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Starwars Battlefront doesn't have voice chat on console either


how does chat work in battlefield? i thought you could only communicate with squad members or people in your party? in this game you have like a partner or something, can you not chat with them at least? if so i dont see a problem with it.

beyond a certain number of players, chat normally becomes useless and more distracting than anything when playing with randoms.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but in bf4 you can only voice chat with your squad mates. However the commander can also chat the squad leaders. Orders can also be issued by the commander to squad leaders and squad leaders to squad by using the spot button.


They probably looked at the numbers...

In-game chat is likely very underused these days... most people probably block the voices of others when they hear them. I know I do.

But OS level party chat, however, is right there for anyone who wants to chat with their friends while playing the game.

It's probably not worth it to developers to include their own voice chat support anymore...
They probably looked at the numbers...

In-game chat is likely very underused these days... most people probably block the voices of others when they hear them. I know I do.

But OS level party chat, however, is right there for anyone who wants to chat with their friends while playing the game.

It's probably not worth it to developers to include their own voice chat support anymore...
except on wii u, where there is no system voice chat, they should still add it in game there...
I can't say I'm surprised. No one ever talks anymore since everyone is in parties all the time (including me).

Shame too, because even though there were a lot of idiots, I used to meet a lot of cool people through in-game voice chat.
It's better this way. No potty-mouthed kids, amateur DJs, sore losers, etc.

If I want to squad up, I'll do it with friends and the system chat.

"I'm glad they removed this age old feature and staple of online gaming that people use to communicate with players they're being teamed up with randomly for the first time, because I'm too lazy to use a mute button"
Everyone should start doing this.

They should just do an opt in system or opt out like everyone else does. Not that difficult.
This would seems like the straightforward way to go. Actively eliminating the option is pretty bizarre when its these kinds of games that led to console voice chat taking off in the first place, and not everybody will play within the context of a party of friends.


Everyone should start doing this.

No. Absolutely not. They should instead offer you a simple "Do you want to mute microphones?" option. You know, the option that online games have had for decades now.

Not to mention the many online games becoming unplayable without voice chat. Good luck playing Arma or Red Orchestra through text. This just sends the message that the online mode of Battlefront is very solo-oriented.


people using party chat over in game chat makes plenty of sense to me for a bunch of reasons. It easily cuts down on the amount of potential harassment you have to deal with.

this has been mentioned before, not a factor in battlefield, you just switch squads its not hard to do. theres like 7 squads at all times and you can create your own.

there's no good reason for this move.
i mainly use party chat when i'm gaming, but i have definitely found a few good quality players while just playing with randoms.

i can't say i even noticed that there was no game chat in the beta but that is a decision that is decidedly anti-casual. what will happen now is a team of people in a party will utterly dominate the non-communicating team of casuals over and over. and don't worry, when two teams of voice chat parties meet up, one side will inevitably leave the game after enough losses and allow that side to fill up with more casuals.

Im pretty sure BF4 also doesnt have any on console. Ridiculous.

BF4 has 5 person squad chat.

also, the commander (in games/modes with a commander) can communicate with whatever squad is currently selected.
I know basically no one on console uses public voice chat, and most that do are immediately muted by everyone else in the room, but I don't see how it hurts to have the option. It doesn't effect my plans to buy the game, but strange all the same.
I'll pass on hearing 20 random people complaining simultaneously. If i need to communicate it will be with whoever I'm partied with. Who uses in game voice chat anyways beside 12 year olds...


So this thread is essentially proposing that since this one game doesn't include a feature that nearly every other team based multiplayer game offers, the feature is dead and never used anyway and therefore the exclusion is a good thing (or at worst a neutral thing)?

Really? I'd love to see the stats these [no-one uses it anyway] assumptions are based on. Or is it actually just baseless anecdote?

Party chat just isn't functionally a replacement for in game chat. Party chat is for chatting/coordinating with already made and added acquaintances whereas in-game chat is for chatting/coordinating with everyone else.

Full disclosure: I'm not even really interested in this game after the beta and thus wouldn't usually even comment but the way anecdotal tales in this thread are being touted as some kind of obvious "fact" is just astounding to me!


People are getting this game on console? Why on Earth would you do that?

this is why voice chat doesn't matter. this kind of post is the equivalent of a shitty child spouting horrendous bullshit in my ear during multiplayer. who needs it? just cut the middle man blocking out.
BF4 has 5 person squad chat.

also, the commander (in games/modes with a commander) can communicate with whatever squad is currently selected.

Ah yes, your right. Squads can. This is why it baffles me why they didnt just take what BF4 did well..... Now well have to wait a year and suffer through 2-3 updates to get the game we should have gotten to begin with.


People still use in game voice chat? I never hear anyone on any online games, most people are in private chat.

Its one of the worst things about modern online consoles imo. Back then, sometimes random team mates would be some of the best you'd had, especially if it was a time of day when no one you personally knew irl or from a community was online.

Mute button was there for a reason, and I'm sure standard chat was how a lot of people met some of their first XBL or PSN friends list additions.

I can't say I'm surprised. No one ever talks anymore since everyone is in parties all the time (including me).

Shame too, because even though there were a lot of idiots, I used to meet a lot of cool people through in-game voice chat.

Yup...this pops up on GAF once every few months, but it really does suck that everyone is either in a party or just 100% quiet these days.
This is what made walker attack so frustrating for me. Watching a wave of imperials flank my team and wipe out a bunch of teammates who had their backs to them and all I could do is shrug my shoulders. It would have been nice to warn them.
Yup...this pops up on GAF once every few months, but it really does suck that everyone is either in a party or just 100% quiet these days.

I stopped putting my headset altogether when i dont play with friends. All those random trash talking wannabes are the reason.

But i think that this would absolutely change if not everything used forced matchmaking. This is when everything changed online for me. All the assholes came out of hiding with MM. Before that, you actually went into a server, stayed there the night and if the people were cool, youd chat with them after you died waiting to come back into the game (like the old rainbow six 3 game on the OG xbox). Thats how i made all of my online friends. Then when i went back the next day, i went into that server with all those familiar people, and you eventually became friends.

Now, devs are so focused on getting you in and out so fast of games that you dont bother giving a shit about anything or anyone because odds are, theyll just disappear when the game ends. So no one makes a effort anymore.

Matchmaking, as useful as it is, is the root cause of all these problems.

Edit: and just to say, ive been console gaming online since Live was in Beta 13 years ago. Ive seen the server solution VS matchmaking and the servers were infinitely better if your goal was to have fun AND make friends.
Party chat is not the solution as you only do that with friends. What happens to your teammates not in your party chat? Only need a few more good hits on an AT-AT, but nobody is coordinated enough to do anything other than increase their K/D ratio.

Party chat also helped kill Halo multiplayer.
This is what made walker attack so frustrating for me. Watching a wave of imperials flank my team and wipe out a bunch of teammates who had their backs to them and all I could do is shrug my shoulders. It would have been nice to warn them.

They could have at least had a proximity VOIP for those situations. There arent even quick chats like in CSGO to utilize.


Party chat is not the solution as you only do that with friends. What happens to your teammates not in your party chat? Only need a few more good hits on an AT-AT, but nobody is coordinated enough to do anything other than increase their K/D ratio.

"Hey dude that doesn't care about the objectives, lemme bark orders to you cause I know that'll make you suddenly change how you play and not get defensive"

All chatting between 20 people isn't going to give you coordination. I know people are sad there's no built in VOIP, but I think people are really overselling how important and/or effective it would be in this game. *IF* the game had a server browser and you could find a nice home server where everyone knew each other then yes VOIP would be great, but you're at the mercy of random servers filled with idiots. You're either going to be trying to herd cats or talking to no one cause they already muted your ass.


Nintendo spearheading innovation again, this time with Splatoon setting the standard of a squad based shooter with no voice chat.


I never liked voice chat anyway for randoms... Too many insults, kids, and people playing annoying music loud as fuck all the time... I always turn it off so I don't have to deal with it.


I always use Party system on PS4 for voice chatting with my friends. I care zero percent for hearing other people in the MP matches.


For a shooter with objectives like taking down walkers, not having chat is weird and makes me wonder just how rushed this game is. I'm pre-ordering digital and getting it day 1 because the license and beta gameplay is enough for me to justify the purchase, but it still seems weird.

On the other hand, when I am not in a party all I hear is crickets anyway, so I don't see this making much of a difference on PS4.


I don't mind this, people hardly even use the in-game voice chat anyways.
When I was playing the Black Ops 3 beta on PS4, I only ran into like 2 people who actually used it and they were the annoying crappy static mic or loud and obnoxious type that had to be muted.


Unconfirmed Member
Many people like myself do not have friends online. I'm 44 old father that only gets to play a few hours here and there. I do not have an online social life or know anyone irl that plays video games. I certainly do not have the time to organize a playtime. That said, I rely on servers that promote mic use for BF4 and do not see any reason why they need to remove a standard feature that many of us rely on and pay for.
Party chat is not the solution as you only do that with friends. What happens to your teammates not in your party chat? Only need a few more good hits on an AT-AT, but nobody is coordinated enough to do anything other than increase their K/D ratio.

And nobody would give a shit if they could hear you.


This has to be a mistake. I'm sure it'll be in the day 1 patch. (Kind of sad that "Day 1 patch" has become a normal thing to say nowadays)


as a side note, is it just specific to cod:advanced warfare and ps4 or is in-game/lobby chat atrocious? i don't remember it being as bad on 360 when i used to play shooters there.

the voice quality while in game/lobby is like night and day compared to party chat. party chat sounds so much better. are other games and consoles like this?
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