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Ubisoft confirms that Rainbow Six: Siege will NOT feature a single-player campaign


Well there's Ghost Recon Wildlands..that's still looking good.

Yeah...it's how Watchdogs, The Division, Siege looked ahead of their releases.

Same fucking story man Ubisoft fucking lies and hypes up shit that will never be. It's going to be downgraded over time severely and then be a joke.


while I don't play the sp in mp biased shooters anyway (haven't played a single sp campaign in any Battlefield ever) it's troubling that they think they can charge full price for this.

well ubi gonna ubi


Well, that's that then. Never gonna touch this.

I was only mildly curious about this game because I loved the original RS games (Rogue Spear in particular) and this looked somewhat like a throwback. But whatever, that tiny bit of interest I had is gone.

Gemüsepizza;180065657 said:
This is not surprising at all. Do you guys remember the previously announced games in this franchise? This series has been in development hell for years. Ubisoft then propably decided to pull the plug, and ordered a small team to make at least something out of the scraps. And this something was Rainbow Six: Siege. A low budget MP-only shooter, sold at full price. This is just a quick cash-grab to at least recoup some of the losses.
Yup, that's how it reeks to me as well. This is a clearly salvage job.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Have they announced the pre-order removed assets bonus DLC, the $50 season pass containing three extra maps, and other ways they'll continue gouging the player after they pay $60 yet?


Neo Member
WHAT? I was excited for this, and now I literally will never buy it. Godamnit!

Lol its b.s it has no single player cos I would love to play a new modern rainbow six campaign at 60fps in this engine.

I just hope they have training modes and ai bot modes so people can practice and learn how to play.

I am in the closed beta (was invited by Ubisoft, got it on both x1 and ps4) one of the major problems I have With the beta is there are no tutorial missions which this game needs!
The single player co op campaign would of been epic and would be awesome to teach New players the game mechanics and controls etc so now they don't have a single player I hope they include training modes and bot modes for teaching us how to play.

The game is pretty awesome and is so intense.
Feels strange playing a Ubisoft game on console at a silky 60fps


This game has been in the making for a looong time, what were they doing all this time? It was apparent that there was going to be some kind of campaign at first and now this...

This isn't battlefield or something else, this is a series that always had a campaign, whether it was the planning levels of the earlier entries or story modes of later games there was always something, then you had coop modes with it too. This game is just really bare bones right now and playing beta I'm not convinced it's any good honestly.


I could come here and argue that games like this, TitanFall or Star Wars Battlefront should not have the same price as single player sprawling games like Bloodborne, The Witcher or MGS, but I prefer that these MP focused games have some identity and if the MP is good because they could focus on that instead of deviating resources for what ends up being a lackluster campaign, and since a lot of people spend a LOT of hours playing online the value is without a doubt relative.

So, I am a bit conflicted. But the fact is I refuse to pay more than 20-30 dollars for these games because I prefer single player gaming


I could come here and argue that games like this, TitanFall or Star Wars Battlefront should not have the same price as single player sprawling games like Bloodborne, The Witcher or MGS, but I prefer that these MP focused games have some identity and if the MP is good because they could focus on that instead of deviating resources for what ends up being a lackluster campaign, and since a lot of people spend a LOT of hours playing online the value is without a doubt relative.

So, I am a bit conflicted. But the fact is I refuse to pay more than 20-30 dollars for these games because I prefer single player gaming

Concise and well put. I think we can all agree that multiplayer online games deserve their own identity and that they provide a valuable service in the gaming market. However I, like you, just can't justify a $60 retail value for a multiplayer only game. There's just got to be a story for me to care that much. I can only lose myself to online rampage for so long before it bores me.


Who the hell is surprised, seriously. The game was revealed as multiplayer and showcased as multiplayer.

When you have a SOLO CAMPAIGN ie story content with cutscenes and all that cost you millions of dollars, you don't just sort-of-keep-it-secret and show multiplayer instead without ever mentionning it.

It's very obvious this was multi only, and that any solo or co-op stuff would be separate maps. Now call it "tutorial" or "training" or "co-op maps", but there's no surprise for anyone here.

It's the same situation as Battlefront. "But I wanted it to also be this completely different game !!!", well it never was, sorry you lied to yourself.

Watch it cost $60.

MP only games are allowed to be $60

Yes, and Yes.
MP games are allowed to be 60$ and it's time to stop pretending a 6-hours cutscene-ridden campaign has more value (or somehow doubles the value of) a MP mode that is basically endless.

I could come here and argue that games like this, TitanFall or Star Wars Battlefront should not have the same price as single player sprawling games like Bloodborne, The Witcher or MGS, but I prefer that these MP focused games have some identity and if the MP is good because they could focus on that instead of deviating resources for what ends up being a lackluster campaign, and since a lot of people spend a LOT of hours playing online the value is without a doubt relative.

So, I am a bit conflicted. But the fact is I refuse to pay more than 20-30 dollars for these games because I prefer single player gaming

Well now that's something I can get behind. You don't wanna pay 60$ for something that you won't enjoy enough to justify the price.

Just like I cannot pay 60$ for a driving game. Doesn't mean driving games are a con and need to have proper story mode with cutscenes (even though some of them do heh).
Although a single player campaign still wouldn't make it a Rainbow Six game at heart, it would at least help it be a reasonably sized game for full price cost.

It just doesn't look or play good snyway, for me.


This isn't battlefield or something else, this is a series that always had a campaign, whether it was the planning levels of the earlier entries or story modes of later games there was always something, then you had coop modes with it too. This game is just really bare bones right now and playing beta I'm not convinced it's any good honestly.

Yeah, like Fable, and then the next game is Fable Legends and it's clearly described as a multiplayer only game so I hope you're not expecting a secret big bucks solo campaign to magically appear at the last minute for this one either.
60$ for a MP only game while you get equally good games for free (Warframe,TF2 for example) or even just 20-30$ (Killing Floor 2 for example) is a bad idea.

And if they add Microtransaction (Its Ubisoft so there will be DLC or Microtransaction) then people will be pissed.

Evolve had a chance to survice. But they announced lots of DLCs and that made poeple not wanting to play it. And well we talk about Ubisoft here. They already downgraded the destruction system so yeah.


I just played this game until 4am this morning, I don't mind think that the absence of SP is a problem anymore. It means that there is more content for the multiplayer game which I now enjoy playing.

I just hope that they will fix the matchmaking issues.


I'm not against a multiplayer only game, but I'd play this for less time than CS GO, BF 1943, or BC2 Vietnam while costing four times as much. The maps, modes, and guns are just bland and interchangeable. Terrorist Hunt is just too easy and the AI seems like a half finished version from the scrapped single player. The operators are just an overly restrictive way to ignore some balance issues.

I just played this game until 4am this morning, I don't mind think that the absence of SP is a problem anymore. It means that there is more content for the multiplayer game which I now enjoy playing.

I just hope that they will fix the matchmaking issues.

Except that there isn't more content. The number of maps, modes, and guns is about equal to Vegas 1/2, which also had free dlc maps.


Not sure I would say Evolve is the best example of a DLC fragmentation situation.

IMO the games that decide to charge full retail for a multiplayer game only should be giving the community the map packs for free in all cases, fragmenting the player base is the sure fire way to ensure your game has a quick death. (In saying that, it applies to most if not all multiplayer games, that are not SUPER popular)

There is no multiplayer fragmentation in Evolve.
Everyone plays together regardless of what DLC you own.

Extra maps are free in Seige and Evolve.


60$ for a MP only game while you get equally good games for free (Warframe,TF2 for example) or even just 20-30$ (Killing Floor 2 for example) is a bad idea.

Well I really want to play a multiplayer game like this so I am willing to pay that price.

None of those games you mentioned are comparable to this new RS. SWAT 4 had a similar multiplayer experience, but that game is now too old. Counter-Strike is a victim of its success and has not offered anything new since 2002 or so.


Yes, and Yes.
MP games are allowed to be 60$ and it's time to stop pretending a 6-hours cutscene-ridden campaign has more value (or somehow doubles the value of) a MP mode that is basically endless.

It's not basically endless, it's endless in theory, MP only relies on external dynamic forces, will the community stay, are there enough modes and maps to not feel repetitive, is it balanced day one, how long will they support it, will map packs splinter the userbase, and lets not forget there are f2p games out there as well for competition, all these things drains the value people percieve of MP only versus a single player game where because it has a set beginning and an end the only worry is, is it or isn't it boring.


It is to a lot of people. We'll see how this works out for them in the npds.

Actually you won't because you'll have no way of knowing how being multi-only affected sales.

I mean it's not illegal but 60$ for a multi player shooting game? I can find dozens of those way cheaper, and with campaigns. And knowing this is by Ubisoft, probably better games.

I mean it's not illegal but $60 for a singleplayer shooting game? I can find dozens of those way cheaper, and with multiplayer. And knowing this is by Ubisoft, probably better games.


I was really looking forward to this game but hearing this and not being unable to play the beta because it won't even let me get past the menus is making me avoid this.
That's a great pity. I very much enjoy the single player campaigns from the Rainbow Six games (and many other Tom Clancy games) so seeing as they are not including one is disappointing. Although I must admit it wouldn't have cost them a new sale because I am so painfully behind the times technology-wise it will be a bit before I can get a system that could run this. However I am unlikely to pick this up later due to multiplayer games drying up over time.
That's good, because I have no interest in MP only games at retail prices.

I really don't play MP enough to justify it. This and Battlefront are off my list for that reason.

It's great that there are multiplayer focused games for people who only want multiplayer though.


sounds like this should be F2P :\

on one hand, I'm glad it's MP only because it makes me assume they put more effort into getting the gameplay/balance right

on the other hand, it's ubisoft, on the other hand, evolve showed us how to ruin a solid mp only game with ridiculously predatory DLC

on the other hand, I don't have any hands left

this game should be $40 at most based on the content that I've seen. Ubisoft seems to have a track record of building amazing hype and then crashing it down spectacularly. but I'm gonna keep my eye on this until it releases, I like tactical shooters and I used to LOVE rainbow six. dammit.
I can confirm I will NOT buy Rainbow Six: Siege.

Well, i was thinking the same. Untill i noticed how much fun i had in Terrorist Hunt yesterday. Can't wait to play this with my friends. But i will read reviews first and wihtout SP (one of my fav. parts of the vegas games) the content should be insanely impressive for me to buy it at full price.
I already knew this but it continues to be disappointing. The worst part is you can't even have AI buddies in Terrorist Hunt or any other mode. I'll be giving this one a wide berth.


This is also the reason i wont be getting it, ohh well plenty of other stuff coming to keep one insanely busy anyway.
Although Star Wars Battlefront doesn't have a campaign, too, I at least can be pretty sure that there will still be tons of players after a year, because of the strong IP and the proven track record of DICE. They also want to make sure that their first Star Wars game won't fail. The same cannot be said about Rainbow Six: Siege. I fear this game will bomb hard, and only a few hardcore fans will be still playing this a few months after release.


To be fair, the beta has been a unholy mess of sitting in menus struggling to find games. Even if this game was discounted it's not exactly reassuring when you can't find a game for over 20 minutes at a time.


Many years ago id have argued that mp only games rip off the consumer. However, ive just bought fifa 16 with no intention of playing offline single player vs the cpu and I'll only ever play it multiplayer.

It'll give me hundreds of hours of gameplay for the price so if fifa was MP only I wouldn't complain.


TItanfall pretended to have a single player campaign, and then charged the consumer 60 dollars. Everyone felt ripped off.

Now you'll get a 60 dollar multiplayer game that doesn't even bother trying, like Evolve, which seemingly backfired considering that game is dead.

But hey, maybe we're all wrong and they will consider selling at a cheaper price.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
Another game I won't get. No single player campaign. No sale.
Titanfall got flack for this, Evolve did too, and now Rainbow Six is.

However people don't give Battlefront any heat for it.

Come on.

they got heat for it a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. people still bring it up too, but the real difference is with several previous DICE games, a vocal part of the community has complained about 'wasting time' on SP in their games so there's a different dynamic than other devs.


I mean it's not illegal but $60 for a singleplayer shooting game? I can find dozens of those way cheaper, and with multiplayer. And knowing this is by Ubisoft, probably better games.

I know you are trying to spoof the guy but this is changing and it is getting harder to find FPS's with sp. And most with mp are starting to pay lip service to the sp mode or outright getting rid of it. So even finding them with sp along with mp is dieing out. And it is really rare to find sp only ones which are the only ones these days that pay much attention to the sp mode. It's why I get annoyed when people insist an sp only game should have mp. Because eventually what happens is the sp gets ignored. Hell, this isn't just in FPS's. It's happening to GTA. They already gave up on making an sp dlc (which they had said they are going to do at one point) to just focus on the online part. Makes me wonder if they will put more effort next time into the online than the sp. hell, they barely cared for fixing the sp bugs save right when the game launched (when the online wasn't up yet).
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