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The Metroid Other M Drinking Game


Metroid: Other M wasn't that bad overall. Yeah, there's some dumb design choices and plot stuff, but I'd play a sequel.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
So is OP still alive?

Game is shit

This gif deserves to be brought up whenever someone defends Other M as anything more than an example of everything wrong with modern "cinematic" game design.

It's almost ironic because the Prime series did this with all the power ups in plain sight using walls of glass and got away with it
yeah, it's "crazy" to dislike Other M. Okay.

Also, the post you quoted...

Nuance? Subtlety?


No, it's not crazy to dislike it. I don't even like it that much. But a ridiculous amount of people are being more than hyperbolic in their hate for the game, even five fucking years later... Calling for Sakamoto's head, saying it ruined/killed Metroid/Samus. It's absolutely childish and ridiculous.
It's almost ironic because the Prime series did this with all the power ups in plain sight using walls of glass and got away with it
Yeah, and that's the smart thing to do in situations like that. If there was a pane of glass between you and that missile that gif wouldn't even exist. But Metroid Other M is not a smart game.
Metroid: Other M wasn't that bad overall. Yeah, there's some dumb design choices and plot stuff, but I'd play a sequel.

No, it wasn't that bad. There's a decent game under there.

- The boss fights are pretty good. The design of the bosses are cool, the Ridley fight is really good. I think people give the bosses a little too hard of a time, they're not a problem with the game.

- On that note, actually the end game stuff with Ridley is fine. I don't see the issue with Ridley escaping and being finished off by the Queen and it explained why Fusion had a random dried Ridley corpse. The early game birdie nonsense is stupid and Samus' breakdown was bad. And in a perfect world Samus would have shot Ridley last and not Anthony. Honestly they should have waited until after Anthony fell to have Samus break down because that would be more believable to me. I also would have swapped Adam for Anthony and had this be where Adam dies. That would cause her to break down, losing her parents to Ridley and then losing the closest she has to a human family member (in my world, Adam would be a better person and an actual friend to Samus) to Ridley. And rather than just waking up and fighting as if the break down never happened, her fighting Ridley would be fueled by rage and vengeance and not whatever the heck it was fueled by in Other M. Samus generally keeps her emotions close and seeing her go into a fury at Ridley breaking the final straw would have been believable and appropriate for her character. Before delivering the final blow, the ship shakes or something and he gets away. Upon seeing his corpse later, she's regretful she didn't get to finish him off, but she's left with a sinking feeling this isn't the end for Ridley.

- The enemy designs are very nice. Colorful, faithful to the Super Sprites, but updated for a more modern appearance. New enemies fit in fine with long time favorites.

- Samus' suit looks nice. Well suited for this game where she's more mobile and agile. Prime's/Super's suit would have looked ridiculous with her movement. ZSS is fine too, just too short and the heels are dumb. It just needed the power suit shoulders and the gravity suit colors and it would have been perfect for this game.

- Samus flipping around and being acrobatic is a nice change from tank Samus in Prime. Except they ruined it by making tank Samus be the only way to use missiles and grapple but removing any mobility from Samus, slowing the whole thing down for no reason.


It's almost ironic because the Prime series did this with all the power ups in plain sight using walls of glass and got away with it

These... are not in any way near the same thing. In the Other M gif the player is stopped from continuing into what looks like an explore-able area by a blatant invincible wall.

In Prime the power ups could be seen as soon as you were meant to get them, or earlier than that. Most of readily visible power ups were behind mechanism, locked cells or rooms that allowed you to see from the inside that you were supposed to get there. It was the game's way of telling the players that they have to eventually get past this obstacle, and if you didn't have the tools to do it at the moment, you knew then that once you got new power ups, that one was waiting for you right there.

Basically, It enticed the players to try out their arsenal to see if they could get the item, if they couldn't get it, they could infer they were missing something and had to explore somewhere else.


No, it's not crazy to dislike it. I don't even like it that much. But a ridiculous amount of people are being more than hyperbolic in their hate for the game, even five fucking years later... Calling for Sakamoto's head, saying it ruined/killed Metroid/Samus. It's absolutely childish and ridiculous.

Most of the decisions that make the game what it is is really thanks to Sakamoto.
People called for Lucas's head after what he did with the PT.
If you dine at a restaurant and you get sick after that, you won't get to that restaurant again if you know the chef is still there.
Most of the decisions that make the game what it is is really thanks to Sakamoto.
People called for Lucas's head after what he did with the PT.
If you dine at a restaurant and you get sick after that, you won't get to that restaurant again if you know the chef is still there.

That would be true if Sakamoto hadn't previously made dozens of incredible games, including one many regard as the greatest game of all time. But he did. Even the best developers of all time, including the great Miyamoto, have a stain or two on their record. That does not make them "terrible chefs."


That would be true if Sakamoto hadn't previously made dozens of incredible games, including one many regard as the greatest game of all time. But he did. Even the best developers of all time, including the great Miyamoto, have a stain or two on their record. That does not make them "terrible chefs."

Continuing this analogy, if a great chef makes something stomach-churningly awful, you do insist that that chef stop making that and to hopefully never make it again.

Sakamoto I do insist is a good game designer, but he's a very poor storyteller and character writer. Those aren't his strengths.

Going with another analogy, it's like Michael Jordan playing baseball. Sure, he can do it. He did do it. But that's not what he excelled at. I would never label Michael Jordan a bad athlete, but many would say he wasn't a great baseball player.


That would be true if Sakamoto hadn't previously made dozens of incredible games, including one many regard as the greatest game of all time. But he did. Even the best developers of all time, including the great Miyamoto, have a stain or two on their record. That does not make them "terrible chefs."

Sakamoto is not a bad game designer, he's just woefully incompetent in the role he fullfilled for Metroid Other M.
He's clearly not in the mood of doing something like this again considering his output, everyone is happy with him making Rythm Heaven and Tomodachi games till he retire.
Clearly we're never getting anything original from him on Metroid again and he doesn't want to anyway.
Actually Miyamoto hasn't directed a game in a long time so he's not a good comparison at all.


Other M perfectly translated Samus' movement and combat from 2D to 3D. The level design was lacking but I still enjoyed the game because controlling Samus felt so good. I've grown sick of the Prime style that over emphasizes combat and never want to go back to tank Samus ever again.

BTW, have you tried hard mode? That's where the game really shines.

Other m's base mechanics are really good, and i rather enjoyed them. They have a few flaws, but overall they really shine as a foundation for translating 2d metroids mechanics into 3d space, in ways that really put the prime games to shame.

However, that just exemplifies how bad the design of the game was, and the piss poor implementation of invisible walls everywhere to keep us from using the excellent tools provided our way, the horrible excess of one way only funneling, nothing to actually find, and being forced to go the way the story says instead of exploring and discovering 'the path'.

The base control mechanics are only a part of the metroid game experience, and as has been demonstrated time and again, a part that is near inconsequential to the aspect and satisfaction that comes from the series exploration design, which the first prime nailed.

People like a lumbering tank samus that can actually explore better than a fully movement functional samus in a cage.


Except for when you're actually proven wrong by actual game?


She wake without her suit.
The fact that the officer mentions that he cleaned up the suit means that Samus isn't aware of what they did to her suit while she was conscious so they actually removed it while she was unconscious which is another inconsistencies with Fusion (major reason why they surgically removed her suit was because she couldn't remove while unconscious after all).

And I guess you missed the implications that brings with it.

Yes if the US President closed Guantanamo and bombed it before anyone had a chance to make any investigation that would totally redeem the USA!

There is nothing about that that implies they removed the suit. Samus could have been wearing it while she was unconscious and it dematerialized after they cleaned it. If they said that they removed it or showed Samus having to retrieve her suit you might* have had a point, but nothing the game shows or says is inconsistent in that regard. Samus has to will the suit into existence, so how would they get the suit if they found her unconscious and not wearing it? So she MUST have had the suit on when they found her. Simplest answer.

*I say "might" because Fusion is also a special case where her suit had been infected by the X parasites, so it's not a solid example to hold as to how her suit should normally function.


No... what part of the government wasn't behind the evil plot aren't you getting? It's more like:

The Tea Party secretly forms a weapons research lab based on a report saying it was a bad idea that the US government agreed with. The weapons go amok and threaten the world. The US President sends in a team to disarm the weapons and secure any survivors as witnesses to what the Tea Party did. The Tea Party sends a spy/assassin and a corrupt military team of their own. The team working for the US President is successful in destroying the weapons and securing the lone survivor, but the Tea Party manages to salvage some of their research. The US destroys the research lab so it can't be used anymore.

In Fusion it's more like either the Tea Party had secretly taken control of the whole government or they were still a small group and Samus was unwittingly working for them (since as Other M shows they have official military officers at their disposal) and she has no proof of that they were behind it and planning to make weapons since she destroyed all of the evidence. They can accuse her of being a terrorist who destroyed a Federation research lab and an entire planet.
You've basically written fan fiction to try and explain Fusion and Other M inconsistencies...

"Could have"
"Maybe they did this"

Those aren't words for a strong argument.


There is nothing about that that implies they removed the suit. Samus could have been wearing it while she was unconscious and it dematerialized after they cleaned it. If they said that they removed it or showed Samus having to retrieve her suit you might* have had a point, but nothing the game shows or says is inconsistent in that regard. Samus has to will the suit into existence, so how would they get the suit if they found her unconscious and not wearing it? So she MUST have had the suit on when they found her. Simplest answer.

*I say "might" because Fusion is also a special case where her suit had been infected by the X parasites, so it's not a solid example to hold as to how her suit should normally function.

Or they could have been consistent with every other depiction of Samus before and not make Samus armor as some kind of Power Ranger rippoff.
True, it wasn't shown at all before but it made sense (seeing as how we see Samus with her helmet in her arm, it's no wonder people thought it was a physical object and not the manifestation of her insecurity or whatever.

No... what part of the government wasn't behind the evil plot aren't you getting? It's more like:

that's the plot of Fusion, since Other M rehashes so much of Fusion's plot, you won't hold it against me if it can't be viewed that way.

The Tea Party secretly forms a weapons research lab based on a report saying it was a bad idea that the US government agreed with. The weapons go amok and threaten the world. The US President sends in a team to disarm the weapons and secure any survivors as witnesses to what the Tea Party did. The Tea Party sends a spy/assassin and a corrupt military team of their own. The team working for the US President is successful in destroying the weapons and securing the lone survivor, but the Tea Party manages to salvage some of their research. The US destroys the research lab so it can't be used anymore.

In Fusion it's more like either the Tea Party had secretly taken control of the whole government or they were still a small group and Samus was unwittingly working for them (since as Other M shows they have official military officers at their disposal) and she has no proof of that they were behind it and planning to make weapons since she destroyed all of the evidence. They can accuse her of being a terrorist who destroyed a Federation research lab and an entire planet.
Nice try though.
It's specifically stated that there's 2 factions in the Federation, one for and one against.
The action of the faction that sent Adam doesn't redeem the Federation as a whole.
Especially since they're actually doing the same shit in Fusion.
By the end of Other M, nothing of value have been done.
Adam is dead, MB is in custody or dead (who cares at this point), the experiments continue.
Really the manga does a better job explaining why and how Adam is important to Samus to fill the gaps left by Metroid Fusion.


I still can't believe Other M was the game that basically killed the Metroid series.. :(

Can't believe Super Metroid was the game that basically killed the Metroid series :(

The gap between Metroid 1 and Metroid 2 was 5 years, between Super Metroid and Prime it was 8 years. Compare that with eight original Metroid games in the same timeframe from 2002 - 2010. Sales of the Metroid games were already going down with each new game released, blaming the "death" of the series on Other M is stupid. Seems more like a case of oversaturation, with Other M admittedly performing weaker than expected.


Other m didnt kill the series, the disproportioned, non sensical, screeching, unclear bile spewing 'fanbase' reaction to other m did.

Yeah it's totally the fanbase's fault if Other M failed to sell!
After all if the game was recognised like the genius it really is, it would have been like Super Metroid again!

Can't believe Super Metroid was the game that basically killed the Metroid series :(

The gap between Metroid 1 and Metroid 2 was 5 years, between Super Metroid and Prime it was 8 years. Compare that with eight original Metroid games in the same timeframe from 2002 - 2010. Sales of the Metroid games were already going down with each new game released, blaming the "death" of the series on Other M is stupid. Seems more like a case of oversaturation, with Other M admittedly performing weaker than expected.

We got Other M because the Prime games weren't selling in Japan.
In the same way we got Twilight Princess because WindWaker was being a dud in the west, we got Other M because they weren't getting any more successful in Japan with Retro's direction anyway.
The trilogy was finished, it was a way of making something different to try to expand the fanbase.
It backfired...badly.
Other m didnt kill the series, the disproportioned, non sensical, screeching, unclear bile spewing 'fanbase' reaction to other m did.

lol no.

The poor sales and poor critical reception of Other M put the Metroid series on hiatus.

Other M was in the bargain bin a few months after release, unheard of for major Nintendo releases. You can't possibly believe that's the fault of some made up fanbase in your head, right?

Can't believe Super Metroid was the game that basically killed the Metroid series :(

The gap between Metroid 1 and Metroid 2 was 5 years, between Super Metroid and Prime it was 8 years. Compare that with eight original Metroid games in the same timeframe from 2002 - 2010. Sales of the Metroid games were already going down with each new game released, blaming the "death" of the series on Other M is stupid. Seems more like a case of oversaturation, with Other M admittedly performing weaker than expected.

Metroid Prime was in development for the N64 originally, blame the N64's weak specs and Retro's inexperience for that hiatus. We ended up with a far better game than had they attempted to make it work on the N64.

There was also a GBC port/remake of Metroid II planned that was cancelled for unknown reasons.

Not really a comparable hiatus at all.


Other m didnt kill the series, the disproportioned, non sensical, screeching, unclear bile spewing 'fanbase' reaction to other m did.

The fanbase wouldn't have dragged the game through the mud if it didn't deserve it. Other M was and still is shit.
The worst thing about Other M is that, regardless of whether or not it killed the Metroid series, it set a precedent. Smash 4 uses primarily Metroid stuff from Other M, almost entirely ignoring the far superior Metroid games that came before it. My understanding is that Other M actually sold decently in Japan, so if/when we do get a new Metroid it could very well be the same awfully-written, abusive-relationship, mediocre non-Metroid gameplay drivel we got here. It's really, really sad.

I really ought to get out of this topic because I find people defending OM to be awfully depressing, but I want to just throw out a few key points:

1. Samus is never once said to have PTSD, there is never any mention of a reason as to why she would flip her shit over Ridley when she had canonically killed him multiple times before. This infamous scene serves to weaken Samus, presumably with some want to make her a stronger character but ends up coming off as... well, Samus is a girl and needs to be saved by Anthony, right??

2. There is a subplot involving Samus being usurped by Adam's authority when they were younger and Samus wished to save Adam's brother. This is brought up as a fairly obvious parallel to Adam usurping Samus wanting to kill the Metroids. The reason is to... show that Samus hasn't actually matured at all, and consistently needs an authority figure to tell her off when she tries to do anything heroic? What???

3. Other M impressively manages to contradict and create plot holes with every Metroid game that came before it, barring maybe Prime Pinball. It's almost impressive, really.

4. Samus had a character before Other M. A silent protagonist still has a character based on their actions - actions speak louder than words in most cases, and Samus has SHOWN this, repeatedly. Her character in Other M blatantly contradicts the Samus from literally every Metroid game before. Other M's Samus would never have been able to single-handedly infiltrate a Space Pirate base without her suit, as a quick and easy example.


The poor sales and poor critical reception of Other M put the Metroid series on hiatus.
Yeah, it didn't even crack 1 million.

Metroid series sales:

Metroid Prime was in development for the N64 originally, blame the N64's weak specs and Retro's inexperience for that hiatus. We ended up with a far better game than had they attempted to make it work on the N64.
I don't think so.
A Metroid game was indeed in development for N64 by an external developer but it isn't know who was (my guess would been DMA).


lol no.

The poor sales and poor critical reception of Other M put the Metroid series on hiatus.

Other M was in the bargain bin a few months after release, unheard of for major Nintendo releases. You can't possibly believe that's the fault of some made up fanbase in your head, right?

Other M sold on the low end of the metroid spectrum, but thats really irrelevent. Metroids never been a huge seller.

The problem is, nintendo has no idea WHY everyone hates other m, and the nonsensical ravings of butt hurt fans about inconsequential half fictional bullshit doesnt help in the slightest.

Take this thread for example. Whats the most visible noise you can see from this? Probably adam bull shit.

If nintendo released another metroid game like other m, but removing all the bs everyone here is shitting themselves about, it would still be poorly recieved because it would be a shittily designed metroid game.

But nintendo has no idea WHY they cant design a great exploration design anymore, because all the feedback they get is about inconsequental bullshit about adam and daddy issues
The worst thing about Other M is that, regardless of whether or not it killed the Metroid series, it set a precedent. Smash 4 uses primarily Metroid stuff from Other M, almost entirely ignoring the far superior Metroid games that came before it. My understanding is that Other M actually sold decently in Japan, so if/when we do get a new Metroid it could very well be the same awfully-written, abusive-relationship, mediocre non-Metroid gameplay drivel we got here. It's really, really sad.

Smash generally takes the most recent appearance of characters (especially with Samus where this has always been true), so I wouldn't think too much into it. The Other M assets are easy to port, which is why the majority of trophies and the one new stage are from it. The two new Metroid Assist trophies are from Zero Mission and Prime 2/3, where they could have easily just had Anthony out there. If you wanted to panic, you could panic if Adam was a playable character in Smash, but that didn't happen.

All the Wario stuff is from Game and Wario as well, and that game bombed, so Smash isn't really all that indicative of this stuff. It just does whatever is new and easy to model port, basically.

Also Samus' design in Other M is one of the better parts of the game. It looks fine.
The real suicidal drinking game would be where you have to drink whenever someone makes fun of other m without ever touching the game.


Other M sold on the low end of the metroid spectrum, but thats really irrelevent. Metroids never been a huge seller.

The problem is, nintendo has no idea WHY everyone hates other m, and the nonsensical ravings of butt hurt fans about inconsequential half fictional bullshit doesnt help in the slightest.

Take this thread for example. Whats the most visible noise you can see from this? Probably adam bull shit.

If nintendo released another metroid game like other m, but removing all the bs everyone here is shitting themselves about, it would still be poorly recieved because it would be a shittily designed metroid game.

But nintendo has no idea WHY they cant design a great exploration design anymore, because all the feedback they get is about inconsequental bullshit about adam and daddy issues

You misunderstand.
Metroid Other M was not just a low seller like all the other Metroid games, it bombed spectacularly.
It bombed so badly it went in the bargain bin quickly, that never happens with Nintendo games usually. Why? Because they're pretty conservative usually.
If it went in the bargain bin, it means that there's a massive number of unsold copies out there.
And they know pretty well how and why it bombed so badly, if they knew about Wind Waker's fault so quickly you can bet your ass they know for this too.

The real suicidal drinking game would be where you have to drink whenever someone makes fun of other m without ever touching the game.

If you refund me for the price of the game I paid I'm willing to drop the subject forever.
I'm willing to sing its praise if you can bleach the memory I had of playing it too.


Or they could have been consistent with every other depiction of Samus before and not make Samus armor as some kind of Power Ranger rippoff.
True, it wasn't shown at all before but it made sense (seeing as how we see Samus with her helmet in her arm, it's no wonder people thought it was a physical object and not the manifestation of her insecurity or whatever.

that's the plot of Fusion, since Other M rehashes so much of Fusion's plot, you won't hold it against me if it can't be viewed that way.

Nice try though.
It's specifically stated that there's 2 factions in the Federation, one for and one against.
The action of the faction that sent Adam doesn't redeem the Federation as a whole.
Especially since they're actually doing the same shit in Fusion.
By the end of Other M, nothing of value have been done.
Adam is dead, MB is in custody or dead (who cares at this point), the experiments continue.
Really the manga does a better job explaining why and how Adam is important to Samus to fill the gaps left by Metroid Fusion.
But the first time Samus' suit was shown to be able to dematerialize was the first game and it's been depicted that way in every game she takes it off in, which is every game except Metroid Prime 1:

Metroid 1
Metroid 2
Super Metroid - Bonus: Crystal Flash
Metroid Zero Mission - Bonus: 1 2
Metroid Fusion
Metroid Prime 2
Metroid Prime 3

It has always been "some kind of power rangers ripoff".

The suit IS also a physical object, obviously, since it would be useless if it was just an illusion, and the helmet has always been depicted as removable. Power Rangers can take their helmets off, too.

Other M doesn't actually use the same plot, though. It acts like it is and then the twist is that it actually isn't. It throws red herrings at you that Adam is your enemy since he wrote the report they used to create the unfreezable metroid breeding program and that the government is behind everything, but then it's revealed that Adam wrote that report to convince the government NOT to make unfreezable metroids and they agreed with him. And the ending hinges on the fact that Adam's team was under the direct authority of the head of government.

I already posted the quotes from the game, but again:

Adam: "I received the request to write the report from Galactic Federation headquarters. In that report, I outlined the potential dangers of such a program and explained categorically why it shouldn't be attempted. HQ listened. But a small group within the Federation co-opted my report for its own purposes."

The ones behind the bottle ship are a small group.

Anthony: "Anthony Higgs, sir. Galactic Federation Platoon Seven. I need to secure the safety of any survivors; Commander Malkovich's orders, and the purpose of this mission."
General: "What?!"
Anthony: "Authorized by the chairman of the Galactic Federation, of course."
General: "What do you mean, the chairman..."

Adam's mission was authorized by the chairman, ie the President.


Other M sold on the low end of the metroid spectrum, but thats really irrelevent. Metroids never been a huge seller.

The problem is, nintendo has no idea WHY everyone hates other m, and the nonsensical ravings of butt hurt fans about inconsequential half fictional bullshit doesnt help in the slightest.

Take this thread for example. Whats the most visible noise you can see from this? Probably adam bull shit.

If nintendo released another metroid game like other m, but removing all the bs everyone here is shitting themselves about, it would still be poorly recieved because it would be a shittily designed metroid game.

But nintendo has no idea WHY they cant design a great exploration design anymore, because all the feedback they get is about inconsequental bullshit about adam and daddy issues

Yeah. As irredeemably terrible as the story in Other M is, and the way it ruined Samus and the Metroid universe with lasting affect and all the rest of it, what's worst of all is how that one aspect of the game overshadowed just how bad the actual 'game' was.

If it hadn't been a Metroid game it could have been any other bargain bin action title, doomed to fail on the Wii where no one was buying those kinds of games. Only reason a game this poorly designed without decent art or music to redeem it got any attention at all was having the Metroid name attached. The missile firing and energy recharging things still make me facepalm to this day. I'm not sure there's an interestingly designed room or level in the game either. It really was nothing but trash.
Other M sold on the low end of the metroid spectrum, but thats really irrelevent. Metroids never been a huge seller.

The problem is, nintendo has no idea WHY everyone hates other m, and the nonsensical ravings of butt hurt fans about inconsequential half fictional bullshit doesnt help in the slightest.

Take this thread for example. Whats the most visible noise you can see from this? Probably adam bull shit.

If nintendo released another metroid game like other m, but removing all the bs everyone here is shitting themselves about, it would still be poorly recieved because it would be a shittily designed metroid game.

But nintendo has no idea WHY they cant design a great exploration design anymore, because all the feedback they get is about inconsequental bullshit about adam and daddy issues

I smell a pattern here...

I don't understand your argument. How are a game's narrative and the protagonist's characterization inconsequential? If Nintendo were to release a sequel to Other M that played identically, but had a good story and a compelling Samus, it would be a much better received game. It wouldn't be Prime good because the level design would still be, ahem, shit, but it would be leagues better than what we got most recently.
The problem is, nintendo has no idea WHY everyone hates other m, and the nonsensical ravings of butt hurt fans about inconsequential half fictional bullshit doesnt help in the slightest.
Which is why the story nonsense of Other M has so far been entirely ignored by Nintendo despite Samus appearing in marketing promotions, cross overs, etc, all using her Other M appearance but never really mentioning Other M otherwise. Even Smash's Other M trophies are all just vague and non-specific stuff, even considering Ridley's Trophy/Appearence to be actual Ridley and not some dumb clone (and even pokes fun at Ridley's other forms obviously being Ridley, it never tries to be mysterious with it and even jokes about hugging baby Ridley)

Also the latest Metroid action figures Nintendo made from Jakk's are both from Prime (Metroid and Samus), along with Prime Trilogy being one of the first Wii U Wii downloads, NOT Other M.

I think they have to know. If they don't, they've been pretty good about ignoring the things people hated about Other M lol


But the first time Samus' suit was shown to be able to dematerialize was the first game and it's been depicted that way in every game she takes it off in, which is every game except Metroid Prime 1:

Metroid 1
Metroid 2
Super Metroid - Bonus: Crystal Flash
Metroid Zero Mission - Bonus: 1 2
Metroid Fusion
Metroid Prime 2
Metroid Prime 3

It has always been "some kind of power rangers ripoff".

The suit IS also a physical object, obviously, since it would be useless if it was just an illusion, and the helmet has always been depicted as removable.

I'm sure you understand that the limitations of the 3 first Metroid games would have prevented them from depicting it as such.
Heh funny I forgot about Prime 2's best ending, point taken.

Other M doesn't actually use the same plot, though. It acts like it is and then the twist is that it actually isn't. It throws red herrings at you that Adam is your enemy since he wrote the report they used to create the unfreezable metroid breeding program and that the government is behind everything, but then it's revealed that Adam wrote that report to convince the government NOT to make unfreezable metroids and they agreed with him. And the ending hinges on the fact that Adam's team was under the direct authority of the head of government.

I already posted the quotes from the game, but again:

Adam: "I received the request to write the report from Galactic Federation headquarters. In that report, I outlined the potential dangers of such a program and explained categorically why it shouldn't be attempted. HQ listened. But a small group within the Federation co-opted my report for its own purposes."

The ones behind the bottle ship are a small group.

Anthony: "Anthony Higgs, sir. Galactic Federation Platoon Seven. I need to secure the safety of any survivors; Commander Malkovich's orders, and the purpose of this mission."
General: "What?!"
Anthony: "Authorized by the chairman of the Galactic Federation, of course."
General: "What do you mean, the chairman..."

Adam's mission was authorized by the chairman, ie the President.
The bold shows that part of the Federation did something different.
Also we have no idea of how the Federation is run, it could be like the US system or the German system for all we know.
The whole Federation is not behind Other M's plot but a part of it is.
Destroying the evidence isn't really a way to absolve it of its wrongdoing.


Yeah. As irredeemably terrible as the story in Other M is, and the way it ruined Samus and the Metroid universe with lasting affect and all the rest of it, what's worst of all is how that one aspect of the game overshadowed just how bad the actual 'game' was.

If it hadn't been a Metroid game it could have been any other bargain bin action title, doomed to fail on the Wii where no one was buying those kinds of games. Only reason a game this poorly designed without decent art or music to redeem it got any attention at all was having the Metroid name attached. The missile firing and energy recharging things still make me facepalm to this day. I'm not sure there's an interestingly designed room or level in the game either. It really was nothing but trash.

It's been several years now and many people (myself included) remain disappointed and upset by the game.

But I think that's also due to the fact that, as of this moment, it's the last Metroid game we got. It's our last impression from the franchise, and it was an unsatisfying one.

It's like a Devil May Cry 2 situation... we need a DMC3 to come along and help us forget about DMC2, leaving it a distant memory as we move on to bigger, better things.

However, while I think Nintendo will make more Metroid titles, the chilly reception of Other M has caused them a lot of soul-searching and reanalysis over what exactly happened. This isn't just a bad game that didn't sell well enough... it's a game many people DESPISE.

How many games in Nintendo's history are passionately despised for years and years? I think they're going to be very careful moving forward.


I'm sure you understand that the limitations of the 3 first Metroid games would have prevented them from depicting it as such.
Heh funny I forgot about Prime 2's best ending, point taken.

The bold shows that part of the Federation did something different.
Also we have no idea of how the Federation is run, it could be like the US system or the German system for all we know.
The whole Federation is not behind Other M's plot but a part of it is.
Destroying the evidence isn't really a way to absolve it of its wrongdoing.

Of course hardware limitations most likely influenced the decision to make the suit magically appear disappear, but that doesn't change the fact that that's always been the way it's been depicted. They even added a flashing effect as it disappears.


Yes, a small group in the government that the majority of the government including the leader of the government is against and authorized a mission to stop. Samus has no reason to distrust the entire government because the ones in charge were still good people by the end of Other M. They are not guilty of the crimes committed by the small group and acted against the corruption.


It's been several years now and many people (myself included) remain disappointing and upset by the game.

But I think that's also due to the fact that, as of this moment, it's the last Metroid game we got. It's our last impression from the franchise, and it was an unsatisfying one.

It's like a Devil May Cry 2 situation... we need a DMC3 to come along and help us forget about DMC2, leaving it a distant memory as we move on to bigger, better things.

However, while I think Nintendo will make more Metroid titles, the chilly reception of Other M has caused them a lot of soul-searching and reanalysis over what exactly happened. This isn't just a bad game that didn't sell well enough... it's a game many people DESPISE.

How many games in Nintendo's history are passionately despised for years and years? I think they're going to be very careful moving forward.

I can't even think of one, to be honest. Nintendo has made bad games that disappointed people and a couple of terrible ones that are still widely mocked (Wii Music), but one that still engenders outright anger and hatred so many years later? I don't think they've ever made another piece of software that got that reaction, and it had to rattle them.

I'm not so sure that they'll be careful going forward, though. The use of Samus in Smash 4 as the token tits and ass fanservice character, now in HD!, tells me that they're still locked into a vision of Samus that is entirely alien to how I always saw her, and what made me love the series. Samus was the first gaming heroine I ever encountered as a child. She meant something to me, and evidently lots of others. I'm not sure how they come back from what has been years of having her as a joke character. I'm not sure how you reconcile the space warrior with the moronic pinup character we've been exposed to so much over the last decade. I think outright stating that Other M is not canon would have to be the start. There can be no healing without that. As for the gameplay of the series, that's far easier to fix. You just go back to a Super or Prime design and give it to Retro or someone equally competent.

But yeah, that's what I always say about Other M: Tons of games have shitstorms surrounding them at release every year. It's the ones that never die that indicate that something went truly, horribly wrong. It's like that old meme picture: '20 years later, you still mad'. Well yeah. Yeah we are.


I can't even think of one, to be honest. Nintendo has made bad games that disappointed people and a couple of terrible ones that are still widely mocked (Wii Music), but one that still engenders outright anger and hatred so many years later? I don't think they've ever made another piece of software that got that reaction, and it had to rattle them.

I'm not so sure that they'll be careful going forward, though. The use of Samus in Smash 4 as the token tits and ass fanservice character, now in HD!, tells me that they're still locked into a vision of Samus that is entirely alien to how I always saw her, and what made me love the series. Samus was the first gaming heroine I ever encountered as a child. She meant something to me, and evidently lots of others. I'm not sure how they come back from what has been years of having her as a joke character. I'm not sure how you reconcile the space warrior with the moronic pinup character we've been exposed to so much over the last decade. I think outright stating that Other M is not canon would have to be the start. There can be no healing without that. As for the gameplay of the series, that's far easier to fix. You just go back to a Super or Prime design and give it to Retro or someone equally competent.

But yeah, that's what I always say about Other M: Tons of games have shitstorms surrounding them at release every year. It's the ones that never die that indicate that something went truly, horribly wrong. It's like that old meme picture: '20 years later, you still mad'. Well yeah. Yeah we are.
The game is certainly mediocre, but the shitstorm perpetuated by people that despise it is way overblown and fueled, judging by most threads about the game, largely by falsehoods and misconceptions. The game does not assassinate Samus' character or turn her into a weakling. She's still the strongest badass in the universe and royally destroys all foes in her path. The high heels on the Zero Suit are stupid, but Sakurai fixed that in Smash, but honestly the Other M version of the varia suit, especially as depicted in Smash 4, is probably the best yet. It looks much more agile than the clunky suits in the past, which is good because Samus is much more agile with it in Other M than previous 3D outings, which is one thing Other M undoubtedly did right.


I can't even think of one, to be honest. Nintendo has made bad games that disappointed people and a couple of terrible ones that are still widely mocked (Wii Music), but one that still engenders outright anger and hatred so many years later? I don't think they've ever made another piece of software that got that reaction, and it had to rattle them.

I'm not so sure that they'll be careful going forward, though. The use of Samus in Smash 4 as the token tits and ass fanservice character, now in HD!, tells me that they're still locked into a vision of Samus that is entirely alien to how I always saw her, and what made me love the series. Samus was the first gaming heroine I ever encountered as a child. She meant something to me, and evidently lots of others. I'm not sure how they come back from what has been years of having her as a joke character. I'm not sure how you reconcile the space warrior with the moronic pinup character we've been exposed to so much over the last decade. I think outright stating that Other M is not canon would have to be the start. There can be no healing without that. As for the gameplay of the series, that's far easier to fix. You just go back to a Super or Prime design and give it to Retro or someone equally competent.

But yeah, that's what I always say about Other M: Tons of games have shitstorms surrounding them at release every year. It's the ones that never die that indicate that something went truly, horribly wrong. It's like that old meme picture: '20 years later, you still mad'. Well yeah. Yeah we are.
There is only one solution... When the phoenix is consumed by fire, it must be reborn.

We can have fun with Other M and tear it apart, month after month, year after year. It's criticisms and flaws at this point are well known to the point the OP, myself, and others have outright done drinking games whenever these abundant flaws pop up.

We know Nintendo is aware of this game's reception. We know how it sold, how critics viewed it, how gamers reacted to it... The issue now is what parts of the criticism will they address or ignore moving forward.

Will they over-correct and give us a stonefaced, emotionless version instead of a weepy, crying, hysterical version? Even if they give us a subtle, well-told Samus, will she still resemble a short, thin, busty Barbie supermodel? Will things like the Gravity Suit still be considered "too silly" to do properly? Will there be expensive and frequent cutscenes, or will the story be told through exploration and the environment?

All eyes are on them at this point, watching like a hawk. Ironically, after Other M, if they do another game, people will be LOOKING for signs of weakness, of Samus being helpless, overly emotional, and poorly represented, so that even good intentions might have dire implications if handled improperly. Inversely, if they go too far into making her an unstoppable Terminator, other people will mock them for shying away from her flaws and humanity.

Other M threw a huge wrench into how people perceive Samus, doing what even a FPS Metroid game could not do: it utterly fragmented the Metroid fanbase (a fanbase that really needs to be united for the series to be profitable). The question of what people want from Samus can't just be swept under the door. RETRO could make the greatest Prime game ever, but now it's a game that has to carry on from the baggage of Other M and choose which parts of that game to address or ignore.

As you stated earlier, making Other M non-canon is the easiest solution... but that might not happen, just as George Lucas would much rather make his prequel trilogy canon, while tossing out Knights of the Old Republic. It doesn't matter if the latter was significantly better received; it's his sandcastle to build and his to destroy.

But for all us Metroid fans... we can only wait, worry, and watch. Every E3 brings both hope and dread.

Now if only it would bring METROID DREAD.

Yeah, she did beat the shit out of Ridley.
Yeah... in Metroid 1, Super, Prime 1, Prime 3, and Fusion... It's almost like that's what she should do the moment she sees him, right?

Guess you missed how Ridley was shitting his figurative pants as he ran away like a bitch
Let me know when Samus causes Ridley to have a protracted, minute-long cry session when she beats him up as he begs for help... He fled to recuperate, not because he was scared of Samus.


The game is certainly mediocre, but the shitstorm perpetuated by people that despise it is way overblown and fueled, judging by most threads about the game, largely by falsehoods and misconceptions. The game does not assassinate Samus' character or turn her into a weakling. She's still the strongest badass in the universe and royally destroys all foes in her path. The high heels on the Zero Suit are stupid, but Sakurai fixed that in Smash, but honestly the Other M version of the varia suit, especially as depicted in Smash 4, is probably the best yet. It looks much more agile than the clunky suits in the past, which is good because Samus is much more agile with it in Other M than previous 3D outings, which is one thing Other M undoubtedly did right.

Yeah, such a badass that she has a little breakdown after seeing a guy that she's beaten multiple times in the past. Even if we accept Sakamoto's stupidity in making thePrime games non-canon she's still fought Ridley 3 times (beating him twice and forcing him to run away once) and a robot that looks like him.

The heels are still really fucking stupid in Smash.

I prefer Samus to be a tank in her suit like in the prime games.


Yeah, such a badass that she has a little breakdown after seeing a guy that she's beaten multiple times in the past. Even if we accept Sakamoto's stupidity in making thePrime games non-canon she's still fought Ridley 3 times (beating him twice and forcing him to run away once) and a robot that looks like him.

The heels are still really fucking stupid in Smash.

I prefer Samus to be a tank in her suit like in the prime games.

Badasses can't have PTSD? The breakdown lasted 1 minute and was followed by Samus beating Ridley within an inch of his life.

I prefer mobility. It's not like she loses defense. The streamlined look just looks better and more like something she can move around in like she does in the 2D games.
Guess you missed how Ridley was shitting his figurative pants as he ran away like a bitch

From being blown to bits by Anthony and not Samus lol.

Let's imagine a world without Anthony where Samus was grabbed by Ridley and brought down to the lava and we have a phase 2 to the fight on lava rocks, jumping between them avoiding flying Ridley and eventually knocking him into the lava where he's never heard from again (until a post game cutscene shows his dried charred corpse being salvaged for the obligatory Fusion cameo)

Or an alternate situation where Ridley appears in front of Samus, does his wall scrape thing stolen from Smash Bros and then Adam saves Samus by distracting Ridley. Ridley however, gains the upper hand and throws Adam to his death below Pyrosphere. This is how he'd die in this story. Samus goes in a fit of rage, all these years of Ridley killing everyone she knows as family and she's had enough. Furious, she has a dramatic flashback of Ridley killing her parents and then charges after Ridley and the boss fight begins. After it's over, Ridley is laying there, Samus starts charging a shot directly aimed at his head when he jerks and fires a blast at a pipe, spewing lava everywhere, forcing Samus to jump back. In this distraction, Ridley escapes and gets eaten by Queen Metroid as normal because that was okay.

And this of course, is assuming Samus didn't just missile chick Ridley after her scanners would detect Ridley DNA. Which she probably would have. If this wasn't Other M.


Badasses can't have PTSD? The breakdown lasted 1 minute and was followed by Samus beating Ridley within an inch of his life.

I prefer mobility. It's not like she loses defense. The streamlined look just looks better.

Why has she not shown it before in any of the games? Not even in Fusion, the other game where Samus actually has dialogue?

You can't just introduce PTSD to one of gaming's strongest female characters and have it shown as her turning into a little girl in front of the big bad scary dragon without it being seen as making her weaker.
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