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Overwatch not having a single player campaign is such a missed & wasted opportunity.

It's really tiring having to hear people complain about the lack of single player being crammed into a game that was tuned first and foremost for multiplayer.

People sure weren't loving all the generic multiplayer modes being shoved into SP campaigns last gen, so the hypocrisy is getting tiring.

Other multiplayer focused games don't have a cast like Overwatch though.


I think people don't account for the amount of polish the multiplayer would have lost if attention was diverted for a single player campaign. I'm happy they focused on what they did because this game really seems like the real deal. I'm thinking maybe somewhere down the line they might be able to create some sort of horde mode that they could create a narrative for w/ their shorts and comics.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Nah, I'm good with the multiplayer tbh...

I know they have many many fans, but the lore and those CG videos they have put out aren't exactly peak storytelling. The entire setting of Overwatch is as well worn as its gameplay, just polished to perfection (like its gameplay).


Writing a successful game story can be at odds with the sort of personalities these games rely on, even assuming the right talent is behind it. They sort of need to exist as caricatures. Single-player is a big focus for how I game, but I don't think this is a missed/wasted opportunity so much as it was a sound decision.
Writing a short video and making a whole campaign are two vastly different things.

Agreed. Better idea: let the animated short team make a full-length 60-90 minute animated film and stick it right in the game to watch. All people want is the story anyway. Fuck another tired campaign with tired AI and tired boss fights. Fuck all that.


I disagree, single player campaign would have been a waste of resources and I'm glad they went all in on the multiplayer, it shows with how well balanced and polished the game is.


I think of it more as an opportunity for growth.

The game itself is not light on content. The IP isn't retiring any time soon. Enjoy what we have now and keep an eye on future Blizzcon announcements :)

Not light on content, are you serious? The game has 2 game modes and 12 maps, yes it is very light on content.
Why are single player gamers so entitled? Not everything needs to be made for you.

You didn't see anyone bitching for months that Wolfenstein should have had multiplayer because those great shooting mechanics went to waste in a 6 hour campaign. Not everything needs to be made for you
What in the hell? This isn't a group vs. group thing lmao. People are just saying a campaign would have been cool.


Actually it's story doesn't make much sense without a single player mode. I'm sure it will be event based but still :/

Who wouldn't want to be a Tracer chasing down Widowmaker in a midst of a city? How much money do I have to pay for a single player experience. DX


I feel that Overwatch is well worth its full price tag due to Blizzard promising all its future content will be free, meaning that your 60$ purchase is less of paying full price for a game but 30-40 bucks for a game and paying 20$ for a very long and supported season pass.....at least, that is how I view it.

SFV is doing this but you have to grind to unlock characters and by June, it will be feature complete to a point I will feel content getting the game (wanted a Story Mode to come out before I got it).

Overwatch's cast of characters, Disney-esc presentation, and promise if consistent & free flow of content is what drew so many in I imagine and having Blizzards name on the box helps things a lot. They supported a massive MMO (Warcraft) for years and released two solid titles in the past (Starcraft II and Diablo 3).

People have more trust with them making a new IP and it being MP only that others I imagine.

If my points are wrong, I apologize as I am not too familiar with many MP games. Just wanted to share some thoughts is all :).


I agree...really hope they add some arcade-ish modes that are more co-op or singleplayer focused. It's kinda crazy the game released with one playlist and at full price and not too many people are complaining.

Im enjoying the game but I usually put it down after 2-3 matches due to boredom. Just wish there was another way to earn loot boxes (besides paying for them).


never left the stone age
I hate it when SP games waste time on MP as much as I hate it when MP games focus on SP (Like, say, the Battlefield games)



Fantastic humor, but that's not what Blizzard is going for with OW. They are going for Marvel style seriousness which is obviously more cheesy than any of the TF2 shorts.

That being said, would be cool if Blizz could snag Eric Wolpaw so he could actually start working on games again.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Agreed. Better idea: let the animated short team make a full-length 60-90 minute animated film and stick it right in the game to watch. All people want is the story anyway. Fuck another tired campaign with tired AI and tired boss fights. Fuck all that.

Hey, i'd be down for a CGI fully featured movie to complement the game. Just anything with the setting and characters to give it some more context and give these characters a proper story to interact in. It doesn't even really have to be a single player campaign


I mean, it doesnt have one because the game they were making didn't turn out good. which is why we have this instead. be glad we got this.


I liken the experience of Overwatch to something like an ARG. The seeds are sewn, but we piece the story together ourselves. The fact that the multiplayer is deep and is only going to get deeper makes this better.

If it had single player, it wouldn't have been any more fulfilling than what Titanfall or Battleborn gave us.

In Blizzard we trust. Mostly.


Okay, sure. Now explain how to write a story that gives equal time to all 21 heroes and doesn't piss anyone off because their favorite guy isn't represented enough or well. Oh and this single player needs to teach you how the characters work in the multiplayer environment too now, so how does that shake out now?
That's a desire you should shut out. Its not going to happen.

I'd prefer if it wasn't $60 on consoles.
Or had more maps and modes already in the game, not being held back to drip out in updates for god knows how long.


Holy shit. A battle born type raid with more overwatch characters (after they release more) would be so awesome.

Onyxia style boss or dungeon with overwatch characters. Isn't that pretty much borderlands kinda?
Not light on content, are you serious? The game has 2 game modes and 12 maps, yes it is very light on content.

Sounds like you need to diversify the characters you are picking.

edit: IMO it has plenty of content for a $40 game. The $60 console version is debatable, though. We'll have to wait and see what the post-release support is like.


I can only agree with wanting a campaign mode/single player because of the cast and their abilities.

I'll strongly disagree with the valuation you gave it. I don't think a game not having a single player warrants a very low price tag.
Okay, sure. Now explain how to write a story that gives equal time to all 21 heroes and doesn't piss anyone off because their favorite guy isn't represented enough or well. Oh and this single player needs to teach you how the characters work in the multiplayer environment too now, so how does that shake out now?
And some AI that isn't garbage. I agree with the animated film idea, much better than an SP campaign.


Individual character tutorials helping to adapt to some of the finer mechanics of the combat AND introduce the characters further into the overarching lore and mythology is a serious missed opportunity. A full campaign isn't entirely necessary.

This is exactly how I think they should do a 'campaign'. Release individual character stories that train you on mechanics. I.E, infiltrate this building as Reaper and assassinate someone. Play a tower defense game with Torbjorn. They could add them in over time, include some new skins to buy along with them. Hire me anytime Blizz.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
I honestly don't get the "light on content" thing. Between the beta and launch I've sunk more time in Overwatch than I did my last 2 open world single player games combined. If Overwatch isn't a good value proposition for you, you probably don't like multiplayer shooters, in which case, why did you buy Overwatch?


I think people are just amazed that they've clearly put a ton of time into making the characters into actual characters, but they don't have a story mode to really put that to use. It's not really like with Titanfall or Evolve where you're just running around as some rather generic characters.

This. Between work and life going on I haven't been able to pick up Uncharted 4, Overwatch and probably No Man's Sky next month. I love the animated shorts that Blizzard had put out and the game looks extremely polished, however, it would've already been bought if they had fleshed out those characters in story telling content with the game. Overwatch seems like the perfect setting for some charming SP.

I'm not here saying the game isn't worth it just because it's only MP blah blah, can't stand all the bickering. Just saying for my tastes that I would have jumped in sooner than I already will if it had the SP.


I kinda agree. Would be nice to have little Timesplitters-esque missions where each character goes through a different map fulfilling objectives that play to their strengths, and we get to spend time with that character doing regular old Overwatch business.

To be fair, though, clearly all of the attention and effort went into making the art and gameplay perfect. I've experienced zero bugs or glitches, aside from PSN-end stuff. You get one shot at a first impression and Overwatch nailed it.


If this was released in 2005 it would definitely include a campaign, but developers realized long time ago that they can just sell you the multiplayer mode and ask for the same price.

Expect franchises that featured a campaign in the past abandoning it in future games.

And I agree, the characters would make for a great story mode.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
This is exactly how I think they should do a 'campaign'. Release individual character stories that train you on mechanics. I.E, infiltrate this building as Reaper and assassinate someone. Play a tower defense game with Torbjorn. They could add them in over time, include some new skins to buy along with them. Hire me anytime Blizz.
Sounds like a good way to spend a lot of time and development costs on something completely superfluous. It takes no more than one match with any given hero to fully learn their moveset.


I'm sure we'll get more modes that will delve into the game's story. They mention the heroes fighting some army of robots or something in the past. Sounds like the basis for a horde mode.

I really enjoyed TF2s horde mode. I don't think many people play it now though.

Story driven co-op modes would fit better with this game than a SP campaign.


I'm sure we'll get more modes that will delve into the game's story. They mention the heroes fighting some army of robots or something in the past. Sounds like the basis for a horde mode.

That'd be pretty grim if you've followed the story. Also nothing but a horde of bastions....ew.


Not light on content, are you serious? The game has 2 game modes and 12 maps, yes it is very light on content.

You are complaining about a game made from a developer that stil makes Diablo 2 patches.

Also, there are plenty maps and more importantly tons of characters, don't know how you can possibly think it's light on content.
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