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Doctor Who Series 9 |OT| Let Zygons Be Zygons


That was a great episode, much, much better than what I was expecting. The ending was extremely sad and sweet, I'm glad River got the "time" she wanted before the end.

My dad didn't really "get" the ending because he forgot that River is already dead, I had to explain it to him.
Finally had time to watch this on iPlayer.

It was simply joyous.

Wonderful episode, exactly what I've wanted from the show and I loved every minute of it. Funny, sad, awesome, camp as hell and poignantly moving all in the same show.

10/10, up there with the very best episodes of New Who, let alone the Christmas Specials. Absolutely loved it!

Roll on the next series!
I totally missed the "wind stands fair" bit and the parallels between the two speeches. Good stuff.

Also, the "everybody lives" plot theme first shows up after the revival in Moffat's first series episode The Doctor Dances. It may be from earlier Who, for all I know, but post-revival it becomes specifically Moffat's property. Doctor Who here, perhaps influenced by his experience as Twelve, passes responsibility for her care to Ten, who he knows did a pretty decent job.

In the Name of the Doctor, you're seeing a post-Library River Song, incorporeal but visible to him by unknown means. She suggests that it's due to Madam Vastra's telepathic link.
Wow where did I just step into everyone in a DW thread actually liking a DW episode.

A DW episode featuring RIVER SONG, at that.

This is a Christmas miracle, of that there is zero doubt.

(although it does very strongly reinforce my thinking that Moffat isn't a great Showrunner, but he is the PERFECT person to head up a film series, because he's basically made 3 or 4 really good standalone movies starring The Doctor now.)
A DW episode featuring RIVER SONG, at that.

This is a Christmas miracle, of that there is zero doubt.

(although it does very strongly reinforce my thinking that Moffat isn't a great Showrunner, but he is the PERFECT person to head up a film series, because he's basically made 3 or 4 really good standalone movies starring The Doctor now.)

Defiantly, I actually think the biggest loss for having Moffat as show runner is losing him as a writer.


It was a lovely episode, such a shame to see the end of River - I wish he could just go back to the Library and redownload her; we've seen enough ways to create fake bodies/clones on the show to extend her life

Can't let go ;-;


Knows the Score
I enjoyed that a lot more than I expected, thought it was going to be a meaningless Christmas pantomime romp but was actually quite sweet in the end. Really nice send off for River. Shame we won't see Alex & Peter in those roles again, but delighted to have seen it once.


I enjoyed that a lot more than I expected, thought it was going to be a meaningless Christmas pantomime romp but was actually quite sweet in the end. Really nice send off for River. Shame we won't see Alex & Peter in those roles again, but delighted to have seen it once.

Isn't there hope for Big Finnish at least in the future? They have 24 years on that planet. :D



It was a lovely episode, such a shame to see the end of River - I wish he could just go back to the Library and redownload her; we've seen enough ways to create fake bodies/clones on the show to extend her life

Can't let go ;-;

They could always do that for some other special. I fully expect that some future doctor will travel to Manhattan to visit Amy & Rory for lets say 75th anniversary.


Knows the Score
Isn't there hope for Big Finnish at least in the future? They have 24 years on that planet. :D


That is a good point, and I'd bet both would quite happily resume the roles in the future. Peter has itched to play the Doctor all his life and Alex clearly has a ball playing River.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
That was very lovely, much better than what I was expecting from the preview, and the silly bits had some genuinely funny moments too. It was one of those episodes that keep getting better as they go on.

The sequence where he makes the restaurant happen was great. Loved the music that starts playing after he gives the diamond away.
It was a lovely episode, such a shame to see the end of River - I wish he could just go back to the Library and redownload her; we've seen enough ways to create fake bodies/clones on the show to extend her life

Can't let go ;-;

Something like that. Alex Kingston and the character of River Song have expanded and humanised the show immeasurably. River knows the TARDIS better than Doctor Who himself. She is one of Moffat's great achievements.
Great little episode; wonderful end for River. Glad they retconned out 'Last Night' as their last trip, as that mini episode was always a bit of a damp execution on what River described in the Library. Wonderful chemistry between Capaldi and River - though a shame this also locks them out of any Big Finish stuff later on (I realize they have the TARDIS and 24 years, but I can't help but think if they slot a bunch of normal travelling in there it'd lessen the impact of this). Still, we'll get her with other living Doctors, so that's a win.

River has been a really up-and-down character - hated her in Series 6, but she's one of the bright spots in 5 and 7 both. I'm glad she got this finale. I think the fact that Moffat has finally written this is also the ultimate proof that Series 10 will be his last; he's wrapping up the final bits.


Watching the DW marathon and just saw you know who bite the big one. I was cheering the whole time.

I swear if it gets undone in the next episode I'll be livid.


Quick question, I'm thinking of watching this episode later tonight with the family but they're not caught up.

How stand alone is it?
Two Lego based things.

I now have the TARDIS set, so have to build that. And we've also got the Lego Dimensions pack, and oh my god the attention to detail is staggering, with every Doctor and a TARDIS and them having archive lines...

...but mainly, Eleven's idle animations, one has him trying on a Fez/Stetson/Wizard's hat, but most importantly, THE DRUNK GIRAFFE. In Lego. Amazing.


Well that was my favourite Christmas episode of the show. I've been wanting this moment for years now, even with people in this thread telling me a couple of years ago that it could never live up to expectations but y'know, I think Moffat really nailed it. It shows that Moffat can do the emotional moments really well. I'm so glad that River has a proper send off now and not just that Last Night short.

It really helps that the episode was straightforward and not bogged down by having to wrap up any series long arcs like Time of the Doctor. Moffat is excellent when he doesn't have to deal with any of that crap. Also really helps that Moffat had actually planned this ending moment for River and the Doctor since series 4, all he had to do was execute on it, which he did a great job on.

Well paced episode and the Doctor trying to show River that he actually is the Doctor was genuinely funny. Really a great episode.


Lovely exit for River. Happy ending, sure it was their last day and night together, but the night is 24 years long, so that is great.

Def my favorite Christmas episode. I'm going to miss River, I know a lot of people got sick of her and all but I never did and always liked when she would pop up. Going to miss River and Clara, but excited for what is to come.


Overall, I'd say this is Moffat's second best Christmas Special after A Christmas Carol.

The music was a trip. After hearing the 9th/10th Doctor theme again in Hell Bent, it was nice hearing the 11th Doctor's theme, especially in the end. Some callbacks to older compositions, too. But I always loved the 11th Doctor's.

I think this was the best way to send River off to the Library. I thought we've heard the last of The Singing Towers on Last Night, and I was satisfied with it, but I'm happy to see Moffat not squander the opportunity.

The Doctor pretending to be in awe of the TARDIS fucking killed me. Capaldi is magnificent.

Matt Lucas was delightful in such a small role. Just the way he was dressed up was...adorable?

Plot was really basic, and lighter in tone after Series 9. I enjoyed it a lot. I think we all just needed something basic and light. Capaldi doing comedy is always a sight to see.

Highlight for me, after the ending, was the Doctor and River going full comedy when they were making the exchange for Hydroflax's head and the money, realizing that everyone in the room works for the buyer and they all worship Hydroflax.
Yeah, it was really good, it was kind of nice this was mostly really funny.

"I'm going to need a bigger flow chart"
"I basically married the diamond"
"Yeah we are... I wiped your memory, you were being annoying"
"Just a thought, you probably shouldn't do that in a restaurant"
"There are things (things) that have to be checked"

So many great lines :D

LOL when she goes into the Tardis first and then he goes in, was dying as he had fun doing "the thing" just because he wanted his turn.

LOL at the hidden mini-bar in the Tardis River knows about, the look the Doctor gave seeing it was priceless too lol.

It was a great send off to River Song... again.

Moffat really loves writing those goodbyes.

Well that was my favourite Christmas episode of the show. I've been wanting this moment for years now, even with people in this thread telling me a couple of years ago that it could never live up to expectations but y'know, I think Moffat really nailed it. It shows that Moffat can do the emotional moments really well. I'm so glad that River has a proper send off now and not just that Last Night short.

It really helps that the episode was straightforward and not bogged down by having to wrap up any series long arcs like Time of the Doctor. Moffat is excellent when he doesn't have to deal with any of that crap. Also really helps that Moffat had actually planned this ending moment for River and the Doctor since series 4, all he had to do was execute on it, which he did a great job on.

Well paced episode and the Doctor trying to show River that he actually is the Doctor was genuinely funny. Really a great episode.


The comedy worked so good. The Doctor's facial expressions were amazing. The last bit was really well done too.
Straight, flaming garbage.

At least this should hopefully be the last time we have to endure River? Although I've thought that before and then Moffat insists on bringing her back despite it making no sense.


I love that in pretty much every scene Greg Davies is in, his face is just an inch away from bursting into laughter at his own self awareness.


I love how everyone in the Doctor Who universe just rolls with the punches. The two dudes really made the most of being freakish disembodied heads.


Favorite Christmas Specials in order: (Haven't seen tonight's yet)

A Christmas Carol (Series 5)
Last Christmas (Series 8) (I really like this one, but I might be the only one)
The End of Time: Part One (Series 4)
The Runaway Bride (Series 3)
The Christmas Invasion (Series 2)
The Time of the Doctor (Series 7)
The Snowmen (Series 7)
The Next Doctor (Series 4)
The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe (Series 6)

Voyage of the Damned (Series 4)


I really liked this Christmas episode; ending was so sweet. I had to go and re-watch that part in Forest of the Dead where she starts telling him about the last time she'd seen him.
I liked this episode more than any in Season 9. DW is weird for me lately. I like the episodes people consider mediocre, and the "amazing" ones are kinda whatever...
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