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My Little Pony FiM Community [OT3] Surely You Saw This Coming

Caught up on the fanfic "The Enchanted Library".

It's a long way off from being finished

Jeez, you weren't kidding. It feels like it only got into the main part of the story a few chapters ago. While I thought all of the chapters were interesting enough, there are a lot of diversions from the main story, so it doesn't develop all that quickly. One especially annoying tendency the story has is for Rarity to go to meet someone or see something, but then miss it, and thus have to spend a chapter or two just looking around town before she gets another opportunity, and said meeting either doesn't happen or proves to not be that helpful. It's also annoying how Rarity will keep thinking to herself how she has to keep something a secret from Twilight, but she always ends up revealing it to her anyway during their next conversation. Finally, there's the typical romance cliche of Rarity and Twilight constantly coming up with excuses to never see each other again, but at least with the latest one, neither seems to really believe it will stick.

I was fine with Twilight being cold at first, but that phase lasted too long for my taste, especially with the "two steps forward, one step back" nature of her and Rarity's relationship. Thankfully she did eventually start opening up, and I got the adorable pony moments I wanted. I said before that I wasn't particularly interested in any MLP ships, but that's because almost any ship will produce adorable content.

The dream chapter shows why I don't like Discord as a serious villain. It always involves him having the hero go through a bunch of messed up versions of things from her life until she is suddenly rescued or defeats him, and there's no way to actually have an in-between.

I was guessing that
Discord is regretful and is actually trying to help, since Rarity still hadn't encountered him and Rarity's doppelganger leading Apple Bloom to the library didn't seem to connect with hurting Twilight through her relationship with Rarity, and the Bookbringer is suspicious, but I can't reconcile that with the shadow vision (the dream doesn't seem to actually be from Discord). One of the interstitial chapters mentioned that there were good changelings around, so that could be the explanation for the doppelganger.

To clear things up, I did find the stuff with exploring the towns interesting, and I like how all of the ponies are handled. In particular among the non-main characters, Pinkie is handled in a pretty interesting way. The scenes that are meant to be adorable, are. However, given how little the plot actually moves forward each chapter, I'll probably wait a year or so before checking for new chapters, and hope it doesn't go on indefinite hiatus. It's a good thing I can't expect to come across random spoilers of this during that down time.

EDIT: No TV Tropes entry, so I took a look at comments. I had forgotten about
the mention of Discord telling Twilight she could leave whenever she wanted, which points toward the idea that Discord actually did regret what he did, but Twilight is the one keeping herself trapped.
Oh, and there's actually a chapter coming in a few days, so I'll check that out before my break.


In other news, fake season 6 animatic. I find it funny how people have basically given up on fake show images, and decided that animatics are easier to fake. This was quickly debunked by Jim Miller. I don't think there are any actual season 6 spoilers in this, but if you didn't see the official clip, I'd avoid this.

Friendship is Musical episodes 21-22. (Also, what the hell, how is he getting so much on Patreon?!)
It's definitely paced in a way that probably wouldn't pass muster if it ever had to go to print, but I think the slow burn suits Rarity well, in a way that a more urgent adventure wouldn't.

The pacing problem is fine when reading, it's more when I realize that I'm halfway through and Rarity is still just trying to figure out what to do. By the way, when checking what was the halfway point, I noticed the new chapter is up already.

EDIT: Another cute SEASON 6 SPOILER HORSE comic.


I've been chipping away at that story now too, though I've only just finished the third chapter. Fun read, though certainly not a succinct one.

Oh, and regarding that Patreon you mentioned Sigma, isn't the guy only getting ten bucks per video?
I've been chipping away at that story now too, though I've only just finished the third chapter. Fun read, though certainly not a succinct one.

Oh, and regarding that Patreon you mentioned Sigma, isn't the guy only getting ten bucks per video?

Ah, I was only going off the end of the video. I figured it was an exaggeration, but I didn't think he'd include something about it in the video unless he was actually making a lot of money.

Hasbro's Q4 earnings report. Net revenues in the Girls category fell greatly, but that's largely being blamed on the failure of Furby. Relevant to us, core MLP revenues increased, but it was actually offset by Equestria Girls revenues falling. I guess the Friendship Games line didn't do as well as expected.
Back in the world of fanfiction, I decided to read some of the other stories from the author of "The Enchanted Library". Most of them were cute fluffy ship fics. But then I decided to check out a sad romance fic called "Injuring Eternity", and goddammit why did I do that?! Just the summary made me sad, but then I read it because curiosity got the better of me, and now I'm really sad!

Uh, other stuff to post about... MisterDavie's MLP videos got taken down. He's the one behind Smile HD and some other violent animations. Honestly, I'm surprised Hasbro waited this long, considering how Smile HD starts out completely innocent and thus can lure people in. Considering that it's been infamous for years, I'm guessing they had intentionally ignored it before and this is a content ID thing.


I am not going to lament the takedown of those videos. Honestly, my first reaction was "What took them so long?" I know I'm supposed to be upset about Youtube takedowns and censorship and all that... and yet all I can say to this is "Nice shot, sir."

And now we'll get thousands of mirrors of it, of course, because that's how the Internet works.


Back in the world of fanfiction, I decided to read some of the other stories from the author of "The Enchanted Library". Most of them were cute fluffy ship fics. But then I decided to check out a sad romance fic called "Injuring Eternity", and goddammit why did I do that?! Just the summary made me sad, but then I read it because curiosity got the better of me, and now I'm really sad!

I guess the whole "Twilight outlives her friends" has become the big topic for sad fanfics over the last few years? I took a look at the description, and yeah... not sure that's something I need in my life.

That being said, I had a thought a few weeks back about how great a long-form comic series centred around the war with the Crystal Empire timeline could be. The basic premise would be that even when events are diverted from the "true" timeline (i.e. the events of FiM) the Mane 6 are still destined to be drawn together to protect Equestria. You could have the ongoing story of the Mane 6 being inextricably pulled together from their separate roles in the war, while also showing how they came to be where they are via flashbacks.

I'd read the shit outta that.

Uh, other stuff to post about... MisterDavie's MLP videos got taken down. He's the one behind Smile HD and some other violent animations. Honestly, I'm surprised Hasbro waited this long, considering how Smile HD starts out completely innocent and thus can lure people in. Considering that it's been infamous for years, I'm guessing they had intentionally ignored it before and this is a content ID thing.

I am not going to lament the takedown of those videos. Honestly, my first reaction was "What took them so long?" I know I'm supposed to be upset about Youtube takedowns and censorship and all that... and yet all I can say to this is "Nice shot, sir."

And now we'll get thousands of mirrors of it, of course, because that's how the Internet works.

I've never watched any of that stuff; I guess I don't really get it. I suppose it's a bummer for those who are into it, but that's the nature of doing that sort of fan-work in a space as public as Youtube.


I guess the whole "Twilight outlives her friends" has become the big topic for sad fanfics over the last few years? I took a look at the description, and yeah... not sure that's something I need in my life.

The concept gets around, yeah. I've got an outline for a tangentially related adventure story sitting around myself, if I ever get back to writing.

That said, IE's one of the good ones that does something with the idea beyond being sad for sadness's sake.
It is still super sad.

The basic premise would be that even when events are diverted from the "true" timeline (i.e. the events of FiM) the Mane 6 are still destined to be drawn together to protect Equestria.

Can't think of any examples off the top of my head, but I know I've seen this conceit come up in fics before.
The concept gets around, yeah. I've got an outline for a tangentially related adventure story sitting around myself, if I ever get back to writing.

That said, IE's one of the good ones that does something with the idea beyond being sad for sadness's sake.
It is still super sad.

"Twilight outlives her friends" is something that's been thrown around even before Princess Twilight was revealed, yeah, and it's gotten more popular since. It's a shame that the concept is tarnished by badly done sad stories, since I still believe it's far more interesting than Twilight having a normal lifespan. Plus, there's the issue that even ignoring Twilight, you would still have characters far outliving others with Celestia, Luna, Discord, and even Spike.

And indeed, "Injuring Eternity" was pretty good at actually earning its sadness and at being interesting. In comparison, there's that one CGI fan video from last year where Twilight gives up her wings to bring her friends back to life, and that video just made me annoyed because it came off to me as Twilight being irresponsible (what are you going to do when Applejack misses Apple Bloom, Twilight? etc.). Also comparing it to one of the author's other sadfics, I really didn't like the one involving Twilight and Rarity not going out in order to not break Spike's heart, since it felt like those two just decided they needed to be tragic lovers and arbitrarily chose Spike as the reason. In IE, the story felt like a logical consequence of Twilight being long lived and her being unable to let go of Rarity.

I've mentioned before that I'm really interested in the idea of the show's final story being an adaptation of Star Trek: TNG's "All Good Things", with Twilight's mind traveling between her past, present, and future, in this case the future being 1000 years later. The story would have ended simply on a hopeful note as Twilight recognizes how amazing the future is and that she would never want to miss it, but this fic chipped away at that, until the scene in the last chapter with
100,000 year old Twilight visiting the dying Rarity
whereupon I went into emergency headcanon rewrite mode. Now the final episode idea has Future Twilight talk with Present Twilight after the main plot ends, where she reveals that like Celestia and Luna, she has her own mystical realm that she can enter. There, she is able to talk with the spirits of her lost friends, and friends from different generations are all able to interact. Basically, taking part of the edge out of outliving her friends.

The idea proceeded to evolve into a Avatar-like thing, where she is able to contact her previous friends for advice, and it occurs to me that it's actually a really interesting ability to have. That part will probably stick around even after my post-sadfic funk.

I suppose that since I dumped this sadfic on you guys, I should also recommend more lighthearted fare from this author. "The Interview" is RariTwi romance, but it's a comedy and not just sappiness. I do also like the author's sappy stuff, but that takes a certain state of mind. "Once in a Purple Moon" is a straightforward comedy story.

EDIT: Oh wow, PonyCon will have a concert with Lena Hall! Along with Ashleigh Ball, Shannon Chan-Kent, Peter New, Vincent Tong, Kazumi Evans, and Ingrid Nilson.


"Twilight outlives her friends" is something that's been thrown around even before Princess Twilight was revealed, yeah, and it's gotten more popular since. It's a shame that the concept is tarnished by badly done sad stories, since I still believe it's far more interesting than Twilight having a normal lifespan. Plus, there's the issue that even ignoring Twilight, you would still have characters far outliving others with Celestia, Luna, Discord, and even Spike.

I actually just prefer that whole thing to just be an unknown. Maybe she's immortal, maybe she isn't. One day they'll know, but for now it's better to just enjoy the time they have.

And indeed, "Injuring Eternity" was pretty good at actually earning its sadness and at being interesting. In comparison, there's that one CGI fan video from last year where Twilight gives up her wings to bring her friends back to life, and that video just made me annoyed because it came off to me as Twilight being irresponsible (what are you going to do when Applejack misses Apple Bloom, Twilight? etc.). Also comparing it to one of the author's other sadfics, I really didn't like the one involving Twilight and Rarity not going out in order to not break Spike's heart, since it felt like those two just decided they needed to be tragic lovers and arbitrarily chose Spike as the reason. In IE, the story felt like a logical consequence of Twilight being long lived and her being unable to let go of Rarity.

I'm not familiar with the stuff you're referencing, but the reason I've always been resistant to the idea of collapsing the wave function is that either scenario results in the kind of heartbreak that is at odds with the nature of the show. I don't mind a little sadness or angst, but there's a point where I feel it stops being compatible with the FiM universe and becomes something else.

I've mentioned before that I'm really interested in the idea of the show's final story being an adaptation of Star Trek: TNG's "All Good Things", with Twilight's mind traveling between her past, present, and future, in this case the future being 1000 years later. The story would have ended simply on a hopeful note as Twilight recognizes how amazing the future is and that she would never want to miss it, but this fic chipped away at that, until the scene in the last chapter with 100,000 year old Twilight visiting the dying Rarity whereupon I went into emergency headcanon rewrite mode. Now the final episode idea has Future Twilight talk with Present Twilight after the main plot ends, where she reveals that like Celestia and Luna, she has her own mystical realm that she can enter. There, she is able to talk with the spirits of her lost friends, and friends from different generations are all able to interact. Basically, taking part of the edge out of outliving her friends.

The idea proceeded to evolve into a Avatar-like thing, where she is able to contact her previous friends for advice, and it occurs to me that it's actually a really interesting ability to have. That part will probably stick around even after my post-sadfic funk.

That notion of a "heaven" of sorts where everyone lives on in some sense is just about the only antidote to the depressing "everyone I know is dead" scenario that I can think of. It'd be a tricky one to do without seeming hackneyed, though.

I suppose that since I dumped this sadfic on you guys, I should also recommend more lighthearted fare from this author. "The Interview" is RariTwi romance, but it's a comedy and not just sappiness. I do also like the author's sappy stuff, but that takes a certain state of mind. "Once in a Purple Moon" is a straightforward comedy story.

EDIT: Oh wow, PonyCon will have a concert with Lena Hall! Along with Ashleigh Ball, Shannon Chan-Kent, Peter New, Vincent Tong, Kazumi Evans, and Ingrid Nilson.

That concert sounds amazing! Lucky bastards who get to go see that one.


That notion of a "heaven" of sorts where everyone lives on in some sense is just about the only antidote to the depressing "everyone I know is dead" scenario that I can think of.

Nah. The problem with the "all my friends are dead" approach is that it only works under the assumption that the Princess of Friendship is ever going to stop making friends. By her very nature, she'd be better equipped to handle the passage of time than anyone else in the little club of immortals.
I actually just prefer that whole thing to just be an unknown. Maybe she's immortal, maybe she isn't. One day they'll know, but for now it's better to just enjoy the time they have.

I'm not familiar with the stuff you're referencing, but the reason I've always been resistant to the idea of collapsing the wave function is that either scenario results in the kind of heartbreak that is at odds with the nature of the show. I don't mind a little sadness or angst, but there's a point where I feel it stops being compatible with the FiM universe and becomes something else.
I think it's fine for fanworks to be sad, and to address topics the show is less likely to, like exactly what will happen in-universe years in the future. Granted, my hope is that the show actually will address the immortality issue in the final episode, but in a way that's hopeful instead of sad.

I believe I'm out of my post-sadfic funk, but I'm still enamored by the idea of the final episode having Twilight talk to herself from 1000 years in the future, in addition to having a story based on Star Trek: TNG's "All Good Things". Or perhaps that can be the second to last story, and the actual last story could be a pure slice-of-life thing. Since I'm on the subject, a couple of random ideas I had for that episode.
* First of all, for those unfamiliar with the TNG episode, it involves Captain Picard's mind jumping between three time periods: the present, shortly before the first episode, and many years into the future. My idea for the final MLP episode would be like that, but with Twilight, and the future being 1000 years in the future. This has the side benefit that Twilight would look obviously different in each time period.
* Like Picard, Twilight realizes that what she does in the past doesn't actually affect the other time periods. So, she decides to actually attend Moon Dancer's party.
* The TNG episode involved Picard having to gather his crew in all three time periods. Twilight will have to do the same with her friends in the past and present. There could be amusing moments in the past where Spike and the other main six are confused by Twilight completely ignoring all of the Nightmare Moon stuff to deal with the issue of the story. In the future, Twilight has to gather new characters.
* Future Twilight more closely resembles Celestia and Luna, complete with the flowing mane and tail.
* I imagine Equestria's future still being filled with greenery and a natural look, but there are also obvious advances, such as metal structures that blend into the landscape. The three pony races are kept distinct, but everyone has access to wands that allow them to cast magic. However, things aren't super advanced, more like how things have developed between 1000 years ago in the show and the show's present.
* In the future, Twilight is confronted by some fillies who excitedly ask her to shoot a frisbee out of the sky. Twilight thinks it will be a simple matter, and they toss it up, but to Twilight's shock, her attempt at a weak energy blast instead comes out as a huge DBZ-style attack, reflecting how much stronger Future Twilight is. Twilight is left agape, but the fillies are disappointed that it was smaller than last time.
* At one point in the past, Twilight forgets that she doesn't have wings and tries to fly. At one point in the future, Twilight forgets she has wings and doesn't fly when it would have been helpful.
* In the future, one of Twilight's students finds it hard to believe that so many things happened 1000 years ago (the present).
* Throughout the future segments, Twilight finds that she is unable to hear certain things people say, and some signs and images are blurred out. Twilight figures out that these are things about her (present) future that someone decided she shouldn't know.
* In the future, the houses of the main six are all historical landmarks or still in use by their families, and the main six all have statues. Spike has a statue depicting him as an adult dragon, and he's still alive, but off somewhere else. Some parts of the plaques on the statues are blurred out.
* In the TNG episode, the time jumps were caused by Q, both to test and help Picard. A similar thing could be done with Discord here. At the end, Twilight and Discord are talking in some realm outside of time, and Twilight says to Discord that she didn't expect him to be considerate enough as to prevent her from learning certain things about her future. Discord is confused, since he didn't do that. At this point, Future Twilight appears in this realm (with her own mind), which completely shocks Discord, since no one else should be able to get there. Future Twilight says that she'd like to talk to Present Twilight in private, and easily shoos Discord off, to PT's surprise.
* FT explains that she was behind the censorship that PT encountered, since she knew that Discord would do this and cast a spell on herself to make sure some things were left unspoiled. PT is amazed at how confident and composed FT is, but FT admits that this is only because she knew ahead of time about this.
* FT says some things that get PT really confused, and she gets all flustered trying to understand it. FT chuckles and says, "They're right, I am fun to tease," which annoys PT.
* FT explains to PT that she will experience great sadness in her future, but also so much happiness and wonder, and that the future she saw wouldn't be possible without her.
* Just to send shippers into a frenzy, as FT sends PT back to her time, FT tells PT to, "Say hi to your future special somepony for me when you get back!" which causes PT to blush and say, "Wait, what?!", but she's back in the present before she can get a response.

On another note, those wacky European MLP comics actually revealed the origin of Trixie's cutie mark. No translation, but it doesn't appear to be as wacky as the previous comics, and it looks straightforward. Trixie was already going around putting on magic shows, but everyone laughed at her, until she decided she wouldn't be a laughing stock anymore, whereupon she got her cutie mark. Of course, if she was already putting on traveling magic shows, one wonders why she didn't get her cutie mark when she decided to do that.


I think it's fine for fanworks to be sad, and to address topics the show is less likely to, like exactly what will happen in-universe years in the future. Granted, my hope is that the show actually will address the immortality issue in the final episode, but in a way that's hopeful instead of sad.


You've got some really neat ideas in there Sigma; ever considered actually writing them into a fanfic?
You've got some really neat ideas in there Sigma; ever considered actually writing them into a fanfic?


I missed it since ED just updated their first article, but MisterDavie's MLP videos are back up. I guess it was a content ID thing after all.

ED showcases the old Rhythm is Magic videos, which are still neat.

Really neat fan animation, "Apple Thief". Though seriously Rainbow, just fly straight up.

And hey, someone actually did a good comic-based PMV, with a song by Sim Gretina, "Neigh Anything".
PonyGAF, what say you?


Huge head, tiny body?


Or huge head, no body?

Also, interesting and well-voiced fan animation about Rarity going to therapy. Long video, as a warning. The creator, DRWolf, also does episode analyses and readings of other fanworks, and I'll check out a few of them. It seems like nothing gets me to check out a fan creator's other works more than writing Rarity well.
Picture book coming out based on SEASON 6 SPOILER HORSE, called
"My Little Pony: Good Night Baby Flurry Heart"
. It was illustrated by Amy Mebberson and written by Mike Vogel.

Dub of the Spike/Rarity comic "Like Fine Wine". This is one of those stories involving Spike still loving Rarity even when she's old and he's young for a dragon, as a heads up. The voices are good... OK, Rarity is good, Spike takes getting used to. It gets suggestive at the end, but nothing is shown. The comic this is sourced from is based on a 2011 fanfic, which is why Twilight and Spike don't live in Ponyville in the future and it uses the gem from "Dog and Pony Show" instead of "Secret of My Excess" and such. Also note that the original fic is NSFW, and the comic greatly tones it down.

Nice medley, though it's kind of odd that it's mostly season 5 songs, but then also has other random show and Equestria Girls songs with no apparent theme.
ED showcases the old Death Battle: Rainbow Dash vs. Starscream. It's weird how this video was made so early in the fandom. I specifically remember that "Lesson Zero" aired and people immediately wanted a do-over (despite Rainbow winning the first time) to incorporate the "Sonic Rainbomb". It's kind of surprising that there hasn't been another Death Battle involving ponies; Twilight is the obvious choice.

Also, an important analysis.
Pinkie being the winner is obvious, along with Twilight being in second, but I was surprised that Discord gave more hugs than Scootaloo.


ED showcases the old Death Battle: Rainbow Dash vs. Starscream. It's weird how this video was made so early in the fandom. I specifically remember that "Lesson Zero" aired and people immediately wanted a do-over (despite Rainbow winning the first time) to incorporate the "Sonic Rainbomb". It's kind of surprising that there hasn't been another Death Battle involving ponies; Twilight is the obvious choice.

This one was indisputable because they did a great job with both characters. Rainbow Dash would obviously play-fight, while Starscream absolutely would transform into a jet in the middle of a whirlwind attack and lose a wing, while the writers of this fight were fair enough not to let something cheap like that beat Starscream. And Starscream absolutely would play dead and use a null ray on a horse, forgetting that she's not a Transformer (which would only make her mad). He would shoot someone in the back and then stop to gloat long enough for them to get back up.

It works because of the characters. All Transformers fans needed to hear was that Rainbow Dash was faster than Starscream, due to Scientist Brony's mach cone specs, and then they're fine with Starscream powning himself (in glorious fashion) against a horse that wasn't even taking the fight seriously. I'm not sure that Twilight could do the same, because she's too serious of a character, and they'd just be measuring her power level DBZ style and factoring in things like teleportation. And then it would turn into an ugly fight that neither camp would likely be happy with. Starscream vs Dashie was a match made in heaven.

I would say that Starscream's not done though, because as the video pointed out, Starscream's spark can possess organics, so eating Starscream's ghost would just accelerate the next scene, but a joke battle needed to end on a joke, so I'm fine with it.
ED put up their episode rewatch article for "Dragonshy", and I thought I'd just comment on some stuff they brought up. I definitely remember how basically every PMV during the season 1 era used the A-Team parody scene of everyone getting ready and the scene of Rainbow Dash dodging rocks. Incidentally, while I did think parts of the avalanche scene looked nice, I always thought that particular part with Rainbow looked wonky. This also reminds me, back during season 1, basically every PMV was noteworthy and got posted in one of the discussion topics around the Internet, even though the vast majority were very lightly edited. It was really more the novelty of a song you recognize getting a PMV. Oh, and ponyfied movie trailers were huge back then. What I said about PMVs applies to those too.

I don't remember Rainbow Dash bouncing a ball being all that big, and I also don't remember people starting to like Rarity at this point. If anything, fans were much harder on Rarity for failing to win over the dragon than the others. I definitely do remember Fluttershy giving fish to those weasels getting a big, "Haha, oh wow!" reaction, though. I can also confirm that people were glad that there was more to Fluttershy than being a Flutterwaifu.

On another note, Twilight's First Day is finally back!
It's always weird when these fan projects go on so long that they start incorporating characters introduced well after it started. In fact, the previous comic came out before Moon Dancer's (proper) introduction.

EDIT: Friendship is Musical episodes 23-24. It will end next video due to running out of song ideas.


To address some of the stuff I've not kept up with:

The Starscream/Dash Deathbattle was a lot of fun. Not really a shocking result though, when you remember that Starscream's entire deal is that he's a stupid idiot who always loses due to his being an idiot.

The hugs thing is kinda funny, though interesting to note that gentle Fluttershy doesn't actually get hugged a lot overall, getting less than even Dash or AJ.

The Dragonshy stuff is interesting, though I wasn't watching the show at that point so I missed out on the initial reactions. I do remember the thing with Fluttershy feeding the weasels coming up, though.

Finally, it's nice to see Twilight's First Day back. Not many ongoing fancomics around these days.
HD remake of the 2011 PMV "A Beautiful Heart", using the same clips. Still a good song. I don't recall too many of these songs made from voice clips being made after season 1, which is a shame.

A simple but charming animation set to a pitch-shifted "Counting Stars".

And the cover art and description of My Little Pony: Good Night, SPOILER HORSE is out. The cover is adorable.
MY LITTLE PONY: GOOD NIGHT, BABY FLURRY HEART by Michael Vogel and illustrated by Amy Mebberson—a sweet and funny picture book in which parents Princess Cadance and Shining Armor struggle to find the perfect bedtime story to get their sweet little Alicorn to sleep.

EDIT: Friendship is Dragons has been adapting comic arcs in between show-based stories, and now it's doing a villain campaign based on the 2014 Annual special based on Power Ponies, which is actually really clever, since it places a ton of focus on a villain group teaming up, and doesn't actually feature Princess Twilight or any other post-season-3 things. The main part of the webcomic is still in season 1-2 territory and is building up to "The Best Night Ever", so Twilight won't be a princess for a while.
Really need to get back to Pokemon one of these days; still gotta buy a generation V and a generation 6 game. Then there is subscribing to Pokemon Bank, but enough about that since a comment like this would be more appropriate for a "PokeGAF" thread not the PonyGAF.

Other than that, figured when the leak would surface someone would already make parodies.

Oh and I found another one.



It's fun revisiting the classic thread for our initial reactions to the show...

"Why is this My Little Pony thread continuously on Page 1 of the Off-Topic forum?"
"Why are there pony avatars everywhere?"
<enters thread>
"Oh my! Do I dare watch an episode? What about my manhood?"
"Ah screw it!"
<watches Rarity makes dresses for her pony friends>
"This is soooo adorable! But... but... I can't let anyone know I enjoy this."
"If anyone finds out, just say you're a fan of the voice talent and checking out their work. Tara Strong and Tabitha St. Germain work on this. You've loved their work for years now. They've voiced characters in anime and cartoons that don't feature ponies."
"So it's okay that I watch this?"
"Yeah! Go nuts!"
<watches premiere>
Damn, these threads moved fast back then: 20062 posts in just four months. Though that's largely because people were happily posting reaction images and such. Also a lot of banned posters. While the thread's speed back then may be a bit too much for me now, I would still like for this community to be a bit more lively.

Forbes contributor article about how the My Little Pony movie can do better than Jem. I was hoping for some interesting analysis, but nah, it's basic "do what fans like" stuff, and there are a couple of mistakes and misunderstandings. In particular, the article states that the MLP movie will come out this year, states that Discord is the main villain of the show, and doesn't recognize that fan views on Equestria Girls have changed since it was first revealed.

Minor MLP reference in Fairly Odd Parents (yes, it's still going).

Dammit Starlight.
I didn't start watching until Over A Barrel in March and joined the chatroom some time later while playing catch up. I fell in love with Luna between S1 and S2, and remember the anticipation for the S2 premiere with Discord. I was expecting a pony spirit, and i could've sworn the script section we saw took place in the Everfree Forest and not the Canterlot Labyrinth.


Happy anniversary PonyGAF. What a ride it's been so far. And there's still more pony to come, another season and a movie. Yay.

...I'm pretty sure that "Yay." verbal tic of mine is from Sonic Rainboom. "Yay."
I didn't start watching until Over A Barrel in March and joined the chatroom some time later while playing catch up. I fell in love with Luna between S1 and S2, and remember the anticipation for the S2 premiere with Discord. I was expecting a pony spirit, and i could've sworn the script section we saw took place in the Everfree Forest and not the Canterlot Labyrinth.
Checked old ED news posts, here's one reference to it, but the linked image with the storyboards is deleted now. I remember when people were making drawings of how they thought Discord would look. Most of them looked a lot like King Sombra, actually. The one in the linked article was actually an unrelated OC, but I'm assuming it's one of the main reasons behind that.

As for when I started, the newest episode out when I finished catching up was coincidentally also "Over a Barrel". I remember how I was so excited about the show, but then I reached that episode, and then "A Bird in the Hoof" was better but still on the weaker side, and I was wondering if it wasn't the case that the episodes were below par but rather that the show's effect was wearing off on me. Of course, after that was "The Cutie Mark Chronicles". As for fan communities, I actually was reading the NeoGAF threads fairly early on, but I wasn't a member, so I just posted over at Toon Zone and GameFAQs. The pony threads were actually what got me interested in NeoGAF beyond the occasional game thread that would be shared on GameFAQs.
ED had a big Day of Discord blowout.

Discord art. Given the amount of shipping art, I was made to recall how back after his introduction, if he was shipped with anyone, it was usually Pinkie, due to her liking some of the chaos, and Gilda for some reason. Probably because they were both seen as bad guys who wouldn't turn good. Nowadays, of course, in terms of amount it's usually Discolestia <= Discolight <<<<<<< Discoshy. Though I did notice a fair amount of Discoluna in the post.

And here are a bunch of comics.

On another note, My Happy Horse
Interview with Mike Vogel about Good Night, SPOILER HORSE. For most of the series, he was Vice President of Development for Hasbro Studios, but now he's co-producer for the movie and he's a writer for season 6. I admit, I'm still uncomfortable with an executive becoming a show writer, but he seems enthused enough.

Promo for BUCK, with a fun song. I forget, is this the last one?

Really neat gif, full size linked. Pie Sisters spinoff needed now. Source is Pixiv.

EDIT: Fan plushie maker gets interview in news, probably going to be C&D'd soon, but those are some really nice looking plushies.


Interview with Mike Vogel about Good Night, SPOILER HORSE. For most of the series, he was Vice President of Development for Hasbro Studios, but now he's co-producer for the movie and he's a writer for season 6. I admit, I'm still uncomfortable with an executive becoming a show writer, but he seems enthused enough.

I actually hadn't realised Vogel had written that book, or indeed that he was taking a place on the writing team for S6. It definitely seems like an unusual move for a suit (and I mean that in the nicest way possible) to make the leap to creative.

That being said he seems super passionate, and I have to assume the jump wasn't made in the hope of a higher pay grade. It's a career switch that suggests a genuine interest in the material, I guess.


ED has reposted several things Lauren Faust said to fans in the first few years of the fandom. Really interesting to read again, especially that interview at the end from 2011.

I've been chipping away at this for a few days, but damn is there a lot of it. The ED interview is especially gargantuan.

Interesting, though.

Since our PonyGAF anniversay I've also been reading back through some of the older non-fan threads from the offtopic. They range from the mostly funny to the highly suspicious/slightly depressing.
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