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Square Enix explains why Setsuna isn't getting a Western release on Vita

What a weak response. As far as I remember FFX remaster sold okay for a Vita game as well.

Why are they so scared to release a game that is already translated and developed? I don't think they will develop new games for Vita in a year or two anyways, why not gain the good will of your fans and make a little profit on top of it? I'm really tired of begging for games, if they don't want to release it for Vita, it's their loss.

It outsold LR:FFXIII 360's version in NPD I believe.
What a weak response. As far as I remember FFX remaster sold okay for a Vita game as well.

Why are they so scared to release a game that is already translated and developed? I don't think they will develop new games for Vita in a year or two anyways, why not gain the good will of your fans and make a little profit on top of it? I'm really tired of begging for games, if they don't want to release it for Vita, it's their loss.

They're making a brand new SaGa for Vita...supposedly. And World of Final Fantasy.
If it were Vita-only, yes, probably, but in this case it's on other platforms. The reality is that adding a Steam version opens the game up to a whole new market of customers, while there are very very few people who would buy a Vita release but wouldn't buy the game at all on any other platform.

Yeah, i would imagine that most Vita owners also have a PS4.
"We definitely see the Vita fans, and we acknowledge that there are very passionate fans out there, and we think it's great," he said. "We do feel it's a viable sort of platform. Of course, it's just a matter of scale. We don't mean to give you the impression that we feel that the Vita market is weak or anything; by no means do we want to make it seem like it's any sort of inferior platform. It is a platform where there are very passionate fans that love the games that are on that platform."

It's alright, I've been rejected before, guy. I can take it. You don't have to dress it up. You're looking for bigger and better fish. Let's just be real about it here.

No, I'm not going to go listen to The Cure


I see only one Vita release from SE in 2016 (World of Final Fantasy). I should again note that I'm strictly talking from a western point of view, the Vita is very much alive and "well" to an extent in Japan.

Which other ones are there? I'm not expecting risk averse SE to publish anything that doesn't have any brand recognition in the west no matter which handheld it is (or even some of it judging by the delay for both 3DS DQ gameS).
For the west, only World of FF is confirmed, the others haven't been released in Japan yet or they just came out (like DQB).
This is a terrible response. I can still play it on my PS4, but it sucks to see the Vita get snubbed.

I didn't get Cyber Sleuth on Vita because there was a physical version on PS4.


But a good chunk of those 3DS games are from Squenix!

They're coming no thanks to Square. If it wasn't for Nintendo, we would be still drooling over Japanese gameplay videos of DQ7.

It really depends on what you mean by dead. I mean 3DS just got Fire Emblem and it will probably sell more in the west than anything for Vita releasing this year. It also got a new Pokémon coming that will probably sell millions. From the number of titles releases I could see the Vita having more though.

I meant dead by "no third party support". 3DS is a still alive platform only because of Nintendo. Square didn't bother with 3DS either, Nintendo stepped in, localized Bravely games and now they're bringing missing DQ games too.


Soo..."Adventures of Mana" is dead? Saga Scarlet grace is dead....or will that be the game they try to use to "kickstart" a localisation? Shitty thing is that I would probably do it depending on the physical loot. I love Saga art :( Also a shitty reply. Also shitty Sony. Also I'm worried. Also I'm tired.

It outsold LR:FFXIII 360's version in NPD I believe.

It did and in Europe it was even worse for the 360 but you have to remember that X and LR are different games. Very different.


As for World of Final Fantasy, still a different thing. It has the name recognition. While we can argue that the Vita base is perfect for Niche games SE isn't out for that Niche money, Nier Automata amazes me and filled me with hope, but saying that PC opens up for a huge market? Yeah right, so effing pissed when i see Trails in the sky SC sales and then I look at some schlock outselling it ten times over. Fucking buy the game people. It isn't even arguable, Trails is one of the best RPGs you will ever play.
But yeah, the potential is there and I'm happy more people can play the games thus helping them survive. Just wish Sony could stop with the one account nonsense. So effing boring juggling 4 Vita systems. Yeah I have 4 of them, I can't deal with account switching. So anyway, waiting a while and if the PSV vita version in Japan gets a patch I'll probably import else PS4 it is.
Well I guess this now relegated to steep discount territory for me (outside of some lavish physical CE being announced). Seriously, the minimal effort to release the game on Vita was too much to ask SE, then buying this title when not 50% or more off is too much to ask of me.


ooh btw I gota ask, if anyone even knows that is, is this a Square Enix Japan decision? Since the Hitman Go
and Laura Croft Go?
on PSV had me confused. Yeah assuming these series are more controlled by the western branch.
ooh btw I gota ask, if anyone even knows that is, is this a Square Enix Japan decision? Since the Hitman Go
and Laura Croft Go?
on PSV had me confused. Yeah assuming these series are more controlled by the western branch.
I think it is up to SE Japan and the interview was with the game director. Adventures of Mana was another SE Japan decision but SE Europe saw the demand and might have shown it to them.

Sony is to blame too, I guess. If they offer support, I see no reason why SE will deny it. But Sony is trying to erase Vita's existense in the Western market before they bring in their shiny new toy (PSVR) which will be forgotten too, if it flops.

Jon Arbuckle

Neo Member
Well I guess this now relegated to steep discount territory for me (outside of some lavish physical CE being announced). Seriously, the minimal effort to release the game on Vita was too much to ask SE, then buying this title when not 50% or more off is too much to ask of me.

Why couldn't he have just cursed at western Vita fans in the interview, you know, just tell us to collectively go f ourselves? Then at least things would be clear. Right now it's just "we see you but you're not important." I hate the lack of information and the apparent laziness on SE's part when it comes to vita localization.
It's unfortunate but I can understand it even if I don't agree with it, it's business. With that said, so help me if they don't localize SaGa: Scarlet Grace. At least toss me that bone.
yep but on the other hand..
on vita used sale are non-existant..
there's an HIGH fidelity rate, and pretty much anyone has at all of the blockbuster for the system..

sony, you gave us VITA, don't abandon us..
a new portable in 2 years, and we will believe in you just again XD


I think it is up to SE Japan and the interview was with the game director. Adventures of Mana was another SE Japan decision but SE Europe saw the demand and might have shown it to them.

Sony is to blame too, I guess. If they offer support, I see no reason why SE will deny it. But Sony is trying to erase Vita's existense in the Western market before they bring in their shiny new toy (PSVR) which will be forgotten too, if it flops.

Yeah true enough, I'm kinda worried if this, Saga, gets denied how the Community manager that pitched this will get treated. People are fucking horrible, trust me. I'm people :|

As for Sony...I don't get it. All I remember is Move, Wonderbook and Vita. How much they "supported" those so PSVR doesn't fill me with confidence. Already have the Vive coming and the Rift from the KS so having a third headset from a company that bails if it struggles...yeah just seems foolish to bet on. Good for them I'm also foolish.
Then Again I'm also foolish enough to be satisfied with the bones they are throwing PSV with helping a late indie port happen, a port of a game I already played.

Shame Sony didn't try to get this on Vita, I don't think it'll cost much more then the RER2 port.

And RER2, on paper, has better potential to make them more money.
That's a convoluted way of saying that Vita isn't selling well in the west so they won't bother.

I do wish Square Enix had given more of a go of it in general... that Pikmin clone thing at launch, then FFX HD in 2014 and pretty much nothing since then. It's a really poor showing considering how big they were on PSP.

They're sorta making up for it in Japan at the moment (like Kagari hinted... at least I think it was Kagari) but it's far too late in the game and we're paying for that in the west.

Oh well.


Shame Sony didn't try to get this on Vita, I don't think it'll cost much more then the RER2 port.
It would cost significantly less, since the game already exists. The only additional costs would be inserting the localization, Q&A, and certification.


Because why release it for a dead system when you can release it for a flourishing system like the PS4? I mean, it makes business sense to me. (and also they could charge more for it too...)
Seems like a game that would resonate with the Vita audience, but Square's been shitting on handhelds for years now so I shouldn't even be surprised. I'm not holding my breath for SaGa.

They're coming no thanks to Square. If it wasn't for Nintendo, we would be still drooling over Japanese gameplay videos of DQ7.

I meant dead by "no third party support". 3DS is a still alive platform only because of Nintendo. Square didn't bother with 3DS either, Nintendo stepped in, localized Bravely games and now they're bringing missing DQ games too.

What alternate reality are you talking about? 3DS is getting plenty of support, some of it even surprising. The world doesn't begin and end with Nintendo and Square Enix.


I just don't want the Vita to get into the situation where many of the best games are left in Japan, untranslated. The PSP ended up in that situation because it lost its viability as a platform in the west long before it did in Japan and the Vita is getting there too.

PS4 + Steam versions of SaGa: Scarlet Grace, please. That's the only way we will see it. Any Vita exclusive announcement in Japan at this point is terrible news for those of us who aren't fluent.


first reply basically nails it.

You could argue the niche-market is the Vita's biggest market in the US and Europe. Setsuna would fit perfectly into this market, we could assume. Oh well, I am waiting for the western Version of World of FF being canceled
Because why release it for a dead system when you can release it for a flourishing system like the PS4? I mean, it makes business sense to me. (and also they could charge more for it too...)

Because cost wise, it's nothing. The Vita version already is released. They still plan to translate the game and it's digital download only. The only cost would be to insert the translation into the game, do some QA and certification. I doubt that it wouldn't make up the cost after 2000 sales on the Vita store, at a 30 dollars price point.


Because cost wise, it's nothing. The Vita version already is released. They still plan to translate the game and it's digital download only. The only cost would be to insert the translation into the game, do some QA and certification. I doubt that it wouldn't make up the cost after 2000 sales on the Vita store, at a 30 dollars price point.

Vita version is a hot mess. If they want to release it in the west without getting pinned they will have to optimize it, and they think it's not worth the effort.


What alternate reality are you talking about? 3DS is getting plenty of support, some of it even surprising. The world doesn't begin and end with Nintendo and Square Enix.

You can add Atlus to those two and that's about it. Out of all upcoming games for 3DS, only Atlus games (SMT4 Final and 7th Dragon III) won't be published by Nintendo.

Ace Attorney 6 too but I doubt they would release it physically.
I just don't want the Vita to get into the situation where many of the best games are left in Japan, untranslated. The PSP ended up in that situation because it lost its viability as a platform in the west long before it did in Japan and the Vita is getting there too.

Things seem notably different now than they were during PSP's life. Ports to Steam just for the western audience are commonplace these days; I wouldn't expect anything major to stay Japan-only anymore.
You can add Atlus to those two and that's about it. Out of all upcoming games for 3DS, only Atlus games (SMT4 Final and 7th Dragon III) won't be published by Nintendo.

Ace Attorney 6 too but I doubt they would release it physically.

And Sega, Atlus has nothing to do with 7th Dragon. And Aksys. And this is ignoring indies. But I'm not going to do this list wars nonsense in a thread that literally has Hashimoto laughing at the concept of Vita being a viable platform with a bunch of non-answers. There are enough half-truths and lies already. People are upset and they don't want to hear who has what support. All I'm going to say is the "no indies no 3rd parties" line is an outright lie.


Smh, uugghh.

Legit question.

The game is already running on the Vita, and it's already been translated. With that being said, how much would it really cost to transfer the translation to the Vita as well as importing costs/fees?


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
Laughing when talking about if the system is viable, giving BS excuses......just say you don't want the Vita version to come over and then shut up :l.

You don't have SEGA commenting on not localizing PSO2 or Nova on Vita; they don't want to do it and that's it. Same with them not putting Sonic games on it; they have records of the PSP Sonic's selling badly.

Square can just shut up for all I care. If people don't want to support the Vita, cool I understand. Just don't make a big fuss over it and move on.

They just wont get my money for the game then; will give it to people that want to support the Vita like XSEED (Trials of Cold Steel 2) and Bamco (Digimon, SAO, God Eater).

they will most probably wont make a big fuss and move on if the vita fanboys stop pestering them.
I had totally forgotten about Setsuna's existence until it was announced for the west. Honestly, unless the game is in a decent price range being digital only, I probably won't even look at it.

No vita port sucks and I can understand why they didn't want to take a risk of putting it on a system they don't believe will benefit them, but it isn't all that bad. Don't we have other games coming out for the system? Ray Gigant is releasing this year isn't it? The hype is still there.


They can choose to ignore them, like Sega, instead of kicking them in the nuts?

I like SEGA's move honestly; it bites that they don't want to support the Vita with stuff people are really requesting (though they do bring games to it like Fighting Climax, the Atlus titles on Vita and the Project Diva games) but at least their stance on the system is clear enough not to bother pestering them over it.
Vita version is a hot mess. If they want to release it in the west without getting pinned they will have to optimize it, and they think it's not worth the effort.

Truth to be told, as long as it's not broken, Vita owners are mostly okay with that considering games such as Borderlands 2, RER2 or the Jak Trilogy.
Translation: "We don't think we can recoup the Vita testing costs."
Since you are a dev, can you give an estimate of how much would it cost to localize a game and test it, if possible? I mean there is already a version of the game in Japan so all it requires is localization, QA and certification.

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