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Ubisoft confirms that Rainbow Six: Siege will NOT feature a single-player campaign

Still utterly amazed people value the garbage tier campaigns in this kind of shooter. Same feedback from the CoD old console thing.

Like seriously they're a few hours long and generally predictable, terrible stuff. These games shine in MP, where you spend dozens or hundreds of hours.

If it had removed multiplayer on the other hand, then I'd understand calls for a price cut. A FPS campaign is generally US$15 worth of content in the best of cases. The MP? In a good one? Easily full retail.
Thing is Rainbow Six used to be awesome single player

That's the point. From great SP campaigns to no SP
Rainbow Six has always been a multiplayer focused title.

The series has not been mutliplayer focused.

Also the notion that a multiplayer-only title is "less of a game" than a singleplayer-only one is laughable.

They are less of a game, because you can only play a multiplayer-only title if:

a) The servers are still active.
b) you have somebody to play against.

Sometimes those conditions are met, sooner or later (mostly sooner) those conditions will not be met and you can't play your game.


This. If you are going all in on multiplayer, at least do it right.

They do use dedicated servers, but communication and party info is P2P for some reason. So if the person who is the host for that part leaves, it will migrate the communication to another player.
I thought it was supposed to have some sort of single player story, after playing the beta I'm not sure if I should keep my pre-order, reminds me too much of Evolve =/

Even at 50 dollars Canadian after a discount I dunno if it's something I'd play a ton of with all the other games coming out around the same time
I can confirm that Rainbow Six: Siege will NOT feature a purchase from me. I actually had fun with the SP campaigns from past Rainbow Six games, so this is a bummer.
I don't like the negativity about a game like r6 being multiplayer only. It is definitely a franchise that has had a strong multiplayer history, so why not try one that focuses completely on making a great multiplayer game?

There are plenty of single player games out there and no one will begrudge you for not buying siege. But saying it is a failure because of this announcement and otherwise being very negative, that is disappointing to see.


Yeah I can't see this doing too well ... It doesn't play like, or have single player scenarios like R6, Rogue Spear or Raven Shield. And the gunplay/gameplay is nothing like the R6 games which were popular on the OG Xbox (or even Vegas).

But in Australia pretty much every multiplayer game is dead after two weeks of launch.

LMAO truth. It's such a struggle trying to play a shooter that isn't CS:GO, CoD or Battlefield when you're in Aus/NZ lol.


Kind of expected that, so I skipped all of their videos and infos to not get into hype. I'm doing this with all "multiplayer only" or " always online" games, and guess what? I'm not missing them not a single bit.


It's not even a trend.

How many multiplayer only games are there?

Titanfall, Battlefront? Come on man, you know it doesn't take many games to start the trend, especially when they're high profile AAA games. Titanfall, Battlefront, and now this. That's three highly anticipated titles in a relatively short span of time that's decided to dump SP, and we're not even counting the literally hundreds of titles like this on steam. You can disagree with how I feel about these types of games all you want, but I promise that in five more years this will be the norm for a large segment of shooters and that many studios will simply see hiring writers as extraneous and unnecessary. It's probably smarter from a budget perspective, and for sure it will allow for better organization and more punctual development schedules, but I just don't dig online multiplayer at all so I'm in the extremely biased minority :/


Wow, why bother calling it Rainbow Six? Do they think they'll attract fans of Rainbow Six with a game that doesn't even contain what those players want?


I am pretty sure he was refering to fragmentation of the community because of DLC. If all the maps are equally available, you don't fragment the community.
Didn't Evolve have the best playable monsters locked out as dlc? That's what I was referring to as player fragmentation, Happy to be corrected as I did not play any of the Dlc for Evolve.


The beta is basically in the exact same state as the alpha but with worse matchmaking.

If the reviews aren't glowing and show off that the game improved leaps and bounds, then I'm getting a refund and quitting Ubisoft games.

The core gameplay and ideas are there, but the state of the beta really has me convinced that they will not put any more effort into the fucking thing.

All of this talk about reinvigorating the franchise and they're fucking half assing it.

How they came up with an October release date is hilarious given what the game is right now, and I doubt there will be any major upgrades come release.

Also, fucking hilarious that there is no VIP rescue in the beta - I'm positive that all of the gameplay that they showed off initially was completely scripted and played out like a fucking cutscene. We will probably get lifeless not-animated VIPs in the final game. It really wouldn't surprise me at this point if that dynamic stuff was a total lie.
Didn't Evolve have the best playable monsters locked out as dlc? That's what I was referring to as player fragmentation, Happy to be corrected as I did not play any of the Dlc for Evolve.

If you don't own the monster, that just means you can't play as it, but you can play against it. This means your playerbase is not split up based on DLC owned.


Gold Member
I don't really see this as a issue.

Rainbow Six has always been a multiplayer focused title.

Also the notion that a multiplayer-only title is "less of a game" than a singleplayer-only one is laughable.

Really? Have you ever played Rainbow Six at all?


If you don't own the monster, that just means you can't play as it, but you can play against it. This means your playerbase is not split up based on DLC owned.
Oh alright then, I retract my jab at Evolves fragmentation then! It would still be very unfair to only have access to the lesser characters but that is not fragmentation.


This is so sad, i was so excited for this one and now this news basically means for me ill never get it. I would have been there day one :/
You need to check your focus group selection process ubisoft...

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
This. If you are going all in on multiplayer, at least do it right.

The game has dedicated servers though...
They clarified that a few times.

There's some voice host migration you get in the beta when someone drops but they cleared up what that means already


pfffftttt should have kept this game, anyone remember this


EDIT: Just noticed, does the van driver sound like Elias Toufexis to anyone else

See, this looked awesome. What a damn loss. Multiplayer doesn't even look comprehensive or polished enough to justify being multiplayer only, whilst this campaign target looked strong. I really enjoyed past Rainbow Six campaigns, so this is a big loss in terms of enjoyable noteworthy content and value proposition for me.


The Beta feels like an Alpha really.

There's not enough content and what's there feels terribly unpolished.

I will pay $30 at most.

For $60 it's dead on arrival.
My opinion will always be the same as it has been.

I don't particularly have an issue with a game being MP only, bit let me see it in the content and quality of it. In the support and everything it has to offer. I don't want it to feel like it's exactly as it would have been, but with no SP.

Besides, as many have said...R6 had great stories. The destruction and gadgets, co op this title could have offered, would have been brilliant.


MP only isn't "half a game".

Depending on the kind of MP we're talking about, generally it is to me. I always just find multiplayer far less impressive in terms of production values, and as a result, value proposition, despite differences in actual play time. You have a bunch of maps, unlockables, weapons etc, all of which you have in most SP campaigns and then some, and granted the modes and balancing takes huge effort, but I've always personally assigned more value to well done single player experiences, where pacing, higher production values, more complex map and stage designs, unique encounter design, AI, narrative, voice acting, animations, set pieces, more emotionally weighty and diverse missions, cut scenes and all the rest come in to play on top of everything else. The latter just strike me as more demanding of time, and more expensive and costly to get right, which is why I think more games are simply cutting it out.

I don't really care if even Battlefield and Call of Duty campaigns aren't the best in the world, they're still fun. I'd rather them just do a decent single player campaign and delay the game if need to be to get it right, than simply cut it out. The latter is a cop out imo, especially when the multiplayer experiences really do not differ all that much.


I can confirm I cancelled my pre order. Personally speaking the game did not look anything special graphically either.


Got bored of this beta in record time.
I got bored of waiting to find a fucking game!

This and the fact its pretty janky, feels rushed and is already quite visually dated.

Halve the price, get some proper dedicated servers and you have a chance at keeping a decent fanbase. As it is I think we can all feel that the game will be a wasteland in the not to distant future unfortunately.


I get the anger but personally I don't care at all. I rarely play fps for their single player campaigns. Let's hope at least that it's worth what it costs.


If the reviews aren't glowing and show off that the game improved leaps and bounds, then I'm getting a refund and quitting Ubisoft games.

This is my feeling. All their "everything should be always online or integrated with other apps" gets on my nerves. It's like they read my mind and do the opposite of whatever I think doesn't suck.

Rogue Spear, as I said earlier, was the series at its height for me. The Vegas games were a bit of fun, but all I did was play terrorist hunt and didn't sink in the same 15+ hours a week.

I feel a sense of obligation to buy this, but if I wasn't getting a decent deal I'd probably wait.


This is disappointing to hear.
The main reason I've purchased the previous R6 games was because I was able to Co-op with friends in campaign...
Oh well, I guess this game isn't for me.
This is not surprising at all. Do you guys remember the previously announced games in this franchise? This series has been in development hell for years. Ubisoft then propably decided to pull the plug, and ordered a small team to make at least something out of the scraps. And this something was Rainbow Six: Siege. A low budget MP-only shooter, sold at full price. This is just a quick cash-grab to at least recoup some of the losses.

pfffftttt should have kept this game, anyone remember this


EDIT: Just noticed, does the van driver sound like Elias Toufexis to anyone else

Wasn't this the game were they forced you to make "controversial decisions"? I always thought this idea was horrible.
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