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Mega Man Legacy Collection Remains Unpatched 6 Months Later, Developer Shrugs

I have never seen anyone who doesn't seem to like something as much as you don't like the MMLC yet still own what you're complaining about. Across multiple platforms. This makes less sense to me than some of the glitches that were missed.

Yeah so, I've never once said I didn't like this compilation. You know, It's possible to enjoy something while still criticizing it. Shocking. Mega Man is right after Zelda as my favorite franchise, so of course I'm going to own this, even with its problems.

While there are a few technical issues, half the complaints I've seen are issues that exist in the games themselves, such as slow down and flickering. I know it's common on this forum to say "NES GAMES RAN AT 60FPS" but those same people aren't mentioning the massive amounts of slowdown older NES games had when the system got taxed. That was par for the course across a lot of titles. ROMs don't tend to replicate those issues. This collection does.

Yes, many of us are aware that these games had flickering and slowdown on the NES. These aren't the problems we're talking about.

If you have a problem with people criticizing something in a thread clearly created for such a conversation, you are free to ignore it and move on. For whatever reason, you've decided to single me out and frankly, it's getting old.
Yeah so, I've never once said I didn't like this compilation. You know, It's possible to enjoy something while still criticizing it. Shocking. Mega Man is right after Zelda as my favorite franchise, so of course I'm going to own this, even with its problems.

Yes, many of us are aware that these games had flickering and slowdown on the NES. These aren't the problems we're talking about.

If you have a problem with people criticizing something in a thread clearly created for such a conversation, you are free to ignore it and move on. For whatever reason, you've decided to single me out and frankly, it's getting old.

No, what's getting old is the hyperbole you keep throwing around because you have an axe to grind with a party that can't do shit the fix the problems you're have. You're going about 3 steps above criticizing and I think you know that. Saying you aren't is intellectually dishonest. You know what you're doing and I understand why. Don't pretend you aren't. You've been up in this thread and the other thread and you and others have been calling the game garbage and suggesting that the people involved in this project didn't give a shit because there are sound issues. That's RIDICULOUS. You didn't like Cifaldi's response because you said he was passing the buck. He can't make Capcom patch something, and he has a NDA so he can't say why you haven't seen the patch. It doesn't take Sherlock holmes to figure out that Cpacom probably doesn't want to pay for a patch to fix the issues that you're going on about because Capcom has pulled this shit in the past with developer's like Iron Galaxy.

But no, let's not that stand in the way of you feeling incensed that this compilation has small bugs and blame the developer and not the publisher who has put out busted ass fucking games before (Hi Street Fighter V!). That's a winning formula.
No, what's getting old is the hyperbole you keep throwing around because you have an axe to grind with a party that can't do shit the fix the problems you have. You're going about 3 steps above criticizing and I think you know that. Saying you aren't is intellectually dishonest. You know what you're doing and I understand why. Don't pretend you aren't.
eh, the argument ends when the product doesn't match the promise. The promise was museum quality, Criterion Collection-like preservation of these six mega man games. In that sense, this collection is a failure as it did not live up to the very expectation set by the producers of it.

whose fault it is that the fixes needed to bring this up to the levels expected of it hasn't been released, i don't know. What i can judge is what is in front of me that what's in front of me is not what was promised. That's the truth of the matter here.
eh, the argument ends when the product doesn't match the promise. The promise was museum quality, Criterion Collection-like preservation of these six mega man games. In that sense, this collection is a failure as it did not live up to the very expectation set by the producers of it.

whose fault it is that the fixes needed to bring this up to the levels expected of it hasn't been released, i don't know. What i can judge is what is in front of me that what's in front of me is not what was promised. That's the truth of the matter here.

And I don't think there's anything wrong with that. But when the conversation skews towards "Why haven't you fixed this?" and it was suggested to go talk to Capcom about the patch, I think that speaks for itself. Capcom is a company that has shown they care more about deadlines than releasing a good product. It's not hard to then take the logical step in thinking that the developer did everything they could within the timeline. Software is MESSY. I've seen deadlines come up with different companies I've worked for over the years that were all about pushing the product out and fixing it later. The difference in this instance is fixing the issues would cost capcom more money (it costs money to put out a patch because MS and Sony have to certify the patches) and this collection isn't going to sell 3 million copies so Capcom doesn't give a fuck. This is officially a "Good enough" product to them. And I don't think that's the developer's fault.


The difference in this instance is fixing the issues would cost capcom more money (it costs money to put out a patch because MS and Sony have to certify the patches) and this collection isn't going to sell 3 million copies so Capcom doesn't give a fuck.

Weird, first time I'm hearing that Valve charges developers for patching games on Steam.
It costs money to have the development team produce a patch.

then the argument reverts back to "why was this game allowed to be released in this state?"

If digital eclipse didn't think they could pull this off with the contract they were given then they oversold the quality of the collection. If capcom didn't give them enough time then perhaps they shouldn't have touted their lofty goals for this collection in advance. Regardless, they have to have known that this wasn't right when they shipped the collection and it's on them for overpromising and underdelivering

I dunno, it seems pretty easy in this scenario to point at the developers and put the blame on them for setting what appears to have been impossible goals within the time frame and budget allotted.
No, what's getting old is the hyperbole you keep throwing around because you have an axe to grind with a party that can't do shit the fix the problems you're have. You're going about 3 steps above criticizing and I think you know that. Saying you aren't is intellectually dishonest. You know what you're doing and I understand why. Don't pretend you aren't. You've been up in this thread and the other thread and you and others have been calling the game garbage and suggesting that the people involved in this project didn't give a shit because there are sound issues. That's RIDICULOUS. You didn't like Cifaldi's response because you said he was passing the buck. He can't make Capcom patch something, and he has a NDA so he can't say why you haven't seen the patch. It doesn't take Sherlock holmes to figure out that Cpacom probably doesn't want to pay for a patch to fix the issues that you're going on about because Capcom has pulled this shit in the past with developer's like Iron Galaxy.

But no, let's not that stand in the way of you feeling incensed that this compilation has small bugs and blame the developer and not the publisher who has put out busted ass fucking games before (Hi Street Fighter V!). That's a winning formula.

If I thought this product was garbage and felt that the developer "didn't give a shit", I wouldn't own it. I wouldn't have recommended it to literally dozens of posters on GAF if I thought it was a broken, worthless mess. I've never once said anything of the sort. Go ahead. Search this thread. You won't find me saying it. Why? Because you're flat-out lying, which says a lot about the type of person you are. Using false information to discredit me, because you have no leg to stand on, whatsoever. The fact you've decided to single me out is also incredibly childish.

Stop defending unfinished products. You sound like a corporate shill at this point who cares more about a developer getting his feelings hurt than what was promised to the consumer. Digital Eclipse sold this entire package as the Criterion Collection of classic Mega Man. Digital Eclipse did this, not Capcom. They spent a large portion of their marketing talking about their new Eclipse Engine, which was made specifically to preserve classic games. The entire point of this compilation was authenticity. There are already plenty of ways to play Mega Man legally....this was made to be a step up from those. It's so incredibly obvious you do not know what you are talking about and are physically incapable of understanding why Digital Eclipse deserves some of the blame for making lofty promises and failing to deliver. If Capcom won't fund a patch, that's on them but at the end of the day, Digital Eclipse developed this product, so they deserve some criticism.
If I thought this product was garbage and felt that the developer "didn't give a shit", I wouldn't own it. I wouldn't have recommended it literally dozens of posters on GAF if I thought it was a broken, worthless mess. I've never once said anything of the sort. Go ahead. Search this thread. You won't find me saying it. Why? Because you're flat-out lying, which says a lot about the type of person you are. Using false information to discredit me, because you have no leg to stand on, whatsoever. The fact you've decided to single me out is also incredibly childish.

Stop defending unfinished products. You sound like a corporate shill at this point who cares more about a developer getting his feelings hurt than what was promised to the consumer. Digital Eclipse sold this entire package as the Criterion Collection of classic Mega Man. Digital Eclipse did this, not Capcom. They spent a large portion of their marketing talking about their new Eclipse Engine, which was made specifically to preserve classic games. The entire point of this compilation was authenticity. There are already plenty of ways to play Mega Man legally....this was made to be a step up from those. It's so incredibly obvious you do not know what you are talking about and are physically incapable of understanding why Digital Eclipse deserves some of the blame for making lofty promises and failing to deliver. If Capcom won't fund a patch, that's on them but at the end of the day, Digital Eclipse developed this product, so they deserve some criticism.

well said


Guys! The patch actually came through!
Just got this on PS4!

Holy shit!


Guys! The patch actually came through!
Just got this on PS4!

Holy shit!

Oh neat. I played through MM4 on 3DS and it seemed fine to me, but I don't know the original MM4 like the back of my hand. If these 'audio issues' are on 3DS, I wonder if it'll get patched, too.
oh dang, I totally forgot this was a thing. I had zero desire to buy it since I own all the games except 4 (1 on NES, the rest Famicom carts) but I'm glad they got their shit together. Assuming they actually fixed everything that was a problem, I might be tempted to pick this up.


Since the game actually got patched I just went to order it & found out it didn't get a physical release in Europe. Fuck.


It's bizarre. Capcom actually told a Gaffer no patch was coming.

I wonder if Capcom originally denied request to fund patches based on low-ish sales (or whatever reasoning), but the developer decided to do it free of cost as a matter of reputation (or PR). Just speculation of course, but otherwise the mismatch in communication seems strange.
Played a bit of the PS4 version with the patch. The "popping" sound in certain tracks (like Ice Man's Stage in MM1 and "Get A Weapon" in MM2) is still present.

Oh well.


Whats wrong with MM5 versus RM5?

From the OT:

Spent some time with the 3DS version and overall, I'm happy with it. The games don't run perfectly (there's definitely some stuttering) but none of it affects gameplay....

....except in the case of Mega Man V. The performance here is pretty awful. Like, I'm surprised at how bad it is. Fortunately, like has been reported elsewhere, switching to Rockman 5 fixes these issues. Why....I have no idea. Seems like a really weird problem to have, but it least switching to the Famicom version makes the game enjoyable. Having the Japanese versions is a very nice touch, especially when it makes one of the games actually run properly.
Tried this myself on 3DS. It's very strange. I played through Charge Man in both versions, and MM5 is very much inferior to RM5. MM5 has frame skips all over the place, and it makes bits of the background blur into a mess every few seconds. I played a little of Star Man's stage too, and the meteors right at the beginning are obviously a lot smoother in RM5. Guess I'll be sticking with Rockman Legacy Collection.

Also, what's up with the weird vertical black line on the left side that happens in 3, 4, 5 and 6?

It's not in 1 or 2.

I haven't played the original NES versions in a very long time, so that could actually be part of the games, but it looks really off. Guess that means I'll turn the borders off.
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