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How much should someone shower in a week?

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Neo Member
I was joking earlier in the thread, but do you people not use deodorant? If you need to shower three times a day to not have reek despite antiperspirant you might have a medical issue.

Not to say it doesn't make sense to shower after working out or whatnot, but god damn.

When I get up in the morning to go to work I have to take a shower because I feel musty from being in bed all night, plus it helps me wake up.

Now I work 12 hrs shifts, wearing a uniform in a dirty ass jail. They first thing I do when I get home is shower. Now that's just standard. If I happen to workout, well that's shower number three afterwards.

I know everyone is a bit different when it comes to perspiring, but if you can go every other day without showering and not smell like a dirty sock, well I envy you.


When I get up in the morning to go to work I have to take a shower because I feel musty from being in bed all night, plus it helps me wake up.

Now I work 12 hrs shifts, wearing a uniform in a dirty ass jail. They first thing I do when I get home is shower. Now that's just standard. If I happen to workout, well that's shower number three afterwards.

I know everyone is a bit different when it comes to perspiring, but if you can go every other day without showering and not smell like a dirty sock, well I envy you.

Fair enough, you're a cleaner man than I. I'd skip the shower post work, but I can totally understand if you want to clean the grime off after a long shift.


Man, I feel gross going a day without showering. I do it 12 times a week, twice on working weekdays and once on Saturday and Sunday each.


Every other day for me, unless I've been doing some heavy exercising or I just feel I need one like after a night out etc. I sweat very little, like it's pretty much non existent even after exercising but people who easily get armpit stains etc. should wash at least once.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Everyday and always after work or a work out.

I know people who don't shower after working a physical job, will have sex, sleep in their filth, and then shower in the morning....
I shower if it's necessary and that's usually every other day after my workout. Even with this rhythm I use the soap and water rather strictly.
Despite all that washing the face and feet will be washed at least 2 times a day. The manly parts will be cleaned with a simple towel.

I somehow can see all the fungi on the walls of some people here D:

leng jai

Once a day as a standard. I usually take a second one if I play tennis that day or do any other physically strenuous activities that day. Once a week is simply grotesque.
ITT I learned dennis shits 3 times a day, might want to see a doctor about that:p

A whole week seems like a long time OP

I grew up in the country in a house without running water (pump and a well), no electricity grid (generator and oil lamps and a propane tank) , where bathing was done like in the viking days, you'd boil water and add it to an iron tub of water to sit in.

Washing up was done at the sink with soap and a wash cloth (again filling a small tub with hot water:p) in the mornings and after working/exercise, but bathing was only done twice a week.

Never had any skin conditions and always had pristine healthy skin.

You won't stink if you wash up at the sink in the morning or after you sweat a lot
I shower daily now for the last x years but my skin has gone to shit, not sure if it's due to it or not. I used to have skin like in those airbrushed photos, not a single mark on it.

Do your parents wash up? Do they stink?

Having to shower daily is some garbage the companies that sell skin care products and soap have come up with.

edit : fat people need to shower wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more btw
they sweat like pigs and bacteria build up in between those skin folds


Once a day. I'm up in Canada though ... when visiting south of around the 35th (South Carolina or lower) then twice a day.

In the summertime I often do shower twice a day. Anything less than once a day is gross to me personally.
You people who shower after every shit need more fiber in your lives.

I wash my hair every two or three days, so I shower every two or three days. Except in the summer or when I've been sweating, then it's as needed, usually daily, sometimes twice a day on really hot/humid days.

do you shit every day? then shower every day. it builds up. do you go to work every day? then shower every day.
Once a day, usually in the morning before work, then If I've mustered a sweat then I'll take another in the shower in the evening.

once a week is gross.


Once a day at least, particularly when I'm working or during the summer it can get to twice every second day (or maybe every day, who knows).


Depending on the events of the actual week, I usually shower around 3-4 times, so basically every other day. Sometimes I go 5, but I can also go 3 days without showering if it doesn't feel necessary. I never shower less than 3 times a week or more than 5 times.
Twice a day is so excessive if you aren't working out. I generally shower once a day but every once in a while if I'm about to be a slob all day I wake up and throw on a hat over my bed head and don't shower.
GAF - Says that unless you shower twice a day, as well as after taking a shit and never piss in the shower and wipe your ass with baby wipes 100+ times and scrub yourself after sex, your are dirty and disgusting and a vile smelly piece of shit.

REALITY - Shower once a day, or everyother day at most, and you're good (and just like everyone else).


Lotsa water wasters here.

If you're going to be close to people then you want to shower more regularly, also wear deodorant of some kind. Natural stonk can't be washed away all the time because your body produces it (relative to the food you eat mostly), overshowering esp with soap leaves my skin dry and gives me a rash.

Every day seems really excessive unless you are working in the mud.


i think i might've once gone three weeks at my studio near uni, working on a paper. no exercise, slept in a hammock.

i ordered in a lot, and avoided human contact at all cost.

took me about an hour to scrub free the dead skin cells in the shower.

it's w/e, it really wasn't that bad. 9/10 on the who gives a shit meter.
It's fascinating to me how zealous most of GAF seems about stuff like this. Once a day is a "bare minimum"? Maybe if you live in a hot environment. Obviously it's different if you work out routinely or have a physically taxing job, but under relatively neutral circumstances (light activity, periods of rest) every other day actually seems more healthy. If you're a greasy, stinking, unclean mess after one day without showering I'd say you're dirty by nature. More likely though you're just paranoid and wasteful, particularly if you're also in the camp that washes their towels and sheets daily. The meaningless waste of resources is a far more egregious sin than being slightly less fresh than the cool breeze after a spring rain.

I personally shower every other day, thoroughly. If I'm unusually pressed for time I might even go two whole days (which it would appear makes me a filthy mongrel in the eyes of the average gaffer :p). If I exert myself physically I might shower two days in a row. The only time I shower more than once if if I've done something overtly taxing or dirty, like fucking or deep cleaning my apartment. Not a single soul has ever told me I smell bad, and often the women I've been involved with prefer my natural odor at the end of the day to right from the shower. In fact, I'm often complimented on smelling nice. :)

And although I appreciate a world of modern convenience where the senses aren't under constant assault by pungent body odors, this whole thing about once a day being mandatory is hilariously culturally monotone and ahistorical. The world has and in many instances still does get away with less, and without any terrible consequences. If your your living habits are generally hygienic more often than not someone wouldn't even be able to guess you've gone 24 hours without showering, even at close range. And I doubt even obsessive 3 shower a day GAF would be able to pick me out of a random lineup on an average no-shower day. In fact, moderate people like me may be amongst you already, in greater numbers than you think!

In regards to the OP, your parents sound pretty lax. Once a week is a stretch for anyone living a regular lifestyle imo, and invites bacterial and fungal growth. Your natural oils take some time to accumulate, but once they hit critical mass with the sweat and grime of several days activity some funk is inevitable. And although I usually don't shower every day like clockwork, I can't see why they would be surprised that you do. As this thread has made abundantly clear, it's rather common.


I will skip a day sometimes when I know that I won't be leaving the house. If I know I'm leaving the house, I'll shower.
I don't care about any health related issues or being overly hygienic I just know that after about 12-15 hours my hair is greasy as fuck, and ain't nobody got time for that. My greasy hair usually makes me shower twice a day, the only time I don't is when I do really long stretches of work (18-30 hours) where I'm stuck in a desk outside my house the whole time.
It's fascinating to me how zealous most of GAF seems about stuff like this. Once a day is a "bare minimum"? Maybe if you live in a hot environment. Obviously it's different if you work out routinely or have a physically taxing job, but under relatively neutral circumstances (light activity, periods of rest) every other day actually seems more healthy. If you're a greasy, stinking, unclean mess after one day without showering I'd say you're dirty by nature. More likely though you're just paranoid and wasteful, particularly if you're also in the camp that washes their towels and sheets daily. The meaningless waste of resources is a far more egregious sin than being slightly less fresh than the cool breeze after a spring rain.

I personally shower every other day, thoroughly. If I'm unusually pressed for time I might even go two whole days (which it would appear makes me a filthy mongrel in the eyes of the average gaffer :p). If I exert myself physically I might shower two days in a row. The only time I shower more than once if if I've done something overtly taxing or dirty, like fucking or deep cleaning my apartment. Not a single soul has ever told me I smell bad, and often the women I've been involved with prefer my natural odor at the end of the day to right from the shower. In fact, I'm often complimented on smelling nice. :)

And although I appreciate a world of modern convenience where the senses aren't under constant assault by pungent body odors, this whole thing about once a day being mandatory is hilariously culturally monotone and ahistorical. The world has and in many instances still does get away with less, and without any terrible consequences. If your your living habits are generally hygienic more often than not someone wouldn't even be able to guess you've gone 24 hours without showering, even at close range. And I doubt even obsessive 3 shower a day GAF would be able to pick me out of a random lineup on an average no-shower day. In fact, moderate people like me may be amongst you already, in greater numbers than you think!

In regards to the OP, your parents sound pretty lax. Once a week is a stretch for anyone living a regular lifestyle imo, and invites bacterial and fungal growth. Your natural oils take some time to accumulate, but once they hit critical mass with the sweat and grime of several days activity some funk is inevitable. And although I usually don't shower every day like clockwork, I can't see why they would be surprised that you do. As this thread has made abundantly clear, it's rather common.

People here are zealous about certain practices because advertising and social pressure has been zealous towards them about showering every day over decades that it's become inconvertible fact. It's not enough to have a preference based on contextual circumstances, there needs to be a judgment call on others based on no facts just like the same ruthless techniques advertising employs to have their way be superior to everything else.


Maybe like 5 times a week for me. I skip the odd day here and there if I haven't been very active or didn't sport.

Since I'm not fat I don't have a body odor problem which requires constant care.


People keep telling me showering every day isn't optimal. Is too much shampoo bad for your hair or something?

(for the record, I also shower every day, usually twice when I work out)

I shower twice a day, and in the morning I only use conditioner. At night, I just use water.

I stopped using shampoo a long time ago. Literally nothing changed, except that I didn't have to buy shampoo anymore
I Shower once a day at least, more if i feel dirty or i'm going out
My girlfriend showers maybe 3/4 times a week and its just alien to me to not shower every day


Every other day.

Maybe everyday in the summer if it's hot, i naturally do not sweat much.

If someone does exercise then yes you should really shower after that.
At least 5 days (the whole work week)
I find my hair becomes a greasy mess every morning when I wake up so I need to shower to wash my hair. On weekends it depends on whether or not I'm leaving the house. (not very likely)


Right arm sweats like crazy when I go to work and back home. Showering every day because of my thick hair (and styling products). Also to wake up and feel fresh. Showering twice if I worked out, but I try to do this in the morning so that I just have to shower once.
Sometimes I skip a day on the weekend when I don't have to go outside and do shit.


Once a day is fucking crazy. No one needs to shower that much unless your working outside in dirt or have a really labour intensive job. If you working out too then it makes sense. If your just working in an office or some other white collar job, you do not need ot shower everyday. You just don't. Thats completely psychological. Once or twice a week is fine for me too.


Maturity, bitches.
Whenever you're not posting on GAF.

That's what your life should be reduced to, GAF and showering.
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