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Sony is Building a Hostage Crisis!!!!! (List of Games to Kickstarter)

I don't remember pre-orders money being pocketed several years before the release, and being not refundable especially prior to the release (or even the risk of not getting the game at all, although it's not a real issue in the current examples)

No shit it's not a direct one-to-one correlation. But publishers are already aggressively campaigning to get people to put money down up front, often more than a year in advance.

This way obviously brings other challenges, but it also brings other rewards. Now instead of securing some obscure skin for Batman that you might wear once, you're trying to secure a game from a franchise you loved that you thought was long dead. Yea, the risk is greater, but so is the reward.


Holy shit THIS, YES PLEASE. Let me pay money to undo the mistake Konami has wrought. My friends and I were all looking forward to that game :(

So... do we now need to create a Kickstarter project, so Sony recognizes this? ^^ I really really reeeally want Silent Hills to become true. :-/

I personally would love to see a new Dungeon Keeper or a real Syndicate Wars sequel. (made by Arrowhead - developers of Helldivers)

If Shenmue turns out to be working well, I would be totally fine with Kickstarter - or similar - becoming a tool for publishers. More games players want can only be good I guess?


I have to say I find it funny that all the concern about corps taking less risk, fans taking more risk, risk, risk, risk is coming only from the people who have taken no risk whatsoever because they are not backing this project.

So only people who support Shenmue on kickstarter are allowed to comment on the possibility of kickstarter becoming a tool for publishers? Yea ok that makes total sense ....
Or rather than doing any of that because really knowing any of that is none of your business, you could instead be "annoyed" at the xbox team and Phil Spencer for not putting up the money to fund Shenmue 3 for what, 14 years? I mean number 2 was even on the Xbox.

I'm not specifically talking about sm3. I agree, Ms had a window of opportunity and chose not to take it. I'm trying to look at the bigger picture of what this may mean going forward. It's as much our business as any other positive or shady publisher behaviour, if we care about game devs or what games come to our preferred platform at all.
Pre-Order 2.0

First we had buying a game before release. Now we have buying a game before development even begun and with no way getting your money back. Next we will have buying a game as soon as someone pitchs an idea on a live-streamed brain-storming.

This isn't what Kickstarter was all about.

It's also not even buying the game. It's buying the promise of a game!


Maybe this should be used only with failed kickstarters that need a helping hand promoting it.

Outcast Reboot HD is the first to come to my mind.


Pre-Order 2.0

First we had buying a game before release. Now we have buying a game before development even begun and with no way getting your money back. Next we will have buying a game as soon as someone pitchs an idea on a live-streamed brain-storming.

This isn't what Kickstarter was all about.

2 million is literally kickstarting this project. Kickstarter is all about providing either partial or complete funding for projects that couldn't otherwise be made. It's been very public that this game couldnt get made for over a decade. Shenmue is the definition of what Kickstarter is about.

Preorder 2.0 my ass.


Pre-Order 2.0

First we had buying a game before release. Now we have buying a game before development even begun and with no way getting your money back. Next we will have buying a game as soon as someone pitchs an idea on a live-streamed brain-storming.

This isn't what Kickstarter was all about.
Seeing how little money Kickstarter actually moves around when compared to retail video games, it is a pretty shitty replacement of preorders then. From a financial point of view.
Disturbing trend.

Publishers lazily watching from the sidelines and latching onto whatever game is seen as even remotely popular because it's funded quickly doesn't seem like what Kickstarter was created for.

Pretty slimy of Sony.


Gold Member
I really like it! I think it is a good way to revive an, otherwise, dead franchise without any risk and measure the reception before starting fully funding another game later. Perhaps, It would be bad if companies abuse of this method...


It's also not even buying the game. It's buying the promise of a game!

I must admit I'm fine with that as most of those projects would never been released without a platform like this. So I'm happy if I can help with my money to have at least a chance of getting the game to play instead of it never being released. It just should not become the regular way of a game, but a project like Shenmue seems to be perfectly fitting as it was not realizable for year if I remember correctly.

Plus it seems like the platform is more being used to look for interest instead of a complete funding.


Silent Hills with Kojima. A given.

Streets of Rage
Final Fight
River City Ransom


Disturbing trend.

Publishers lazily watching from the sidelines and latching onto whatever game is seen as even remotely popular because it's funded quickly doesn't seem like what Kickstarter was created for.

Pretty slimy of Sony.

Oh cry me a river Sony got Shenmue 3 started when no other publisher could. Everyone needs to stop using their own view of what kickstarter should be used for as reality.
Thats... thats exactly what kickstarter is man holy shit. Did you guys come out of a whole or something??

He/she is very outspoken against Shenmue 3's kickstarter (I've seen him/her saying the same stuff in every Shenmue thread).

I see no issues with this as the games most likely to be kickstarted are dead/niche titles that wouldn't have existed otherwise (I.e. Shenmue 3). People who kickstart games should be smart enough to do their own research and see whos behind it and make their own decisions. It's not like GameStop will start accepting donations for kickstarted games and the masses will blindly donate to it.

Remember online passes from last gen? Shit hit the fan quick.
Thats... thats exactly what kickstarter is man holy shit. Did you guys come out of a whole or something??

Yes and there is an issue when kickstarter is the platform used for games in which a large developer is providing the brunt of the cost. Because that game does not need to use kickstarter to be made. Kickstarter should be used for games that have very few other options. By Sony investing in these games, they are presenting themselves as an option.

What the hell are you arguing? This is exactly what kickstatrter is and is advertised.

And yes that is fine. But if a game falls through, Sony is not obligated to refund you even if they have the financial ability to do so.

and because of other publisher involvement the game are obligated to be made so what exactly the problem? I see you a lot in this thread. I'll grill you on this.

Except how is the game obligated to be made? Significant games fall through during devlopement all the time. If Sony were to open pre-orders on the PSN store with the same parameters as a kickstarter, I would have no issue with this. But by using kickstarter, they are not obligated to provide anything.


Yes and there is an issue when kickstarter is the platform used for games in which a large developer is providing the brunt of the cost. Because that game does not need to use kickstarter to be made. Kickstarter should be used for games that have very few other options. By Sony investing in these games, they are presenting themselves as an option.

And yes that is fine. But if a game falls through, Sony is not obligated to refund you even if they have the financial ability to do so.

Except how is the game obligated to be made? Significant games fall through during devlopement all the time. If Sony were to open pre-orders on the PSN store with the same parameters as a kickstarter, I would have no issue with this. But by using kickstarter, they are not obligated to provide anything.

Jesus fucking Christ Sony does not get the kickstarter money and you have been told this multiple times but you still refuse to listen. Let me repeat Sony is not getting the kickstarter money Yu and his dev team are. Sony is just giving them a cash injection.




Jesus fucking Christ Sony does not get the kickstarter money and you have been told this multiple times but you still refuse to listen. Let me repeat Sony is not getting the kickstarter money Yu and his dev team is. Sony is nearly giving them a cash injection.

I've just put him on block already. He has no interest in engaging in intelligent discussion, instead just choosing to ignore facts and certain difficult questions directed at him. Intellectual dishonesty at its best. Don't waste your time.
Yes and there is an issue when kickstarter is the platform used for games in which a large developer is providing the brunt of the cost. Because that game does not need to use kickstarter to be made. Kickstarter should be used for games that have very few other options. By Sony investing in these games, they are presenting themselves as an option.

Have you played Shenmue? Were you familiar with the franchise before Monday? Do you understand the history behind Shenmue 3?

I feel like I already know all the answers based on this paragraph, you don't actually have to reply.
Developer uses Kickstarter to kick start a project, a big publisher provides additional funding, publisher is bad because, well, I don't know, but it has something to do with not being what Kickstarter is for? Even though this is exactly what it is for.

You witnessed Kickstarter at its most effective and we're getting Shenmue III.


I'd pitch in $500 for a Xenogears remake: Perfect Works version.

Throw in Yasunori Mitsuda, and I'll add another $500 to my pledge.


Yes and there is an issue when kickstarter is the platform used for games in which a large developer is providing the brunt of the cost. Because that game does not need to use kickstarter to be made. Kickstarter should be used for games that have very few other options. By Sony investing in these games, they are presenting themselves as an option.

And yes that is fine. But if a game falls through, Sony is not obligated to refund you even if they have the financial ability to do so.

Except how is the game obligated to be made? Significant games fall through during devlopement all the time. If Sony were to open pre-orders on the PSN store with the same parameters as a kickstarter, I would have no issue with this. But by using kickstarter, they are not obligated to provide anything.
wth? huh?

what exactly sony obligated to pay? they don't take your money. You can pull out of kickstarter if you want. Now I'm sure you don't even understand how kickstarter work in the first place.

Either you're misunderstand things or just concern troll.


So is there no chance we could just, you know, wait a bit and see what they plan to do and what games they have in mind before we all completely lost our shit over baseless speculation?


Developer uses Kickstarter to kick start a project, a big publisher provides additional funding, publisher is bad because, well, I don't know, but it has something to do with not being what Kickstarter is for? Even though this is exactly what it is for.

You witnessed Kickstarter at its most effective and we're getting Shenmue III.
i don't believe you. some babby on neogaf is telling me i'm throwing my money away.
You know, I heard not reading the OP was also a slippery slope.

I'm concerned.
Sure hope you're not referring to me as I not only read the OP but also the entire interview. Twice. Nowhere in that article does Shu say that they are building a list of games for possible crowd sourcing.

If anyone can show me where he says this is the case, please do so. This thread should be closed because its predicated on misinformation. There is one list that exists - that is the "Building the List" that's been around for about 2 years. And that is not specifically for crowd sourcing.

Maybe you should read the article instead of merely the quote in the OP.

edit: Oh and concern trolling. Nice touch.
Developer uses Kickstarter to kick start a project, a big publisher provides additional funding, publisher is bad because, well, I don't know, but it has something to do with not being what Kickstarter is for? Even though this is exactly what it is for.

You witnessed Kickstarter at its most effective and we're getting Shenmue III.

Kickstarter wasn't meant to cut the publisher out of the equation? To allow gamers to fund games they wanted and have an actual stake in the rather than provide some upfront funding so a publisher can decide if it's worth their time to latch onto a project, provide minimal funding and take a nice cut of the profits after it's released for doing virtually none of the work?

And maybe even buy the IP from the developer?


Developer uses Kickstarter to kick start a project, a big publisher provides additional funding, publisher is bad because, well, I don't know, but it has something to do with not being what Kickstarter is for? Even though this is exactly what it is for.

You witnessed Kickstarter at its most effective and ee're getting Shenmue III.

Seriously. It's like people have no idea what the word "kickstart" means. Nowhere did they ever say additional funding from outside sources or even the creator is not condoned. Its kickstarter.com not fundtocompletionorfuckoff.com.
Jesus fucking Christ Sony does not get the kickstarter money and you have been told this multiple times but you still refuse to listen. Let me repeat Sony is not getting the kickstarter money Yu and his dev team are. Sony is just giving them a cash injection.

It's like that Kickstarter fund, bare with me here....somehow was being used to kick start the game production if you will, encouraging more funding sources! Diabolical.
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