat all day, sleep in it, and then shower.


I shower once a week, as I have eczema so if I shower more often it starts to flare up. Couldn't even do twice a week without it flaring up.
But You are dirty after being outside of home for 10+ hours. People can debate if they need to shower after sleep, but i personally just need to, i feel it if i dont do it - maybe it is in part psychological, but not completely. Most people sweat quite a lot while sleeping btw.
And i personally dont sweat much in comparison to many people i know.

You are not dirty if you're doing anything other a manual labour job and that's only because you can see literal dirt on you. It's completely psychological unless if you have microscopic eyes. The amount of time or whether you're outside of your home is irrelevant, it's about how much physical activity is happening if we're talking about your main concern which is sweat. Sweating is a rare occurrence in most non-manual jobs unless if you're having to run around at work. The outside isn't any dirtier than your home. There is bacteria everywhere, and your body has a symbiotic relationship with them on different parts of your body unless if your immune system is busted. You can't tell if you're going to spread a disease or get one so it's least stressful to just assume that as long as you're not feeling any symptoms it's all fine.

Ignorance really is bliss here than overanalysing which can increase your stress hormones and that can reduce your immune system, hence leading to getting sick. Those 10 hours outside are of no harm to require (rather than prefer) a shower every single day. If you're sweating every single day after 10 hours in a non-manual job where you're not really running, there might be other factors at play.


Modesty becomes a woman
If you're sweating every single day after 10 hours in a non-manual job where you're not really running, there might be other factors at play.

Even just sleeping, you sweat.

Your body is constantly "sweating". You just can't really notice it because it isn't in overdrive mode. Do you not notice that your pee is darker when you wake up? If your body Isn't doing some kind of sweating then that's when you have the problem.

P.S. Sweat is basically pee as well. It's Urea, Salt, and water. Which is why you smell so bad after a while.


You are not dirty if you're doing anything other a manual labour job and that's only because you can see literal dirt on you. It's completely psychological unless if you have microscopic eyes. The amount of time or whether you're outside of your home is irrelevant, it's about how much physical activity is happening if we're talking about your main concern which is sweat. Sweating is a rare occurrence in most non-manual jobs unless if you're having to run around at work.
Yeah, so what with 90% men having sweaty armpits spots on their shirts before 10am?
It only get worse as the time flybys and thats not even considering other parts of Your body.

People sweat a lot, thats a fact and sweat that is caused by stress situations, which is quite a lot for typical working person i imagine, stinks heavily.
I shower once a day at the very least. During the summer months and days where I exercise I have two a day. A bit excessive maybe but I like to feel fresh
Even just sleeping, you sweat.

Your body is constantly "sweating". You just can't really notice it because it isn't in overdrive mode. Do you not notice that your pee is darker when you wake up? If your body Isn't doing some kind of sweating then that's when you have the problem.

P.S. Sweat is basically pee as well. It's Urea, Salt, and water. Which is why you smell so bad after a while.

Yeah, we're talking about the noticeable apocrine kind of sweat (armpits, genitals).

Your pee is darker because you're not drinking when you're sleeping.

Sweat smells bad because of bacteria on the skin breaking it down into acids (helped by hairy armpits trapping the sweat and odour), and that's usually with the apocrine gland sweat secretion which results in body odour because they contain lots of proteins which bacteria like to munch on.


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
wtf? Once a week? Thats gross.

At least everyday, twice in summer.

The longest I have been without shower is 2 days, sometimes during exam times. But thats about it.
At least once a day. I often shower twice eg always in the morning and then again after sport, or before going out in the evening.

Your parents are anti-social freaks.


once a day, wash your hair every other day. (too much hair washing can be bad for your hair.)

Washing your hair every other day is washing your hair too often for most people.

Those going on about showering twice a day with once a day being the absolute bare minimum of personal hygiene shouldn't project onto others just because they get greasy really quickly. Not everyone has the same skin as you, what may work for you may not by appropriate for someone else.
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