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Kotaku: Sony is working on a ‘PS4.5; briefing devs on plans for a more powerful PS4


Man I am not ok with this upgrade shit. If I wanted to buy a new console every 2-3 years with better technology I'd go buy a damn PC and play all my shit on Steam.

I realy hope this isn't as big a deal as these sources make it sound.
Yeah, 4k gaming is definitely bullshit for any gaming console at this point imo. I'm all for 'X.5' upgrades though.

Why is it BS? They could make 4k games right now but would have to be willing to compromise and make tough cuts. I don't want to see that, but it could be top priority.


Gold Member
It doesn't sound it'll be out anytime soon. This holiday season Sony's main new product will be PSVR. They won't push two high-priced items that close to each other. It sounds like PS4.5 is a real thing though. My guess is Holiday 2017. Won't stop me from getting a PS4 in the next few months.

edit: ^^^^^ Would Sony really be wise to do this though. One of the two might bomb a little.
"Let's abandon the established 40million install base, and chase the nonexistent 4k console market."

That seems unlikely unless it's for next-gen.


It's already been semi hinted/confirmed in this very thread that games will work on both, just with the ps4k being higher resolution, probably just upscaled if anything.

i'm excited will buy day one. bye bye weak ps4, lol. i really think this is a great idea ps4 cheaper model will still sell to the core gamers that don't care about graphics as much, and for the people that want the best console possible, if there willing to chill out the extra money they can get the more powerful console.

Not Spaceghost

If you think about it upgradeable consoles are better at realizing the steam box dream than any steam box will ever be...with the exception of it not having steam.


Can someone explain why this ISN'T how it should be? I'm not sure what I'm missing because all I see is pluses:

+ No more full-stop console "generations"
+ Same but upgraded architecture so new games play best on new hardware but still OK on old hardware
+ guaranteed backwards compatibility
+ Upgrade when you want/when your wallet wants as older hardware will continue to work adequately

I already go through this with my computer/iPhone. I uprgraded from launch day 3DS to New 3DS and the performance gains gave me newfound interest in the platform.


A Sheep
"Let's abandon the established 40million install base, and chase the nonexistent 4k console market."

That seems unlikely unless it's for next-gen.

Oh boy. Pretty sure all games will work on both systems. Might just not look as pretty on the old one. And I'm fine with that because I'm getting the new one if they make it!


both consoles struggle to achieve 1080p 30fps in most games and they want to go to 4K? alright then. i wasn't expecting 4K games on console until the PS6 to be honest.

even if it does then i won't be buying it.


As long as all games still run on ps4 I don't see the issue. I'll buy an upgraded ps4. Especially if we finally get 5g wireless support.

My first thought was to shrug this off but with PSVR incoming this seems not a reality. VR will need some extra oomph.

Sony will still sell the base ps4 at a lower price point. Sony isn't abandoning their fanbase.


A Sheep
Can someone explain why this ISN'T how it should be? I'm not sure what I'm missing because all I see is pluses:

+ No more full-stop console "generations"
+ Same but upgraded architecture so new games play best on new hardware but still OK on old hardware
+ guaranteed backwards compatibility
+ Upgrade when you want/when your wallet wants as older hardware will continue to work adequately

I already go through this with my computer/iPhone. I uprgraded from launch day 3DS to New 3DS and the performance gains gave me newfound interest in the platform.

You are correct on all accounts!
I'm a bit drunk and don't want to explain myself fully, but yeah I don't believe this either. if it's gonna happen it will be three years from now


Can someone explain why this ISN'T how it should be? I'm not sure what I'm missing because all I see is pluses:

+ No more full-stop console "generations"
+ Same but upgraded architecture so new games play best on new hardware but still OK on old hardware
+ guaranteed backwards compatibility
+ Upgrade when you want/when your wallet wants as older hardware will continue to work adequately

I already go through this with my computer/iPhone. I uprgraded from launch day 3DS to New 3DS and the performance gains gave me newfound interest in the platform.

-Cross gen forever, no dev will make exclusive on top end hardware.


If this is true, they better have some sort of "trade-in" plan or something similar to make it easier for early adopters who believed in their vision to upgrade.


Sony made too many good moves with ps4 to fuck it up now.

Whatever happens, I don't believe they're gonna make a stupid move next time. They've learned their lesson.

Different t things can happen, but I believe Sony won't do it in a stupid or destructive way.

I have faith after ps4...


A Sheep
Sony made too many good moves with ps4 to fuck it up now.

Whatever happens, I don't believe they're gonna make a stupid move next time. They've learned their lesson.

Different t things can happen, but I believe Sony won't do it in a stupid or destructive way.

Why is it stupid?


It doesn't make me eager to buy their next consoles that's for sure. Just makes me more tempted than ever to stick with pc
So you are not going to buy a platform that has possibly a multi year upgrade path and stick to the platform which you can upgrade wherever you want? Makes sense.
Why is it stupid?

Look at the responses in this thread and around the internet. The idea of console upgrades is something to doesn't sit well with a lot of people. If they wanted to do it at the end of the generation you'd likely see a good amount of support. But year three of a consoles life? That's an extremely bad idea.


Why is it stupid?

Stupid in a way it will create earth shattering reactions like we can see here :).

I just think that whatever they decide to do, the execution won't be something stupid that would ruin the brand, make people angry, or be bad for developers.
Sony made too many good moves with ps4 to fuck it up now.

Whatever happens, I don't believe they're gonna make a stupid move next time. They've learned their lesson.

Different t things can happen, but I believe Sony won't do it in a stupid or destructive way.

consoles are are basically pc parts in a box these days. i think sony realizes there a enthusiast market out there that wants the best, and at the same time they have the ps4 which well still sell great no matter what, it's a great idea that should sell more ps4's. i can sell my ps4 right now easily on craigslist for 260$, if all i need is another 200$ to see to get .5x the power i'm all in. the only question is, how will this run ps4 games considering those games are tailored made for the gpu and cpu.
Look at the responses in this thread and around the internet. The idea of console upgrades is something to doesn't sit well with a lot of people. If they wanted to do it at the end of the generation you'd likely see a good amount of support. But year three of a consoles life? That's an extremely bad idea.
lots of people think the opposite and love the idea too


Look at the responses in this thread and around the internet. The idea of console upgrades is something to doesn't sit well with a lot of people. If they wanted to do it at the end of the generation you'd likely see a good amount of support. But year three of a consoles life? That's an extremely bad idea.
We really don't know until someone tries. I feel like the 6 to 7 year cycle is an antiquated process. As long as Sony doesn't abandon the base ps4 I feel like this issue is a lot of noise with little substance.


my hard graphic balls
Totally ok with this as long as its like every 3 years.

Same for xbox and nx rite guys?
Definitely, but if this becomes the norm, then there's less reason to buy consoles at launch. Launch titles usually suck, good titles take 2+ years to release, and if you just wait 3 years into the new "generation" you can buy the beefier version and get all the good titles already released for cheaper.


Can someone explain why this ISN'T how it should be? I'm not sure what I'm missing because all I see is pluses:

+ No more full-stop console "generations"
+ Same but upgraded architecture so new games play best on new hardware but still OK on old hardware
+ guaranteed backwards compatibility
+ Upgrade when you want/when your wallet wants as older hardware will continue to work adequately

I already go through this with my computer/iPhone. I uprgraded from launch day 3DS to New 3DS and the performance gains gave me newfound interest in the platform.
if that is a true statement then it won't be much of an issue.

now lets think about the number of developers who try to push a console to it's limit and end up with a barely okay game with frame rate drops.

now imagine how their weaker versions will turn out and how many won't care if the frame rates drop to 4 for long periods of time while playing on the weaker ps4.

likely best case we get still functional games for the base ps4 just with heavy unneeded graphic drops because they don't attempt to optimize it and instead just go for a much lower bar.

worst case the older ps4 can boot the game but it's basically unplayable.

the appeal of consoles is to know that when I buy a game it will look like what I see in videos and play like that. upgrades move more towards computer territory and more towards me just going.. screw it fail sony and just become a pc developer like microsoft seems to be becoming and stop breaking apart the market. and I am a console gamer at heart :p

I mean I already partially refuse to buy a proper smart phone because of the upgrade cycle (my phone is from 2009 :p though with more and more phones that can run the recent app releases well in the $100-$200 range I am opening up to the idea of upgrading my phone.) I can always add consoles to that mix if they want to do constant upgrades.

Definitely, but if this becomes the norm, then there's less reason to buy consoles at launch. Launch titles usually suck, good titles take 2+ years to release, and if you just wait 3 years into the new "generation" you can buy the beefier version and get all the good titles already released for cheaper.

absolutely this. if this does become the norm than hands down if I do continue to buy consoles it would be after the 3 year mark when the console has built up some library that I want. launch days will be gone for good for sure for me. Heck there is zero chance I will buy a ps5 at launch at this point. (I won't buy the NX either and I didn't get a wiiu or ps4 at launch so I am not exactly a target person anyways but I have bought plenty of consoles in the past at launch for the launch games)


A Sheep
Look at the responses in this thread and around the internet. The idea of console upgrades is something to doesn't sit well with a lot of people. If they wanted to do it at the end of the generation you'd likely see a good amount of support. But year three of a consoles life? That's an extremely bad idea.

All games that work on the new ps4 will work on the old one. I don't see a problem. How many phone upgrades have you gone through in the last 8 years? 4 for me. And thank god I'm still not on my 1st or second one!!


Look at the responses in this thread and around the internet. The idea of console upgrades is something to doesn't sit well with a lot of people. If they wanted to do it at the end of the generation you'd likely see a good amount of support. But year three of a consoles life? That's an extremely bad idea.

It really depends on the approach they take. It doesn't need to be this "you must get this now" sorta thing. If they approach is a hardware refresh similar to a slim version with extra performance capabilities, it's not the end of the world. Did people really see the PS4 having a super long life cycle with the hardware that it has? If it wasn't this then we'd probably get a PS5 sooner than we think.

From a marketing perspective it doesn't even have to be shown really as something else. Name it a PS4 elite or something, IDK. Calling it a stupid idea upfront is rash. The console market needs to change and adapt if it wants to stay relevant and flexible.

I'm honestly surprised at the response here. We're enthusiasts on gaf, don't most people here generally buy everything anyways? This seems like it could be a legit great option for people invested in the Sony ecosystem to want to have a more powerful, high end machine. At the same time it doesn't need to alienate current PS4 owners that don't want to upgrade either.
fuck it, i'm down, ill sell my ps4 2 weeks before the new one comes out on craigslist, just make sure it's a nice step like it can run most ps4 games now at 60fps, cause damn after playing the last of us 60fps is a huge difference.

I'm waiting for PSVR. I'll enjoy it for 4-6 months and sell my console in anticipation for this. It's going to be epic if it happens. Make it happen, Sony!

It'll be a gamble worth it. The backlash will be worth it. It'll be a great upgrade. It's definitely the future of console predicted some 5 years ago by folks like Adam Sessler. It was bound to happen and we need to accept that they can't create new architecture every decade. Sometimes an upgrade is important.


All games that work on the new ps4 will work on the old one. I don't see a problem. How many phone upgrades have you gone through in the last 8 years? 4 for me. And thank god I'm still not on my 1st or second one!!

How many games truly make use of your top of the line phones hardware?
lots of people think the opposite and love the idea too

There are always going to be people that like some ideas. But it seems like the general feeling is negative. Again, in year five or so I think this would actually be met with a decent amount of enthusiasm. But right now it's just too soon. And it just doesn't make sense to do it this year. Like I said earlier, the PS4 is currently tracking ahead of where it was last year in terms of sales. It's got an incredible lineup of exclusives. And Sony is going to be trying to launch a $400-500 VR headset in October. Where does an upgraded console fit into that?


Humans can't even perceive more than 30fps, so graphics > everything else.
Even though I'm not a crazy 60fps-or-die fan, I recon that a normal person, including me, can recognize 60 vs 30 fps in less than 10 seconds. The feeling/perception between the two is very different.
60fps will always looks smoother, cleaner, and prettier wherever you go.
Given the reporting history and veracity of Patrick's work it seems like this is definitely being worked on. The question is what shape it will take for consumers.

Both Xbox and Playstation seem to be pursuing the concept of part-way cycle upgrades, I am very interested to see if they deliver it to consumers via the same approach. Although I think this is a good way to fracture multiplayer focused games by introducing inherent advantages within the same play pool there are definite advantages to build holistic platforms.

For myself, the ideal scenario would include these facets:

1) All current console owners are given a reasonable upgrade path (fixed fee or monthly) if they so choose, whether that is through participating retailers or directly through Sony/Microsoft
2) All current platforms (XB1 & PS4) are guaranteed cross-play and cross-buy for a reasonable 'generation' (5-6 years) with hardware refreshes taking play every 3
3) Current platform owners are given system level settings that they can use to opt in or out of matchmaking against opponents playing on stronger hardware (default can be to opt-in)

It seems easy to be pessimistic but if they deliver these new boxes in a manner similar to the above I would feel ok about the new paradigm of consoles and hardware upgrades.


Definitely, but if this becomes the norm, then there's less reason to buy consoles at launch. Launch titles usually suck, good titles take 2+ years to release, and if you just wait 3 years into the new "generation" you can buy the beefier version and get all the good titles already released for cheaper.

Dont make crappy launch titles?

Launch titles will play pc game at uber tier?

Im hoping!
Definitely, but if this becomes the norm, then there's less reason to buy consoles at launch. Launch titles usually suck, good titles take 2+ years to release, and if you just wait 3 years into the new "generation" you can buy the beefier version and get all the good titles already released for cheaper.

Nah, it would still be awesome if the games are scalable with resolution and FPS.


The problem with the "it's just like phones and tablets" argument is that when you buy those machines, you know going in that there's going to be something better on the market in a year. I know I wouldn't have bought my PS4 if I knew a superior one was going to be released 2-3 years later, especially considering the fact that there's been a grand total of 2 quality exclusives on the machine during that time.

It just feels like kind of a slap in the face to early adopters, to release something far better so quick after launch without any notice that it would happen. I know this is where the industry is going but it doesn't feel right to me, and it certainly doesn't make me want to invest in PSVR at launch.


Doesn't seem like it would be a bad thing for consumers. If you've already got one then just keep your old one, if you don't, pick u the latest one. I just don't see why Sony would decide to do it right now. Ps4 is already the best and most consistent seller and they already have new hardware coming out with VR. Selling 3 different pieces of hardware doesn't seem like something they'd want to bother with. Especially when they're major sellers (3rd parties) aren't going to make the most of the upgraded hardware. It seems like something that would work better for a company like nintendo as a way to help them catch up, rather than something someone in 1st place would do when it could just slow them down. Hard to say.

Not against the idea though. So long as the old one isn't obsolete then it's not hurting anyone.
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